OnSite International eNewsletter
November 2015
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November Prayer Request

Thank you for praying
 for October's prayer training in Tipton, Indiana.  We had around 15 people attend (including a number of pastors and local prayer leaders)!

Following the formal training, attendees formed a number of small teams to go out into the community to pray for people.

Ruth and I joined a group with an area pastor, plus another pastor friend.  We sensed the Lord leading us to the local fire department.

Upon arriving, we encountered the fire chief and his wife.  They both received prayer (as did the local postal carrier who happened by at the exact time we prayed).

Afterwards, we inquired if the local fire department had a chaplain.  When the fire chief reported that they hadn't for over six years, the local pastor offered to help fill the gap, if desired.

As of today, the chief and the local pastor are communicating about potential next steps.

Please join us in seeking God to re-establish a chaplaincy in the fire department to minister to both the fire fighters, plus many within their local community.

Thanks for praying!



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Whether you're parting with an automobile, boat, unused gift cards, jewelry, or other items of value, OnSite can receive their value when given toward our ministry.


Visit our Giving Page to give and explore what other items can be accepted!

Thank you for supporting the Lord's work through OnSite International, Inc.





Rob Griepentrog- Director of Prayer Development with OnSite International, Inc.
Board of Directors:
Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 
Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.
Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

Steve Harbaugh- President of Harbaugh & Associates Sales and Marketing
OnSite International,Inc.
215 Penn Street
Westfield, IN 46074
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   Prayer on Capitol Hill Leads to New     Prayer Focus- Abortion 

Rob, and a small prayer team from Indianapolis, prayed on site in Washington D.C. in early October.
Last month, I joined a prayer team from Indianapolis as they traveled to Washington D.C. to pray on site for our nation. Prior to leaving, our team asked the Lord for a specific person, area, or subject that we should concentrate on in prayer. As we left Indiana, we all sensed that He'd reveal the subject once we arrived on Capitol Hill.

             Following our arrival, we were introduced to Dick Simmons, a prayer warrior on Capitol Hill who regularly prays with members of the House and Senate. Dick shared how God has repeatedly prompted him to go about gathering large numbers of men, from across our nation, to pray for the end of abortion in our land.

"God is holding the men of our nation accountable for abortion and the lives lost from abortion. He desires to heal our land, but only if the men of America pray, seeking Him to bring an end abortion," he shared.
Dick went on to say, "abortion is the greatest abomination and blasphemous scheme that Satan has ever brought out from the pit of Hell. It deeply dishonors God because each child murdered in the womb has been uniquely created with skills, gifts, and a specific God-given purpose. Satan is attempting to pre-empt God's glory and will in our world by eliminating lives of millions of unborn children... and God will not accept our passivity much longer."

God also opened another unexpected meeting to our team. During our first day of on site prayer, we were invited to attend the House Judiciary Committee meeting on the defunding of Planned Parenthood. As we watched and listened, God pointed out many political individuals to cover in prayer, and also revealed many schemes at work in Washington D.C. (and across our nation) to attempt to make, and keep, abortion "palatable." Following four hours of observing testimony, and seeing politics played out, we sensed it was time to leave. The Lord had shown us exactly the matter He desired to direct us in prayer.

Upon returning from the trip, I began organizing a series of conference prayer calls for men who would like to pray with others in seeking God to bring a quick, and complete, end to abortion in our land.

Call in, or encourage a few friends to dial in as often as they're able:

(712) 770-4010 Access code: 700960#

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8:00am- 8:30am and 8:00pm- 8:30pm EST(including holidays).*
*For those uncomfortable praying aloud, they're welcome to call in and listen during the calls.

This is a small part of a larger movement to bring men together in prayer about abortion. 

Please join me in seeking God to raise up 1 million+ men who will daily pray for abortion to permanently cease in the U.S.A. 

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. - John 14:13-14.


A Growing Family
 On November 14th, Ruth and I recalled much of what we've witnessed God do in our lives in just 365 days.

November 14, 2014- Our courtship began.

March 16, 2015- I proposed marriage to Ruth (she said, "Yes!").

May 2015- Bought a home. Ruth and the kids moved in.

July 4, 2015- We married, and I moved into the home.

September 2015- We discovered that we're expecting!

At the time of this newsletter, Ruth is about 12 weeks along. 

Early June 2016- is our anticipated due date!

But to me, one of the most amazing matters of growth I've witnessed God perform in the past year is His work of unifying a family. Prior to proposing to Ruth, I was aware that Isaac was greatly in favor of Ruth and I marrying. Karissa, however, was polar-opposite.   Knowing of Karissa's disfavor, Ruth and I began to pray for God to soften her heart, and gradually bring trust, friendship, and unity to our relationship.

As this year progressed, Karissa gradually warmed up more and more to having me as her step-dad. Now, Ruth and I routinely see her express joy when I come home, join in on an activity she's involved with, and in other ways as well.

We've witnessed God do much more as we've humbled ourselves and pray. The kids are far more comfortable praying aloud at bedtime than they were in July. As a family, we regularly pray for specific individuals without Christ in their lives (and we've seen a number receive Christ since we've started praying that way)! Ruth and I also see the kids beginning to select other people or matters to pray about when we're together in prayer. 

These are all things we're witnessing God do in a short time- as we pray and seek His face.

Looking ahead towards 2016, I desire God to not only continue to deepen the kids' trust, faith, and joy in their relationships with Him, but also ours as well. I also desire to see God encourage other children and adults to pray through Isaac and Karissa's modeling of prayer.

Ruth and I are thankful that throughout this past year, 
God has provided clear steps to move forward, as well as smooth transitions through a bevy of changes as well!
Please lift our family in prayer, as the Holy Spirit brings us to mind.
Thank you so much for your partnership in prayer!  
Rob Griepentrog
Director of Prayer Development  
with OnSite International, Inc.

If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
please let us know.
In His grip,
Rob Griepentrog and the  
Leadership of  
OnSite International

OnSite International | 215 Penn Street | Westfield | IN | 46074

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    June 2013
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    Prayer Tune-Ups of the Month...

    Tune Up

    The Friend We Have in Jesus -2

    He knows every weakness, take each one to Him in prayer!

    The Friend We Have in Jesus -3

    Jesus is our refuge and strength- in prayer.

    The Friend We Have in Jesus- 4

    We're approaching a day when prayer's only use will be to worship God!  Here's a way to begin practicing.

    Rob Griepentrog- Executive Director, OnSite International, Inc.

    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 

    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.

    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Don Cook- USAF Commander, Ret., Teacher in Noblesville, Indiana.
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
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    Lives Changed During Prayer Walk
    Prayer Walk Map- Garfield Park
    Prayer walk routes taken by different individuals and groups.

    June has been a month of experiencing new ways to pray for many people in Central Indiana!


    Recently, Rob led a Noon-time prayer walk and prayer walk training around an Indianapolis neighborhood.


    Leaders at Bethany Wesleyan Church had been desiring to equip members of their church to actively engage in ministry outreach in their neighborhood.  They organized a 4-day series of projects and trainings to accomplish just that!  Rob was invited to lead one segment in the series.


    Following the 20 minute training and 45 minute prayer walk, here's what some of the participants said:


    "I was apprehensive at first, but now after prayer walking, I want to lead others in prayerwalking!" - Nicole


    "I thought I'd have a hard time finding things to pray for, but God just brought one thing after another to mind!" 
    - Liz


    "I spent an hour praying today that I wouldn't have if I had stayed home." - Margaret


    "I was surprised how much area we covered in just 45 minutes!" -Pastor Eric

    The church is excited to schedule a series of future prayer walks, and also wants other community churches to experience the joy and power of prayer walking their neighborhood!


    "Thanks for your expertise and heart for the Lord and his people. What took place last Thursday has been a dream of mine for over a year. Thanks for facilitating it into reality.  I continue to hear how people were moved and loved it.- Cathy, Event Coordinator


    Contact Rob to coordinate a prayer walk and/or training in your church, community, or neighborhood!

    Transforming Prayer From How to Wow!

    Kneel Before Cross
    One of Jesus' disciples asked, "Lord, teach us to pray." (Luke 11:1) They had seen Him pray in a variety of ways and situations, and had witnessed the humility, authority, and power displayed in and through Him as He did.  They, too, wanted to experience deeper intimacy with God, and desired to minister with Jesus' power and authority.
    On June 15th, OnSite led its "Transforming Prayer from How to Wow!" prayer workshop with about 50 people attending.  We demonstrated how to pray from Scripture- and discover the thrill of the search!  Rob taught how praying God's attributes can increase our wonder, awe, and joy as we worship Him in prayer.  He also contrasted the difference between a Christian indwelt with the Holy Spirit and one who is filled with the Holy Spirit. 

    Here are some of the comments we received afterward: 

    "The presentation encouraged me to look at my personal prayer life- and to examine the many ways to deepen my walk with the Lord..." - Steve H. 


    "We need more of these workshops!  Love it!  Great comprehensive instruction and teaching." - Lindsey

    "Will plan on encouraging others and groups to attend future conferences.  The Body needs to hear this material."- Steve R.


    OnSite desires to lead more of these workshops in churches and small groups all around. 

    To schedule a workshop for your church or small group, contact Rob at: robg@prayonsite.org.

    Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support of the Lord's work through       OnSite International, Inc.  
    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,

    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International

    OnSite International | 13351 Golden Gate Dr. West | Carmel | IN | 46074
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    Pray for OnSite


    This month, OnSite invites you to join us in praying in the following ways:


    · That we'd never lose our First Love.


    · For the Lord's favor as we develop new areas of prayer training.


    · Thanksgiving for recent successful prayer trainings and workshops!


    · The that Lord would lead 30-40 to join this summer's Jamaica mission.


    · However else the Lord leads you to pray.


    Thank you for investing prayer into the ministry of OnSite International!


    Rob Griepentrog- Executive Director, OnSite International, Inc.

    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 

    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.

    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Don Cook- USAF Commander, Ret., Teacher in Noblesville, Indiana.
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
    Carmel, IN 46074

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    Empowered... to Pray   
    Rob with Dave & Kim Butts and Jon & JoLyn Graf- at Empowered... to Pray 
    Prayer Conference in Centerville, IN

    Prayer is something I, like most everyone, wish I was involved in in much greater ways in my day-to-day life.  I'm always looking for ways to grow in this vital area of the Christian life!  Prayer is useful for growing closer in relationship with God.  God also makes it available as a means by which to hear His voice and understand Him (in addition to His Word and Spirit) with greater clarity.  It's also how we can talk and share our joys and concerns with Him. Yet, despite all its benefits, I find myself slipping out of prayer and into concerns of accomplishing tasks, goals, and more many days.

    This past weekend, I attended a regional prayer conference titled, "Empowered... to Pray."

    The conference coordinators asked me to speak twice on "Carrying Prayer Everywhere" as a way to introduce some of the attendees to the concept of praying on site.  Parts of those sessions included 20 minutes to walk in prayer around the community (Centerville, IN) as well as a time of Q & A.

    While I was encouraged to see attendees gaining a solid grasp of carrying prayer into the community, I also found myself becoming better empowered to pray.

    People involved in prayer ministry, as in most any ministry, can empty or drain themselves of joy, strength, and even effectiveness while serving and ministering repeatedly without setting aside time to recharge in the Lord's strength and/or with others ministering in a similar capacity.

    It wasn't until a couple sessions into the conference that I discovered my heart and joy were filling up again- indicating that I was somewhat emptied out!  In my desire to serve and train others, I failed to realize that my capacity to do so was draining down, and was reducing my ability to pray or even feel empowered to pray at times.

    I'm reminded by the portion of Matthew 6 that says, "Give us this day our daily bread."  Jesus certainly desires us to pray that our physical needs are met daily, but our emotional or spiritual needs are also met in Him!


    Whether you serve in a formal ministry capacity, or in a less formal way (maybe you don't even consider your service to family, friends, co-workers, or fellow Christians a ministry), seek God to provide you opportunities to be empowered by His power.  Seek Him to empower you in prayer, and to deepen the relationship you have with Him. You can never go deeper than God's greatest depths!

    Lord, empower us to pray!




                                                       Rob Griepentrog


                                                       Executive Director,

                                                       OnSite International, Inc. 

    Jamaica Savings!

      Jamaica VBS

    Share the gospel with tens and hundreds of children.  Help advance a construction project that's been in the works for awhile.  Pray on site.  Participate in a youth sports camp that creates a platform for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, and more!

    These are some of the activities and events you can be involved in by joining OnSite's 2014 Jamaica Mission Trip this July 12-19th in Mango Valley, Jamaica!


    The first 20 who sign up by April 15th can reserve a $425 round-trip flight direct from Indianapolis to Montego Bay, Jamaica (our best flight price in the history of this mission)!

    For more about the trip, or to apply, visit: 


    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,

    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International
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    Pray for OnSite


    This month, OnSite invites you to join us praying in the following ways:

    • That we'd never lose our First Love.
    • For the Lord's favor as we develop new areas of prayer training.
    • Thanksgiving for opportunities to share prayer with others.
    • For the Lord to continue to grow and develop our Jamaica Mission team in advance of July's trip. 
    • However else the Lord leads you to pray.


    Thank you for investing prayer into the ministry of OnSite International!


    Rob Griepentrog- Executive Director, OnSite International, Inc.

    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 

    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.

    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Don Cook- USAF Commander, Ret., Teacher in Noblesville, Indiana.
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
    Carmel, IN 46074

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    Opportunities All Around!    
    Turtle on a Fence Post

    A friend once asked me what I would think if I ever witnessed a turtle resting on top of a fence post.  I thought about it for a few moments, then answered, "Well, it would be out of place; it wouldn't have made it up there by itself! It needs help!"


    That friend later taught me that God routinely places "turtle-on-a-fencepost" opportunities around us every day.

    He shared that opportunities like these happen when we encounter people in our day-to-day lives.  God places people around us who are hurting, struggling, in need and may be hiding their pain; and each presents an opportunity to pray and/or share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Often he quickens our hearts to speak, listen, or do something that we might not usually do as we're out and about.   


    But how easy it is to walk on by, look at our watch and think, "I have other matters to attend to," then move along.   


    It's also painfully easy to miss the opportunities altogether!  Our to-do lists, goals for the day, and personal tunnel vision often overtake our ability to be watchful for those out-of-place turtles (people), and we miss out on blessing someone or receiving the joy of praying, sharing, or caring for/with someone.   


    Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened."  But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.., - 1 Peter 3:13-15 


    I'm also reminded of Jesus' words in Matthew 6:19-21:  


    "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."   


    As you go about your life this week, ask God to show you turtles on a fencepost (opportunities to help/share/pray with others).  Then as He does, ask Him how He'd have you pray, share, or care for the individual He points out. 


    Will your heart race?  Possibly.  Will you be tempted to walk away or pray for God to send someone else? Probably.  But press into and lean on God to provide the words to pray.  Share your love of Jesus Christ as He provides opportunities.  He's placed us in positions to help others.  It's our role to follow through!   

    Jesus, thank you for perfectly loving us- to the point of taking all our sins to the cross and setting us free.  Help me to see others as you do and love them with your love. Have your way in and through me for your glory alone.  I yield to you.  In Jesus' name, Amen.



                                                       Rob Griepentrog


                                                       Executive Director,

                                                       OnSite International, Inc. 

    Serve in Jamaica


    On July 12th, OnSite will lead a team of students and adults to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with children and adults in Mango Valley, Jamaica.

    Last year, 28 people shared the gospel with hundreds of Jamaican children in Vacation Bible School, with youth during a soccer outreach, and one-to-one with adults.


    God provides many ministry opportunities each day in Jamaica- and many travelers return to the States ready to schedule their next Jamaica ministry visit.


    There's still time to register for this year's trip!  VisitJamaica 2014 for details, prices, and more.  You'll find a link to register at the bottom of that page.

    Hope you'll join us this year!


    Prayer for Marriages


    In early April, I had the privilege of taking part in a prayer room during Family Life's Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway Conference in Indianapolis, IN.  Over 1,050 attended the conference.


    Early in the weekend, God had many of us pray; asking Him to "make the truth known."


    God answered that prayer by bringing many to confess current or past infidelities with their spouse.  Many requested prayer for God to help them forgive their spouse despite the recent or fresh pain.


    By the end of the weekend, we heard from many couples that God met them where they were at.  God led many to forgive their spouse and look to Him to heal the wounds in their marriages.


    By the end of the weekend, at least 21 people indicated decisions to receive Jesus as Savior, and hundreds more invited the Holy Spirit to fill their hearts and lives.  We continue to pray for God's work in these marriages, plus in many others not represented at that conference.


    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,

    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International
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    Pray for OnSite


    This month, OnSite invites you to join us praying in the following ways:

    • That we'd never lose our First Love.
    • Thanksgiving for our latest prayer training- Oct. 4thin Franklin, IN! 
    • Opportunities to introduce many new people to praying on site. 
    • For the Lord to lead at least two more people to serve in Jamaica this July.
    • However else the Lord leads you to pray.


    Thank you for investing prayer into the ministry of OnSite International!


    Rob Griepentrog- Executive Director, OnSite International, Inc.

    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 

    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.

    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Don Cook- USAF Commander, Ret., Teacher in Noblesville, Indiana.
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
    Carmel, IN 46074

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    God Doing Immeasurably More!    

    Paul, in his prayer for the Ephesians, wrote, "For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.


    Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.-Ephesians 3:14-21


    Recently, during a time of prayer with area pastors and church leaders, the Lord burdened me to invite some of those in attendance to join me briefly afterward praying on site at two nearby churches.  A couple pastors joined me.


    Afterward, one pastor shared that by taking a little extra time to pray on site, the Lord had cleared a barrier in his heart that he didn't realize was there.  He didn't elaborate what that specifically was, but I rejoiced in knowing that God had done a special work that neither of us imagined He'd do, simply through our obedience to follow Him to pray on site at those two churches!


    I have to admit, that shortly before inviting the pastors to join me, some doubtful thoughts attempted to crowd out the Lord's prompting to invite. 


    "Rob, these are busy men.  You're the only one here truly interested in praying on site," and other thoughts attempted to discourage me from inviting the pastors to pray.


    Yet, the Lord had been recently teaching me to press through those "naysaying" thoughts and seek His greater work through obeying His promptings.  He proved again that He'll do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.


    I want to encourage you to press through any discouraging thoughts or imaginations that come your way following a time when the Lord instructs you to do or say something. By pressing through resistance; by the power the Lord gives you to do so, He'll bless your perseverance- and may likely do immeasurably more than you ever thought, asked, or imagined.  He's that good to us!

    Persevering in prayer,



    Rob Griepentrog

    Executive Director,  

    OnSite International, Inc. 


    OnSite Prayer Blog


    For over a year, OnSite has sent out near-weekly email encouragements and e-devotionals with a focus on prayer. Many report being challenged or encouraged by Scriptures or thoughts that have been shared within.


    If you've missed some, or deleted an old one you wish you could recover, there's good news.  OnSite's blog has recently been updated with the e-devotionals going back to when they first began going out!   


    Visit www.prayonsite.org/blog to read through the past, and latest, encouragements on prayer.



    Expanding Prayer Training Topics


    OnSite's prayer training topics continue to expand into new and different areas of focus!   


    Some of our newest training additions include: 


    How to Begin Praying for the Persecuted Church.


    Carrying Prayer Everywhere into your Community.


    What Do Prayer and Hell have to do with One Another?


    Starting a Personal Public Prayer Ministry.


    Growing your Relationship with Jesus through Prayer.


    And more!


    Contact Rob to schedule a training for yourself, your small group, church, or organization.



    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,

    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International
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    School Prayer Walks

    This month, OnSite invites you to join us in praying in the following ways:


    · That we'd never lose our First Love.


    · Praise God for the work He's doing through Christians despite persecution.


    · Pray for those attending upcoming OnSite prayer trainings in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Indiana.


    · Ask God about hosting an "Adding Value" training with your church or small group.


    · However else the Lord leads you to pray.


    Thank you for investing prayer into the ministry of OnSite International!


    Rob Griepentrog- Executive Director, OnSite International, Inc.

    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 

    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.

    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Don Cook- USAF Commander, Ret., Teacher in Noblesville, Indiana.
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
    Carmel, IN 46074

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    Church Grows Into Advocate for Persecuted Chrisitians     
    Never underestimate the impact God makes when His people pray and seek His face!

    One year ago, I spoke at a church retreat with a focus on supporting persecuted Christians in the world. The Journey Church, of Eagletown, Indiana felt a strong desire to learn more about Christians suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ, and then apply their new knowledge into practical support for them worldwide.


    "On the weekend of August 10-11 we took 38 people from our church... to study "Understanding the     Underground, Persecuted and Growing Church." We had a fabulous weekend of learning and inspiration. Led by our two speakers, Rob Griepentrog and Beth Copeland, we learned about the plight of so many believers around the world as they try to live as Christians in hostile countries." - Pastor Paul Albrecht


    I was able to share much about the struggles Christians face in an Islamic-controlled nation in Central Asia.   But what encouraged most church members were reports of many persecuted Christians fearlessly sharing their faith in Jesus with family members and even strangers- despite the risk of imprisonment, torture, or even death. The underground Church in that nation is growing at a rate never seen before!


    One year later, it brings me great joy to witness some of the ways God has moved and motivated members of that small church to engage overseas persecuted Christians, and even Christian refugees living near their community! They are regularly and actively gathering to pray for persecuted Christians. They're continuing to learn more about lives of persecuted Christians on a monthly basis. Many are developing personal relationships with persecuted Christians, financially helping struggling Christians worldwide, and more.


    Whether or not an American Christian receives opportunity to travel abroad, pray on site, meet needs, or serve in another capacity, we all have the ability to support our Christian siblings in prayer.  Let's remember to regularly do so!


    Many of us also have the means to financially assist missionaries and Christians living and serving in closed or difficult countries. And we all have the ability to learn more about how Christians live, and even grow, under conditions of persecution. We will do well to do so now; in case we ever find ourselves in similar conditions.


    "We feel a greater sense of kinship with these people who suffer for the name of Christ around the world."

    -Paul Albrecht, Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, Eagletown, Indiana



    I thank God for this opportunity to bring Him glory and to strengthen fellow Christians via OnSite's ministry to the persecuted Church.


                                                      Rob Griepentrog

                                                      Executive Director,
                                                      OnSite International, Inc.


    Adding Value to Your Relationship with God

    OnSite's newest prayer training coming to a church near you!


    OnSite is about to launch a new training titled, "Adding Value to Your Relationship with God."


    It's comprised of three parts:


    1. Adding value to your quiet time (time set apart personally with God).


    2. Discovering and using your God-given, unique, voice in connecting prayerfully with God.


    3. Adding value to corporate times of prayer with your friends, family, or church.


    Some Christians struggle to establish or maintain regular "quiet times" alone with God. One of the things this training accomplishes is modeling what 20 minutes of time alone with God can look like using familiar scripture like the 10 Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, or a psalm as a starting point. The training then gives attendees opportunity to have 20 minutes alone with God using those resources, or other Scriptures provided.


    Corporately, few Christians regularly gather with others to pray. The reasons are many, but this training seeks to help individuals discover ways to pray that match up with their personalities, strengths, and other God-given gifts. Out of that, we present ideas for joining others in prayer that are engaging, encouraging, and even fun!


    calendar for upcoming trainings in your area.  


    Contact Rob at robg@prayonsite.org to schedule a training with your church or small group in the near future.


    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
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    Praying for OnSite


    This month, OnSite invites you to join us in praying for the following:



    * That we'd never lose our First Love.


    Praise God for prayer ministries He's founded to equip others to pray confidently. 



    * Pray for God to strengthen His people in prayer throughout America.


    *  Ask God if He'd have you donate any non-cash items to further His ministry through OnSite. 


    However else the Lord leads you to pray.



    Thank you for investing prayer into the ministry of OnSite International!


    Rob Griepentrog- Director of Prayer Development with OnSite International, Inc.

    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 

    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.

    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Steve Harbaugh- President of Harbaugh & Associates Sales and Marketing
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
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    Taking a New Step in Prayer         
    The changes God makes within you will impact your life, family, church, community, and more!

    Recently, a quote by R.A. Torrey started me thinking and praying: 

    When the devil sees a man or woman who really believes in prayer, who knows how to pray, and who really does pray, and, above all, when he sees a whole church on its face before God in prayer, he trembles as much as he ever did, for he knows that his day in that church or community is at an end." - R.A. Torrey

    My heart swelled with anticipation; desiring to see active, praying Christians in their churches and communities; exalting God, and causing Satan's grip and influence to break as we pray. Yet, thinking back just 5-10 years ago; prayer wasn't something incredibly important to me. I mildly wanted to pray more, but I felt stuck; knowing little about prayer, and not knowing where or who to turn to who would help me grow or find joy in prayer.

    Then, God placed a new desire within me. One day, He prompted me to pray for a deepening relationship with Him, and a growing desire to know Him through prayer. I simply asked Him to do that.

    From that point on, He began introducing me to different ways and places to pray. I was introduced to prayer walking, prayer driving, praying alone, and praying with many. Soon, He grew within me a desire to equip, strengthen, and mobilize others to deepen their relationship with God, and pray wherever they go!

    That desire continues, but I haven't stopped learning or growing in knowledge or practice of prayer. Currently, God has me studying how to model prayer and train children to pray.   It's something I never imagined doing. 

    Yet, when I occasionally hear children pray with such power and uninhibited joy, I want others, young and old alike, to experience God and His power, joy, and love in deeper and deeper ways as they pray!


    Maybe prayer seems like a difficult or uninteresting thing for you. Maybe you feel stuck, or limited, in your ability to pray. Maybe you know of a friend or family member who struggles to pray, or wants to grow in prayer; yet doesn't seem to have someone to train them accordingly.

    I want to help you, and others you know, to grow in your desire for God and prayer.

    In early 2015, I'm meeting with individuals, couples, and small groups to hear how I can help them take the next steps in their prayer lives and relationship with God. I want to hear from you; meet with you, as well as help you draw nearer to the heart of God; growing in confidence as you pray.

    Contact me at 
    robg@prayonsite.orgI want to help you with your next steps with God in prayer!



                                                      Rob Griepentrog

    New Ways to Give to OnSite's Ministry!



    Your noncash items could represent thousands of dollars to our ministry - plus a garage you can park in, cleaned out drawers and no more monthly storage unit fees. We have a new online giving system that allows our ministry to process and liquidate almost any kind of quality noncash donation - effortlessly!


    We've made it very simple to donate non-cash items:


    1. Go to the giving page on our Website.


    2. Find the icon that matches your non-cash donation.


    3. Complete the online forms.


    4. You will receive an email with instructions for transferring the donation including shipping or pickup coordination information.


    5. After the transfer is made, you will receive a Gift In-Kind receipt for tax purposes. (Consult with your tax adviser if you have specific tax questions.)


    6. Come back often. After you have donated once, our website will 'remember' you, so you will only need to verify your email address - it really is that simple!


    You can give vehicles, gift cards, jewelry, precious metals, electronics, stock, commodities, inventory, and more!  


    Start your Spring cleaning early- and impact people for Christ by donating to OnSite today!


    Visit our website to consider your options! 

    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,

    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International


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    Did I Miss Something?



    If you were wondering, "Did I miss OnSite's February newsletter? 

    You're observant!  


    OnSite has had many good things happening behind the scenes so far in 2015.  So many so, that the February newsletter went unpublished.

    Lord willing, we'll share many of these good things and happenings in upcoming newsletters.


    Thank you for praying us; and please continue doing so as the Spirit leads!


    -Rob, and the Leadership of OnSite International, Inc.

    Rob Griepentrog- Director of Prayer Development with OnSite International, Inc.

    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel.

    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.

    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Steve Harbaugh- President of Harbaugh & Associates Sales and Marketing
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
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              Never too Cool for Christ          
    Steve with the four students he led to Christ in Wallingford, Jamaica.


     "We drove up to the church on the mountain top on what my Grandfather would have called a 'goat path'... Our team was going to meet the congregation and leadership of the little church where we would be leading the vacation Bible school through the week. It was an old traditional-looking church with wooden pews and open air windows with louvers - and beautiful smiling brothers and sisters in Christ welcoming us in their Jamaican dialect English."


    "The week started off with about sixty children, but would grow to about a hundred by Friday. Loud and chaotic would be a good description of the large group meetings at the beginning; with lots of singing and dancing, led by the older teens on our mission team. The younger kids and pre-teens were the most rambunctious; with the younger teens somewhat participating, and the older teens doing what they often do: trying to be cool, and hanging out in the back of the group; talking with each other. That was to be my group for the week: the cool teenagers... and even some who I guessed were nineteen to twenty-five years old. But, as teenagers often do, there was a group of the older ones who were often quite disruptive. But, by Thursday and Friday it seemed that they had gotten used to me and enjoyed poking fun at my green micro-fiber sweat rag that I always had close - the humidity and heat definitely took a toll on this Midwestern boy."


    "Friday was the last day that we would be at Wallingford, and I felt that God really wanted me to emphasize the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus... for each of them... today. So, that day, the focus was on Jesus' atoning sacrifice and the scriptures that told us what to do (i.e. John 3:16, Romans 8:1 and 10:9, 2 Cor5:17, etc.). I used the old illustration of the big present, wrapped up with a bow... a free gift.... waiting to be accepted... but never opened. The teens were asked "If you gave someone a gift like that, but they never opened it... did they ever accept it from you?" They all agreed, "No". As we were approaching the end of the morning, I asked them to bow their heads and pray with me. After praying, I asked if any one of them was willing to admit that they were sinners in need of the Savior, to repent of their sins, and to ask Jesus to be the Lord and Savior of their lives. Two hands went up... one male, one female. I went over and prayed with them. Praise the Lord! Then I asked the group if anyone else would like to accept Jesus' gift of salvation through Him... and two more hands went up, and we prayed."


    "God taught me a valuable lesson about sharing His love with patience and kindness... the four teenagers who raised their hands and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord: they were the most unruly, talking-all-the-time, too-cool-for-school young people in the whole group!   Praise the Lord Jesus for His loving kindness and mercy."     


    - Article by Steve Harbaugh; OnSite International Board Member and Jamaica Mission Leader.



    Learn more about OnSite's 2015 Jamaica Mission this July and how you, or someone you know, can become involved!  

    Prayer Points



     I request your prayers this month in the following areas:


    On April 6th, I'll be traveling to a country where it's difficult to share the gospel. It's a Central-Asian nation that is experiencing a great number of people receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior. Yet, it is also a nation very resistant to Christian faith; especially amongst people within their borders. As my team members (three of us total) and I pray on site throughout the nation, please pray:

    • For our eyes, ears, and hearts to be quickened by the Holy Spirit so that we can pray well while we're inside of the country (we return April 15th).

    • Divine appointments and spiritual conversations with people we know, and also with new people we'll meet.
    • Christ would be continually glorified in, and through, our team members.

    •  However else the Holy Spirit leads you to pray.




    • Please pray about joining our Jamaican mission team, traveling July 11-18, 2015 to Mango Valley, and Wallingford (mentioned in Steve's report, above), Jamaica.  
    • Pray about others the Lord might have you tell about the trip as well!
    • Lastly, pray that God would grow our Jamaican mission team to 20+ people (ages 15 and up) this summer.


    Thank you!





    Rob Griepentrog

    Director of Prayer Development  

    with OnSite International, Inc.


    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,

    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International

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    Travel Overseas with OnSite in 2014!

    Join us in Mango Valley, Jamaica as we lead VBS, construction, sports camps, and more!
    Mark your calendars for
    July 12-19, 2014.
    We accept applications from ages 15 and up.
    Contact Rob with additional questions at: 
    It's the perfect mission trip for first-time and experienced mission travelers of all ages 15 and up!  Sign up today!

    Rob Griepentrog- Executive Director, OnSite International, Inc.
    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel. 
    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.
    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Don Cook- USAF Commander, Ret., Teacher in Noblesville, Indiana.
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    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
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    Equipping Others to Pray   

    Prayer is a personal matter for each and every Christian. Some find they pray most easily when they pray silently. Others like to pray aloud.  Some like to walk and pray. Others prefer to be still in solemn silence.  Some like to change up the ways they pray from day-to-day.

    No matter one's favorite style of prayer, we've all learned one or more ways to pray.  We also have capacity to grow in prayer as we learn additional ways to pray from others.

    Some of my favorite things within the ministry of OnSite International include expanding my understanding of prayer, growing closer to the heart of God in relationship through prayer, and equipping others to better do so as well!

    This month, I'm leading a four-week prayer training at River Oaks Community Church in Westfield,  Indiana.  The first week focused on attributes of God and why it's important for Christians to regularly consider (even daily) His attributes.  The second week looked at the importance of worshiping God in prayer, plus a model for how to do so in Scripture (we used Psalm 99 as our model).  Weeks three and four will look at the Holy Spirit as He helps us to pray, plus how to carry prayer everywhere we go.

    God is inexhaustible in His infinite wisdom, truth, might, power, love, grace, knowledge, and more!  While some might find teaching about God and prayer to be exhausting, I find it incredibly life-giving!  There are always new things to learn about Him and about prayer. Sometimes, while teaching, I feel like I'm the one learning the most in the process!  
    I love the thrill of the search!


    It's my prayer that God will increase the thrill, thirst, and hunger for Him and for prayer throughout our land- one heart, church, and community at a time.  I hope you'll join me in praying similarly.



    Some additional ways I request your prayers this month include:

    *   That I'd never lose my First Love.

    *   Continued and increased hunger for God through His Word, prayer, and relationships with others.

    *   Opportunities to encourage and equip others in personal prayer and prayer trainings.

    *   God's favor in all that He'd have me learn, experience, and do for His glory.

    Thank you for praying for the Lord's work through OnSite International!



                                                       Rob Griepentrog


                                                       Executive Director,

                                                       OnSite International, Inc. 

    Prayer in Your Area
    Prayer Walk Map- Garfield Park
    Neighborhood prayer walk routes.


    Beginning in March, as temperatures warm and the snow melts away, OnSite will begin leading prayer walks through neighborhoods in Central Indiana communities.   


    We all know there are people in our neighborhoods who don't know the Lord.


    What better way to begin to reach out to them than by seeking the Lord in prayer through our neighborhoods?

    God desires that none would be lost.  By seeking Him in prayer with the help of other Christians within our communities, God will begin opening new conversations and relationships; bringing salvation, neighborhood Bible studies and more as He draws hearts through answered prayer!

    Contact Rob at 
    robg@prayonsite.org to schedule a time to prayer walk through your neighborhood.



    Upcoming Prayer Seminar


    On March 15th, Rob will present a workshop at the Midwest Regional Prayer Conference in Centerville, Indiana.  

     "Carrying Prayer Everywhere" will be his topic of focus.


    Church Prayer Leaders Network President, Jonathan Graf, and America's National Prayer Committee Chair, David Butts will be Keynoting the conference.


    For more information, and to register, go to: www.prayerleader.com and scroll over "Events" at the top of the page.

    Schedule a Prayer Training


    How may I deepen my relationship with God through prayer?  How does the Holy Spirit help me to pray?  What's the best way to pray when I receive a serious prayer request?


    OnSite answers these questions, and many more, during our prayer trainings and workshops.


    Whether you're considering a short, weekly study with your small group, a one-day church-wide training, or a seminar in another format, OnSite wants to help you, and those around you, grow in confidence in prayer! 


    Contact Rob to schedule a prayer training, seminar, or workshop today!

    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,
    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International
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    Giving Tangible Goods to OnSite



    Giving Made Easy!


    OnSite welcomes your gifts to further our ministry in Jesus Christ!

    While we still accept monetary donations, our partnership with iDonate allows us to receive non- cash donations that help our ministry reach even further.


    Whether you're parting with an automobile, boat, unused gift cards, jewelry, or other items of value, OnSite can receive their value when given toward our ministry.


    Visit our Giving Page to give and explore what other items can be accepted!

    Thank you for supporting the Lord's work through OnSite International, Inc.





    Rob Griepentrog- Director of Prayer Development with OnSite International, Inc.
    Board of Directors:
    Woody Cumbie- Lead Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Carmel.
    Mike Yost- Executive Director of Marketing at Indiana University Health.
    Lawrence "Skip" Eastman- President of Twinlode Corporation. 

    Steve Harbaugh- President of Harbaugh & Associates Sales and Marketing.
    9434075f-8256-4956-8054-cf6f70d550c4.jpgOnSite International,Inc.
    13351 Golden Gate Dr. West
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              Our Revival            
    Rob, with Ruth, Isaac, and Karissa.
    Ruth and I celebrated a beautiful wedding on July 4th. It was a memorable day filled with prayer, family, friends, and a lot of music! For me, one of the highlights was a time of prayer with 30+ friends and family members an hour before the ceremony. As I walked into the room, and scanned the faces of all who had arrived an hour early to pray, I was overcome with emotion and couldn't utter a word! For 30 minutes, friends and family members prayed over our family (Isaac and Karissa joined us about half-way through). It reminded me that everything about our relationships and family is centered on prayer. What a tremendous blessing!

    For much of this year, Ruth and I have been experiencing personal Revival. The Lord is stirring us to repent from attitudes towards ourselves and others that are unpleasing to Him. He's drawing us into individual and corporate times of prayer where we worship, thank and praise Him, and then plead for the souls of lost friends, loved ones, and strangers often by name. We've experienced refreshing times of prayer where God's presence has seemed preciously close (closer than we're used to). And we've begun experiencing the joy of personally sharing our faith in Jesus with friends and strangers alike, often beginning the conversation by asking how we may pray for someone.

    Isaac and Karissa are also experiencing Revival in their lives! Ruth and I have begun watching and hearing Karissa grow in boldness and confidence in prayer as we pray together before bedtimes. Isaac and Karissa have frequently joined us, and other Christians, as we've gone out in teams of 3-4 people, offering to pray with/for people around our community. Isaac has sometimes instructed us, or others, towards specific people to pray with when we've been around the community! Recently, a conversation prompted by Isaac led to two of our neighbors accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior!

    Earlier this week, Ruth recounted six individuals the Lord has brought to faith within the last 2-3 weeks. Some are friends the Lord has had us praying for. Others are strangers we've encountered while going around the community praying for/with others. But no matter the background, prayer has been a key component in the salvation of each soul.
    Revival has been a personal, and daily matter that we pray about.  Our lives and personal relationships with God, and others, are vastly different than they were even just a few weeks ago (while our wedding has been wonderful, it wasn't the cause of our Revival)!  Without God's Spirit filling and guiding us in our decisions, prayers, and more, we quickly notice how far we fall short.  

    We pray that you also may experience daily Revival in, and through, our Lord Jesus Christ!

    A Family Touched by Jesus
    The revival experienced by our family personally has had some exciting ripple effects. We regularly pray for our friends who have yet to know the Lord, that the Lord would draw them into a personal relationship with Himself.

    One of these individuals is Aidan. Our children have been friends with 11-year-old Aidan for two years and our family has regularly prayed for him to come to know the Lord. After over two months of spiritual searching, and attending church with our family nearly every week, Aidan prayed that God would answer his questions. He did! One night, Aidan had a vision of the Lord and he woke up the next morning convinced of the reality of God, and ready to enter into a personal relationship of trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

    Aidan knew that baptism was an important next step to take in professing his new faith in Christ. After we spoke with his mother, it was decided that he would be baptized at our church the following week. He also expressed that he wanted either Ruth or me to baptize him, something that brought us great joy!

    When that Sunday arrived, Aidan eagerly hopped into the baptismal. With his profession of faith, and the church and his extended family looking on, I baptized him in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    Afterwards, we asked if anyone else watching desired to be baptized. A little hand shot upwards. Emma, Aidan's 7 year-old sister, wanted to be baptized too! Ruth stooped down next to Emma and asked her if she had understood the verses that Aidan had shared in his story about trusting Christ. She said no. Ruth asked Emma if she wanted her to explain it. She said yes. 

    After explaining the plan of salvation in simple terms that a child could easily understand, Ruth asked Emma if she wanted to pray to receive Christ. Immediately Emma dropped to her knees right there on the sidewalk and prayed a simple prayer of salvation, while all her family and congregation quietly looked on. It was a powerful moment. After she finished praying, and with Aidan still in the baptismal, Emma climbed in to be baptized. I had the privilege of coaching Aidan as he baptized his little sister (pictured above).

    While baptism isn't child's play, that day many witnessed how God established a beachhead within a family, and then immediately expanded His influence therein. God often works through people (even children) that others might overlook. 

    I am thankful to serve our God, who goes beyond answering our prayers to accomplish even greater, glorifying works. I praise Him for Aidan and Emma!

    Rob Griepentrog
    Director of Prayer Development  
    with OnSite International, Inc.

    If we can join you in prayer or praise, 
    please let us know.
    In His grip,
    Rob Griepentrog and the  
    Leadership of  
    OnSite International
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