Vol. 37 - April 2013
In this issue:
- The Forgotten Altar - Part 8: The Posture of Prayer
- How to improve your worship service without causing a fight
- Worship Profile (evaluation) Kit on sale
Part 8 - The Posture of Prayer
There are several physical positions associated with prayer. Is one better than the other? Does God actually pay more attention if you kneel or raise your hands? How do you decide what’s appropriate for a given situation? Consider the following...
How to improve your worship service without causing a fight:
1 - Conduct a simple worship service profile
Success is in the details and a worship service profile documents details of worship that reveal a great deal about how a church does worship and whether it’s actually giving quality time to the things it deems most important. For instance, if a congregation says that it wants to be a house of prayer , but spends two minutes in monologue prayer and only fifteen seconds in corporate prayer, but ten minutes on announcements; they’ve got some significant adjustments to make. To do a simple profile, you need to...
2 - Use the Worship Profile Kit if improvement in worship is needed.
This is the best way to improve worship. Not only will it alert you to deficiencies in the way your service is conducted; it gives you concrete information to discuss with church leaders, moving the discussion from likes and dislikes to facts and priorities. Click Here for more information.
ON SALE right now for $39.95 - free shipping - regularly $50 - Click Here for more information.
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Vol. 38 - May 2013
In this issue:
Part 8b - The Posture of Prayer
There are several physical positions associated with prayer. Last month we looked at sitting, standing, head bowed, and kneeling. Now we'll look at several more and then consider why it's important.
In our culture, prostration is appropriate for private devotions, but seldom in group prayer. Many of us have found ourselves flat on the floor crying out to the Lord in times of extreme personal hardship or spiritual warfare and I have been in a few small group prayer meetings where some participants spontaneously prostrated themselves. However, it’s not a posture of prayer you should suggest in group prayer. I don’t know of any place in scripture where someone’s instructed to prostrate themselves. It’s always spontaneous.
Raised hands:
Raising hands toward heaven has several meanings that haven’t changed much in thousands of years. In Bible times it was used in association with vows just as it is in courts today. It was a sign of blessing much as you see the Pope raise his hand to bless crowds of worshipers. And it was a sign of praise during worship, perhaps exactly as it’s used today.
There are two fairly distinct reasons we raise our hands toward God. Hands raised in praise represent something given to God. More often, they represent a reaching out for assistance, much as a toddler reaches out and up toward a parent when hurt or wanting attention. This reaching motion is so natural and ingrained from childhood, it’s no wonder that it’s so widely used in prayer and worship.
Generally, you won’t instruct people to raise or not raise their hands during prayer. It will be left up to the individual. Sometimes raised hands become an issue within a group. If you suspect tension, prepare a Bible study that includes a handout of pertinent scriptures. To get the attention of those who think everyone should raise their hands, you might start with the first half of the following verse:
This passage is not so much about raised hands as it is about having your heart right when you pray. And that’s what you want to communicate to your group. For those who tend to look down their nose at the unrestrained hand raisers, you might include a review of 2 Samuel 6 in which Michal is critical of King David for his undignified worship. It also might be helpful to have a discussion about body language and fetishes. (see last sections of this article) The point is to help them see that God sees past the position of their body to the attitude of their heart.
Clasped hands:
Most of us talk with our hands. As we speak, our hands are forming visual illustrations of the concepts we are trying to communicate. So why do we eliminate this natural part of expression by clasping our hands during prayer? You might think it's because we have our eyes closed, but I often find myself talking with my hands when I'm praying out loud and I think that's pretty common. Perhaps it has more to do with instinctive body language, because it's been around a very long time.
Going back much farther than that, we find in Jewish tradition that the priests joined their hands in a particular way as they quoted prayers and blessings with the congregation. This goes back at least as far as ancient synagogues and probably the Old Testament temple. No doubt, this practice was slightly different from place to place and time to time, but it involved the touching together of the index fingers while interlocking the others. This symbol of praying hands became so associated with the priesthood, that it’s etched on many of their ancient tombstones.
Clasping your hands is a very natural position of prayer and a millennia old tradition, but isn’t mandated in scripture. Though a meaningful part of some liturgies, it should not be construed as something deemed necessary by God.
Open or closed eyes:
Closing of the eyes is not directly mentioned in scripture in relation to prayer, but can be inferred by the frequent references to bowing. On the other hand, looking someone in the face was a sign of equality and therefore not appropriate for communion with God. Consider this verse.
Praying with your head raised and your eyes open isn’t a sin, but care should be taken. The prophets of the Old Testament (Zephaniah 3:11) and Jesus in the New Testament (Luke 18:11), made it clear that the Lord has a strong distaste for pride and arrogance. Examine your motives.
Having said that, it can be beneficial to open your eyes in some prayer situations. For instance, if you’re leading a vespers in a location of great natural beauty, suggesting that the group pray with their eyes open would be appropriate. In general, any time there’s something to look at that draws attention to or glorifies God, praying with your eyes open is an option.
That's probably more than you wanted to know about the many positions of prayer, but why is it important? Who cares? Maybe God does.
Body language:
Body language, as a form of communication, is often more revealing of our inner being than what we say. Think of yourself in the following situations: at home watching a favorite TV show, at your child’s sporting event, and at the funeral of a loved one; you’ll see three very distinct body languages that communicate what’s going on in your mind.
The verse above (2 Kings 19:22) applies directly to a pagan king who had blasphemed God, but reveals that God does notice body language. However, it’s the attitude of one’s heart, which the body language reveals, that really concerns the Lord.
Both of the men in this parable are standing as they pray, but the body language of the tax collector reveals a great difference in the condition of his heart. His heart was broken in remorse for his sin, while the Pharisee was so blinded by his pride that he could not see the sin of his own arrogance.
As a prayer guide; don't manipulate people into using a prayer posture of your choice. Instead, create an atmosphere of spiritual freedom and provide them with opportunities to pray in a way that expresses what they feel in their heart. Make suggestions when appropriate, but don't manipulate.
Human beings are fetish prone. We’re always looking for shortcuts, and that’s just as true in worship as anywhere else. Any of the postures of prayer can become a fetish. For instance, if a person had a particularly moving experience during a service in which they stood much of the time; standing can easily become a fetish for them. Standing during subsequent services tends to bring back those feelings and therefore helps them enter into an attitude of worship more easily.
We’re all like this. Worship fetishes can be anything from speaking in tongues to singing with your eyes closed. A particular action becomes a shortcut that produces immediate spiritual memories or feelings. The problem is that it eventually becomes little more than a habit.
I once saw a lady demonstrate this perfectly. It was during the morning worship of a conference I was attending. We were into the fourth or fifth chorus, everyone was standing, the congregation was singing beautifully, and many worshipers had their hands raised. I noticed some extra motion by a lady sitting near me and couldn’t help but glance her way. Her left hand was waving back and forth above her head, but not as a result of great spiritual motivation. It seemed that her cell phone was ringing in her purse, but she was doing her best to keep that left hand held high while rummaging around in the purse with her right hand.
There’s nothing wrong with having a particular prayer or worship posture that blesses you as long as:
Prayer Guide Suggestions:
As a prayer guide, your goal is to help others communicate with God. Giving them guidance in this sensitive area of prayer posture can be rewarding if done wisely and prayerfully. For instance, just getting your group on their knees because they've never done it before is not a worthy goal. On the other hand; if you're convinced that being on their knees will better express what's in their hearts during the prayer time you've prepared; that is a worthy goal. Even then, you don't manipulate them. You make any necessary preparations so that they can do it. You explain what your suggesting and why. Then you leave it up to them.
Previous articles in the Forgotten Altar series:
Pauline Sisson remembered
My wonderful mother-in-law passed away this month. She died peacefully with my wife Peggy at her side on Tuesday morning, May 14. She was 92.
Mama Sisson wasn't fancy or famous, but she achieved the things everyone seeks: true love that lasts a lifetime, friendship, purpose in life, significance among her peers, happiness, and even financial security. How did a 5' tall girl that grew up literally next to the tracks in the woods of south Arkansas, lived in the same house for over 60 years, was a member of the same church for over 70, and preferred a simple life - accomplish such a thing?
I'll let her tell you in her own words. "...have a Christian home and serve the Lord."
Peggy asked me to give the funeral sermon and I spent the better part of a day reading everything I could find that her mother had written. It was quite a lot. She was a note taker. Every flyleaf of every Bible she ever had was completely full of her notes and thoughts. On top of that, my daughter had given her a 'Grandmother's Journal' which she had put to good use.
After knowing her for over four decades and reading her thoughts on everything from her first kiss to the meaning of life; I can safely say that the secret of her success and the very focus of her being was... have a Christian home and serve the Lord.
click here to see her obituary
I can't speak of Mama Sisson's passing without acknowledging the loving ministry of my wife Peggy in these last months. She was by her mother's side 24/7 for ten of the last thirteen weeks. She was at times exhausted and stressed as much as I've seen her in our 43 years of marriage. Mrs. Sisson is in heaven now, but her devotion to family and the Lord lives on in her daughter.
Prayer in Times of Tragedy
The horrific tornado in Moore, Oklahoma reminds us that prayer guides are often called on to intercede in the most tragic of circumstances. Here are some things I've learned:
Want to know more? Chapter 9 in the Prayer Guide book has many insights and practical helps on the issue of praying in tragic circumstances.
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Vol. 39 - October 2013
In this issue:
The Forgotten Altar - Part 9: Revolution!
The time for a revival of prayer is past. For the last few decades, many have prayed urgently for a revival of prayer. The intention is good but in most churches there's not anyone left who can remember when congregational prayer was the heart of worship. I've talked to old timers who were children in the late 1800's that remembered fervent prayer during worship, but those folks are all in Heaven now.Revive means to bring something back, but if no living person knows what they're trying to revive - well - it's very unlikely to happen. We need something more than a revival of prayer. It's time for a revolution of prayer!...
Previous articles in the Forgotten Altar series:
My final monthly newsletter:
For several reasons, it has become difficult for me to get out a newsletter every month. I'll continue to send out articles from time to time, but no longer promote a 'monthly' newsletter.
Thanks for your patience and time.