North Korea

Praying for a Dictator 

Asking God to silence Kim Jong-Um

by Greg Asimakoupoulos
June 2, 2017 

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Praying for a Dictator

There's a madman in Korea
who has missiles on his mind.
Kim Jong-Um (it seems) is bent on making war.
He's convinced our nation's evil
and deserves to be destroyed.
What he hopes to do would end in global horror.

Though he's capable, he's crazy.
He's shortsighted and he's cruel.
He is heartless with the morals of a frog.
We must stop him and disarm him
lest he reach his stated goal
and wreak havoc in a country blessed by God.

Wipe that smile from his face, Lord.
Help this young dictator find
that he's playing with much more than simply fire.
May the grownups that advise him
hold him hostage with the truth
that his brainless acts will trigger worldwide ire.

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  • North Korea has topped the World Watch List as the nation that most heavily persecutes Christians for something like 13 years now.  Literally tens of thousands of Christians are in labor camps; paradoxically, if they're caught trying to leave the country (that doesn't want them), they are either executed or imprisoned.  Who thought 20 years ago that we'd read of stories of Christians trying to escape INTO China?!?

    This is a nation of darkness - literal darkness if you look at satellite photos at night, but much more than that, spiritual darkness.  Only the light of God's Word can possibly break through that darkness.

    I pray regularly for a Nebuchadnezzar-like experience for Kim Jong Un - for God to humble him in ways that he can't ignore, and so change his path and the path of this rogue nation.

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