Phil Miglioratti talks with David Ferguson, author of "31 Days of Prayer for My Nation"


Phil ~ David, how did the Lord plant a passion for prayer for our nation in your heart and mind?


David ~  two things came together for me years ago ; First was the pain of seeing so many faith leaders not” walking in the light” and darkness overcame them ( John 12:35) ; they must have  believed the right stuff but lacked the Spirit’s power to live it. Second , was study and visiting the Great Awakening sites in the US ( and Europe) noting that each was proceeded by United, Prevailing Prayer. 



Phil ~ Please respond as to how these chapter titles speak to the vision, passion, and mission of the  book?


David ~

*Our nation is broken . . .times are desperate but God’s people are not ; Jesus is praying but too often we are not. 

*Why uinty matters . . .unity is part of a “new apologetic” where unity , compassion and justice open minds and hearts of unbelievers to the gospel. 

*Wake Up! . . .awakening must begin at the House of God , waking up to His “shaking” of irrelevant religion and declaring our total dependency on Him. 

*Prayer for You Pastor . . .only Spiritually Awakened Pastors can lead out in Courageous Preaching into today’s critical issues. 

*Praying for Others to Come to Christ . . God’s ultimate “ upstream “ strategy is spirit-empowered disciples making disciples who make disciples 



Phil ~ How do we keep our prays for our nation free from political bias and cultural blindspots?


David ~  keep the main thing the main thing ; we are called to 5 profound bible verses ; love God , love people and see others do the same. ( Mt. 22:37-40, 28: 19-20). 



Phil ~ Talk about "concentric circles of concern" and how that perspective impacts our praying


David ~  the Great Commandment of Jesus is clear : first love God , then Your near-ones( spouse, children, friends) , then others including those who do not know Him.



Phil ~ "Reflecting on past Great Awakenings, we find hope in four specific initiatives as His Spirit leads." Please talk about each of those Holy Spirit actions: 


David ~  

*United prayer ~  we need a rhythm of prayer throughout the year to pray for our *Nation , Pastors , Marriages , Children/Families , Education, Media , Marketplace , the least of these , etc 

*Pastoral renewal ~ God is “pro-church” and critical are Spiritually Awakened Shepard’s Living and loving like Jesus , vulnerably encouraging their churches to do the same. 

*Courageous preaching ~ only bold , courageous preaching from our pulpits can energize Jesus followers to walk in truth as a witness of Him in a perverse generation. 

*Church revitalization ~ if you don’t like the “ downstream symptoms” of today’s world , then His Church must look “ upstream” for ultimate solutions  of revitalized churches making disciples who make disciples. 



Phil ~ What happens when  the Great Commandment (love neighbors) is partnered with the Great Commission (make disciples)?


Dave ~  We experience Jesus followers living and loving like Jesus as the world “ takes note that we have been with jesus” ! 



Phil ~ Please write a prayer that prompts us to pray for our nation; neighbors and strangers, neighborhood-by-neighborhood...


Dave ~   “ Lord , by your Spirit would you move our gaze from being surrounded by so many enemies at home , in our communities and Nation as we declare “ we know not what to do , but our eyes are upon Thee”.







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