Names of Christ: 2 new apps

I am very excited that we are able to offer two new applications (apps) of collections of names of Christ through something called YouVersion!  YouVersion is a resource that contains many versions of the Bible and other Bible-based discipleship materials.
We tried this once with the first 30 days of my book, and more than 2500 people used it.  Now, I invite you and anyone else you want to refer this service to to try 30 of devotionals from "I Want to Know More of Christ" that are from the Psalms, that we're calling "The Magnificence of Christ in the Psalms."  You can access that through this link:
Then, we've put together seven names from "I Want to More of Christ" that include "Lord" in their title, to help people focus on the Lordship of Christ.  That collection is called "Jesus Christ is Lord of All."  That collection has a very special added feature--you can either read each of the devotions, or you can listen to them.  We have included the audio feature from our audio book.  I think you will be delighted to hear the reader, Christopher Glyn. 
So, please check out both of these YouVersion apps.  If you like them, I would really appreciate it if you will send the links to many other people through email, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.  If these apps help many people know more of the wonders of Christ, we would love to do additional combinations of the daily devotionals from "I Want to Know More of Christ." 
Steve Hall
P.S. On each of the apps, there is also a link to the book's website for people who want more information about the whole "I Want to Know More of Christ" book.

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