NEWSLETTER: Prayer Assist

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Effective Corporate or Group Prayer reveals God's plans, purposes, and ways in a manner that we cannot experience praying alone.
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Corporate Prayer:  According to Pastor John Franklin’s research, “When Jesus taught on prayer, 33 out of 37 times He did so in the plural.”  Examples of corporate prayer: Acts 1:14, 1:24, 2:42, 3:1, 4:23-31.

Taken from “And the Place was Shaken”  John Franklin, 2005 Broadman and Holman Publishers, Nashville, TN

We seek to restore Effective Corporate Prayer to the Body of Christ
Effective Corporate Prayer has 2 parts

1. Effective Corporate Prayer Leading

2. Effective Corporate Prayer Participation

I can e-mail you the handouts for these 2 sessions.  Reply to this e-mail to request them.
Effective Corporate Prayer Leading
Goal:  To lead the group to seek the Lord together.  ("You will seek me and find me  when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13)

Corporate Prayer is:

leadership driven,
- focused on prayer topics,
- in an atmosphere where all can participate.  
Effective prayer leading is learned.
The Prayer Leader’s Role

○ Lead prayer with sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
○ Keep prayer focused on promises from God’s Word and God’s character.  
○ Keep prayer time focused on the selected topics and purposes
○ Manage flow of prayer time.  (Directing prayer meeting elements, transitioning prayer topics, calling on individuals to pray, allowing silence.
○ Help group gain insights from the time of prayer.

 “Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 AMP
1. Prayer of Agreement: We are looking for God to confirm what He is speaking or what we are hearing by using the “2 or 3 witnesses” principle from Deuteronomy 19:15b, “…on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed.

“As the instruments of a great concert under the direction of a concert master, so the Holy Spirit blends together the lives of members of Christ's church.” (Greek Lexicon)
2. The Harmony of Praying Together: “The moment we unite in prayer we become a symphony. As such we blend together in unity respecting the fact that we represent all of Christ’s body.”  Dick Eastman, Every Home for Christ
Corporate Prayer Characteristics that Prayer Leaders Manage

▪ Focus on the welfare of the whole        
▪ Inclusive – all are included and needed
▪ Representative – each supports the whole   
▪ Harmonious – positive blending together
▪ Relational – connected to God and His promises and each other in the Body of Christ        
▪ Collective - working together for good of whole

Areas of growth for Prayer Leaders

▪ Learn to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading
▪ Learn to trust/depend on others  
▪ Lead the group to pray together
▪ Learn to skillfully/tactfully direct prayers of others
 Effective Corporate Prayer Guidelines

Introduction and Overview
Key Results of Prayer: 
1. Intimacy: Drawing Near to God 
2. Revelation:  God revealing Himself to Us

A. We enjoy the privilege of prayer because of our relationship with Christ as his children. (Romans 8:15-17, John 17:3, Philippians 3:10, Hebrews 11:6)

B. Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit are involved when we pray. (Matthew 7:11, Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:26-27)

C. We pray according to the promises in God’s Word. John 15:7, Isaiah 55:11

D. We pray according to God’s will, in Jesus’ name and authority, with all prayer and perseverance. I John 5:14-15, John 14:13-14, Ephesians 6:18, Luke 18:1


1. Leadership - A prayer group is most effective with a designated leader.  This allows the leader to plan and facilitate the prayer time and allows others to participate well in the group prayer process.

The Harmony of Praying Together
“The moment we unite in prayer we become a symphony. As such we blend together in unity respecting the fact that we represent all of Christ’s body.”  Dick Eastman

Corporate Prayer Activities – Praying and Listening

Praying to God

1. Inquire/Ask:  For some needs we simply ask for what is needed      2 Samuel 5: 19, 23  Psalm 2:8, 27:4

2. Seek: When we don’t know, we seek God for answers  Matthew 7:7, Isaiah 55:6-9

3. Knock: Sometimes we persist in prayer to receive God’s answers   Matt 7:7, Luke 18:1, 5-8

4. Intercede: We claim God’s promises in prayer related to people and situations.  We agree in prayer with God toward His purposes.

Intercession definition: Earnest, urgent, and bold appeals for divine action. Standing before God and between a God and others.      James 5:16

Listening to God and Each Other

1. Listen: Listen to the Lord for what to pray, listen to each other as we pray, listen to the Holy Spirit’s response to our prayers Psalm 81:8-14
2. Hear: Hear the Holy Spirit’s response to our prayers. What themes is the Holy Spirit highlighting?

Test: Is what I hear consistent with God’s Word and Character? Does it enhance my relationship with God and His people?    John 10:27, James 1:19, Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 29. 3:6, 13, 22
3. Obey/Be prepared to act: Be ready to do what God reveals to us when we pray. Be available to God to be an answer to our own prayers.  Watch expectantly for God to reveal His answers. John 10:27, Phil 2:13, James 1:22-25

Corporate Prayer Participation Guidelines - Use spiritual “brainstorming” approach

1. Follow the leader. Focus on current topic.
2. Pray together as team, not as individuals
3. Vital prayer focus: God’s word and character       
4. Pray with humility. We can always pray for the Lord to reveal "truth,"  "wisdom," "insight," or about the topic we are praying about.
5. Pray briefly enough so that all can participate.
6. Pray loudly enough so all can hear, agree and be edified

After prayer, reflect:                       
○  How do we respond to what God revealed during corporate prayer meeting? 
○ What promises do we expect God to fulfill because we prayed?

(c) Thomas Bush, 2022 Prayer Assist Ministries,
This important message was made available to you through the ministry of Prayer Assist.  Prayer Assist consults with and equips pastors, leaders and faith-based organizations to produce more prayer-energized disciples and ministries.
Your tax-deductible financial investments allows Prayer Assist to serve more and more people.  

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Mail a check payable to "Prayer Assist” to Thomas Bush,
Prayer Assist, 4755 71st St, La Mesa, CA  91942
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