By Carol Tobias, President
National Right to Life Committee

This month, we recognize the 44th anniversary of Roe v Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the Supreme Court decisions that gave us abortion for any reason in all 50 states. While some in this country will celebrate this so-called "right" for women, the rest of us will remember the 59 million unborn children whose lives have been exterminated.

In Joshua 1:9 we read, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." And in Colossians 3, we are told to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, and, over all these virtues, to put on love.

Pro-life people can, and need to, follow both Joshua and Colossians. We should clothe ourselves with winsome virtues, but we also must be firm and persistent. These are not conflicting directives.

There are many ways people are educated about pro-life issues--seeing or hearing advertisements, hearing the public discourse surrounding legislation, getting information through social media or online, just to list a few. However, many people are educated by one-on-one conversations with pro-life friends, neighbors, or co-workers. We need the Colossian virtues so that our attitude draws people to want to find out more about why abortion is wrong.

We also need to consistently pray for leaders and elected officials who fight this battle through awareness or legislation. Consider committing to praying for these people by clicking the below button.

We also know that the forces of death are strong. As we come closer to that day of overturning Roe v Wade and protecting unborn children, the battle is going to be fierce. We need to be strong and courageous in our on-going efforts to protect the innocent little ones.

A prayer list for Life can be long indeed. Pray for our elected or appointed officials who impact public policy; for people active in the pro-life movement, that their efforts would be fruitful; for pregnancy resource centers that work with women considering abortion; and for religious leaders, that they would preach and teach God as the creator of all life. And we pray the Holy Spirit would open all eyes to the holocaust going on around us.

I join Intercessors for America in encouraging all who read this to consistently pray for those who fight the battle to protect the most vulnerable of us. Please consider making a commitment to pray today.

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