- As the wave of violence hits the city, hundreds gathered for a prayer event at the Moody Bible Institute.

The timing of this comes the same week Chicago surpassed 500 homicides this year with four months still to go. Last year, the city had 491 homicides.


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  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on Dallas.

    Have mercy on those who mourn the loss of loved ones slain even as they attempted to protect those who were protesting.  Comfort them in their grief, protect them from bitterness and hatred, and give them hearts of forgiveness and grace.

    Have mercy on law enforcement officers.  Protect them as they carry out their duties.  Keep them from sinking to the level of evil that they encounter; strengthen them to return good for evil. 

    Have mercy on those on both sides of the racial divide who are - consciously or unconsciously - contributing to that divide. Give them grace to understand those different from them, forgiving hearts for those who have offended them, and wisdom and self-awareness to see how they may be contributing to the division.

    Have mercy on all who have been hurt by this divide, Lord.  Bring healing, understanding, forgiveness.  Give to your church a prophetic voice to speak your grace into these troubled times.  Make your church a place of healing, and a people who take up the mantle of reconciliation.  Make of your people peacemakers rather than those who widen the gap by emphasizing racial division.  Enable us to reflect your love and grace to all people.

    In Jesus' name. Amen.

  • Soong-Chan Rah
    @ https://www.facebook.com/brian.bakke.35/posts/1063864413669285

    To evangelical pastors and churches on this Sunday.
    Please do not bury your head in the sand and avoid the events of this past week. Christians do not have the right to run away from the injustice and suffering around us (cf. Jeremiah 29:4-7). At the same time, do not offer idiotic, simple solutions like: "All Lives Matter" or "they are only isolated incidents and these people just need the gospel." Do not cheapen the gospel by applying a simple worldly formula and application (cf. Jeremiah 29:8-9).
    Instead, initiate a season of lament for your community. The American church has long avoided lament. The broken state of race relations requires lament. Read the lament psalms, preach the book of Lamentations, sing songs and hymns of lament. But do not jump so quickly to a triumphalistic answer. (That's an American solution, not a biblical one).
    A helpful pattern of lament drawn from the book of Lamentations;
    I) Lamentations deals with a funeral, not a hospital visit. (See Lam 1, 2 , 4). We can not pretend that the problem of racism is solved by a hospital visit: a quick prayer and the person will leave the hospital eventually. Our racial history is littered with abused, beaten, murdered dead bodies of black men and women. If you do not acknowledge the long history of dead bodies, you are only playing the game of reconciliation.
    II) Lamentations offers the opportunity to hear from all the voices that have suffered. While a prophet/narrator (probably Jeremiah) complies the laments, it is really the voice of the suffering: women, children, orphans, widows, the sick, the lame and the blind. IT IS NOT the voice of the privileged that is lifted up. Listen and relay the voices of the suffering today. Do not spin the events of this past week to make your own culturally-based application of "personal responsibility" or "law and order". Lamentations speaks the voice of the suffering not the voice of the privileged.
  • 7dB1rfY_HChUbQ5TlkRBiRlo8sdgvAbr6wUN1gNjD1uGXJZh08PR43CRsLMJlmEjdyQdHHy_bUW7S1jdziA-ckZ5cT92w-NCHs2hYcd4z_N2jS2jKxJ_vjmVS8bNsI0WV41z=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=http://files.ctctcdn.com/d23fd257001/4aa78305-d80b-4737-be46-89e981..."/>
    Pray for America
    There is a ridge along the Rocky Mountains and when raindrops fall, one centimeter right or left, north or south, one slight variation will determine the destiny of that raindrop - half of it may end up in the Pacific Ocean, the other half in the Gulf of Mexico - just the slightest little variance sends the divided droplet to different worlds.

    Lines matter. Words count. Actions have consequences. Some decisions last forever. Some things you can't take back; some trends you can't reverse.

    There is a line that a nation crosses, and when it does, there is no relenting on the part of God, of divinely orchestrated consequences. God asked the prophet Jeremiah, "Why should I forgive you?" (Jer. 5:7) We are so quick with grace: 'What kind of question is that? Certainly God will forgive you!' But God did not have in mind an individual; he had the nation in mind.

    The spiritual economy of individuals and nations is different. God judges nations and cities as well as individuals. The Biblical record is full of examples  - Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), Sidon (Ezekiel 28:22-23), Tyrus (Ezekiel 26:34, 7, 12, 14), Samaria (Micah 1:6), Nineveh (Nahum 2:6, 8; 3:13, 19), Babylon (Isaiah 13:19-21; 14:23; Jeremiah 13:19-21), Jerusalem (Luke 21:5-6, 20, 24). Amos declared to the nations, "The Lord roars from Zion ..." (Amos 1:2), and what follows is a polemic against the nations that surround Israel - Damascus (3-5), Gaza (6-8), Tyre (9-10), Edom (11-12), Ammon (13-15), Moab (2:1-4), and finally Judah (2:1-5) and Israel (6-16) - all came under God's surveillance.

    Jesus in Matthew 11 denounced the cities in which His miracles had been done, cities that should have evidenced gratitude and grace, but even in the face of such revelation, they did not repent. "Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles had occurred in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes" (20-21). "And you, Capernaum..." (22).  Such cities and nations receive the greater judgment (22). There are sheep and goat nations (Matthew 25:32-46).What would He say to America where the greatest grace of all has been shown?

    Jeremiah noted, "The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it" (Jer. 18:7-8).

    In Jer. 14, God told the prophet, "Don't pray for this people...When they fast, I will not hear their cry..." Jeremiah might have said, "The TV preachers are telling them, 'You shall not see the sword [war], or famine, but I will give you blessed peace ...' But the Lord said, 'Those preachers are not telling the truth...'" In Jeremiah 15:1, God becomes more definitive, "'Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me' - I would not change my mind and act favorably to these people." Remember, Moses and Samuel had both saved the nation before - and that is an interesting idea, that a man, a godly man, a holy man or woman - could save a nation, push back judgment; but now, God says, even if they were alive, they could not by their intercession save the nation.

    The line has been crossed. Ezekiel added, "Even if ... Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it [the land], they would deliver only themselves ..." (Ezek. 14:14).

    Has America crossed the same line?

    An 8 Step Prayer Process:
    1. Pray to be a better witness, carrying the name of Jesus with poise and dignity.
    2. Humble yourself and repent - with the nation in mind.
    3. Step into the middle, between God and the nation or your city - and pray as an intermediary.
    4. Seek God's face. Escalate your quest to know God. Don't pray crisis prayers, merely about averting judgment. Pray for the nation's soul, a renewed relationship with God. Seek His face, not merely his hand.
    5. Stop any behavior that is less than Christ-like. By grace, be a better witness. Lead the way. Influence others by example. Live prayer. Walk in the Spirit.
    6. Expect results. Look for evidences of answered prayer.
    7. Seek forgiveness, and give forgiveness. Reconcile. Put away disputes. Make restitution. Heal divisions. Let love and unity produce a healthy community.
    8. Ask God to heal 'the land.' Pray for favor on your city. Look for evidence that God is healing your 'living places.' Families should experience renewal. The city should enjoy the peace of God.

    Leave a comment about this post> 

  • Every first Wednesday we gather diverse Christians from across the city to pray for Dallas and what God is doing. We call this event 7:14 based off
    2 Chronicles 7:14: " if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

    HOWEVER, we planned on this 7:14 being Thursday (before everything this last 72 hours) because the date will be 7/14/2016

    We hope you join us in mourning, prayer, healing, and confidence in God's redemption.

    July 14th at 7am- 8:30am
    Lake Cliff Park
    Dallas, TX 75203

    We believe it's very important for us to not only gather as homogeneous churches but also unified as One Church in prayer.

    Von Minor, from Restoration Church in West Dallas, will be sharing a word of exhortation, and leading us in prayer over the broken communities amidst the multiple tragedies.
    We will also have multiple Dallas Police Officers present. We will spend time praying over their families, their work, and the horrible losses in our city.
  • A Prayer for Us
    A Prayer for Us 

    Asking God to heal our divided nation

    by Greg Asimakoupoulos
    July 15, 2016 

    When the innocent are slaughtered
    and the rage of hate takes aim,
    it's clear to see that prejudice prevails.
    Yes, our nation is divided
    by deep wounds that haven't healed.
    If you listen you can hear a mother's wail.

    While it's true that black lives matter,
    we must dialogue with words
    that are not as apt to trigger and incite.
    We must also own our bias
    and confess that we've been wrong.
    That's the only way our country can unite.

    Please unite Your children, Father.
    We're divided, spewing hate.
    As a country, we are polarized by fear.
    The protests in our cities
    demonstrate our need to heal
    and our hopes and dreams to claim what You hold dear.

    Help us live and love like Jesus
    though it may mean we are shunned
    by the bigots who insist that they are right.
    Rid the wrong that blurs our focus
    and impacts the way we see.
    End the blindness of our nation's endless night.

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