God, Bless America Again 

A supplication for the National Day of Prayer

by Greg Asimakoupoulos
May 4, 2017 

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God, Bless America Again

God, bless America again
as we confess our corporate sin
and realize we don't deserve
the bounty we enjoy.

God, guide our leaders as they lead
and give them everything they need
to take the time to strive for peace
in this chaotic time.

God, stretch our hearts as we make room
for those who flee from terror's doom
and those who need a helping hand
to stand and start once more.

God, grace us with the means to see
beyond ourselves that we might be
a flame of hope that offers light
to those in dark despair.

God, bless America again
as we reflect on where we've been
so we'll become what we have dreamed.
One nation under You.

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  • We are gathering at the 10,000-seat Mariucci Arena on the campus of the University of Minnesota campus.  The meeting is called UNITE and brings together major ministries from across the region and our campuse.  We will target the University and College generation, but include all the generations.  Included as leaders: Nick Hall, Pulse; Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer and Hillside Church; Fern Nichols, Moms in Touch and the worship band, Leeland.  See www.unitetwincities.com and join us on the live internet feed embedded on that site Thursday at 7PM CT.

    Bob Bakke
  • Rolling Meadows (Chicago, IL suburb) clergy and city officials will host the community’s first prayer drive at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, May 5, starting in the parking lot of city hall, 3600 Kirchoff Road.

    Rev. Phil Miglioratti of the National Pastor’s Prayer Network is organizing the event on the 60th National Day of Prayer, along with the Rev. Rande Smith, pastor of The Community Church of Rolling Meadows. Other churches are also involved.

    Mayor Ken Nelson and Mayor-elect Tom Rooney will join the group, and everyone is invited.

    After praying for people who work in local government, the caravan will travel to a nursing home, a school, a park and a business to pray for other aspects of the community.

    “We’ll be focusing on bringing blessings to each of the different sites we go to,” said Miglioratti, who is based in Palatine.

    There will not be any speeches, and the group will be at each site a maximum of 20 minutes, he said.

    Among other local events for the National Day of Prayer, Living Hope Church at 777 Meacham Road in Elk Grove Village will have a service at 7 p.m. and Mount Prospect will have a prayer breakfast.

    Read more: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20110503/news/705039808/#ixzz1LO...
  • I had the honor of attending the Birmingham Mayors' Prayer Breakfast this year on the NDP, in Birmingham, AL. Mission Birmingham organizes and hosts the event, which is attended by mayors, pastors, business men and women, and lay people from all over the area. Since it was my first time to attend (per a friend inviting me and another friend letting me sit at his business' table), I wasn't sure what to expect. But any expectations I did have were blown out of the water. Most of the men that got up to pray recognized our desperate dependence on God, especially in light of the recent devastation in our state from the deadly tornado outbreak on April 27. The theme for the breakfast was of course II Chron, 7:14. Most of them prayed with such humility, but also such power and anointing.


    Our speaker was Siran Stacy, who delivered a very powerful word. I was amazed at how the focus of the whole morning was right where it should be - on how big, great, powerful, and holy God is - worthy of praise no matter what; and how small, finite, weak, sinful, and desperate man is. That's not exactly very politically correct of culturally popular these days, but it IS the truth. I left there humbled, encouraged, and convicted. Mission Birmingham did an amazing job organizing this event, and I hope I get the opportunity to attend next year.

  • There is a group of pastors and lay persons who have been praying together for 22+ years. We call ourselves Greater Binghamton Prays (Binghamton, NY). Our emphasis has been increasing the "footprint" of God's blessing on our area. We are a cross-section of church and prayer traditions from 25-30 churches. We held a Concert of Prayer on Thursday evening with over 500 in attendance. It was so inspiring to hear all those voices sing the theme of this year's NDoP - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Even more inspiring was hearing all those voices lifting up prayers for our country, our state, and our local leadership in the areas of church, government, education, and business. The prayer time lasted for an hour. There was a feeling that something has been started in our community and that God will indeed bless us with His power and blessing. 2483476931?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024
  • MAKE EVERY DAY A NATONAL DAY OF PRAYER:  As you drive around each day when you pass a church take a second to pray for the pastor, the congregation, the community.

  • John_Bornschein
    Phil Miglioratti interviews John Bornschein, Executive Director, National Day of Prayer Task Force
  • An Extraordinary Prayer Gathering for Minnesota Students


    The UNITE prayer gathering on the National Day of Prayer at the University of Minnesota (Mariucci Hockey Arena) was in part the answer to years of prayers for spiritual awakening, especially on our college and university campuses.


    This gathering was a unique partnership between Global Day of Prayer MN, Pulse Ministries, and Praise FM radio, all ministries in the Twin Cities with hearts for revival and spiritual awakening. In addition, the gathering was undergirded in prayer by the 10,000 Moms In Touch (MITI) groups throughout the U.S.


    Bob Bakke (GDOP MN and Hillside Church) joined Nick Hall (Pulse) and Fern Nichols (MITI) to lead in prayer for spiritual awakening among students. Those gathered witnessed the generations coming together in partnership with God for the unfolding of His purposes. More than 2,500 students and adults cried out to God to send His Holy Spirit upon the earth and upon the campuses – to change them for the glory of Christ!


    Here are some measurements of the evening:

    • More than 300 students indicated commitments to Christ.
    • Some 1,400 students filled out response cards desiring further involvement.
    • A strategy meeting has already been set for campus ministries to meet and plan for united efforts in the fall.
    • The event was entirely paid for in advance; an offering was taken to bless the U of M campus ministries.
    • At any given time, more than 300 people from around the nation viewed through the live web stream. There were hundreds of posts in the Internet chat-room posts. (You can view by going to www.livestream.com/CCC_uppermidwest and clicking on NDOP Part 1.                                                                                                   

    As you can see by just these measurements, God was powerfully at work. Please continue to lift up our campuses in prayer for the greatest revival and spiritual awakening this nation has ever seen.


    --submitted by Carol Madison, leadership team with Global Day of Prayer MN



  • Unite header


    Praise God for the extraordinary prayer gathering at the University of Minnesota!

    Dear Friends -


    Our UNITE prayer gathering on Thursday evening at the University of Minnesota was in part the answer to years of prayers for spiritual awakening, especially on our college and university campuses!

    Bob Bakke
    Bob Bakke


    I joined my friends Nick Hall (Pulse) and Fern Nichols (Moms In Touch) to lead in prayer for spiritual awakening among students. We witnessed the generations coming together in partnership with God for the unfolding of His purposes. More than 2,500 of us cried out to God to send His Holy Spirit upon the earth and upon the campuses - to change them for the glory of Christ!


    As Fern prayed for the students, we were aware of the prayers of thousands of moms across the nation. "I love you," said Fern. "Thousands of moms love you. We are counting on you, this next generation, for Jesus' sake and for the Kingdom of God!"


    To the roar of the students' approval in appreciation for the older generations, Nick

    bob nick fern

    Bob, Nick and Fern 

    declared, "God's Word says one generation will commend God's works to another. Tonight is not about asking the adults to pass some baton to us. It isn't about saying we don't need you anymore. This is about us as young people standing and saying, 'Older generations, we need your help, your prayers, encouragement¸ wisdom, and guidance in our lives.' We link our hearts together and pray for a multi­generational partnership in the gospel!" 



    You can watch this very moving two-hour prayer and worship gathering by going toCampus Crusade Livestream.




    • More than 2,500 students and adults prayed and worshiped together.
      UNITE crowd

      Photos by Dave McIver, Praise FM

    • More than 300 students indicated commitments to Christ.
    • Some 1,400 students from campuses around the region filled out response cards desiring further involvement.
    • A strategy meeting has already been set for campus ministries to meet and plan for united efforts in the fall.
    • The event was entirely paid for before we started; an offering was taken to bless the U of M campus ministries.
    • At any given time, more than 300 people from around the nation viewed through the live web stream. There were hundreds of posts in the Internet chat-room.

    As you can see by just these measurements, God was powerfully at work in our midst! But even much more was accomplished according to the heart and dreams of Christ for spiritual awakening throughout the earth.


    Thank you for praying with us and supporting us. By God's grace, much more is to come!


    Bob Bakke

    Director of Global Day of Prayer MN

    Unite logo rvsd
    Click here to learnWhat's Next 
    Bob Bakke
    Bob Bakke
    Nick Hall
    Nick Hall
    Fern Nichols
    Fern Nichols


  • Our church of 200 had a 24 hour prayer vigil ... folks could pray at home at the allotted time. We were up at 3 a.m. to fill our time slots. Then in the evening the church had a prayer service with hymns following the praise, repent, ask and thanksgiving. We released NDP prayer balloons and walked through the church and prayed for various ministries in each department and prayed through the brochure from the NDP headquarters in praying for the nation.
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