Jennifer Kennedy Dean's book, 'Power in the Name of Jesus' is life changing! Truly life changing!

Her book is a study ~ a beautiful journey to walk through the Gospel of John. This book is broken down by day, and by week which is excellent for a study such as this. However, Jennifer Kennedy Dean draws you in to the point you want to keep reading pass the day. I found myself three weeks ahead at one point because the power of her writing had captured me, therefore, I continue to read and partake of her knowledge of Jesus' Word. It was as though I was so hungry that I could not stop eating. There are not many books that I pick up to read that had the impact 'Power in the Name of Jesus' had on me.

The beauty of this book is the fact that you can return to the original day and dig deeper as you wrestle with each question. Wrestle? you may ask. Yes, wrestle. I'll be honest and share that I stayed on day one and two for a few of days. She begins with sharing her name ~ Jennifer Kennedy Dean. Not Jennifer, but Jennifer Kennedy Dean. It made me think of my name ~ Gail, and how I refuse to allow anyone to write my name as Gail Dudley, but to always insert the 'E' which becomes Gail E. Dudley. She had me reflect on how we named our children. Dominiq (Dominic) which means 'of the Lord' and Alexander which means 'helper of humankind'. Going through day one reminded me that although my daughter Dominiq is away in college her very name will keep her in the presence of the Lord, because of the meaning of her name. WOW ~ Powerful!!! There is 'Power in the Name of Jesus'!

This book is a MUST READ!

I am personally adding this book as a resource for the 'Transformational Weekend Retreat' I host which are held quarterly around the USA. This book will be an introduction for the women to understand who they are, and Who they belong to ~ I AM. (Read the book. You'll understand)

Jennifer Kennedy Dean's wisdom, passion for God's Word, knowledge, and relationship with Christ comes through boldly as she ties Scriptures around her main theme within the Gospel of John. Her breakdown of each word so the reader can gain an in-depth understanding is phenomenal! 

Looking for an in-depth study? This is it without a doubt! Seriously...get your copy today!

This review is respectfully submitted by, Gail E. Dudley

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