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September 6
September 10
City Vision Casting Call
Read News Wire for Prayer News and Resources  Christmas Across America Reach 100,000 childrenwith the TRUE Story of Christmas.  Alive Publications Limited time offer: Purchase the Principles of Worship Complete Set for $50 or Purchase the Book and receive your choice of the CD or DVD for FREE!
Cry Out to God for Mercy |
Cry Out America is the grassroots prayer initiative of the Awakening America Alliance that encourages people throughout the nation to pause each September 11 in response to this vivid "wake-up call" for our generation. Since 2008, they have been mobilizing thousands of intercessors to gather on 9/11 at county courthouses, state capitols, churches, university campuses, the marketplace, and other public venues to seek God for deep transformation and a Christ awakening in our nation. Cry Out America continues gaining momentum toward their goal to mobilize prayer movements in each of the 3,143 counties of the United States. This year's theme is "Together Beyond Boundaries," based on John 17:20-23. |
Practical Helps for Congregations |
What would it be like if the prayer leadership teams of congregations across your city had a model they could use for on-going training and connection? The creation of the network alone would have powerful implications.
Currently, only about 5% of congregations have a designated prayer leader, and usually that is the leader of an intercessory group, not someone trained to chip away at transforming the culture of the church into a praying church.
Now, there is a model. It is called, Prayer Leaders Continuing Education (PLCE).
 It is designed on the premise that most prayer leadership teams need ongoing, small nudges to keep them focused and encouraged. The PLCE process is designed to train congregational prayer leadership teams together in tandem with nearby churches. Most congregations start a prayer effort - and it stalls. The average prayer leadership team falls apart about three times before it gels. Every prayer team, due to the spiritual warfare against it, if for no other reason, needs regular nudges forward with fresh resources.
The PLCE is very simple.
- Video training in short clips (by Doug Small and others) with discussion guides
- Focus on the four dimensions for a healthy and well-balanced congregational prayer process
- Learn about the Seven Marks of a Praying Church
- Discover new 'plug-and-pray' practical tools
- Talk about next steps with your Prayer Leadership Team
Just a nudge! Just enough to keep the prayer-fire burning, to provide more resources, to keep your team encouraged, and to keep stretching them beyond their narrow theology of prayer and its practice. Learn more about the Praying Trainer's Network Download the Prayer Trainers Network Brochure Step-by-step process
https://static.ctctcdn.com/ui/images1/s.gif" title="City"/>City Vision Casting Calls |
Second Thursday at 10:00 AM EST Fourth Thursday at 9:00 PM EST To join, call 712-432-0075 using access code 367853# These are inspiring calls designed to help us learn, one from another, about what God is doing in North American cities. Guests who have told their story of the stirrings of God include:
- Reno, NV
- Washington, DC
- Charleston, SC
- Randolph County, NC
- Midland, TX
- Austin, TX
- Bradley County, TN
- Cartersville, GA
- Atlanta, GA
- And more.
We have heard about God's work in northeast Indiana; about racial healing in Charleston, SC; about the mapping project in Jacksonville, FL; about the special War Room movie and the upcoming movie on the life of Rachel Scott. If you want to see a move of God in your community - join in, listen, learn - and then reach out and connect with others. |
Upcoming 2016 Events |
January 7-8 Encounter 2016 This catalytic, 24-hour experience to be held in Atlanta, GA is great chance to plug into prayer. Learn about all the activities unfolding for 2016 and how prayer leaders will be mobilized for the year. Last year in Fayetteville, NC, twelve denominations came together for a prayer and unity conference. For this event, expectation is that 25 denominations will come together, along with hundreds of pastors. The purpose - prayer and unity, holy desperation before God, a look at 2016 and what can happen through prayer and unity.
February 24 PCCNA Prayer Commission Consultation Plan to attend the first ever Pentecostal Charismatic Congregations of North America ' Prayer Commission Consultation' in Dallas, TX. The meeting is open to Denominational Prayer Leaders at the national, state and regional levels; para-church and specialized prayer leaders. The commission was recently launched by Dr. Jeff Farmer, the CEO of the PCCNA. P. Douglas Small is the chair of the commission, along with Lou Shirey (IPHC) and John Maempa (Assembly of God).
Schools of Prayer |
You learn to pray, by praying. There is no other way.
Host a School of Prayer.
- Saturday - Half or whole day. Five sponsoring congregations. Goal: 200 students. Minimum: 100.
- Sunday - Prayer Experience and Celebration. AM & PM if desired. AM & a PM joint service for the collaborating congregations.
- Monday - Wednesday (Or, alternately, through the week). Special gatherings to 'practice' prayer (men, women, couples, families, youth, singles, seniors, intercessors).
- The 40 Day Journey - a series of daily devotions that review the materials covered in the School of Prayer and reinforce the practice of prayer.
Connect with pastors in your area and jointly sponsor a 40 Day Journey and a School of Prayer.
Host a Prayer Training Event in Your City |
Ten or more congregations agree to co-sponsor the event. We
assist in building the workshop schedule, finding speakers who specialize in various phases of prayer training. These conferences can be styled for a variety of denominational streams. The goal is to promote prayer and unity across a city, bringing people and prayer leaders, pastors and para-church leaders together.
 The conference is planned from a Friday evening and a Saturday half-day, with plenary sessions, resource tables, workshops on prayer and the family, personal prayer, intercessor, the church as a house of prayer, the child/youth prayer movement, prayer evangelism - and more.
https://static.ctctcdn.com/ui/images1/s.gif" title="Coaching"/>Personal Prayer Coaching |

Personal Prayer Coaching - Level I
Need to jump start your personalprayer life? Join Doug in a series of 7 weekly calls. Be challenged by these sessions:
- Use the Bible as a prayer book
- Make prayer more about the 'Presence' of God
- Center yourself in the love of God as you pray
- Learn how 'heaven is a kind of courtroom' and how to offer effective petitions
- Explore the power of the uncomfortable middle - intercession
- Discover the differences between transactional-transformation-transcendent prayer.
Personal Prayer Coaching - Level II
This progressive 7 week series is distinctly different than Level I. Learn about:
- Theology of prayer and prayer structure
- The power of thanksgiving in fueling prayer
- How prayer needs a time and a place
- Prayer and consecration - the power of the spiritual disciplines
- Praying scripture - the 2nd Round
- Repentance as recalibration
At this level, we are treading deeper waters. Completion of Level I is a prerequisite, preferably twice, first solo and then as a mentor to others.
Cry Out America is the grassroots prayer initiative of the Awakening America Alliance that encourages people throughout the nation to pause each September 11 in response to this vivid "wake-up call" for our generation. Since 2008, they have been mobilizing thousands of intercessors to gather on September 11 at county courthouses, state capitols, churches, university campuses, the marketplace, and other public venues to seek God for deep transformation and a Christ awakening in our nation. Join the call to learn how to get your city involved in this prayer effort on September 11. www.awakeningamerica.us