10487006481?profile=RESIZE_584xNEWSLETTER - International Prayer Connect

World Prayer Assembly 2 – May 17th-19th 2022 | FREE
An invitation from our Co-Chairpersons… Pastor Daniel Pandji and Dr Jason Hubbard
On behalf of International Prayer ConnectMY Home Indonesia and many international partners, we would like to invite you to join us for a very important and significant worldwide event taking place this May called the World Prayer Assembly 2 (WPA 2.0). 
Many thousands of Christians from worldwide Churches and Prayer and Mission organizations will be taking part in this unique, 10-yearly gathering, and we really want you to have the opportunity to join them! So the event is being offered completely free of charge and you can take part from home, over the internet.
Here’s a little more about the story of WPA 2.0…
The World Prayer Assembly in 2012 released a ‘New Wave’ - connecting prayer, and missions movements worldwide to fill the earth with the knowledge of God’s glory (Hab. 2:14). And now, our vision is that WPA 2.0 will continue to unite the Body of Christ to build upon this foundation in prayer and work together to bring the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus to all the world’s peoples and cities before He returns (Matthew 24:14).
Will you join us?!
WPA 2.0 will gather online May 17-19th. it’s our vision to catalyze united prayer across nations, denominations, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. We will join together online in united prayer as God’s Global Family, through our hosts, broadcasting and connecting us all from Indonesia. 
Daily Plenary Prayer Celebrations - We will come together each day at 7pm Jakarta time for Prayer Celebrations focused on 3 primary areas of prayer, missions and the generations! We will learn from Indonesia the first night, we will focus on the nations the second night and we will focus on the generations the 3rd night, led by young people! 
12 Regional Prayer Assemblies - Across each of the 3 days, we will hear from key leaders in 12 different regions of the world. We will discover how we can pray with them in agreement with what God is doing in their parts of the world! 
During both the Regional gatherings and the daily plenary Prayer Celebrations, I believe God will lead us in two directions … first
“Looking Up” - experiencing times of Spirit-led, Christ-exalting worship and praise, as Behold the Lord together, we will humble ourselves, repent of our sins and turn back to God… together we will return to our First Love the Lord Jesus… We will pray together for Jesus Christ to be exalted in the nations, we will come together as God’s global family because of the Absolute Worth of Jesus, He is Worthy, he is all deserving of all of our worship, and all of our obedience. 
We will pray for a global Christ – awakening in the church, after these 2yrs of COVID, we will ask for the Spirit of God to release a trumpet call of awakening, where the Holy Spirit will use the Word of God to re-awaken God’s people back to God’s son for all that he is!
“Looking Forward” - collaborating together in prayer, missions and generations to see gospel movements launched in the remaining unreached people groups of the world. 
We will ask the question together, ‘What’s it going to take to finish the Great Commission?
How do we finish the task? We have to mobilize for a Bible, a believer, and a body of Christ within everybody's distance. Everybody needs to know somebody who's a Christian. Everybody needs to have access to scripture.
Everybody needs to have a church that they can get to.
In the next 365 days, 74 million people will die in the world, and most of them will go into eternity without Christ. We need to see every believer be a witness... everyone can reach someone and together we can reach the world for Christ! But this won’t happen with a massive tsunami of breakthrough prayer raised up in the nations!
110 Cities…
As we look forward into this next decade, coming out of WPA 2.0 we want to raise up a global canopy of united, strategic and sustainable prayer for 110 unreached cities of the world. 98 percent of the remaining unreached peoples are found in these cities. We are asking God to raise up 110 million people to pray 15 minutes a day for these 110 cities, praying for a Bible, A believer and a body of Christ to be established in each one of them... 
The largest house churches right now in the world are training and sending workers to these cities to plant churches and make disciples. They are Ripe for the Harvest! As Jesus said in Luke 10:2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” 
The context of these verses shows us that Jesus was going from city to city preaching the gospel of the kingdom and now he is sending his disciples to follow him going city to city, village to village.
So during this World Prayer Assembly 2.0 we will ask the Lord of the Harvest to hurl forth laborers to reach these 110 cities for Christ to finish the task of the Great Commission in our generation!
Together as ONE, We will look up and we look forward all for His Glory, for our Joy and for the salvation of the peoples of the earth! Amen and Amen!
Please join us! We look forward to meeting you.
Every blessing
Dr Jason Hubbard – Co-Chair
Daniel Pandji – Co-Chair
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International Prayer Connect | P.O. Box 6477Glendale, AZ 85312


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