Pray for the Lamb's Reformation!
Oct 31st 2017 marks the 500yr anniversary of the Reformation when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the Wittenberg door! This year we want to pray for a Lamb's Reformation to help shift the church back to honoring the sacrifice of Christ! A reformation is the action or process of reforming an institution or practice. It's our desire to see the church reformed, fully alive to the Supremacy of Christ in all things! Let's cry out for a God-breathed, Christ-awakening movement where God's Spirit uses God's Word to re-awaken God's people back to God's Son for all that He is! As Paul writes in Philippians 3:8,
The International Prayer and Mission Leaders Consultation: Uniting in Prayer for Transformational Revival and Mission Breakthrough, May 8-12, Herrnhut, Germany

In a matter of days now, 120 prayer and mission leaders will come from around the world joined by 30-40 local and European prayer and mission people to encounter the Lord and pray for His breakthroughs in reaching the remaining Unreached Peoples of the world, the raising up of children and youth for the unique callings the Lord has for them, and going deeper in authoritative prayer that transforms our world. " Read More - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
During the run-up to the Consultation and continuing through it, please be praying with us for these specific outcomes:
- For traveling mercies as well as physical and spiritual protection over every participant as he or she prepares to journey to Herrnhut. Some are experiencing attacks on their health now.
- That those prayer and mission leaders coming would deeply connect with the Lord and one another, experiencing the reviving work of the Holy Spirit in this historic place of prayer, revival and mission.
- For a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the glory of Jesus Christ! Acts 1:8, 2:17-2:21 that will start at Herrnhut again and flow out to the nations!
- That the participants will prayerfully discern together how the international prayer and mission movements can be better integrated for their mutual benefit and for the sake of those still unreached with His Gospel (Matt. 24:14).
- For God's empowering of the Next Generation youth and children's prayer movements, both during and following this gathering, and that every nation will have a thriving Next Gen prayer movement in the coming 10 years.
- For canopies of united, strategic and sustainable prayer to be raised up in every nation and city across the earth.
- For a Great Awakening and New Reformation to erupt in Germany and across Europe.
- For a 'Spirit of Unity' during the gathering, that we would come together 'in one accord' loving and supporting one another in the diverse missions He has called us to as members of His Body (John 17 and Psalm 133).
- For a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit to rest upon each one presenting and leading us in prayer and for His prophetic insight to flow among us!
- That we will develop valuable, ongoing relationships and friendships that advance His Kingdom.
- For key moments and inspiring stories to be captured via video and distributed effectively to the prayer, revival and mission movements around the world.
- For favor with authorities, the granting of visas, and safe, peaceful travel arrangements for all those coming to Herrnhut.
- For protection from the evil one and all the forces of darkness (Psalm 91).
- For the Lord of the Harvest to thrust forth missionaries to the ends of the earth and that every unreached people group will have a viable movement of Christ followers within the coming decade (Matt. 9:37-38).
Pray for North Korea and the Looming Showdown: Three South Korean Perspectives
Possible war clouds are darkening the skies over North Korea at this time and we need to pray for the USA and the surrounding nations, especially China and Russia, to be restrained and careful in their responses so that dangerous miscalculations are avoided. Read More
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Please keep this situation in your earnest prayers for the coming weeks and also that the wicked regime of Kim Jong Un would be removed as quickly and peacefully as possible so that liberation can come to the long-suffering North Korean people who have lived under the oppressive boot of his family's government for 70 years. We also pray that the latest increase in sanctions will not prevent humanitarian assistance by Christian and other organizations. Please remember all who suffer in this nation in your prayers.
Prayer: "Heavenly Father, the Republic of Korea that was built in the center of world missions has received Your wonderful grace. The political views and positions which are now divided more than ever are reaching the extreme. These conflicts and chaos are so unsettling that they resemble to the situation happened just before the Korean War. Lord, You are the only One who can solve this conflict. Heal and bind our hearts, and let Your justice and righteousness flow in this land."
Please pray for us. Pray for a peaceful reunification of Korea. Pray for the presidential election which will be on 9th of May so that we can have a new president who has a strong and godly leadership prepared by the Lord.
Please pray for Nepal and God's protection for Nepalese Christians because the number of anti-Christ people are growing here. Yesterday, after the huge celebration of Easter, some unknown people shot the program officer of the Federation of National Christian Nepal (Mr. Santosh Khadka) He is now being treated, still with the bullet in his body. He was riding a motorbike on the way to a house fellowship and another motorbike rider came and shot him. The gun sound was so small, he did not know he had been hit until he reached his destination and saw the blood flowing down from his hip. May the Lord heal him very soon. Thank you so much for your regular prayer and love for Nepal. We appreciate you from our deep heart. With much love and prayer, Govinda and Sujita Nepal House of Prayer
Lausanne Mission Leaders Gathering

Global Prayer Leaders & Prayer Groups,
Would you kindly pray and share with your key prayer leaders this Prayer Request on behalf of The Lausanne Mission Leaders Gathering. The number of those who will gather has risen to 90+ CEO/Executive Directors. They are acknowledging the need for extraordinary prayer and have asked us to partner in prayer.
Phill Butler writes, "I have the opportunity/responsibility of designing/facilitating the process by which these 90+ leaders engage with God, the challenge, with each other, and with a plan for action. It's a process we're well into. Many very encouraging things. BUT - We are coming into the final 7-8 weeks - the 'homestretch' of this thing and if anything of lasting Kingdom value occurs over these next few weeks - during and after Wittenberg - it will be because of prayer. Will you and your praying friends/network(s) take up this cause? This small team behind the scenes, will be lost without the extra prayer support. And, as always, this comes with my profound thanks for your commitment to Kingdom collaboration and the prayer that's so essential. Your support over the years has been such a huge encouragement!"
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Would you join to pray for their gathering that will happen in June 2017*, in just a few weeks. Please pray for these 90+ mission leaders that will gather in June that they will have the unity of the Spirit and a willingness to pray and work together for the future. Pray for Phill Butler and his colleagues that will be helping to facilitate this important gathering that they will be anointed and guided by the Holy Spirit and will know how best to proceed.
Arab-European Prayer Conference: Rise Up Now!
 Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Calling His Beloved European family both locals & Arabs to pray shoulder to shoulder with the promise that the united fervent prayers of the righteous will usher a new dawn for Europe.
As 2017 marks the 500's anniversary of The Reformation, that sprang up from Germany, we are praying for a breakthrough for the continent of Europe, with all the challenges that we face and the golden opportunity of the ingathering of unprecedented harvest of immigrants.
The RiseUp-Now Team & partners.
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Let us unite and stand together for His purposes in Europe, on June 15th -17th 2017 at Leipzig, Germany.
Please pray with our Arab brothers and sisters in Christ to have a strong anointing and visitation of the Holy Spirit as they meet to pray for a new day for this continent.
 There is something stirring in Africa! Read More
A Christian Perspective on the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism
It has been our desire to see "A Church established among every unreached Buddhist people group."
Today, I was listening to Joel Goldberg's talk about Islam and he said that his intention in writing his novels was to alert the Church so that they would not be blindsided by the rise of radical and apocalyptic Islam as we were on September 11. As former Buddhists, we understand the subtle nature of Buddhist propagation and their missionary strategy. Although they don't use guns, for the most part, we as Christians are involved in an ideological battle with religions that have captured the minds of millions of souls who are unaware of the dangers of modern sophisticated idolatry that come wrapped in the crimson robes of a "simple Buddhist monk" with an intriguing story from Tibet. Read More
Australians' Call to Fast and Pray for America, April 30-May 4

Media Release
For the fifth year in a row, Australia is calling the nations of the world to join with them to pray and fast for five days for America, from 30 April - 4 May 2017.
April 30 is America's National Day of Repentance. May 4 is America's National Day of Prayer.
'For your Great Name's Sake - Hear Us, Forgive Us and Heal Us' is the theme for 4 May, 2017.
Read More
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Please get the word out to others you know in different nations to join in this wonderful effort. Pray for five days of anointed and powerful prayer that God will use to bring breakthrough in the USA and a healing of the awful divisions that have developed even stronger since the US national elections. Pray that America will indeed come back to the Lord in a massive wave of repentance and revival. May it be ignited during these days that start this Sunday.
Egyptian Christian Response to the Terrorist Attacks There
 Please see this wonderful, Christ-like and moving response to the bombings of the Coptic churches by a Coptic priest. What a testimony and loving attitude.
Watch Video
The Taliban Menace and Prayer Concerns for Humanitarian Efforts in Afghanistan
On Friday the 21th of April a group of Taliban attacked a large Afghan Army base close to the Northern Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif. The Taliban were dressed as soldiers and then killed more than 140 Afghan soldiers and wounded many others. Today is a national day of mourning in the country. Just on 8th of March Islamic State gunmen dressed as medics attacked a Kabul military hospital in one of the safest areas of the city. About 50 people are said to have died as militants armed with guns, grenades and knives targeted patients and staff at the 400 bed hospital. It looks like the Taliban and IS terrorists can hit any place they chose. This attacks have shown how bad the security is in Afghanistan and the increasing strength of the Taliban and IS.
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Please continue to pray that these terror organisations would be stopped and finally defeated. These are huge blows against the Afghan Army that has suffered already heavy causalities in the last year. Pray for wisdom and courage for the Afghan government and Army. God has to step in and rescue this country from its cruel enemies!
Pray for the Christian humanitarian organizations serving the Afghan people at this great time of need. Pray for their protection and favor in the eyes of the government. Pray that they make bear effective witness and that many will be drawn to Christ through their loving efforts.
IPC Calendar
2017 1 - 2 May - 12 Days of Prayer for Transformational Revival and Mission Breakthrough 2017 30 Apr thru 4 May - Call to Fast and Pray for America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwpqby8fJK0 2017 8-12 May - International Prayer Leader Consultation Herrnhut, Germany 2017 25 May thru 4 Jun - Thy Kingdom Come www.thykingdomcome.global 2017 15-17 June - The 2017 Prayer Conference registration@riseup-now.com 2017 27 May thru 25 Jun - 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World http://pray30days.org/
The IPC Website
The IPC website is part of a hub that aims to equip and inform the Church worldwide. We run it as a service to our partner organisations and ministries to help them to publicise their prayer alerts, news, events and resources. We would invite you to get involved.
If you have:
1. News / Events: news of international prayer-related interest such as upcoming initiatives and conferences
2. Regional Prayer Requests: strategic prayer requests and alerts for your nation or region
3. Resources: teaching articles, media or testimonies
... we can, in most cases add them to the website. Please send copy along with images and hyperlinks to any existing online content that we can point people to for further information.
Articles for inclusion should be submitted to the IPC administrator at office@ipcprayer.org.
About International Prayer Connect (IPC)

"Compelled by God to seek Christ's glory worldwide for the blessing, healing, and transforming of the nations, International Prayer Connect exists as a coalition of prayer networkers and mobilizers working together to motivate, develop and equip national movements and local churches to fill all nations with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the completion of the Great Commission."
The IPC is not an organization as such. We are a fellowship of people involved in mobilizing prayer throughout the world. We function as an international "network of networks", connecting international, regional, and national prayer ministries and networks. We also arrange or support special prayer initiatives that bring prayer leaders together from time to time to pray for matters of regional and global concern to the Body of Christ. Regional prayer summits have been arranged or supported by the IPC in most regions of the world as well as international prayer initiatives for the United Nations, Hollywood, and other issues.
The IPC is led by an international leadership team, now called the International Prayer Council, is composed of twenty leaders who coordinate regional prayer networks or international prayer initiatives of various kinds. We seek to be catalysts and connectors within the global prayer movement towards the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14- that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
We do not have an official membership but connect with individuals and networks through IPC Connections, a periodical newsletter distributed via e-mail to give prayer information to interested people. Please share this newsletter with prayer coordinators, prayer network leaders, and others who have an interest in the global prayer movement so that they can be informed about different prayer initiatives, existing prayer networks, and how to participate in them.
Donating to IPC Through PayPal
PayPal is an online banking service that can receive donations from over 30 currencies worldwide through automatic draft and credit cards. It is safe and secure. International Prayer Connect is a non-profit ministry funded through the Transformation Prayer Foundation and relies on individual donations to keep the work going. If you are willing to provide support, please click below. Thank you for your sacrificial gift to IPC! Click Here to Donate
Contacting the IPC Office
IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages):