Pray for Muslims?

The chaos of today’s world can slowly harden the hearts of some Christians against Muslim peoples. But the Bible reminds us, “…we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies….” Christians who believe in the love and the living purpose of God can pray with solid hope for Muslims both near and far. Contending in prayer for Muslim people before God may be the best thing we can do against the real enemy.
We want to encourage you to join with Christians from around the world asking God to reveal Christ to Muslims during the month of Ramadan, June 18-July 17. During this span of days, Muslims world over will be fasting and praying according to their Islamic traditions. This is an ideal time for Christians to unite together in prayer for the world’s Muslim peoples.
The full-color, illustrated prayer guide, 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, contains daily prayer points, maps and some fascinating and encouraging stories about God’s work in these days in different parts of the world. It is a proven tool that will not only help you pray for nearby Muslim neighbors, co-workers and friends, but also for Muslim people around the world.
Check out a few sample pages and order this 56-page guide at You can also view sample pages of the 32-page, fully illustrated Just for Kids edition, which includes many fun activities. It is easy to order online for your church and family. Or, you can call us with your order at (512) 419-7729.
Did you know that more Muslims have followed Christ in the last 20 years than all the centuries combined since Islam began? Let’s join together and pray with faith and confidence that God will continue to do mighty things in our day among Muslim people.
For His glory,

Stephanie Tucker & Barb Hawthorne
PS The ten days of prayer leading up to the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) begins onThursday, May 14. There is still time to join in. Check out the details at Pentecost Sunday follows on May 24.

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  • Another important area of influencing Muslims to the Christian faith is to defeat the demons that are blinding their eyes and encouraging them to murder/suicide.  The demonic organization over Allah is the Hindu pantheon.  Arabia was Hindu for 1,500 years before Mohammed.  He was the custodian of the Hindu shrine, Qa'aba.  When the Hindus were defeated, he chose to limit the gods in the Qa'aba from 360 to one - the Al Lah aspect of Vishnu the Destroyer.  This is given human empowerment by both Muslims and Hindus.  This empowerment must be broken and then deliverance done for Vishnu.

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