NNYM - National Network of Youth Ministries - Weekly Update - Latest Articles

Five Youth Ministry Fixtures That Need To Die

by Steve Cullum on Feb 06, 2024


Youth ministry is still a fairly modern development within the church. Just like the students in your middle school group, we are still trying to figure out how to do life, what is acceptable, and what is off limits. We are also in that time when some parts of our character are beginning to settle and, if we aren't careful, we might settle into the wrong habits. Here are five youth ministry fixtures we should not allow to settle.

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Why the Youth Leader Summit?

by Todd Pearage on Feb 06, 2024


In the dynamic and ever-changing world of youth ministry, staying connected, inspired, and equipped is crucial for your growth and effectiveness. One powerful opportunity for you to consider is attending a summit, conference, or training event. These events offer a unique opportunity for you to come together with other youth leaders to be encouraged, equipped, and refreshed in your calling. 

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Reconciliation: The Work For Unity

by Seth Baker on Jan 31, 2024


We are in the unity business. So, when the National Association of Evangelicals created the Racial Justice and Reconciliation Collaborative, NNYM CEO Randy Davis participated in their first UNDIVIDED cohort. Every one of us has so much to learn from God and from each other, and teachable leaders remain committed to the journey. 

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Making Faith Matter More for Gen Z

by Phillip Ball on Jan 23, 2024


A Southern Baptist youth pastor, an Orthodox priest and a Catholic bishop walk into a hotel lobby together… sounds like the beginning of a joke, right? But it's what actually happened when 300 representatives from more than 100 Christ-centered youth ministry organizations walked into the same hotel lobby in Chicago this fall. Why bring so many groups together? Because what is no joke is this: Next year alone, over one million teenagers will leave the Church after they graduate. We aim to chan

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The Invitation That Changed My Ministry

by Jay Higham on Jan 16, 2024


In the middle of moving, a new neighbor casually invited me to join a local network for youth workers. At the time, the significance of that invitation was lost on me. The truth is, that invitation changed my life and my ministry. You have been given a tremendous calling to minister to the next generation, but you weren't called to do it alone. Find the people who are for you.

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NNYM - National Network of Youth Ministries

© 2024 National Network of Youth Ministries
PO BOX 501748, San Diego, CA 92150-1748  |  858-451-1111  

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