NEWSLETTER: Tandem Prayer present the new 100-Day Prayer Journey!

“The Tandem Prayer Journey is the most exciting thing we have ever done,” said Kaye Johns, co-founder.
The 100-Day Prayer Journey includes a series of 100 video messages on prayer. We will share key principles of prayer—one small bite at a time. This journey is perfect for those who want to grow and desire engaging, short content on prayer that is Biblical and practical. Our guide, Kaye Johns, makes the journey fun and personal by giving examples from her own life that are transparent and relevant.
Along this journey, participants will be encouraged to grow and strengthen their personal relationship with God, or to begin. They will also learn how to pray more effectively for themselves and others.
Those who register will receive one email message a day. Audio podcasts will also be available.
We hope that you will want to take this amazing journey with us!
Be one of the first to take the journey!
Stay tuned on how you can sign up June 1st...
More Exciting News: A Brand New Tandem Prayer App is coming soon! |
The Tandem Prayer App will have new, easy-to-access, prayer content. It will include the 100-Day Prayer Journey along with other features like special topics and scripture prayers to help people to pray. We can't wait to offer this to you!
Join us in praying that God will draw thousands of people to this journey, to strengthen their prayer lives and deepen their personal relationship with Him! |
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