By Rob Griepentrog
Independence Day is a day to celebrate freedom and independence from the rule of any other nation.  While God has given us great freedoms, we do remain fully dependent on Him.

God is the Lover of our Souls, our Creator, our Wonderful Counselor (the Holy Spirit), Prince of Peace (Jesus), our Almighty God, our Rock, Salvation, and He has many additional names!
One of the dangers of being sinful beings, and living with liberty and freedoms, is that we can become self-sufficient.  Self-sufficiency is not an inalienable right (at least I didn't see it the last time I read the Constitution or Declaration of Independence).  It's not how God intended or desired us to live.  Yet, how easy it is to become prideful, to take matters into our own hands, and declare independence from God!
As we approach July 4th this week, would you purposely set aside some time to ask God to search you for any self-sufficiency or any spirit of self-sufficiency within you?  If He brings something forward, confess that to Him, release it, accept His forgiveness and desire to change you from within, then let Him heal that area of your heart and/or thinking.
I can't think of a better way to practice earthly independence, than by being fully dependent on our Creator!  He does immeasurably more than we ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20)!
Aware in Prayer- Practicing Freedom to Pray in Public
This week, if you'll be attending a parade, concert, public or private fireworks display, or spending time around others you might not normally spend time with during the course of a regular day/week; would you be in prayer for those around you?  Ask the Lord to direct your attention to children, adults, or groups of people that He may desire for you to pray for.  Then, pray for them as the Spirit leads you to do so!

That could simply be praying the SAFE prayer for someone from a distance (asking God to bring them Spiritual Awakening or a Fresh Encounter with Himself that day).  You may want to strike up a conversation with someone.  While talking, ask if you can pray for them (or if they have any specific prayer requests you could pray for).  If they agree, take some time to pray for them right there and then!  Trust the Holy Spirit to give you the words to pray if you feel fearful or intimidated.  He will!  

Most people are blessed when somebody (even a total stranger) takes the time to , listen, care, and pray for them!
Practice the freedom to pray this week (and every week)!  Watch for opportunities to pray.  Listen and follow the Spirit's promptings, then seek God to change lives and eternities- maybe even your own as you pray!  
Everybody benefits through prayer!
Happy Independence Day!

In His grip,
Rob Griepentrog
Executive Director, OnSite International, Inc.

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  • Amen!!  Thank you so much for sharing this Phil and Rob...The Lord is removing a lot of barriers about prayer and He is opening my eyes more and more to growing dependence on Him alone and opening the gates wide open to being led by the Spirit in prayer and living.

    In Christ's Love, Cathy




    I Bless America & all it’s citizens with Eyes to See, Ears to Hear and a Heart to know the Truth of the Gospel.


    I Bless America with a spirit of receptivity to the Gospel of Jesus Christ !


    I Bless America with SALVATIONS unlimited.  Every man, woman and child to receive Eternal Salvation.


    I Bless America with MORE of God’s Holy Spirit to be evident in their lives.


    I Bless America with all the Gifts of the Spirit of God resident in their lives.


    I Bless America with a heart after God.


    I Bless America with a hunger after God’s Holy Word and the ability to read and recall the Word as needed.


    I Bless America with The Whole Church taking the Whole Gospel to the Whole Nation.


    I Bless America with an abundance of Evangelists in their midst.


    I Bless America with cutting edge Evangelism to take place in our media and communications outlets.


    I Bless America with creative and witty inventions of updated presentations of the Gospel.


    I Bless America to be Truth Seekers with hearts after the One, True God, the Lord God Jehovah.


    I Bless America with Dreams and Visions of Jesus Christ.


    I Bless America with discovering the Legacy of Faith in it’s history.


    I Bless America with Bible studies taking place at work, in neighborhoods and schools.


    I Bless America to receive back to it’s shores the #’s of Missionaries sent in the last 100 years for God’s work.


    I Bless America with Bible believing Christian leaders be voted into office at every local,state & federal office.


    I Bless America with Judges in Courts that will uphold God’s law and not man’s laws.


    I Bless America to fulfill it’s Godly destiny.



    I Bless America with a new found heart for prayer to God.


    I Bless America to see it’s prayers answered by God.


    I Bless America with testimonies untold of God’s hearing and answering their prayers that change men’s hearts.


    I Bless America with a Spiritual Awakening across the entirety of the nation.


    I Bless America with a new found trust in God their Creator just as it states on it’s dollar bills.


    I Bless America with a renewing of their minds to be the minds of Christ thru God’s word.


    I Bless America with a gift of giving to supply the needs that will open hearts to the gospel.


    I Bless America with favor with the nations of the earth and God.


    I Bless America with experiencing God as Father that repairs and replaces the Orphan Spirit.


    I Bless America with God’s Restoration to their Souls thru Jesus Christ.

    I Bless America with HOPE.


    I Bless America with Signs and Wonders from the Father’s Hand.


    I Bless America with Biblical Values to live by that produce much fruit in the lives of our people.


    I Bless America with a rain of the Spirit of God the likes of which has never been seen before.


    I Bless America with a new generation of Emerging Leaders whose lives are based on God and His Principles.


    I Bless America with a Spirit of Hospitality to host Bible Studies and Home meetings for Worship & Prayer.


    I Bless America with a New Song from the Lord.  A Song in their hearts for LIFE and LIFE more abundantly.


    Pat Allen

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