NEWSLETTER ~ International Prayer Connections: Events + Resources

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NEWSLETTER ~ International Prayer Connections: Events + Resources
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 IPC CONNECTIONS: A Monthly Journal to Guide Intercession for Our World
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As we reflect on 2022, we have SO much to be thankful for! 
We have seen astounding growth in the prayer and missions movements this last year! 
This spring, 300 Children Houses of Prayer came together to cover the families and children of China in 100,000 hours of prayer over a period of 31 days! 
We launched prayer walking teams who prayed onsite with insight across 90 of the 110 most unreached cities in the world this last year, asking for Jesus to be exalted as King over the peoples of these cities!  
18 of the most unreached cities in India were prayer-walked by hundreds of churches in October of 2022 - they are now continuing in 24/7 prayer every month! As teams prayer-walked these cities in partnership with some of the largest house church movements in the world, 570,000 house churches were planted since January 2022, including over 8 million new Jesus followers
Read more about our vision in our opening article entitled ‘Prayer is Rising’ along with a personal invitation from Dr Jason Hubbard to partner with IPC by sowing in with a donation. Also, do save and read Jason’s inspiring and challenging companion Editorial article entitled ‘Decade of Harvest’.
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Launch of 110 Cities – 2023: 4 Global Days
On Dec 5-6th, we gathered with key leaders at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City to make covenant together with 110 million people of prayer around the world, committing to pray on 4 global Days of Prayer in 2023! Watch the event!
It is truly a catalytic moment in the history of the Church, as multitudes of believers are commiting to pray on these 4 Global Days of Prayer this next year.
We invite you and your networks! - to join us as we pray for the exaltation of Jesus Christ in the nations, Psalm 110 and for a burgeoning of Gospel movements in these 110 most unreached cities in the world. Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 9:37-38. We will pray globally on Pentecost Sunday for the Salvation of all Israel, Isaiah 62:1-7 Romans 9-11. Read more about the 4 Global Prayer Days
As we joyfully celebrate the birth of our Saviour, we wish you and your families a blessed and peaceful Christmas and New Year.
Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect
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Prayer is Rising in the Nations! – Update on IPC’s Vision and an invitation to sow in with a donation. This last year marked the 20yr anniversary of International Prayer Connect (IPC)!
Decade of Harvest – the Convergence of Gospel and Prayer Movements
This year marks 300 years since the founding of the Moravian community in Herrnhut, Germany. Back in 1722...
Prayers for the World
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At the start of December, Reuters estimated the impact of the war in Ukraine as follows:
At least 41,295 people
Non-fatal injuries
Prayer News and Events
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During 2023, millions of believers around the world will be committing to ‘Pray Together’ for gospel movements in the Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu nations.
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Jesus is the ultimate man of prayer! Like the disciples, we will come and ask the Lord Jesus, “teach us to pray” at this course starting on January 5, 2023! – Led by Dr Jason Hubbard.
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110 Cities Prayer
21 Days Buddhist World Prayer – Prayer Guide
Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room
Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App
WPA 2.0 Replays
Last Quarter Evangelism - Oct 1 to Dec 31
Revive Europe – 28 Dec – 2 Jan
Jesus and Prayer (Free Online Course) Comm Jan 5
1st Friday - GO PRAY – Jan 6th 2023
IHOPKC Immerse Jan 23-27
Africa Regional Prayer Conference
Jan 31st – Feb 4th
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The Moravians changed the world
By God’s grace, we will too.
The prayers of humble believers change the course of history. A band of ragtag worshippers discovered this truth in 18th-century rural Germany, launching a 100-year prayer meeting that birthed the modern missionary movement. Often overlooked, the story of the Moravians comes to life in this incisive, devotional account. Moravian Miracle will fix your gaze on the glorious, conquering Lamb who is now gathering his church for one final prayer-saturated harvest of souls. Moravian Miracle is written by Dr Jason Hubbard - Director of International Prayer Connect.
“Fascinating and deeply motivating.”
- Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life
“A true gift to the global body of Christ.”
- Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer
Price: US$12 | AU$18 + Postage
See Amazon for local pricing
Non-Amazon Country Orders...
If Moravian Miracle isn’t available to your country from Amazon, Click here to add your info to our list, and we will be in contact with you as soon as Moravian Miracle is available in your nation!
More info, order links, videos and resources at
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Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements using Disciple Keys!
Across each week of the year, we are taking you on an inspiring and challenging worldwide journey of discovery as you are introduced to many of the people groups
who have not yet heard the Gospel message. They represent billions of people.
Disciple Keys is ideal for use at home, in church, school, college or within a prayer or mission organization. It has been written and published by 24:14 Coalition and Finishing the Task along with several other partner organizations.
Disciple Keys is available online, as a PDF download, Podcast, e-book and hard/soft cover printed copy
Be equipped, with keys to be a disciple maker!
Download, Listen, Find out more at
Our Vision:
‘Exalting Jesus, catalysing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.'
How We Operate:
The IPC is not an organization as such. We are a fellowship of people involved in mobilizing prayer throughout the world. We function as an international "network of networks", connecting international, regional, and national prayer ministries and networks. We also arrange or support special prayer initiatives that bring prayer leaders together from time to time to pray for matters of regional and global concern to the Body of Christ. Regional prayer summits have been arranged or supported by the IPC in most regions of the world as well as international prayer initiatives for the United Nations, Hollywood, and other issues.
The IPC is led by an international leadership team, now called the International Prayer Council, is composed of twenty leaders who coordinate regional prayer networks or international prayer initiatives of various kinds. We seek to be catalysts and connectors within the global prayer movement towards the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14- that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
We do not have an official membership but connect with individuals and networks through IPC Connections, a periodical newsletter distributed via e-mail to give prayer information to interested people. Please share this newsletter with prayer coordinators, prayer network leaders, and others who have an interest in the global prayer movement so that they can be informed about different prayer initiatives, existing prayer networks, and how to participate in them.
Please use this link if you would like to sow in to our ministry with a donation


International Prayer Connect | 313 E Wiser Lake RoadLynden, WA 98264


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    Dear Phil,
    May we wish you a blessed, healthy and Happy New Year - 2023!
    Please would you help us by sharing this special global invitation with your networks and contacts!
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    Join us for 24 Hours of Worldwide Prayer for the Buddhist World this weekend!
    Millions of Christians around the world will be praying on the Lunar / Chinese New Year this weekend - for the people of China and the Buddhist World!
    Join us when you can on January 22nd 2023 – Starting at 1:00am (Beijing UTC+8)
    Jan 21, 12:00 New York (UTC-5) | Jan 21, 19:00 Jerusalem (UTC+2) 
    Jan 22, 04:00 Sydney (UTC+11) | Jan 22, Seoul (UTC+9)
    Join many believers from churches and Christian ministries around the globe as we come together online for a 24-hour prayer meeting covering key cities and regions of the Buddhist world.
    This will be an opportunity to pray together, exalting Jesus Christ as King throughout the Buddhist world, asking the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to every unreached people group in these cities and nations!
    Chinese New Year is a special time for families to gather and we want to pray especially for them!
    Do join us for an hour (or more) of this 24 hours - to pray for Gospel movements throughout the Buddhist world and China!
    This huge, unique gathering marks the culmination of 21 days of united worldwide prayer for the Buddhist world.
    Please click the link below to join the Zoom Room for the Global Day of Prayer for the Buddhist World for free!
    Download, print and share the 24 hours Prayer Flier! - it includes the Country Focus for each of the 24 Hours.
    Explore the interactive Schedule online. Watch the 110 Cities video!
    More info and join us at
    We hope you are able to be with us, no matter how long, as we pray for the people of China and the Buddhist world.
    Until all have heard!
    Every blessing,
    Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
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