NEWSLETTER: Prayerful Dependance


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My Thoughts on Prayerful Dependence on God

By Chuck Lawless on Aug 24, 2022 01:00 am

Forgive the personal plug, but these words from my book, The Potential and Power of Prayer, really do reflect my heart–and my personal struggle. Maybe it’s your struggle as well:

“Prayerful dependence on God—both for churches and individuals—is not our default setting. Individually and corporately, we may start out leaning on God, but then retreat into self-dependence and only perfunctory prayer. We may mask our prayerlessness with busyness for God, but unless we halt it early, spiritual decline sets in.”

Chuck Lawless, The Potential and Power of Prayer: How to Unleash the Praying Church (Church Answers Resources) (p. 11). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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