National Church Planter Prayer Call
Every third Friday of the month we host a monthly National Church Planter Prayer Call to intercede for the prayer requests of church planters, partners, network and denominational leaders across our nation.
Along with receiving prayer requests and praises during the call, the prayer panel will facilitate the Prayer Call through prayer and scripture focus elements. Information to join this month's call is below:
Third Friday of Each Month
11am EST / 8am PST
Monthly on the 3rd Friday 11am EST / 8am PST Next Prayer Call: Friday, January 18 Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/284891033
Exponential has a vision for a Kingdom advancing movement of multiplication through church planting. Exponential pursues this vision by serving as an aggregator of ministries, networks, and denominations, fanning the flames of their church planting strategies. The fruit of such a movement can only happen through greater prayer along with unity amongst the Body of Christ. In order to pursue this posture of prayer and connectedness, Exponential is honored to host a monthly National Church Planter Prayer Call.
“We want to intercede for the prayer requests of church planters, partners, network and denominational leaders across our nation as they pursue multiplication through the planting of healthy, reproducing churches,” explains Exponential CEO Todd Wilson. “While we have built an amazing community of Kingdom leaders through our conferences and other offerings, we want to intersect these efforts by connecting with and praying for the needs of church planting leaders and rejoicing with them in their God-given victories.”
Larry Walkemeyer, Director of Equipping and Spiritual Engagement for Exponential, will lead the National Church Planter Prayer Call along with a prayer panel of Exponential staff and church planting leaders from across the nation. Along with receiving prayer requests and praises during the call, the prayer panel will facilitate the Prayer Call through prayer and scripture focus elements.
People joining the National Church Planter Prayer Call will be encouraged to interact with the prayer panel and other attendees. Using the online Zoom platform, attendees can can submit prayer requests, agree in prayer, and interact with the prayer panel and others on the prayer call. The desire of Exponential is to join with other leaders to offer praise to our Father for His continual work and ask for His wisdom and grace to see greater fruit in Kingdom multiplication, particularly through church planters.
The National Church Planter Prayer Call will be hosted online the third Friday of each month. The Prayer Call will begin at 11:00am Eastern Time/8:00am Pacific Time lasting 60 minutes. You can join with the link above. You may also sign up below to receive updates about the schedule, like Zoom meeting links each month.