family (5)
Household Salvation Prayer
God has been stirring up a burden in my wife, Julie and me, for our many unsaved family members. We’ve also heard this from other Christian friends we know as well. This is a clear indicator that the Holy Spirit is about to be poured out upon all fle
Read more…What does the scripture say about the value of giving thanks?
After you read the article below, take a moment to discuss how a biblical lifestyle of thanksgiving has the potential of impacting believers and non-believers; congregations and communities.
Your thoughts are appreciated,
Phil Miglioratti
Pray! Network
Share an idea of how to incorporate prayer during Thanksgiving season!
The Thanksgiving season is a wonderful opportunity to invite church members into a deeper experience of God in both personal and corporate praying.
How does your congregation integrate prayer into the Thanksgiving season?
- Corporate worship
- Small group
Praying for missionaries who are our family
I pray daily for our daughter and son-in-love who are serving on the mission field. At times I search for fresh ways to pray for them. . . I like the prayer card Nav Press has and am using that at this time. Anyone else pray regularly for missionarie
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