Let’s pray NOW for Samoa.
The Pacific island nation is a country known for its:
- Peace
- Tropical beauty
- Strong Christian legacy
However, this nation also struggles with poverty and spiritual nominalism.
And now, Samoans face uncharted Covid-19 territory.
Samoa recently recorded their first community transmission of Covid-19 cases. Lockdowns began last weekend.
The island of Samoa has been Christian for over a century. The national motto states, “Samoa is founded on God.” Every village has at least one church where community life takes place.
While we celebrate the faith of many in this land, we lift up their struggles with poverty and health.
Let’s pray that they trust wholly in Jesus as their healer and provider.
May NOW be the moment God uses to draw hearts across Samoa even deeper to His Son!
Together let's watch and pray,
The Prayercast Team
Ramadan starts next Saturday
Jesus loved humanity so much that He came to the earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, gave his own life as the sacrifice for our sins, and then rose from the grave!
Yet 1.8 billion Muslims live without knowing and believing this Good News.
Did you know God is drawing more Muslims to Himself than ever before? And you can be a part of it!
The Muslim holy month of Ramadan starts at sundown on Saturday, April 2. Muslims will fast and intentionally seek Allah for 30 days. These days present unique opportunities for them to encounter Jesus!
We CHALLENGE you to join Prayercast in praying specifically for Muslims during these significant days. This year, we will pray through societal and personal issues Muslims face, as well as praying for some specific regions of the world and unreached people groups.
Praying together will...
- change the eternal lives of Muslims.
- change the world.
- and change YOU.
So, here's what we're inviting you to do...
As you watch and pray with this week’s powerful video, ask God to show you HIS heart for 1.8 billion Muslims that He loves and died to save.
Sign up for the Ramadan Challenge and you will receive a Prayercast video every day of Ramadan. In each video a former Muslim will lead you in prayer for specific and urgent topics related to the Muslim world.
Don't do it alone! Because when God's people pray, HE MOVES. And when God's people pray, HEARTS CHANGE
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