Dear Discipleship First Friends,
Justin Gravitt is the Dayton (Ohio) Area Director for Navigator Church Ministries.  In his role, Justin helps pastors and church leaders make disciples with the ultimate goal of growing intentional disciple making cultures within the local church.  In today’s guest post, Justin gets real about how our obedience can and should grow and develop.

5 Levels of Obedience Tool

“Justin, sit down!”
Enraged, I stood for a few beats more.
Then I sat down.
Sort of.
My eyes glared at my supervisor. He was forty years my senior. But it didn’t matter to me. All I could see was his sin (my immaturity blinded me to mine).
So, I kept standing, on the inside.

As disciples we often relate to God the way I related to my supervisor. We obey on the outside and disobey on the inside.
Biblical obedience demands more of us. The truth is, that day every part of me should have been sitting. But, like many young disciples, I struggled with obedience before both God and man. I vividly remember wrestling with the disparity between my outer behavior and my inner reality. I felt like a “white-washed tomb,” holy on the outside, but rebellious and disobedient on the inside.
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