Get Twice As Many Christians Praying

Get Twice As Many Christians Praying

Christian persecution is continuing to increase around the world. 

In Nigeria, there has been a 62% increase in killings of Christians in the north. And in Central Asia, a rising number of groups affiliated with ISIS are threatening the lives of our brothers and sisters. And all in this year alone! 

But there is a problem — many Christians here in America don't know about the persecution our brothers and sisters are facing around the world. 

Would you take a moment to share the World Watch List with a friend who doesn't know about Christian persecution or Open Doors? 

When you share this with a friend, you are helping more Christians here in the US to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters! 

Thank you for helping persecuted Christians by spreading the word! 

Open Doors 

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  • ASSIST News Service (ANS) - PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609-0609 USA 
    Visit our web site at: www.assistnews.net -- E-mail: assistnews@aol.com

    Pray for the Most Persecuted Faith Group in the World – Christians
    Open Doors USA Offering Resources to Observe International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on Nov. 3
    Jerry Dykstra, Media Relations Director
    Phone: 616-915-4117
    Email: JerryD@odusa.org
    Website: www.OpenDoorsUSA.org

    For Immediate Release

    SANTA ANA, CA (ANS) -- After three months in prison, Indonesian Pastor Bernard Maukar was released on April 29. Maukar was imprisoned for leading his church without a permit.

    An Open Doors field worker visited him during his incarceration and told him that many Christians around the world were praying for him.

    “I was strengthened when I learned that many people whom I never knew were praying for me,” Maukar said.

    Maukar is one of more than 100 million Christians who face persecution in more than 60 countries around the world because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Almost 75 percent of the world’s 6.8 billion people live in countries with high or some restrictions on religion, according to a study by the Pew Research Forum on Religion & Public Life. Also, Christians are the most widely persecuted faith group in the world.

    The persecution and lack of religious freedom often leave believers feeling like they suffer alone. For this reason, Open Doors is asking free Christians to be One With Them.

    OneWithThem is a call to action to unite with persecuted believers, not just on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP), but during the months leading up to Sunday, Nov. 3. Through OneWithThem Open Doors USA is mobilizing churches and Christians across the United States to get on their knees in prayer and on their feet in action to show that American Christians are in unity with those who live where being a follower of Christ costs the most.

    IDOP is a global day of intercession on behalf of persecuted Christians worldwide. Its primary focus is uniting Christians to pray and act for those who face imprisonment, harassment, disenfranchisement and even death for their faith in Jesus Christ. Although Open Doors USA has set the first Sunday in November as IDOP observance, churches, schools, small groups and families can honor this annual call to prayer any day of the year.

    Open Doors is offering a free IDOP prayer kit. The kit includes a prayer event leader’s guide, several powerful videos, four PowerPoint presentations and resources for worship music and scriptural passages about persecution. The prayer kit can be ordered at www.OneWithThem.com or call 888-5-BIBLE-5 (888-524-2535).

    “Every one who loves Jesus and knows the life and freedom His forgiveness brings should be deeply troubled to know that every day believers are persecuted, imprisoned and even martyred for daring to follow Jesus,” says Dr. David Curry, Open Doors USA President/CEO. “The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is an opportunity to engage, advocate and support those around the world who worship Jesus at all cost. I urge all believers to stand in the gap for persecuted Christians during IDOP and all year long.”

    The kit also includes an OneWithThem wristband. Wearing the flexible, silicone wristband that looks like barbed wire is a unique reminder to pray for persecuted followers of Christ and a great conversation starter with your friends, family, neighbors and strangers to show that you are supporting suffering Christians. Pastor Maukar was given a wristband while in prison by the Open Doors representative. “I really liked the wristband,” he said. “It is unique and many people in prison asked me about it and what it meant.”

    To order additional wristbands, visit www.OneWithThem.com. The wristbands cost $1 each and will provide financial support to Open Doors programs which strengthen persecuted Christians. A pack of 25 wristbands is $25. The wristbands come in two sizes – regular (20 cm/7.8 in) and large (22 cm/8.6 in). Open Doors is also offering a 6-by-4 foot world wall map filled with inspirational quotes to use as a tool to pray for countries on the Open Doors World Watch List of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians. Price is $50 including shipping.

    Also, country profiles, testimonies and prayer requests from the countries where Christian persecution is most severe can be downloaded at the www.OneWithThem.com website.

    For almost 60 years Open Doors has worked in the world's most oppressive and restrictive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these places. Open Doors empowers persecuted Christians by supplying Bibles and Christian literature, training Christian leaders, facilitating social/economic projects and uniting believers in the West in prayer for Christians, who are the most persecuted religious group in the world and are oppressed in at least 60 countries. To partner with Open Doors USA, call toll free at 888-5-BIBLE-5 (888-524-2535) or go to our website at www.OpenDoorsUSA.org.

    (For more information or to set up an interview, contact Jerry Dykstra at 616-915-4117 or email jerryd@odusa.org).

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  • An Urgent Call to Prayer for Persecuted Believers


    Remember the prisoners as if chained with them — those who are mistreated — since you yourselves are in the body also.” (Hebrews 13:2)



    I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word: that they all may be one, as You Father are in Me and I in You that they may also be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” (John 17:20-21)


    And if one member suffer, all the members suffer with it……But now indeed there are many members yet one body.” (1 Corinthians 12:20a, 12:26a)



    In the last few hours I have received some inside information that the persecution of the Churches in Egypt is even far worse than media reports suggest. The potential for a massive blood bath is great and growing. Virtually nothing is as vital as fervent intercession for persecuted believers and Gospel witness to their persecutors. Our brothers and sisters in Egypt and other lands of persecution are truly on the front line of spreading Christ’s gospel. I also encourage specific prayers for Saeed Abedini (American pastor imprisoned in Iran) and Kenneth Bae (American missionary imprisoned in North Korea).

    Little is more urgent than intense intercession for lands of persecution. Conversely, little could be a greater failure than to give only casual thought to our brothers and sisters on the front line. Let us fast, pray and raise our voices for Christ’s Church in this critical day! May it not be said of us, “I was in prison and you visited Me not.” (Matthew 25:43)

    On this coming Sunday, August 18th and for coming weeks I urge all believers to unite in fervent intercession for Christ’s Church and the gospel witness in Egypt and other lands of persecution. In addition to praying for oppressed believers, we must pray for the conversion of their persecutors. The following Scripture-based pages are drawn largely from the book, Praying God’s Heart in Times Like These. However, all are free to use them or tailor them as God leads. May God find us faithful co-laborers in prayer in these critical days.


    Toward Revival and Kingdom Expansion,



    Gregory Frizzell  



    Prayers for Persecuted Believers and Their Persecutors



    1. Pray for overwhelming grace and God’s manifest presence to surround the persecuted believers of Egypt and similar nations. Pray for special grace and protection for the children and their parents. (Psalm 91; 2 Corinthians 12:9)


    1. Pray that believers are delivered from the evil one. Pray that they be guarded and protected from the world and darkness. (Matthew 6:13; John 17:12-15)


    1. Pray that their faith would not fail and their gospel witness shines bright. Pray that they come through the trials as shining gold and that their eternal reward would be great. (Job 23:10; Matthew 5:16; Luke 22:32)


    1. Pray that they love their enemies and not succumb to hate and vengeance. Pray that our own hearts would not yield to anger and rage at those who attack and mock Christian beliefs. (Matthew 5:43-48; Romans 12:17-19; 1 Peter 3:9)


    1. Pray for God’s wisdom and direction in their actions of missionaries and persecuted saints. (Psalm 23; Psalm 32:8; James 1:5)


    1. Pray for supernatural provision for believers’ emotional, spiritual and physical needs. Pray especially for the children. (Philippians 4:19)


    1. Pray for millions of eyes to be opened, for Christ’s gospel to shine bright and run swiftly through the lands of persecution. Pray that millions will be drawn to Christ. (John 6:44; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2)


    1. Pray for God’s mercy on the persecutors and that their eyes be opened to Christ. (Luke 23:24; Acts 7:58-60)


    1. Pray for great strength and wisdom for authorities in Egypt who stand for fairness and order. Pray that reasonable people would resolve to protect the oppressed and bring peace. (Proverbs 16:7; 1 Timothy 2:2)


    1. Pray for American believers to fast and intercede for persecuted believers and missionaries worldwide. Pray that we will support our brethren and the spread of Christ’s gospel with our very lives and resources. May God grant us the same resolve to stand boldly for Christ in our own land of growing darkness. Pray that we will be bold in our faith, strong in joy, fervent in mission and yearning for Christ’s coming! (2 Corinthians 8:1-8; Matthew 5:11-12; Acts 1:8; Revelation 22:20-21)



    (Additional resources available from Gregory Frizzell, BGCO Office of Prayer)


    News of persecution, human rights violations, and other articles of interest.
    If one member suffers, all the members suffer . . ..
    1 Corinthians 12:26a 
    Christians In Crisis - Please pray for:
    • Pastor Wally, Matilda and Preshus Joy.
    • Our Houses of Prayer Leaders and Participants.
    • Our intercessors who receive our persecution news.
    • Members of the Crisis Prayer Team.
    • The volunteer staff of CIC.
    • Our contacts in areas of persecution.
    **BIBLES UNBOUND - You can send bibles into restricted nations
    **ACT ON YOUR PRAYERS! .... send a message of encouragement


    PERSECUTION NEWS HEADLINES for the week ending August 3, 2013 

    Uzbekistan: Violent Police Assault on Protestant 
    Police in Uzbekistan have violently physically assaulted a local Protestant, and charged him with committing an offence after he insisted on making a formal complaint about police brutality.

    Iran: Saeed Abedini's Attorney Speaks About the Uncertainty of His ... 
    Imprisoned Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini's attorney is speaking out against what he calls the uncertain situation of his client and calling on Iranian judicial authorities to clear things up. 

    KAZAKHSTAN: Pastor Detained Despite Insufficient Evidence 
    Pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, who leads Grace Church in Astana, was arrested May 17thon criminal charges for allegedly "harming health" and has subsequently been detained. 

    ERITREA: High School Students Suffer Severe Hardship 
    Eritrean authorities are punishing 39 high school students for their Christian faith, excluding them from a graduation ceremony and subjecting them to beatings and hard labour. 

    EGYPT: Christian Girls Snatched by Traffickers 
    Eritrean authorities are punishing 39 high school students for their Christian faith, excluding them from a graduation ceremony and subjecting them to beatings and hard labour. 

    Madhya Pradesh awaits decision on stricter ‘anti-conversion law’ 
    Madhya Pradesh state in central India awaits the outcome of proposed amendments to its ‘anti-conversion law’, which would lengthen prison time and fines for anyone convicted of forcing someone to change their religion. 

    On the 4th anniversary of Gojra murders: Pakistani Christians are s... 
    The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS), an interdenominational organization working for religious freedom in Pakistan, is calling for justice four years to the day since a horrific attack on the Christian town of Gojra in Pakistan. 

    US: ACLJ and CEF emerge triumphant from religion battle 
    From universities to elementary schools, the Gospel is being pushed further and further away from American education. 

    SAT-7 PARS Brings Spiritual Deliverance in Iran 
    In Iran, a television screen is the closest many people will ever get to a church. Church buildings are scarce and it is illegal for most Iranians to attend a church service. Yet an estimated 2 million Iranians hear the Bible and worship Jesus through SAT-7 PARS. 

    Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin July 2013 Update -- 'for we do no... 

    Christian Tragedy in the Muslim World 
    Few people realize that we are today living through the largest persecution of Christians in history, worse even than the famous attacks under ancient Roman emperors like Diocletian and Nero. 

    Sectarian violence spirals in Guinea’s volatile southeast 
    Judicial authorities in Guinea are investigating an outburst of deadly violence two weeks ago that left 95 people dead and 130 wounded. 

    An attack on Christians in Nigeria goes unclaimed 
    No one has officially taken credit for the bombings Monday night in the city of Kano, Nigeria. Spokesman for the Voice of the Martyrs USA Todd Nettleton says one doesn't have to go far to find a group that's capable and willing. 

    Bombs in Nigerian Christian district kill at least 12 
    Police say 12 people are dead after multiple explosions Monday night that rocked the Christian Sabon Gari area of Kano State in northern Nigeria, despite continuing government efforts to restore peace. 
    After 12 years, Turkey closes the door on American church volunteer 
    After 12 years serving a church in Turkey voluntarily and peacefully, Jerry Mattix suddenly is on the country's blacklist. 

    The Son of Kenneth Bae, a U.S. citizen imprisoned in a North Korean... 
    Jonathan Bae, the son of Kenneth Bea, an American citizen and a committed Christian, who is imprisoned in a North Korea (DPRK) labor camp, has launched a petition to the President Barack Obama and his Administration to help free his father. 

    The Painful Road to A Better Egypt 
    I woke up this morning to another sad and depressing newsfeed on my phone. Most mornings have become like this. I go to sleep hoping I will wake up to good news, and sometimes I do, but most often I don't. 


    PLEASE NOTE: Out of concern for the security and safety of the ministries and individuals mentioned in our Persecution News Headlines,
    it is the policy of Christians In Crisis (CIC) to conceal specific names or locations of our contacts.
    Ministries that are commended by authorities or located in secure areas may be named. 


    You May Send Your Tax Deductible Contributions To:

    Christians in Crisis
    P.O. Box 293627
    Sacramento, California 95829 
  • Topics in this digest:

    1. Intercession in Dangerous Days
        From: Gene Brooks

    1. Intercession in Dangerous Days
        Posted by: "Gene Brooks" genebrooks@yahoo.com genebrooks
        Date: Sun Aug 4, 2013 6:03 pm ((PDT))

    We continue to pray for America and God's Kingdom advance in the nations.
    There is no way for me to tell whether the following two articles have any
    legitimacy or not, but the fact that information keeps coming out indicates
    that the full story has not yet been told - whatever that story is. If true,
    it is deeply disturbing.

    Can anyone reply to the list and speak to the truth or error of these

    Confirmed: Benghazi was Cover-up of Arms Transfer to al-Qaeda

    August 4, 2013: The corporate media is now forced to admit that the Benghazi
    attack was staged by a State Department hired jihadist security outfit in
    connection with an arms transfer to al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria.

    The CIA was shipping arms from U.S.-controlled facilities located at the
    U.S. mission in Benghazi to its mercenaries in Syria and the murder of
    ambassador Stevens was carried out by an al-Qaeda affiliated group as part
    of a turf war between the CIA and elements in the Pentagon.

    Full story:

    Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia

    Posted by EU Times <http://www.eutimes.net/author/admin/>  on Aug 3rd, 2013

    Swiss intelligence has issued a travel warning for the United States based
    on classified information in MI6 and CIA documents stolen in Dec 2012. Swiss
    intelligence analysts point to what they describe as a "cabal" of US
    military officers "fully intent" upon destroying the Obama regime, even if
    it means war. Important to note is that in February 2013 the Russian Federal
    Security Services (FSB <http://www.fsb.ru/> ) warned of the US military plan
    to assassinate Obama <http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1661.htm>  in what
    Russian intelligence analysts say will be a takeover of the United States
    similar to the coup currently being undertaken in Egypt. Swiss intelligence
    also warned in November 2012 that the Obama
    <http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1628.htm> ' war against his own generals
    was, also, likely to end in a military coup.

    [Not sure how this connects, but] the US issued a world-wide travel alert
    <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23554652>  to last until 31
    >  and ordered the closing of at least 17 of its
    overseas embassies
    > . Swiss intelligence says this is due to the Obama
    Administration's fears that more computer thefts of top-secret documents
    relating to the administration's collusion with extreme Islamic terrorists
    >  will be released. Closure
    will allow them time to purge embassy servers of incriminating information,
    especially those files relating to the true events of the 2012 Benghazi
    Attack <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Benghazi_attack>  led by rogue CIA
    operatives whom US Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) warned yesterday were being
    kept from testifying, being relocated and given new identities
    > . The Administration has been sending tens of millions of
    dollars in funding to al-Qaeda terrorists
    >  to create an Islamic Emirate in Syria
    <http://larouchepac.com/node/25693>  and over $8 billion in secret funding
    to Egypt
    > 's Muslim Brotherhood radicals.

    Messages in this topic (1)

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    | Now with 135 members
    | Posted articles are thought stimulators, not necessarily that  person's opinion.
    | Please overlook any offensive advertisements which may accompany this message. We have no control or sympathy with them.
    ******* PSALM 2: God's Geopolitics *********

  • Open Doors USA Logo


    September 2013

    Middle East on Fire

    Middle East on Fire
    In Egypt, hundreds of churches, homes and other Christian properties have been destroyed. In war-torn Syria, the situation seems hopeless, with the United Nation's announcement that there are more than two million Syrian refugees

    The people in these countries are facing unbelievable hardships, especially Christians who are facing more persecution than ever before. Yet, God is working in unbelievable ways...

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    What Caused Syria's Civil War?

    What Caused Syria's Civil War?
    Throughout its history, ancient and modern, Syria has played host to ethnic and religious minorities living together very much in harmony.

    Syria, in the original sense of what is...

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    A Photo Journey of Egypt

    A Photo Journey of Egypt
    World Watch Monitor recently posted the story, "Renewed Day by Day" which moved our hearts. They commissioned Cairo based photographer David Degner to capture how the events of the last few weeks have affected the church in Egypt.

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    Open Doors USA is a 501(c)(3) compliant organization and a charter member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability PO Box 27001
    Santa Ana, CA 92799

    Phone: 888-5-BIBLE-5
    Email: usa@opendoors.org
  • On Sunday, in Peshawar, Pakistan, as hundreds of parishioners streamed out of an Anglican church, a pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up killing at least 78 people, and wounding countless others. In Nairobi, Kenya, the Somali-based al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militant group has claimed responsibility for the attack at the Westgate shopping center that left at least 62 dead, and over 175 injured

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    Monthly Prayer Alert

    September 2013

    Pakistan, Kenya Massacres - Immediate Call to Prayer

    Pakistan, Kenya Massacres - Immediate Call to Prayer
    On Sunday, in Peshawar, Pakistan, as hundreds of parishioners streamed out of an Anglican church, a pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up killing at least 78 people, and wounding countless others. In Nairobi, Kenya, the Somali-based al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militant group has claimed responsibility for the attack at the Westgate shopping center that left at least 62 dead, and over 175 injured. An unknown number of people remain hostage. Please join in prayer for the victims and families of the church massacre in Pakistan, and for the on-going attack and hostage situation at a mall in Kenya.

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    September's Praise Report

    September's Praise Report
    The scene looked like a war zone. Walking down the street toward their beloved church, Markus* and a few other church members were horrified at the massive destruction. The day before, the neighborhood had endured a dreadful and systematic attack from radical Muslim mobs. Almost every Christian...

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    The Power of Prayer

    The Power of Prayer
    Together we can change the lives of over 100 million persecuted Christians. Impact your friends and church community by ordering a free prayer kit for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). Supplies are limited; get your kit today!

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    © 2013 Open Doors USA | Privacy Policy
    Open Doors USA is a 501(c)(3) compliant organization and a charter member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability PO Box 27001
    Santa Ana, CA 92799

    Phone: 888-5-BIBLE-5
    Email: usa@opendoors.org
  • Whenever a country is in crisis, Brother Andrew challenges us to ask the question, "Is there a church?" In spite of tragedy and conflict in countries like Nigeria, Iran and Syria, the church is not only visible, but thriving!

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    Monthly Prayer Alert

    October 2013

    Is God Working In North Korea?

    Is God Working In North Korea?
    Whenever a country is in crisis, Brother Andrew challenges us to ask the question, "Is there a church?" In spite of tragedy and conflict in countries like Nigeria, Iran and Syria, the church is not only visible, but thriving!

    It has been almost 70 years since the Korean War ended and the peninsula was divided into two nations. Some would describe North Korea and South Korea as polar opposites, similar to good vs. evil. Today, South Korea is home to the largest church in the world, the Yoido Full Gospel Church, with approximately one million members. In contrast, the most repressed church in the world lies just across the border in North Korea. As Satan would have it, no church would exist in North Korea, let alone the world. But there is a church in North Korea... and she is faithful! 

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    October's Praise Report

    October's Praise Report
    At first glance one would not immediately see the work of the Lord in war-torn Central African Republic (CAR). Landlocked in the heart of Africa, the CAR was a seemingly peaceful nation, when compared to some of its neighboring countries. However, in March of this year, things drastically changed...

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    International Day of Prayer

    International Day of Prayer
    Together we can change the lives of over 100 million persecuted Christians. Impact the church and the world by taking place in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) on November 3rd. As a free resource please order or download your prayer kit for IDOP!

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    © 2013 Open Doors USA | Privacy Policy
    Open Doors USA is a 501(c)(3) compliant organization and a charter member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability PO Box 27001
    Santa Ana, CA 92799

    Phone: 888-5-BIBLE-5
    Email: usa@opendoors.org

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    November 2013

    The Power Of Prayer- Evangelism In Spite Of Persecution

    The Power Of Prayer- Evangelism In Spite Of Persecution
    In 2011, Francis Namukubalo, a Ugandan evangelist, was brutally murdered by several Muslim extremists. 

    Francis was a Muslim Background Believer, and these men did not approve of him evangelizing in their region. Two of the people involved in the murder were some of his closest friends. 

    The murder left his wife widowed, alone to raise their three children, with one on the way. The entire family was heartbroken by the situation, unsure of what the future held. 

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    Pleas For Prayer

    Pleas For Prayer
    Landlocked in the heart of Africa, the Central African Republic (CAR) has gone through some turmoil for most of its independence. However, in March of this year, things drastically changed, especially for Christians.

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    1/3 of Christians Have Fled

    1/3 of Christians Have Fled
    Almost a third of Syria's Christians have left since the start of the civil war, according to one of the country's senior clerics. 

    Syria's most senior Catholic leader Gregorios III Laham, the Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch, told the BBC that...

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    © 2013 Open Doors USA | Privacy Policy
    Open Doors USA is a 501(c)(3) compliant organization and a charter member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability PO Box 27001
    Santa Ana, CA 92799

    Phone: 888-5-BIBLE-5
    Email: usa@opendoors.org
  • For the second year, our Prayer Huddle at church will be taking our November meeting to pray for the Persecuted Church, using resources from Open Doors.  Last year, the Huddle members said it was one of the most meaningful prayer times we had experienced.  I would ask anyone to pray for us as God leads, that He will meet with us this Thursday (Nov. 14) and again draw our hearts close to Him as we pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.  Thanks to all who pray!

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    December 2013

    Christmas in Chains

    Christmas in Chains
    In December of 2011, seven Christians in Laos were arrested and imprisoned by the local police for organizing a Christmas celebration in their village. The village chief said that the event was "against local customs". The believers were detained, and authorities demanded that they pay 10 million Lao Kip for their freedom.

    "On the night we were imprisoned, the police threw a big rock at the house where we were gathered, which fell through the roof," recalled Akamu, a Christian farmer. "The guards threatened us, saying we each had to pay two million Lao Kip and a cow. They also threatened to throw us out of the village." 

    "They put handcuffs on our hands and shackles on our feet," said Inoke, the only woman in the group. "We were kept together in one small room for twenty days. It was like ...

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    Rumor Triggers Violence In Egypt

    Rumor Triggers Violence In Egypt
    The way Christians in the Egyptian town of Nazlet El-Badraman describe it, the deadly rampage that engulfed their village grew out of an unfounded rumor. 

    When it finally blew over, nearly 20 houses had been burned, nine were wounded...

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    Pray For Syria

    Pray For Syria
    The church in Syria has been shining brightly for 2000 years. But today, the future is looking dim. Syria's 1.7 million Christians are being targeted. The church in Syria is fading. BUT the church is still there. They need our support. In Syria's darkest hour help the Syrian church to continue to shine.

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    © 2013 Open Doors USA | Privacy Policy
    Open Doors USA is a 501(c)(3) compliant organization and a charter member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability PO Box 27001
    Santa Ana, CA 92799

    Phone: 888-5-BIBLE-5
    Email: usa@opendoors.org
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