From John Robb:

Dear Friends,

During my recent Asian trip with visits to Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia, I was able to speak about the situation in North Korea and ask hundreds of intercessors to give it their focus. We have all been deeply moved by the plight of the North Koreans and have been praying ourhearts out. I hope that you as well have been able to lift the horrific situation there to the Lord. Many including myself believe His deliverance is coming as we join in the battle for this land through persevering intercession!  Please continue to pray for the following:

1.   Liberation and reunification of the whole Korean peninsula

2.   China’s allowing hungry refugees from North Korea to seek refuge and also to pressure the North Korean regime to giveup its awful human rights violations and persecution of Christians

3.   Relief from the current famine for the people of North Korea and especially the children

4.   Release of one American human rights activist, Aijalon Gomes, and a South Korean Free North Korea Radio employee, Lee Peong Peong, from their captivity by the North Korean authorities and that Governor Bill Richardson or another US official acceptable to the North Koreans will be able to negotiate for the release of these two men.


A very different prayer concern from Malaysia is from a Christian business/marketplace group of 500 from 16 nations who will be meeting, July 25-28, on board a ship. The organizer asks us to pray that they will experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, bringing revival, reconciliation and unity among these key people who could make such a strong impact for His Kingdom. Pray that they will also get the vision for the World Prayer Assembly and how they can be involved as it is presented to them.


Much of my trip focused on the World PrayerAssembly and its process of organization. Please pray with my colleagues and me for the Indonesian and Korean national committees who will be co-hosting the WPA, as well as the International Coordination Team that we will have the Lord’s wisdom and help in this challenging enterprise. We need to be effective in sharing the vision broadly and mobilizing the right people from all spheres of society and up to 220 nations to come. We also need to see His provision of significant funding for this May 2012 event.


An exciting three-minute video about the World Prayer Assembly that CBN Indonesia has produced is now available for you to view on Just go to that website and enter “World Prayer Assembly 2012” in the search browser.  Please have a look and let others know about it also. We want the word of it to go to the ends of the earth and you can help us share the vision.


Warm greetings in Christ,

John Robb

International Prayer Connect/ Council

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  • >>>From John Robb, International Prayer Council --

    Good news to report! The American Christian human rightsactivist, Aijalon Gomes, who was imprisoned since January and whom we prayed for has been released by North Korea to return home with former President Jimmy Carter. We rejoice with him and also need to continue praying for the release of the South Korean, Lee PeongPeong, who remains in custody.

    Several of my colleagues along with children from the Children in Prayer movement will be in New York for the 4-14 Window Global Summit, September 2-5. Please pray with us that we will be anointed and effective at introducing the hundreds attending from around the world to the concept and practice of CiP. We believe it could be God’s “secretweapon” for bringing spiritual breakthrough and deliverance to our communities, nations and world! (Please seeLuke 10:18-21 and Psalm 8:2).

    Please keep the people of Pakistan and the relief effort there in your intercession as well. Here is an update from the Pakistani evangelist friend of mine who is seeking to bring relief to his people. If you would like to contribute to the relief effort through him and his colleagues, please let me know and I will send you his contact information. Western Union is not charging a fee tosend donations to Pakistan before the mid-September. Our brother writes:

    “One of my companions was sent to observe the need of the people of the victims of flood and the one who are in open air. He says that the most important need of the people is “Tents”. They live in open air or with some of their relatives.

    Sad aspect of this story is that Christians are not being helped or neglected. They stand back to see when their turn will come and Muslims are not allowing them to go ahead.

    I wouldlike to ask you that if the Lord gives you burden then please help us to buy tents for these families. Presently we need 20 tents. We are going to take atruck of initials (Tents, Crockery, floor, Medicines, Cloths, shoes, Biscuits, water, soap etc) on Wednesday 1st September at various areas to help needy people withone of my booklet {Seekers of Peace} but again we will go to help these people in future.

    We went tothe market and asked the rates. There are three sizes available. The big tent is around 8000 rupees ($93 USD), middle one is 6000 ($70 USD) and the small one is 4,500 rupees ($52 USD). Also they need crockery and lights. It is just to bring into your knowledge to pray for this need. Thanks for your help and remain blessed.”

    Wouldn’t it be great if many of us could each supply one or more tents to help our Pakistani brothers and sisters in this time of terrible need? If you can do a large, medium or small tent, please let me know. It is extremely easy to send the money through Western Union directly to him. I trust this brother who has often risked his life for Christ’s work in his country. He boldly and lovingly shares the Gospel with lost people, some of whom are radical Taliban types who have issued several death threats against him. Please also pray for his protection.

    All His best to you and thanks for your prayers and any action the Lord prompts you to take,

    John Robb

    International Prayer Connect / Council
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