Love is frequently the topic of conversation during this week in February. Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, there is no mistaking that a day focused on love is coming. From jewelry commercials to candy in heart-shaped boxes, the thought and idea of love permeates our culture during the first part of February.

But what if we focused on love all year long? What if we took the principles of love and put them into practice during the month of June? Or September? Every day of the year? I don’t mean romantic love. I mean the kind of love that causes us to truly appreciate someone else. To be kind, to sacrifice self, give to others, and desire good things for someone else. Not just in our families, but in our workplaces, schools, churches, and communities.

That is exactly what this year’s theme of the National Day of Prayer is calling us to do. LOVE ONE ANOTHER is not just a theme for a day of prayer. It is a calling to each of us to put into practice principles of love every day. Our families need us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Our workplaces need us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. America needs us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. The world needs us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. It is a high calling, and one that has the potential to change not only our own personal circles, but America and the world.

Where will you pray with us on Thursday, May 2, 2019? Will you join a community gathering or host a gathering in your workplace? Will you attend or help host a gathering in your church? Join with others to pray for America and ask God for a LOVE ONE ANOTHER movement in our families, workplaces, cities, towns, states, and nation. Cry out to God with us on this day. Share with others using the image below and invite others to join you at a prayer gathering on Thursday, May 2.

National Day of Prayer Task Force
PO Box 64225, Colorado Springs, CO 80962, United States
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    The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. 


    "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."- Mark 11:25-26 
    Prayer is a wonderful privilege. We can pray anytime or anywhere...





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    Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Our volunteer network is made up of extremely dedicated men and women who love Jesus Christ and have a heartfelt belief that prayer is the hope for America.  Through their tireless efforts, a covering of intercession blankets our country - a "prayer shield" that is vital at this critical juncture in our nation's history.
    CLICK HERE to learn more >> 


    Our theme for 2013 is Pray for America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.  To further highlight our theme, we've chosen Matthew 12:21 as our Scripture for this year:  "In His name the nations will put their hope.


    A popular contemporary praise song contains the words, "Purify myheart, Let me be as gold ... Refiner's fire, My heart's one desire, Is to be holy, Set apart for You Lord, I choose to be holy." These sentiments, written by Brian Doerksen, reflect the Christian's deep longing to be sanctified and to fulfill his Creator's intentions for his life. The refinement process alluded to is used to remove impurities from precious metals - a task that requires intense heat (For comparison, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, but gold doesn't melt until it reaches a temperature of 1,945 degrees!). As the gold liquefies in the smelting furnace, unwanted properties called slag rise to the surface. After cooling, the slag is chiseled away and the purified metal remains. Similarly, when a believer yields to God, the Master Refiner strips away those things that hinder sanctification so the beauty of His character can shine through with clarity...





    eventMessage from Shirley Dobson

    A popular contemporary praise song contains the words, "Purify myheart, Let me be as gold ... Refiner's fire, My heart's one desire, Is to be holy, Set apart for You Lord, I choose to be holy." These sentiments, written by Brian Doerksen, reflect the Christian's deep longing to be sanctified and to fulfill his Creator's intentions for his life. The refinement process alluded to is used to remove impurities from precious metals - a task that requires intense heat (For comparison, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, but gold doesn't melt until it reaches a temperature of 1,945 degrees!). As the gold liquefies in the smelting furnace, unwanted properties called slag rise to the surface. After cooling, the slag is chiseled away and the purified metal remains. Similarly, when a believer yields to God, the Master Refiner strips away those things that hinder sanctification so the beauty of His character can shine through with clarity.   


    The image of the smelter appears numerous times in Scripture. In the Old Testament, the prophet Malachi speaks of Israel's need for personal and national repentance, stating that the Lord "will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; He will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver (Malachi 3:3)." What will result? "Then (emphasis added) the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness." God knows just what is necessary to rid our lives of undesirable traits and get us back on track. Unlike a wildfire that burns uncontrollably, destroying whatever is in its path, the cleansing flames of the Lord remove only the slag. His actions are skillfully wrought to draw His children closer to Himself.A number of parallels can be found between Malachi's generation and our own. Pagan influences abounded, and while God's people were "going through the motions" of practicing their faith, their hearts and commitments were elsewhere. In this context, Malachi stepped forward to warn the Israelites about the consequences of their disobedience and to call them to renew their devotion to the Lord. The prophet understood that before the nation could experience revival, individual lives had to be transformed. 


    If we as Christians are to influence our nation, we too must begin with personal holiness. We cannot expect our society to embrace morality as mandated by God if the actions of His people don't reflect His teachings. We must echo David's supplication in Psalm 139:23-24: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting." What a wonderful example of humility and submission to the Lord! If we will seek His kingdom and righteousness with equal sincerity, we can be confident that He will direct us and reveal His truth in new and amazing ways...


    CLICK HERE to read the full article >>  

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    billboardBillboard Art Now Available 

    Thinking about putting up a billboard this year to promote your National Day of Prayer event? Art files are now available on our Promotional Tools page. CLICK HERE for more >>

        2013 Billboard
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    productSpecial Product Offer 
    Get the PRAYERS & PRESIDENTS book by William Federer (PDF download), and the 2013 Theme Video (download) free with any COMPLETE EVEN KIT order! (see below) CLICK HERE to order >>
    EBOOK - PRAYERS AND PRESIDENTSeBook (PDF): Prayers & Presidents


    William Federer has done his homework! He has researched the archives of America's residents and documented their faith and prayers. From Washington's orders for troops to attend divine services, to Lincoln's annual day of thanksgiving, to Harry S. Truman's annual ay of prayer, America's leaders had a tradition of faith, especially during crises. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, "Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions..." CLICK HERE for more info >>  

    video - screenshotVideo Download: 2013 Theme Video

    This 2013 THEME VIDEO highlights quotes from Ravi Zacharias, Joni Eareckson Tada, Chuck Swindoll, and Shirley Dobson. It is all tied together by a prayer and ending thought by 2013 Honorary Chairman, Pastor Greg Laurie. CLICK HERE for more info >> 

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    DEVODevotions on Prayer from Greg Laurie, 2013 Honorary Chairman

    DEVOTION #5 -

    "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."- Mark 11:25-26


    Prayer is a wonderful privilege. We can pray anytime or anywhere. Daniel prayed in a cave filled with hungry lions. The apostle Paul prayed when he was in a dungeon in chains. Peter prayed on the surface of the water. And Jonah prayed under the water. So wherever you are, you can pray.


    But maybe you have you been praying about something for a long time, and nothing has happened. Maybe it is a legitimate request-you are asking God for His wisdom or provision-yet it seems your prayer is going unanswered...

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    National Day of Prayer Task Force | P.O. Box 64225 | Colorado Springs | CO | 80962


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    The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. 


    Thinking about putting up a billboard this year to promote your National Day of Prayer event? Art files are now available on our Promotional Tools page. CLICK HERE >>
    2013 Billboard DIVIDER - SMALL


    So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God. - Matthew 5:23-24...DIVIDER - SMALL


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    Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Our volunteer network is made up of extremely dedicated men and women who love Jesus Christ and have a heartfelt belief that prayer is the hope for America.  Through their tireless efforts, a covering of intercession blankets our country - a "prayer shield" that is vital at this critical juncture in our nation's history.
    CLICK HERE to learn more >> 


    Our theme for 2013 is Pray for America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.  To further highlight our theme, we've chosen Matthew 12:21 as our Scripture for this year:  "In His name the nations will put their hope.


    Easter Message from Shirley Dobson

    SHIRLEY & DOCTORAs we celebrate Easter, I'm comforted by the reminder that our Savior remains as present in our world today as He was when He walked the earth more than 2,000 years ago. This is a wonderful time of year to reflect on the unfailing reality of "God with us" and to rediscover our adoration for the Lord.


    Psalm 89 says, "I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations."


    Easter is a time of reflection and to count our blessings, to show our appreciation for each other, and most importantly for appreciating God. These moments remind us that Jesus has given us everything through His life, death, and resurrection. We have all we need in Him!


    Author Ruth Myers writes, "I find that my worship is richer when I offer the Lord praise and thanks for three things: who He is, what He does, and what He gives." At this very moment, what can you say about each of these? I urge you to review often the questions of who God is, what He does, and what He gives. I pray that your answers every day will be a little richer, a little stronger, and a little more powerful in the grip they hold on your heart's affections.


    He is Risen Indeed!


    Mrs. James C. Dobson (Shirley)

    Chairman - National Day of Prayer Task Force  

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    ebookFree EBook (Special Easter Offer)

    Download a Free PDF version of The Ten Commandments e-book that contains 27 inspiring Bible stories about Moses and the Ten Commandments for you to share with your entire family. The e-book is beautifully illustrated with the magnificent works of Arnold Friberg.
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    productSpecial Product Offer 
    Get the PRAYERS & PRESIDENTS book by William Federer (PDF download), and the 2013 Theme Video (download) free with any COMPLETE EVEN KIT order! (see below) CLICK HERE to order >>
    EBOOK - PRAYERS AND PRESIDENTSeBook (PDF): Prayers & Presidents


    William Federer has done his homework! He has researched the archives of America's residents and documented their faith and prayers. From Washington's orders for troops to attend divine services, to Lincoln's annual day of thanksgiving, to Harry S. Truman's annual day of prayer, America's leaders had a tradition of faith, especially during crises. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, "Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions..." CLICK HERE for more info >>  

    video - screenshotVideo Download: 2013 Theme Video

    This 2013 THEME VIDEO highlights quotes from Ravi Zacharias, Joni Eareckson Tada, Chuck Swindoll, and Shirley Dobson. It is all tied together by a prayer and ending thought by 2013 Honorary Chairman, Pastor Greg Laurie. CLICK HERE for more info >> 

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    DEVODevotions on Prayer from Greg Laurie, 2013 Honorary Chairman

    DEVOTION #6 -
    So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.  - Matthew 5:23-24

    An unforgiving Christian is an oxymoron. If you are a Christian, then you must forgive, because forgiven people are forgiving people. Therefore, you cannot be an unforgiving Christian. And if you want your prayers to be answered in the affirmative, then you must forgive others. Jesus gave this command: "If you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God" (Matthew 5:23-24)...


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    National Day of Prayer Task Force | P.O. Box 64225 | Colorado Springs | CO | 80962



    ARTICLE - God Doesn't Do Ordinary...


    Can you remember a time where you really questioned God? If you are honest with yourself then I suspect I am not alone on this, although, personally, I'm not proud to admit the struggle. For me, it was a time early in prayer ministry. I was in a 12-hour prayer meeting in Alabama, participating with thousands of spiritually hungry young people and seasoned prayer warriors.


    My prayer to the Lord began with an overwhelming since of inadequacy. The following words echoed through my mind, "I can't believe You have me here in this place with these of such spiritual depth. Who am I? I am from a small, one high school town in Texas. I didn't go to seminary. I don't have a degree in Theology and here I sit with such giants in faith. I am so ordinary. " I felt like a toddler among adults.  


    I was thinking all this from the additional perspective of my role with the National Day of Prayer Task Force. A daily part of my work then, and now, includes supporting the volunteer coordinator network across the nation. I have the privilege of working with our national area leaders, thousands of devoted volunteers and international ministry prayer leaders. So, I found myself questioning my Lord. How could He use "ordinary me" with the likes of these zealots? The setting was a large convention center space with row upon row of chairs of people agreeing in prayer. In the midst of this brief internal evaluation, riddled with self-doubt, I felt a stiff breeze and looked up. It felt like the convention center doors had burst open sending a gush of wind inside. However everyone else was still bowed in intercession, unaffected...


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    BANNER - NATIONAL PRAYER CALL (MONTHLY) prayercallNational Prayer Call - Thursday, April 4th

    We'd love for you to join with us as John Bornschein (Vice Chairman), Lisa Crump, Dion Elmore, and others lead a National Prayer Call this Thursday, April 4, 2012 from 10pm - 11:30 pm ET. The prayer focus will be REVIVAL will special guests, Dave Butts (National Prayer Committe), and members from the NDP Task Force Board of Directors.

    PHONE CALL: 712-432-0075, PIN: 4961322#
    TIME: 10-11:30 pm ET

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    productSpecial Product Offer 
    Get the PRAYERS & PRESIDENTS book by William Federer (PDF download), and the 2013 Theme Video (download) free with any COMPLETE EVEN KIT order! (see below) CLICK HERE to order >>
    EBOOK - PRAYERS AND PRESIDENTSeBook (PDF): Prayers & Presidents


    William Federer has done his homework! He has researched the archives of America's Presidents and documented their faith and prayers. From Washington's orders for troops to attend divine services, to Lincoln's annual day of thanksgiving, to Harry S. Truman's annual ay of prayer, America's leaders had a tradition of faith, especially during crises. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, "Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions..." CLICK HERE for more info >>  

    video - screenshotVideo Download: 2013 Theme Video

    This 2013 THEME VIDEO highlights quotes from Ravi Zacharias, Joni Eareckson Tada, Chuck Swindoll, and Shirley Dobson. It is all tied together by a prayer and ending thought by 2013 Honorary Chairman, Pastor Greg Laurie. CLICK HERE for more info >> 


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     Special Offer For Churches (limited time)  

    - Card & Prayer at Valley Force Painting frame

    card frontcard back Join with churches across the nation as they distribute this National Day of Prayer card on Sunday, April 28th to their church families and Sunday school classes. This card features the iconic image of George Washington kneeling in prayer in Valley Forge (painted by Arnold Friberg) on the front, and thought provoking quotes from our country's Founding Fathers on the reverse side. The idea of this card is to serve as a reminder of the values and principles upon which our country was founded... and to exercise our freedom to pray on the National Day of Prayer on May 2, 2013!


    Various quantities are available for purchase and ebook accompanied by an actual print of the 'Prayer At Valley Forge' painting as well as a free downloadable e-book sample of the Family Bible Storybook. The e-book retells and teaches the great stories of the Bible and are meant to assist families in the continuing effort to teach and study God's Word in the home throughout the year. 

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    The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. 


    Thinking about putting up a billboard this year to promote your National Day of Prayer event? Art files are now available on our Promotional Tools page. CLICK HERE >>
    2013 BillboardDIVIDER - SMALL


    Our goal through prayer must be to know God better, to experience the fullness of relationship with Him. If we are to model ourselves after Christ, we must be willing to give ourselves to prayer and fasting...


    Find us on Facebook


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    Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Our volunteer network is made up of extremely dedicated men and women who love Jesus Christ and have a heartfelt belief that prayer is the hope for America.  Through their tireless efforts, a covering of intercession blankets our country - a "prayer shield" that is vital at this critical juncture in our nation's history.
    CLICK HERE to learn more >> 


    Our theme for 2013 is Pray for America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.  To further highlight our theme, we've chosen Matthew 12:21 as our Scripture for this year:  "In His name the nations will put their hope.


    ARTICLEThe Power of Intercessory Prayer


    John Bornchein

    Our goal through prayer must be to know God better, to experience the fullness of relationship with Him. If we are to model ourselves after Christ, we must be willing to give ourselves to prayer and fasting.

    In his book, Prayer on Fire, Fred Hartley describes prayer as, "What we do. It is our initiative to meet God, whether we are asking for favors, singing in celebration, or crying out in distress. Regardless of what shape or size it comes in, prayer is our effort to engage God." It can take many forms, including worship, confession, thanksgiving, praise, petition, waiting (silent listening), and warfare. And, the power of our relationship with God matures as we experience concentrated, prayerful devotion to others and their wellbeing. It is known as Intercessory Prayer when we spend focused time petitioning the Father for the needs of others. It may not come as a surprise to you, but the concept of Intercession is mentioned more than 80 times in Scripture. The Hebrew word for "intercession" is paga, which means "to light upon." The Greek equivalent, entygchano, refers to conversation with a king that involves supplication and intercession on behalf of another person. And, one of my favorites is the Greek word paracletos, which, when translated, refers to "one who pleads another's cause before a judge" and is most closely linked to the idea of intercession as we understand it today...
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    VolunteerConsidering Becoming a Volunteer


    Each year, millions of people unite on the National Day of Prayer - at thousands of events around the country - to pray! While prayer is not a seasonal or annual thing, our nation pauses to observe a National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday every May. On this day, Christians have an opportunity to emphasize the importance of prayer as a testimony to who God is, what we believe, and the fact that our Nation was founded upon the truths of God's Word, and much prayer!

    Our volunteer network is made up of extremely dedicated men and women who love Jesus Christ and have a heartfelt belief that prayer is the hope for America.  Through their tireless efforts, a covering of intercession blankets our country - a "prayer shield" that is vital at this critical juncture in our nation's history. This network of volunteers, combined with our resources and online tools, will help guide you through the process of engaging your community in prayer!

    NEWITEMSNew Store Items (Limited Supply)

    New Products
    iPHONE 4 CASE - 

    This case is a great, functional item to use with your iPhone 4G or 4S. The full color PRAY FOR AMERICA design covers the back and wraps around the side. This item provides not only a durable case to protect your phone, but it also a great conversation starter. 

    GIFT PEN - This NDP Gift Pen is a Quill 900 Heritage series pen with the words 'National Day of Prayer' engraved on the side and the NDP logo on the top. This elegant pen also comes in a black gift box with the National Day of Prayer logo imprinted in gold. Great item to give to dignified speakers at your event. 
    GIFT CLOCK - This clock is a great gift item to give to a speaker at your National Day of Prayer event. This clock has a brushed gray front, black face, black base, and a heavy glass surrounding.
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    productSpecial Product Offer 
    Get the PRAYERS & PRESIDENTS book by William Federer (PDF download), and the 2013 Theme Video (download) free with any COMPLETE EVEN KIT order! (see below) CLICK HERE to order >>
    EBOOK - PRAYERS AND PRESIDENTSeBook (PDF): Prayers & Presidents


    William Federer has done his homework! He has researched the archives of America's Presidents and documented their faith and prayers. From Washington's orders for troops to attend divine services, to Lincoln's annual day of thanksgiving, to Harry S. Truman's annual ay of prayer, America's leaders had a tradition of faith, especially during crises. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, "Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions..." CLICK HERE for more info >>  

    video - screenshotVideo Download: 2013 Theme Video

    This 2013 THEME VIDEO highlights quotes from Ravi Zacharias, Joni Eareckson Tada, Chuck Swindoll, and Shirley Dobson. It is all tied together by a prayer and ending thought by 2013 Honorary Chairman, Pastor Greg Laurie. CLICK HERE for more info >> 


       back to top


     Special Offer For Churches (limited time) 

    - Card & Prayer at Valley Force Painting frame

    card frontcard backJoin with churches across the nation as they distribute this National Day of Prayer card on Sunday, April 28th to their church families and Sunday school classes. This card features the iconic image of George Washington kneeling in prayer in Valley Forge (painted by Arnold Friberg) on the front, and thought provoking quotes from our country's Founding Fathers on the reverse side. The idea of this card is to serve as a reminder of the values and principles upon which our country was founded... and to exercise our freedom to pray on the National Day of Prayer on May 2, 2013!


    Various quantities are available for purchase andebookaccompanied by an actual print of the 'Prayer At Valley Forge' painting as well as a free downloadable e-book sample of the Family Bible Storybook. The e-book retells and teaches the great stories of the Bible and are meant to assist families in the continuing effort to teach and study God's Word in the home throughout the year. 

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    The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. 


    Thinking about putting up a billboard this year to promote your National Day of Prayer event? Art files are now available on our Promotional Tools page. CLICK HERE >>
    2013 Billboard DIVIDER - SMALL


    We have a number of new promotional resources available to your, for free, including new radio spots by 2013 Honorary Chairman, Greg Laurie, and an NDP Countdown Widget that you can place directly on your website. CLICK HERE >>


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    SANCTUSREALSanctus Real - PRAY
    Brand New PRAYER Song for the 2013 National Day of Prayer - by Sanctus Real, Sparrow Records  


    We wrote the song Pray because these are anxious times. I don't  know about you, but I've been on the edge of my seat, watching and waiting as tensions rise and markets fall. The 2012 election has left me acutely aware of the fact that we are a nation divided, fragile and in dyer need of true hope. From my television screen to my twitter feed, I'm confronted with a minute-by-minute timeline of the latest news from around the world. The awareness that we're just one thumb tap away from another shocking headline can be stressful. What will come next? We wonder if North Korea will launch a nuclear missile, if another homemade bomb in a backpack will be detonated at a public gathering, or if the mild-mannered kid next door will carry out another mass murder.


    Sometimes it's not world news that leaves me anxious, but parts of my own little world that seem to be falling apart. The pressure of holding it all together is daunting when I get to thinking it's on my own shoulders. Sometimes I find myself tossing my hands up in the air and asking in an exasperated tone, "What in the world is going on?"


    In those moments I have to remind myself of what's behind our personal  life challenges and the world's headlines, the fist of a dictator and the face of a politician, the cape of a hero and the mask of a villain. In every conflict, no matter where we live or which side we're on, behind every struggle is what the Apostle Paul described in his letter to the Ephesians...






    It's not too late to order resources for this year's National Day of Prayer! 




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    The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. 


    Thinking about putting up a billboard this year to promote your National Day of Prayer event? Art files are now available on our Promotional Tools page. CLICK HERE >>
    2013 BillboardDIVIDER - SMALL


    We have a number of new promotional resources available to your, for free, including new radio spots by 2013 Honorary Chairman, Greg Laurie, and an NDP Countdown Widget that you can place directly on your website. CLICK HERE >>


    Find us on Facebook


    Follow us on Twitter

    Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Our volunteer network is made up of extremely dedicated men and women who love Jesus Christ and have a heartfelt belief that prayer is the hope for America.  Through their tireless efforts, a covering of intercession blankets our country - a "prayer shield" that is vital at this critical juncture in our nation's history.
    CLICK HERE to learn more >> 


    Our theme for 2013 is Pray for America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.  To further highlight our theme, we've chosen Matthew 12:21 as our Scripture for this year:  "In His name the nations will put their hope.




    As you make plans for the National Day of Prayer this week, keep inJohn Borncheinmind there are numerous ways to get involved. It is amazing how fast a day will pass, so try participating in one or more of the following events, listed below.
    Also, please keep in mind that the National Day of Prayer is a catalyst for an ongoing prayer movement in our nation... It doesn't end on the first Thursday of May. Rather, it only begins! Make the commitment to pray and be sure to check back with us regularly for new resources, exciting events, and great opportunities that are sure to help you grow in your prayer journey.

    Starting after Memorial Day, the National Day of Prayer is launching a national bus tour, so look for details coming soon on - this will include a 5K Run in Camden County, NJ on the 4th of July. Then, this October, be sure to tune in to the first global PrayerCast featuring the foremost teachers on prayer, LIVE. So mark your calendars for October 18-19 now.


    God Bless,  


    John Bornschein

    Vice Chairman, National Day of Prayer Task Force 


    WEDNESDAY MORNING, 10am-11am ET 
    Join us a for a LIVE WEBCAST of a special Men's Prayer time, broadcast from the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. This prayer time will include ministry, business, and congressional leaders with speakers Pastor Greg Laurie (2013 Honorary Chairman), Dr. Kenyn Cureton, Dr. James Dobson, John Bornschein, and many others. CLICK HERE for more >> 


    THURSDAY MORNING, 9am-12pm ET 

    Join Pastor Greg Laurie, Dr. James and Shirley Dobson, Congressman Robert Aderholt, Mrs. Vonette Bright, Mr. Pat Boone, Congressman Frank Wolf, Wintley Phipps, Chaplain Barry Black, The Annie Moses Band, Dr. Dick Eastman, Mr. David Butts, Mr. John Bornschein, and more LIVE from Washington D.C. this Thursday, May 2, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon EST.


    The National Day of Prayer Task Force has partnered, once again, with GOD TV to broadcast this special event, which will be available to millions of viewers in more than 200 countries around the world. The program will also be broadcast on DirecTV channel 365 and streamed LIVE on this website.  CLICK HERE for more >> 


    THURSDAY EVENING, 10pm-12am ET 
    We'd love for you to join with us as John Bornschein (Vice Chairman), Lisa Crump, Dion Elmore, and others lead a National Prayer Call this Thursday, May 2, 2013 from 10pm - 11:30 pm ET. Special guests include Congressman Doug Lamborn, Steve Green (Hobby Lobby), Ken Crawford (LAPD Chaplain), and more.


    DATE: 5/2/13 - 10:00 pm ET
    CALL: 712-432-0075    
    PIN: 4961321# 

    Thousands of prayer gatherings are taking place across the United States on this 62ndannual National Day of Prayer. Chances are, there is an event right near you. To find out, click here and search by city, state and zip. Be sure to make sure the mile radius is set correctly or it may limit your search too much. Start with a state search and see where the Lord leads you.





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    The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. 


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    Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Our volunteer network is made up of extremely dedicated men and women who love Jesus Christ and have a heartfelt belief that prayer is the hope for America.  Through their tireless efforts, a covering of intercession blankets our country - a "prayer shield" that is vital at this critical juncture in our nation's history.
    CLICK HERE to learn more >> 




    PRAY FOR AMERICA - Is it a Theme or a Vision?

    Pray for America - is it a Theme or a Vision? It isJohn Bornchein one thing to mobilize around an annual theme, but Pray for America is more than that. It is a commitment that requires action to ultimately fulfill a vision that every county in America will unite in prayer, every single day, for our nation. 

    As you know, the National Day of Prayer (NDP) Task Force is busily preparing for the 63rd Annual Observance on May 1, 2014. To mobilize prayer across our country for this vital solemn assembly, we will design and distribute a new theme and verse along with resources such as posters, prayer guides, promotional tools and more. However, a big change has occurred. The theme for this year, Pray for America, will not go into the archive vault, sealed and labeled as "a great year of prayer". Rather, the NDP Task Force is now supporting two annual efforts: 1) Pray for America and 2) the National Day of Prayer. That means the website will continue as a tool to mobilize prayer throughout the year. You will also have resources to help you Pray for America that will not have dates on them so you can use them any time to maintain momentum. So, what you can expect to see this October will be the release of the new 2014 theme art and resources that will be offered alongside the new annual Pray for America resources.  

    The prayer movement is not seasonal. Rather it is a daily discipline - a blessing to God - and the National Day of Prayer Task Force is committed to this cause. We are prayerful that this new strategy will enable us to better support your annual prayer mobilization efforts. 

    Moving forward you will find that many of our weekly updates, national prayer calls, prayer alerts and even special events (like the Bus Rally Tour and Prayer Summits) will be found under the Pray for America website, - But don't worry, there will be a fixed link to this page on the National Day of Prayer website as well.

    May God bless you as we Pray for America!


    John Bornschein

    Vice Chairman, National Day of Prayer Task Force 

    Our PRAY FOR AMERICA BUS RALLY TOUR beings today in Pittsburgh, PA! We'll be traveling throughout the country engaging, equipping, and encouraging people in prayer. We will do our best to keep you informed every day while we are on the road. You can expect to see pictures, videos, personal updates, and even Podcast recordings as we meet with church leaders, host prayer rallies, and pray with friends we meet along the way. CLICK HERE FOR UPDATES >>

    5K LOGO_72dpi
    JULY 4th, 9:00am-11:00am, Pennsauken, NJ 
    Join us for our first ever 5K Walk, Run, Roll on July 4th at Cooper River Park in Pennsauken, New Jersey. Why a 5K? Similar to our Christian faith, it takes a committed discipline to go from TALKING about it, to BEING about it. An event like this is not only a great motivator and fitness booster, it can also serve as a catalyst to connect with friends and running partners to train and encourage each other. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER >>

    THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 10pm ET 
    We'd love for you to join with us as John Bornschein (Vice Chairman), Lisa Crump, Dion Elmore, and others lead our monthly National Prayer Call this Thursday, June 6, 2013 from 10pm - 11:30 pm ET. This prayer call will be conducted from the road during the Prayer For America Bus Rally Tour!


    DATE: 6/6/13 - 10:00 pm ET
    CALL: 712-432-0075    
    PIN: 4961322# 

    Through our efforts to mobilize prayer throughout the entire year, we are pleased to offer a special discount on our PRAY FOR AMERICA line of non-dated resources. Use promo code SUMMER to receive 10% off your entire order of $20 or more. Offer expires 7/31/13.
    CLICK HERE to order >> 
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    Find us on Facebook


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    The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. 


    Find us on Facebook


    Follow us on Twitter

    Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Our volunteer network is made up of extremely dedicated men and women who love Jesus Christ and have a heartfelt belief that prayer is the hope for America.  Through their tireless efforts, a covering of intercession blankets our country - a "prayer shield" that is vital at this critical juncture in our nation's history.
    CLICK HERE to learn more >> 




    On the Road to Pray for America - UPDATE

    On May 31, just a few weeks after the largest National Day of Prayer (NDP) in U.S. history, the NDP Task Force set out on a journey to travel community to community, church to church, encouraging all to remain in fervent prayer over our nation.

    What began as a vision to have regional gatherings quickly turned in a grander adventure when the owner of Champion Coach donated a 45-foot bus for the ministry to use to mobilize prayer from coast to coast. After wrapping the bus with a large "Pray for America" graphic, the team set-out on a mission that was grounded in Acts 18:23, where they "traveled from place to place throughout the region...strengthening all (who followed Christ)." In just the first 25 days of the tour, the following occurred.

    • 25 Days, 8 States (PA, NY, RI, MA, ME, CT, NH, and VT)
    • 34 Cities covered in prayer
    • 137 Prayer Gatherings
    • 3,610 Miles of Prayer
    • 14,590 People joined together in prayer at the bus stops - 67 commitments to Christ (all new believers receive Starter Bibles provided by Harvest Crusades). These are only the ones we know of who spent time with us to understand what it means to follow Jesus.
    • 1,250,140 People have watched news reports and heard radio spots on the bus tour
    • 1,419,288 People have read updates on Facebook and the National Day of Prayer Website
    • 1,650,733 People have viewed the Bus since it departed

    The stories of hope and transformation are humbling. We have watched families reunited, fathers crying with their children asking for forgiveness, children coming to know the Lord Jesus as their Savior, addicts falling to the ground in repentance and even church leaders re-energized to continue serving on the front lines. There are few words to encompass or adequately describe the transformation that has occurred. Indeed, every day the wheels have turned under the bus, we have called them miracle miles as the next stop is always filled with opportunity and praise.



    AM FLG

    On July 2, 1776, Congress voted to approve a complete separation from Great Britain. Two days afterwards - July 4th - the early draft of the Declaration of Independence was signed, albeit by only two individuals at that time: John Hancock, President of Congress, and Charles Thompson, Secretary of Congress. Four days later, on July 8, members of Congress took that document and read it aloud from the steps of Independence Hall, proclaiming it to the city of Philadelphia, after which the Liberty Bell was rung. The inscription around the top of that bell, Leviticus 25:10, was most appropriate for the occasion: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof."


    To see the turmoil in other nations, their struggles and multiple revolutions, and yet to see the stability and blessings that we have here in America, we may ask how has this been achieved? What was the basis of American Independence? John Adams said "The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity." Perhaps the clearest identification of the spirit of the American Revolution was given by John Adams in a letter to Abigail the day after Congress approved the Declaration. He wrote her two letters on that day; the first was short and concise, jubilant that the Declaration had been approved. The second was much longer and more pensive, giving serious consideration to what had been done that day. Adams cautiously noted: "This day will be the most memorable epic in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival."


    It is amazing that on the very day they approved the Declaration, Adams was already foreseeing that their actions would be celebrated by future generations. Adams contemplated whether it would be proper to hold such celebrations, but then concluded that the day should be commemorated - but in a particular manner and with a specific spirit. As he told Abigail: "It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty."


    John Adams believed that the Fourth of July should become a religious holiday - a day when we remembered God's hand in deliverance and a day of religious activities when we committed ourselves to Him in "solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty." Such was the spirit of the American Revolution as seen through the eyes of those who led it, evidenced even further in the words of John Quincy Adams, one who was deeply involved in the activities of the Revolution.  



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      John Bornchein   453.png 

    Let me take just a moment of your time to tell you about something that has truly kept me awake   at night with excitement and great expectation. We are witnessing ground-breaking activities in the prayer moment that are   mobilizing millions of people in humble petition before Almighty God and what is taking place here at the Task Force is no exception. Ever since the Summons in Washington  D.C., we have been grounded in praise and worship and following His leading into new and exciting territory. With the recent launch of the Pray for America Bus Rally Tour, covering 35 states, God has also brought us new partners in Australia, the United Kingdom, and South America. Indeed, the prayer movement is alive and well and gaining momentum as perhaps never before. The fruit of your labor is evident with the estimated 42,000 events that took place on the first Thursday of May and I feel it is safe to say that this is only the beginning of what God has in store for all of us in the coming months ahead. Not only has God brought new partners from overseas, but He has helped us gain favor and support from several International ministries right here at home including Family Talk, the American Family Association, New Life America, Bott Radio Network, Turning Point, RZIM, Joni and Friends, and many, many others. Together we can reach millions of listeners and viewers through social media, radio, print, and e-communications. I believe God was preparing this foundation for a reason and what has transpired from many conversations is an idea that we have never tried  before. In fact, to our knowledge it has never been attempted until now.     


    On October 18-19, the National Day of Prayer will broadcast the first 24-hour PrayerCast, featuring  the foremost teachers on  prayer to equip and mobilize via streaming video through a state-of-the-art webcast. This special event will be FREE but you are encouraged to form or a join a group in your area at a local prayer meeting or church assembly. Speakers will interact live with viewers and answer questions submitted via social media. The goal is to reach millions across the globe with the knowledge and understanding of prayer and its application.


    A specially designed studio with PrayerCast program facilitators will instruct viewers with details on the downloadable materials. They will also  take questions from registered group hosts (through a special Twitter feed). This will enable groups to participate from any location in the country. At points throughout the program, viewers will be connected to locations throughout the world - from the LIVE event in Colorado Springs to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City to the prayer center in Australia - all LIVE and uncut. Once the live events have concluded, viewers will have a chance to continue their education at any point throughout the evening with pre-recorded content and highlight messages  from the National Day of Prayer video vault. Speakers will include Greg Laurie, Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Dr. David Jeremiah, Beth Moore, Franklin Graham, Kay Arthur, Rebecca St. James, Third Day, Joni Eareckson Tada, Shirley Dobson and more. Then, the program will resume Saturday morning with LIVE, interactive events.


    Prayerfully consider hosting a local event, which could complement your regional training efforts or make plans to join us in Colorado Springs for what is sure to be a God-blessing, inspirational experience. More details are coming soon so mark your calendars now.


    - John Bornschein, Vice Chairman


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    John BorncheinOn October 18-19, the National Day of Prayer will broadcast the first 24-hour PrayerCast, featuring the foremost teachers on prayer to equip and mobilize via streaming video through a state-of-the-art webcast. This special event will be FREE but you are encouraged to form or a join a group in your area at a local prayer meeting or church assembly. Speakers will interact live with viewers and answer questions submitted via social media. The goal is to reach millions across the globe with the knowledge and understanding of prayer and its application.

    A specially designed studio with PrayerCast program facilitators will instruct viewers with details on the downloadable materials. They will also take questions from registered group hosts (through a special Twitter feed). This will enable groups to participate from any location in the country. At points throughout the program, viewers will be connected to locations throughout the world - from the LIVE event in Colorado Springs to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City to the prayer center in Australia - all LIVE and uncut. Once the live events have concluded, viewers will have a chance to continue their education at any point throughout the evening with pre-recorded content and highlight messages from the National Day of Prayer video vault. Speakers will include Greg Laurie, Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Dr. David Jeremiah, Beth Moore, Franklin Graham, Kay Arthur, Rebecca St. James, Third Day, Joni Eareckson Tada, Shirley Dobson and more. Then, the program will resume Saturday morning with LIVE, interactive e


    Prayerfully consider hosting a local event, which could complement your regional training efforts or make plans to join us in Colorado Springs for what is sure to be a God-blessing, inspirational experience. More details are coming soon so mark your calendars now.


    - John Bornschein, Vice Chairman


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