A Monthly Journal to Guide Intercession for Our World
March 2016
In This Issue
Isaiah 19 and Prayer for the Middle East
Alert: Pray for the Peace of Syria!.
Contend for Syria and the Refugee Crisis
North Korea
Christian Prayer Network Leaders Call for 30 Days of Prayer
Prayer Resources for the USA
The 2016 World Weekend of Prayer
Turning our hearts towards Turkey
Intercede for the South Asia
Pray As One: A Call to Prayer Walk the USA
Intercessors for America
Make China a Blessing to All Nations
United Cry DC16
Pray for the Jews of Israel
News from the front-line
IPC calendar
Quick Links
WYPA 2016

Isaiah 19 and Prayer for the Middle East
1. Prayer Initiative for the UAE, February 18-20
It was a blessing and joy to serve with 23 others on a large international ministry team for a national prayer initiative for the United Arab Emirates held in Dubai, February 18-20. Some were colleagues from the leadership of the IPC and others were prayer leaders and intercessors that wanted to take part. About 250 local participants representing many of the 64 churches in the Emirates took part and the local organizers were so gracious and sensitive to the work of the Spirit in our midst. 
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Alert: Pray for the Peace of Syria!

"Backers of the cease-fire in Syria are meeting in Feb. 29 in Geneva after France called for emergency discussions on alleged breaches of the U.S.- and Russia-brokered truce, AFP and Reuters reported. Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the Syrian opposition have traded accusations of repeated violations. Asaad al-Zoubi, the head of the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee's delegation to peace talks, said that the fragile truce faced complete nullification because of at least 15 attacks by Syrian government forces and Hezbollah, as well as Russian airstrikes. On Feb. 28, Russia said there had been at least nine violations, including from Turkish territory. The current cease-fire agreement is patchy at best, and the fact that Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamis State are specifically excluded all but guarantees that war will continue in Syria."
Please join the Syrian believers in praying that the current cease-fire will hold, that humanitarian shipments will get to those who need help deep within the conflict zones and that peace will come about through this cessation of fighting and the continued diplomatic efforts to bring an end to this horrifically destructive war.

Contend for Syria and the Refugee Crisis
We invite you to join in Praying for the Refugee Crisis this month.
This month we provide a prayer guide for praying for the refugee crisis which has received global attention.

North Korea
North Korea
There is quite a bit of turmoil in North Korea as February included several missile launches following the claimed, but strongly doubted, detonation of a hydrogen bomb as reported here last month.  The next big shock to come was the execution of army chief of staff, Ri Yong Gil. In the North, it is becoming increasingly dangerous to hold high office.  This latest execution may well generate some strong responses domestically.  All of this was followed by South Korea closing down the Kaesong Industrial Complex in response to the North's missile launches and the North retaliating by freezing what assets it could. Of course it is the "little people", the NK workers and the small to medium SK firms that bear the brunt of this. Here is some analysis of the situation. This, too, is causing increasing unrest in the North.  The government's typical domestic response to all of these events is increasing propaganda that increasingly falls on deaf ears and calling for greater sacrifice such as the "70 Day Battle" leading up to 7th Party Congress in May.

Christian Prayer Network Leaders Call for 30 Days of Prayer for the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States as They Prepare to Hear 'The Texas Case' on March 2, 2016
Contact: Queta Aguilar, SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Feb. 3, 2016  
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently rejected the Arkansas case which banned abortion after 12 weeks and the North Dakota case which banned abortion after six weeks.  Both of these states had even offered, by law, to care for until adulthood every unwanted child so that any woman that wanted the liberty to be free of unwanted child care could do so.  

Prayer Resources for the USA
You may not realize it down in the trenches of prayer ministry in your church, but a new wave of interest in prayer is rapidly growing in the United States. Thanks to the upcoming elections and the continued moral and economic downward spiral the U.S. is experiencing, there is an increasing sense of desperation among believers. And that turns them to prayer.
As you will see in this edition of Prayer Leader OnLine, there are many opportunities and resources available to help fuel your people. I encourage you to take some time with this issue and check out all that we and our ministry partners are making available.
We especially encourage you to purchase copies of the new Election Prayer Guide for your congregation. Get everyone praying God's purposes over then elections, rather than their own fear!
Please also check out our new section at PrayerShop on Praying for Elections. Take full advantage of this increased interest in prayer to disciple the believers in your church!
Jon Graf,
Pray Magazine

The 2016 World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk 
You and your church can join us for this global campaign, which unites hundreds of thousands of people across more than 40 countries in prayer.
The theme this year is 'small but mighty'.
God uses children to change nations. No one is too small or insignificant in his eyes! The Bible is full of children who have been used by God, and of children who've overcome the odds to become great men and women of God.

Turning our hearts towards Turkey
We thank God for the recent discovery of an underground church in Cappadocia, where intercessors from all over the world will gather together to pray for a great revival in Turkey and Middle East.
We thank God for the news that Malatya Church has been growing and that more Christian workers are needed to help with pastoral care.
 Read More

Intercede for the South Asia Regional Prayer Consultation, April 11-13, in Dhaka, Bangladesh
In today's context, the need for raising more systematic prayers for the countries is very much felt and God has put an urge in everyones heart to raise concerted prayers. It is essential that our work need to be saturated with fervent prayer and intercession. In line with this, we are organising a 3 day prayer consultation to raise more prayers for the nations in the South Asian Region.
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Prayer Partner,
I recently attended the National Prayer Committee meeting in Orlando, FL, where prayer leaders from around the nation gathered to pray and share reports of what God is doing. Four years ago, I remember a lot of discouragement among the leaders. It seemed the prayer movement was stagnant and struggling. One prayer leader, Dr. Bob Bakke, stood up and declared that the Church needs a unifying clarion call to revival and spiritual awakening.
Read More

Islamic State is likely to step up "the pace and lethality" of its attacks in the months ahead as it seeks to fan the flames of international conflict, the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency said on Monday.
Speaking to a security conference, Marine Corps Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart linked his warning to the militant group's establishment of "emerging branches" in Mali, Tunisia, Somalia, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

Pray As One: A Call to Prayer Walk the USA
Uniting as one, appealing to heaven to change the spiritual climate in our nation.
As One is a national call to prayer. The basic strategy revolves around two 40-day periods of prayer walking, fasting, and corporate prayer events. The first will start on Easter Sunday, March 27 and run through the National Day of Prayer on May 5.  The second begins on September 30 and ends on Election Day. In addition, there will be much collaboration with major national prayer events that are happening throughout the year.

Intercessors for America

The United States is at a critical turning point! With the contentious election cycle upon us, it is time for believers across our nation to get on their knees as never before! Prayer can change the course of the election and our nation. Intercessors for America has developed some powerful resources that can inspire, challenge, and equip you and your prayer groups to pray on target for this nation.
We encourage you to check out our new products related to praying for the elections. The Get Out The Prayer 2016 section of our web store has some very practical resources to help you motivate believers in your sphere of influence to pray. We especially encourage you to purchase the Get Out The Prayer Campaign Box ($24.95). It will provide multiple ways to encourage prayer for the nation and elections.
Please take a few moments to review some other resources we list here--and the more than 100 at our store. We believe these resources can make you more effective in your intercession over our nation!

Make China a Blessing to All Nations:Now is the time for China Mission 2030

Excerpts from report By Luis and Doris Bush
Missions to China have been going on for the last 200 years. Now is the time for Missions from China. We have been inspired by the Korean Church as they have engaged in missions for the last fifteen years. Mission China 2030 is the turning point because of the revival of the Church in China, because of the eighty million Chinese Christians in China. If there is one missionary in 1,000 Christians, there will be 80,000 missionaries. Furthermore, China's economic development has brought opportunities. The global technology revolution has brought opportunity for mission from China. Migration of the world's population brings opportunities. Universal Chinese network brings opportunity. This is the time to move together in faith.

United Cry DC16

United Cry DC16 is a concerted effort to gather pastors, church leaders and intercessors, to help reclaim America's future through a bride that is re-firing in prayer and obedience to our God in the Lord Jesus Christ.   None is looking for an event, but for fully embracing His Kingdom come, His will be done, ongoing beyond any one day. We rejoice in the many ways God is moving this year. God bless the Kingdom work you are all doing for His great glory.   

Pray for the Jews of Israel

*  That Jews throughout the world will have revelation about the One portrayed in the Psalm 22; that they will "pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star arises in their hearts!"

"News from the front-line, testimonies of what is happening amongst the fleeing refugees into Europe."

This week our co-worker here returned from a nearby country where there are countless Syrian refugees. He and his team went to the refugee camps to talk to and pray for the people there. He could not believe the spiritual openness and hunger! He said that probably half of those they talked to had had dreams of Isa (Jesus) ! They were able to share the love of God with these hurting people. They also saw God perform miracles of healing as this team ministered to the people there. What an opportunity! Pray for God to open more and more hearts and lives!

IPC Calendar

7 - 12 Mar, The Movement for African National Initiatives, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
27 Mar - 5 May and 30 Sep - 8 Nov
40-day Prayer Challenge 
9 Apr United Cry - DC 2016
11 - 13 April South Asia Regional Prayer Consultation [see March newsletter for details]
5 May, National Day of Prayer
15 May, International Year of the Great Commission commences
17 - 21 May, UPM-IPC Prayer Gathering in Cappadocia, Turkey
4 - 5 Jun World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk 
15 - 22 Jun Global Proclamation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand
16 - 19 June Rise Up Now in Milan, Italy
16 July Together2016
26 - 30 July UPRISING: World Youth Prayer Assembly in Seoul, Korea
27 - 28 Oct National Prayer Assembly for the USA, Washington, DC (by invitation only for prayer ministry leaders- contact Lisa Crump, National Day of Prayer, for more information 

The IPC Website

The IPC website is part of a hub that aims to equip and inform the Church worldwide.  We run it as a service to our partner organisations and ministries to help them to publicise their prayer alerts, news, events and resources. We would invite you to get involved.
If you have:
1. News / Events:  news of international prayer-related interest such as upcoming initiatives and conferences
2. Regional Prayer Requests:  strategic prayer requests and alerts for your nation or region
3. Resources:  teaching articles, media or testimonies
... we can, in most cases add them to the website.  Please send copy along with images and hyperlinks to any existing online content that we can point people to for further information.
Articles for inclusion should be submitted to the IPC administrator at

About International Prayer Connect (IPC)


"Compelled by God to seek Christ's glory worldwide for the blessing, healing, and transforming of the nations, International Prayer Connect exists as a coalition of prayer networkers and mobilizers working together to motivate, develop and equip national movements and local churches to fill all nations with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the completion of the Great Commission."



The IPC is not an organization as such. We are a fellowship of people involved in mobilizing prayer throughout the world. We function as an international "network of networks", connecting international, regional, and national prayer ministries and networks. We also arrange or support special prayer initiatives that bring prayer leaders together from time to time to pray for matters of regional and global concern to the Body of Christ. Regional prayer summits have been arranged or supported by the IPC in most regions of the world as well as international prayer initiatives for the United Nations, Hollywood, and other issues.


The IPC is led by an international leadership team, now called the International Prayer Council, is composed of twenty leaders who coordinate regional prayer networks or international prayer initiatives of various kinds. We seek to be catalysts and connectors within the global prayer movement towards the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14- that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."


We do not have an official membership but connect with individuals and networks through IPC Connections, a periodical newsletter distributed via e-mail to give prayer information to interested people. Please share this newsletter with prayer coordinators, prayer network leaders, and others who have an interest in the global prayer movement so that they can be informed about different prayer initiatives, existing prayer networks, and how to participate in them. 

Donating to IPC Through PayPal
PayPal is an online banking service that can receive donations from over 30 currencies worldwide through automatic draft and credit cards. It is safe and secure. International Prayer Connect is a non-profit ministry funded through the Transformation Prayer Foundation and relies on individual donations to keep the work going. If you are willing to provide support, please click below. Thank you for your sacrificial gift to IPC! Click Here to Donate 

Contacting the IPC Office




IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages): 


NOTE: Constant Contact is our mass e-mail service. If you have unsubscribed from the newsletter through Constant Contact, you will not be sent other information you might be expecting from IPC. To get back on specific database mailing lists, you will need to sign up again at You may choose from 3 e-mail lists (IPC Connections Newsletter, Children in Prayer, and International Prayer Alerts). You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the office or hitting the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter. 

International Prayer Connect, P.O. Box 66771, Albuquerque, NM 87193

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  • International Prayer Connect

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    February 2013

    In This Issue
    Middle East Prayer Initiative and Concerns
    Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020...Kansas City, Missouri,...
    Afghanistan-Pakistan Special 2013 Prayer Focus Update
    Sudan Threatens to Arrest Church Leaders
    Saudi Arabia: Saudi blood money ruling angers activists
    Call to Prayer from Vietnam
    Malaysia's National Election
    Human Traffickin
    China to Boost Nuclear Program with Rail-Based ICBMs
    North Korea
    Iranian nuclear chief was present at North Korean A-bomb test, repo...
    North American Prayer Summit for 4 to 14 Window
    NIGHT WATCH 2013: Praying for the USA
    Call to Prayer re. the Supreme Court, Sexual Immorality and the USA
    Collegiate Day of Prayer--Please pray with and for the students of ...
    Global 4/14 Day Set for Sunday, April 14, 2013
    Word of the Lord for the World Prayer Assembly
    How Prayer is Transforming Nations
    Events Calendar
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    That We May Be One So the World May Believe!
    unity in prayer
    We know that the unity of all followers of Christ, be they Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant, is on the heart of the Lord. It was the last prayer He prayed for His disciples and for us who have come to faith centuries later. The Apostle Paul also strongly urged that we maintain the unity of the Spirit and not allow divisions to destroy it. Unfortunately, Christians in general have allowed themselves to be split into tens of thousands of denominations (over 30,000 when I last checked). Evangelicals are some of the worst offenders, often attributing their divisions to doctrinal or biblical reasons when it is usually about personalities and control. We have so many little "popes that have a quest for religious power!

    God is greatly blessing such united prayer efforts as we experienced at the World Prayer Assembly, where Christian leaders and intercessors from 86 countries and all three Christian traditions prayed together. Now in Indonesia, where this unity continues to grow, the Muslims are scared that they will lose the nation and its young people to Jesus Christ. They claim that 2 million of these youth are leaving Islam for Jesus every year. (See the YouTube video "Save Maryam" made by concerned Muslims). There may be some other factors at work, but I would especially attribute this to the atmospheric change in the nation caused by Christians across the denominations uniting in prayer. Jesus in His prayer of John 17 said this would be the result--the world believing if we are one.


    I have just been in the Middle East meeting with senior Evangelical, Catholic and Orthodox leaders about a possible Middle East prayer assembly. All of them were warm, welcoming and gracious men and women of God with whom we prayed and felt a kinship of spirit. In Egypt, the prayer movement leaders come from all three traditions and they pray together every Monday, affirming what they have in common--faith in Jesus Christ amidst a sea of threatening Islamism.


    coptic popeIn Egypt, I also met with the new Coptic Pope, a humble, gracious man who is known for his commitment to three things-Jesus, the Bible and prayer. His predecessor, Pope Shenouda, with whom I also met some years ago, knew the whole New Testament by heart. The Coptic Orthodox date from the time the Apostle Mark brought the Gospel to them in the first century and have stood the test of 20 centuries as well as hundreds of years of oppression and persecution at the hands of Muslims. An impressive renewal movement is also happening there at this time led by black-robed priests who evangelize, cast out demons, and heal the sick. They are very impressive servants of Christ!


    ME2Through decades of conferring with church leaders of every strand, I have discovered that when we sit down together, and especially when we pray together, walls and stereotypes tend to fall down, and we begin to perceive one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, which is our eternal identity. After all, we are all on a journey both in and towards His Kingdom; we are at different points like different tributaries entering a large river, yes, and all of us now "see in a glass darkly" before we see Him face to face. Therefore, given our flawed understandings and incomplete experience, it does not help Christ's cause to build or maintain walls of historic division when the Spirit of God wants to dismantle them and do something new in our day!


    A plea and prayer request-can we as people of prayer increasingly try to look past denominational labels and differences (they will all be forgotten anyway when we stand before the Lord at the end) and perceive His cosmic purpose in uniting all those who call on His name through the prayer movement? Can't we reach out to those who come from different understandings and experience of the faith and at least agree to pray together for those things we are all concerned about? Who knows what mighty works of the Spirit would result that would change the atmosphere of nations, regions and our whole world!


    May the Lord help us to do what is pleasing in His sight and what makes for both the upbuilding of His Body and the transformation of our world through the united prayer movement.


    John Robb

    IPC Chairman 
    Cheryl Sharps, Administrative Assistant
    International Prayer Connect

    International Prayer Connect | c/o 2520 Bosque Entrada Trail NW | Albuquerque | NM | 87120
  • International Prayer Connect

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    Click here for complete newsletter

    April 17, 2013

    In This Issue
    Egypt: Sectarian Clashes Leave Several Dead
    stanbul Statement on the Church in Syria Issued by the Religious Li...
    Turkey: Call to Prayer on Martyrs' Day, April 18
    Evangelical Colleges Inching Toward Affirmation of Homosexuality in...
    North American Prayer Summit - Change of Dates
    Current Prayer Requests for Afghanistan and Pakistan
    Save the Dates! An Invitation to the International Prayer Initiativ...
    Prayer Journey for the Arab Women
    Christian Prisoners in Sudan's Jails
    Nepal: Global Outreach Day on May 25th
    Sri Lanka
    Malaysia General Elections on May 5
    China and Its One-Child Policy
    North Korea
    Indonesia - Authorities Demolish a Protestant Church
    International Children Intercessors Conference, July 25-28, 2013, C...
    Report from IHOPKC re: Transform World 2020 Prayer Summit
    Mexican Drug Cartels in Suburban America
    EXPOSED 2013
    Events Calendar
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    Top Ten Crucial Prayer Concerns

    If you are in a hurry and do not have time to read the rich articles in this Connections prayer journal, here is a shortlist of crucial prayer concerns we invite you to pray about.


    1 The situation in North Korea and the provocative actions of Kim Jong Un and his regime that could get out of hand and cause war, potentially even involving nuclear weapons. Pray for peace and restraint on all sides and that the North Korean leaders will introduce reforms of their society that will both set their people free and establish better relationships with the international community.


    Afghanistan- that the Spring offensive of the Taliban will not occur and that their movement would be thrown into confusion, disunity and dissolved so they cannot continue to destabilize the nation.


    Pakistan- that God would raise up honest, good leaders in the parliamentary election (May 11) process going on now and that the Taliban radicals would not be able to derail this election or harm those who are running as candidates.


    Children in Prayer Chinese World Consultation (May 16-19)- that Chinese Christian leaders in China and Hong Kong will get the vision and be equipped to empower the 335 million youth and children of their vast population.


    Middle East Prayer Assembly (October 1-4, Cyprus)- that good delegations from each nation in the region would be able to take part and that a strong, ongoing and interconnected prayer movement for this embattled region will be the result.


    6 Malaysian National Election (May 5)- that a new government ruled by honest, caring leaders who put the people first will be put into power and that corrupt, self-serving politicians will be removed.


    7 Egypt- for the peace of the Lord to reign over this nation and that it will be able to move to greater freedom and prosperity, throwing off authoritarian Islamic ideology in favor of upholding human rights for all its citizens.


    Syria- that the civil war that has claimed tens of thousands of lives will wind down and that there will be a peaceful resolution of this conflict resulting in a new, united government that works for the good of all Syrians.

    EXPOSED: Shining a Light on Corruption - 14-20 October 2013- that this global campaign against corruption will be used of the Lord to save the over US$1 TRILLION that goes missing through mismanagement, illicit business practices and poor governance so it can be used to help the poor and their children and fulfill the UN Millennium Development Goals.


    10 The International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations and Children in Prayer Global Consultation- "Children and Youth: Investing in the Future" (November 15-20)- that all the arrangements will come together and that UN officials, ambassadors, Christian NGOs working among children, ministry leaders as well as praying youth and children will be able to come from around the world for this historic event. 
    International Children Intercessors Conference, July 25-28, 2013
    Chennai, India

    Mal: 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the Children to their fathers.


    It's time to gather again the child intercessors and spiritual parents from different parts of the world. They will cry out day and night from July 25th to the 28th, 2013.


    The vision of the conference is:

    • To raise spiritual parents who can pray for orphans and children
    • To raise a Praying Children's Army to pray for families, churches and nations
    • To transform orphanages into C-HOP


    The New Wave of Children's House of Prayer (C-HOP) has spread widely, raising nearly 25,000 praying children around the world.


    This year will be the year of DAY and NIGHT intercession and worship by children along with the young adults and Spiritual parents. Different worship teams from different nations will gather and ignite the fire of Revival.


    2013 is a time to release parents and children to start 24/7 intercession in your church or in your House of Prayer.


    Come and See how the orphans cry before God Day and Night. Let your Children receive the anointing. Your nation needs it, your family needs it, your work place needs it, and your children need it.

  blessed! Watch the video...

    When: July 25-28th

    Where: Chennai, India

    Click to register: 

    Report from IHOPKC re: Transform World 2020 Prayer Summit

    The recent Transformed World-IHOPKC Prayer Summit from March 24-27, 2013 has left a deep imprint in the lives of our staff, students and many who are connected to us. I am writing to you to provide a brief snapshot of the scope of the influence this prayer summit.


    During the TW2020-ihopkc prayer summit about 200 delegates from various nations of the TW2020 10 geographical regions were represented including pastors from the Kansas City areas and IHOPKC leadership team. Approximately 1000 prayer gathering leaders registered their prayer meeting online specifying their prayer location, prayer focus and prayer time. 60% of these prayer gathering are located within the USA. Reports from the fields in Indonesia and Brazil along with our online analytics revealed the fact these 1000 registered prayer gatherings represented only a fraction of the true numbers of prayer gatherings. Indonesia reported 10,099 prayer gatherings nationwide and additional 528 prayer gatherings internationally. In Brazil, radio station broadcast in 130 cities live and some prayer gatherings were attended by over a thousand intercessors.


    Our online analytics revealed the following summary data:


    At least 90,000 unique IP connection points engaged with TW2020-ihopkc. (Each IP connecting point could have one or more intercessors)


    130 nations connected with TW2020-ihopkc through these 90,000 IP connecting points.


    In conclusion, more than 100,000 prayer gatherings or individual intercessors had joined the TW2020-IHOPKC prayer summit globally along with the 2000 intercessors locally in Kansas City that sustained the 70 hour prayer and worship vigil. It is safe to conclude that more than 1 million intercessors in 130 nations have stood in agreement to pray through various aspects of the 7 global challenges, 7 spheres of society, 10 geographical regions, The Back to Jerusalem Mandate, the 4/14 windows Global initiative and the Israel Mandate. We believe a significant birthing of the Transformed World 2020 Global initiatives has taken place within the context 24/7 prayer with worship.


    Daniel Lim


    Mexican Drug Cartels in Suburban America
    Mexican drug cartels whose operatives once rarely ventured beyond the U.S. border are
    dispatching some of their most trusted agents to live and work deep inside the United States -- an emboldened presence that experts believe is meant to tighten their grip on the world's most lucrative narcotics market and maximize profits.

    If left unchecked, authorities say, the cartels' move into the American interior could render the syndicates harder than ever to dislodge and pave the way for them to expand into other criminal enterprises such as prostitution, kidnapping-and-extortion rackets and money laundering.

    A wide-ranging Associated Press review of federal court cases and government drug-enforcement data, plus interviews with many top law enforcement officials, indicate the groups have begun deploying agents from their inner circles to the U.S. Cartel operatives are suspected of running drug-distribution networks in at least nine non-border states, often in middle-class suburbs in the Midwest, South and Northeast.

    "It's probably the most serious threat the United States has faced from organized crime,"said Jack Riley, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Chicago office.

    Border states from Texas to California have long grappled with a cartel presence. But cases involving cartel members have now emerged in the suburbs of Chicago and Atlanta, as well as Columbus, Ohio, Louisville, Ky., and rural North Carolina. Suspects have also surfaced in Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

    Statistics from the DEA suggest a heightened cartel presence in more U.S. cities. In 2008, around 230 American communities reported some level of cartel presence. That number climbed to more than 1,200 i2011, the most recent year for which information is available, though the increase is partly due to better reporting.

    Danny Porter, chief prosecutor in Gwinnett County, Ga., said he has tried to entice dozens of suspected cartel members to cooperate with American authorities. Nearly all declined. Some laughed in his face. "They say, `We are more scared of them (the cartels) than we are of you. We talk and they'll boil our families in acid,"' Porter said. "Their families are essentially hostages."

    Proverbs 11:1 (MSG)  GOD hates cheating (dishonest and unrighteous dealings) in the marketplace; he loves it when business is aboveboard.

    1. For the exposure of all illegal activities and the eminent capture of all TCO cartel operatives functioning inside the USA. (Prov. 28:1)

    2. For leads and evidence leading to the capture and conviction of all cartel operatives and members, and the dismantling of all TCO cartel activities in the USA. (Luke 8:17)
    3. For protection of all law enforcement as they investigate these illegal activities as well as for the protection of their families. (Rom. 13:1-4)
    4. That as the cartels attempt to set up businesses in the USA (even legitimate businesses to sell marijuana in states that have made this lucrative drug legal) that their oney laundering operations will be exposed and shut down. Prov. 11:1

    Associated Press. "Mexican Drug Cartels Reportedly Dispatching Agents Deep Inside US." Fox News. IFOX News Network, 01 Apr. 2013. Web. 09 Apr. 2013


    From Hal Sacks at 

    EXPOSED 2013

    Thank you for your partnership with us.  I am charged with making sure interested partners have the full partnership pack, and the ability to put the EXPOSED Global Call tool on their website. The partner pack is at, and I attach the Leaflet and Partner Actions for you here too.


    From: Vikki McLachlan  



    Let's be in prayer for this important global campaign to expose corruption that affects the poor and all of us.

    Events Calendar







    May 2

    USA National Day of Prayer

    May 5

    Malaysia General Election;


    May 7-10

    North American Prayer Summit for the 4 to 14 Window;


    May 9-18

    10 Days of Prayer up to the Global Day of Prayer (May 19)

    May 16-19

    Children in Prayer Hong Kong Consultation;


    May 18

    World Prayer Centre Day of Prayer

    May 19

    Global Day of Prayer

    May 20-21

    Prayer Wall Hong Kong Consultation;


    May 25

    Global Outreach Day;


    June 1-2

    World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk

    June 23

    World Refugee Sunday (Refugee Highway Partnership)

    July 25-28

    International Children Intercessors Conference, Chennai, India

    October 14-20

    EXPOSED2013 - shining light on global corruption

    November 15-18

    Children in Prayer Global Consultation


    November 18-20

    United Nations Prayer Initiative



    The IPC Website

    The website ( consists of the following sections, and we would appreciate it if you could assist us in the following ways:

    1. Home: Please send us news of international prayer-related interest such as upcoming initiatives and conferences. We will update our calendar regularly with such dates.
    2. Regions: Please send us strategic prayer requests and alerts for your nation or region.

    Please send your suggestions to the IPC administrator Cheryl Sharps at

    About International Prayer Connect (IPC)


    "Compelled by God to seek Christ's glory worldwide for the blessing, healing, and transforming of the nations, International Prayer Connect exists as a coalition of prayer networkers and mobilizers working together to motivate, develop and equip national movements and local churches to fill all nations with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the completion of the Great Commission."



    The IPC is not an organization as such. We are a fellowship of people involved in mobilizing prayer throughout the world. We function as an international "network of networks", connecting international, regional, and national prayer ministries and networks. We also arrange or support special prayer initiatives that bring prayer leaders together from time to time to pray for matters of regional and global concern to the Body of Christ. Regional prayer summits have been arranged or supported by the IPC in most regions of the world as well as international prayer initiatives for the United Nations, Hollywood, and other issues.


    The IPC is led by an international leadership team, now called the International Prayer Council, is composed of twenty leaders who coordinate regional prayer networks or international prayer initiatives of various kinds. We seek to be catalysts and connectors within the global prayer movement towards the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14- that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."  


    We do not have an official membership but connect with individuals and networks through IPCConnections, a periodical newsletter distributed via e-mail to give prayer information to interested people. Please share this newsletter with prayer coordinators, prayer network leaders, and others who have an interest in the global prayer movement so that they can be informed about different prayer initiatives, existing prayer networks, and how to participate in them.

    Donating to IPC through PayPal

    PayPal is an online banking service that can receive donations from over 30 currencies worldwide through automatic draft and credit cards. It is safe and secure. International Prayer Connect is a non-profit ministry funded through the Transformation Prayer Foundation and relies on individual donations to keep the work going. If you are willing to provide support, please click below. Thank you for your sacrificial gift to IPC! Click Here to Donate

    Contacting the IPC Office


    Cheryl Sharps, IPC Administrator


    IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages):


    NOTE: Constant Contact is our mass e-mail service. If you have unsubscribed from the newsletter through Constant Contact, you will not be sent other information you might be expecting from IPC. To get back on specific database mailing lists, you will need to sign up again at You may choose from 3 e-mail lists (IPC Connections Newsletter, Children in Prayer, and/or International Prayer Alerts) when you click the link.

    Cheryl Sharps, Administrative Assistant
    International Prayer Connect
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    International Prayer Connect

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    June 2013

    In This Issue
    An Invitation to the International Prayer Initiative for the United...
    A Special Invitation to all Children in Prayer Leaders, Coordinator...
    Announcing the Middle East Prayer Assembly, October 1-4, 2013
    North Africa
    Myanmar: SEAPC Yangon 2013
    Global Day of Prayer, Pakistan 2013
    North Korea
    Praying for Malaysia in the Aftermath of its National Election
    An Encouraging Story of Faith and Prayer: The Global Day of Prayer ...
    Turkey: Understanding the Protests
    Jordan: THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER II, June 6-8, 2013
    First National House of Prayer in Melanesia
    USA: Supreme Court Rules DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) Unconstitut...
    USA: Congressional Investigations on IRS (Internal Revenue Service)...
    USA: Military Salutes Homosexual Pride Month
    USA-Mexico Border Prayer Alert
    21 Days for Global Harvest
    China and Hong Kong Children in Prayer Launch
    Invitation to "A Day of Repentance 7/14": 2 Chronicles 7:14 on Sund...
    30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
    World Refugee Sunday
    All Pacific Prayer Assembly 2013 Gathering, September 18-26, 2013
    Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call
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    Reconciliation in Today's World

    Issues of reconciliation are complex, multi-dimensional, contemporary and historical. But they have their roots in the Bible.  


    The Gospel of forgiveness, stemming from the prayer of Christ on the Cross "Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing" when he was suffering cruelly at the hands of his tormentors, provides for us Christians the basis of all reconciliation. If Christ can pray that prayer, as a victim, then we can all pray that prayer. And if we know we are forgiven by God and can practise forgiveness as a lifestyle, then we can also be the mediators of forgiveness to others, either as facilitators or participants in the process. Christ has given to us a "ministry of reconciliation" (see 2 Corinthians 5.17-21). That reconciliation is in context between God and man - and we are mediators of that. But it is also in essence between man and man.


    Christ didn't wait for his persecutors to feel their guilt and come to him to ask for forgiveness. As a victim, still feeling the pain of their inflicted suffering, He took the initiative to ask God to forgive them.  


    In the complex world of atrocities committed by groups and individuals against others, is there a place where those caught up in the conflict, either as perpetrators of violence or the victims of it, can find a place of reconciliation? In the tortured stories of age-old conflicts, corporate pain and continuing hatred and fear, resentment and blame, is there a place to find reconciliation?  


    As far as God is concerned, does the corporate guilt and pain caused by nations, tribes, clans and individuals in history go away once the participants have died? Does God overlook the sin? Does He forget the sin, as if it doesn't matter any more? Does He turn a blind eye to the continuing consequences of past sin and conflict?


    I am glad to say that many modern followers of Jesus are at the forefront of community reconciliation. Sometimes they are looking for ways of putting into practise the principles of reconciliation in contemporary situations - like the Israeli-based ministry Musalaha that arranges camps for young Arabs and Jews to live together and learn about and from each other what are the causes of hatred and violence that divide their two communities. Another of my friends ministers on "Healing the wounds of ethnic conflict" in situations of recent war and tribal conflict, like Ruanda, Congo and Sri Lanka. She seeks to help victims and perpetrators to bring their pain and guilt to the Cross and from there to find a place of forgiveness and reconciliation with each other.


    In my own situation I have led, or been part of, small teams to many nations where we have needed to repent of the sins of our nation during our colonial period, when we indulged our corporate greed, often with violence, at the expense of poorer undeveloped nations. I've also been involved with teams that have gone into some of the world's trouble-spots to "stand in the gap" to seek a place where representative groups could be reconciled as a way of beginning the process of ending conflict.   


    Others have concentrated on dealing with the heritage of the slave trade - both in West Africa and in the Americas. Another of my friends has led teams to walk in yokes and chains in many nations and to repent for the sin of slavery. Sometimes those walks provoke as much antagonism as they do empathy. But how is the church going to tackle all the modern forms of slavery?


    There are others involved in facilitating secular reconciliation between corporate entities, using lessons learned from legal processes and calling this "peacemaking" - another biblical term! (see Matthew 5.9). I know a group of ex-military officers who are engaged in a range of reconciliation ministries, with church and governments, seeking to redress what they see as the consequences of past military decisions.


    When we look at the world, who is there who can in Christ's name help resolve some of the conflicts occurring in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Iraq? We may not see the atrocities and the reason for them as coming from Christian sources, but when we look at history we often see that decisions and actions taken by some Western nations have directly led to the settling of old scores by current-day inheritors of the pain and consequences of those decisions.  


    The nation of Armenia is one that has its modern-day identity rooted in the genocide it suffered in 1915 at the hands of the Turks (before Turkey became a modern-day nation state). As it approaches the 100th Anniversary of that traumatic time, how will it respond? Various nations have either sided with Turkey or Armenia in solidarity. How will that play out in 2015? What other potential flash points are there around the world?  


    The need for reconciliation is everywhere. Some want to debate the theological issues and the biblical rationale. Others want to engage merely at the political level in diplomacy, whereas others will only engage when Christians are involved.  


    For those involved in prayer, however, we know that the only way to defuse the antagonism caused by past hurt and blame is through humbly standing in the gap, confessing the sin, repenting and seeking reconciliation representationally between those whose first loyalty is to Christ, and secondly to tribe and country. Repentance and reconciliation is also the way to defuse the stronghold of evil that has been created in the places and among the people who have suffered or been perpetrators.


    Over the years we have seen some amazing answers to this kind of prayer. Situations have changed overnight, conflicts have ended and nations have changed. Is everything perfect? No. Is there more to do? Most certainly. Just as individuals have been reconciled, so can communities. Ultimately it is at the Cross where it begins - and ends!


    Brian Mills,

    IPC Senior Advisor

    May 2013


    Another word from Brian Mills about a recent reconciliation between Kenya and the U.K.:


    I hope you have seen press reports in the past couple of days detailing the British Government's decision to recompense those Kenyans who had taken the Government to court over atrocities committed against them during the Mau Mau uprising, when British rule was still in place. The fact that the Foreign Secretary has admitted the culpability of the British at that time is a huge step forward. 


    If you haven't seen this, then I expect you can Google it - it was in most of our daily papers and on the BBC. The world's media has covered this story in many ways. Here's but one connection for you


    The lady Caroline Elkins, quoted in this report, had written a book on Kenya which was one of resource books for us.


    You may remember that a small team of us were in Kenya last July to engage in repentance over these same issues, and at the time or just after a group of Kenyans took our Government to court. I believe what has happened at governmental level over this issue is fruit from what happened last July. Praise God with us.
    An Invitation to the International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations, November 18-20, 2013, New York City
    UN Flags
    For UN Officials, Diplomats, Christian Ministry Leaders, Youth and Children


    Theme:"Children and Youth - Investing in the Future: A Time to Pray and Partner for Action at the United Nations"


    Since its inception, the United Nations has been on a mission to ensure that all people have hope for the future. Whether in peacemaking, food production efforts or education, the goal has always been a better world for future generations.


    The children and youth of the world represent our future. Actually, children are the future. When the U.N. established the eight Millennium Development Goals, in 2000, the central idea was a safer, more secure future for our children. Many organizations and churches are also deeply involved in sharing Christ's love through helping to improve the lives of children worldwide.


    As the end of the 15-year MDG window approaches, and as governments, agencies and civil society assess and report, one thing will be clear: There is still so much more to be done!


    In recognition of the need for global partnerships and in support of the work of the United Nations' efforts to serve the children and youth of the world, a global consortium of Christian organizations will convene in New York City on November 18-20, 2013.


    In conjunction with Universal Children's Day, November 20, the goals of this gathering are:

    1. To engage partners from Christian NGOs around the world in a more focused effort to better the lives of children.
    2. To seek God together in prayer for His help, guidance and transformation for the youth and children of our world.
    3. To express support for the work of the United Nations and member states in their endeavors to create a more hopeful future for the children of the world.
    4. To connect U.N. personnel and diplomats with leaders from Christian non-governmental organizations and other ministries for mutual benefit and greater collaborative action on behalf of children and youth.

    We hope you will be able to take part in this strategic and crucial initiative in New York City. We will hear heart-gripping presentations by various organizations on the situation of youth and children and respond with times of concerted prayer and deliberation. Through setting up a booth and/or personal interaction, you will also be able to share your organization's work on behalf of children with ambassadors, UN officials, other Christian NGOs as well as with hundreds of ministry leaders, youth and children from around the world.


    You are warmly welcomed to register at as soon as possible or at the latest by October 1 if there is still room by then. Space will be limited at the UN so please respond soon. International or out of town participants are urged to arrive by November 18 afternoon and stay together at the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel in East Rutherford, New Jersey (about 25 minutes from the UN) for which we have negotiated the best possible rate. You can make your booking for the best rate through this website.  


    Our program will begin on November 18 with dinner together at 6 pm followed by an introductory session of worship, prayer, briefing and sharing. The initiative will conclude on the 20th after the evening session at the hotel at 9 pm. Please book your flights to depart on November 21.


    For more information, please contact the International Prayer Council office at or call our administrator, Cheryl Sharps at 1 505 4007437.


    Looking forward to seeing you in November,


    Warm regards in Christ,


    John Robb

    Chairman, International Prayer Council


    On behalf of the planning team-

    Geoff Tunnicliffe and Deborah Fikes, World Evangelical Alliance

    John Austin, Christian Embassy

    Joel Edwards, Micah Challenge

    Roberta Hromas and Mark Pritchett, American Christian Trust

    Ian Cole, World Prayer Centre

    Jody Wood, New York Intercessors

    A Special Invitation to all Children in Prayer Leaders, Coordinators, Praying Youth and Children
    CiP logoUN Session
    UN building




    You are invited to shape history by participating in the CiP Global Consultation in New York-USA!


    November 15-18, 2013


    "Children and Youth-Investing in the Future: A Time to Pray and Partner for Action at the United Nations"


    Just before the UN initiative and continuing into it, there will be another very strategic and crucial gathering of those who are seeking to raise up a global children's prayer movement that will bring His transformation to our world and empower the next generation of leaders with a heart for children and youth. If you are a praying child or youth, you are also welcome to take part. 

    1. Children in Prayer Coordinators from many countries, along with youth and children and other prayer and ministry leaders, will gather to share what we are learning on nurturing children to know the Lord and empowering them to pray for their nations and our world.
    2. It will be a time of cross-fertilization and hearing what God is doing through children and youth, sharing the best practices that are emerging in this developing CiP movement.
    3. It will be a time of united prayer, listening to God together and receiving His strategies and plans to extend this movement worldwide.

    The CiP Global Consultation will also encourage and launch the next generation to become cutting-edge leaders for Christ's global prayer and mission movement, as children and youth take their positions as equal partners in helping to lead it.


    There will be exciting sessions for children only, such as devotional times, hearing God's voice, plenary sessions, workshops, children's intercession and concerts of prayer, a prayer cruise around Manhattan Island, fellowship and building relationships while having fun.


    There are also workshops for the adults who are interested to start a children's citywide prayer movement, and on how to network and enlarge this movement in your nation or region.


    Space will be very limited so please register now on the website mentioned below. We are praying and preparing 300 adults who help lead CiP efforts as well as child prayer leaders to come and experience this "New Wave of Prayer". We believe they will have a deep, transforming encounter with God and become His agents of transformation for their family, city, region and nation.


    The criteria for the children are:

    1. They must be involved in a local, regional or national prayer initiative (showing prayer leadership among other children).
    2. They must fill out the registration form on the website below.
    3. Be age 8-16 years.
    4. Be able to communicate in English.
    5. Children who are confident, of good character and polite.

    For more information about CiP Global Conference, please contact: Ps. Tety Irwan at or Ps. Irma Chon at


    For general information about the CiP Global Conference and to register your interest in participating, please see the website at



  • p1x1.gif

    International Prayer Connections
    In This Issue
    United Prayer, a Powerful Resource for Social Transformation
    Prayer Concerns for Five Crucial Initiatives
    Children's Prayers Are Powerful!
    New Prayer Resources from World Vision
    Thousands Christian Children Pray to Become Change-Makers in Egypt
    Pray for North Africa!
    WPA Media Track Report
    Pray for the Peace and Reconciliation of Pakistan and India
    Church Bombed in Pakistan
    Afghanistan and Pakistan Prayer Initiative
    The Forgotten Genocide...North Korea's Prison State
    Invitation for SouthEast Asia Prayer Consultation
    New Wave China National Network Launched
    Solomon Islands House of Prayer Launch
    U.S., China and an Unthinkable War
    Ten Days of Prayer
    Evolving Al-Qaeda More Dangerous Than Ever.
    Urgent!! '21 Days for Global Harvest' Is Almost Here; Do Something!
    Pray with Youth
    Pray for Muslims Undertaking the Hajj
    21 DAYS - Seeking God's Face
    IPC Calendar
    The IPC Website
    About International Prayer Connect (IPC)
    Donating to IPC Through PayPal
    Contacting the IPC Office
    Quick Links
    WPA 2012
    Logo WPA logo  

    United Prayer, a Powerful Resource for Social Transformation

    Early next month, the Middle East Prayer Assembly will gather Christian leaders from across the region to pray for His peace and healing in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and other nations that are currently in tumult. The following month, in mid-November, hundreds of ministry leaders as well as praying youth and children will gather at the United Nations to pray with ambassadors and UN officials for this most powerful human institution on earth. Why are we doing this? Many would say that the Middle East will always be in conflict and that the UN is corrupt and anti-Christian.


    The reason we in the IPC are arranging these and other such prayer initiatives is that Jesus said His followers are to be the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world". Salt is a preservative from corruption, and light helps people to see clearly the way ahead. We as believers in Christ are the temple of God by His Spirit, carrying the salt and light of His presence into a world that is liable to become corrupt and darkened. Where we go, through united, faith-filled prayer, we invite His transforming power into any situation we face.


    I have written to you in the past about the prayer initiatives in over 50 nations in which we so often saw the hand of the Lord changing impossible situations of war and human suffering. Unexpected breakthroughs of peace and governments of national unity between former enemies came about as Christian leaders gathered in desperation to call on the Lord together. In 2007 and 2009, it was also our privilege to facilitate international prayer initiatives inside the United Nations with hundreds from many nations taking part. Ambassadors who took part wept in His presence, and the president of the General Assembly cried out to the Lord like a small child, asking for His help with the impossible issues with which he and other ambassadors were struggling at that time. It was a moving and powerful experience! The leader of a group of intercessors who work and pray inside the UN reminded me this past week that each time one of these initiatives happened, they felt the shift in what had been a dark and oppressive atmosphere. Praise the Lord that He can change even a daunting organization like the UN if we pray!


    The UN is involved in many noble efforts to eradicate poverty, ensure people get enough food, maintain peace in conflicted areas and help children and youth reach their potential through getting a good education and healthcare. I have met some outstanding and dedicated individuals working there. How they need our help in prayer as many of them would acknowledge. If the organization becomes corrupt or goes astray into adopting oppressive, dominating policies as a world government, it will be our fault as followers of Christ. We can connect with the One who has all power to change things through our prayers so it is extreme dereliction of duty for us not to pray for the UN and other governmental entities.


    If you would like to join us this year, November 18-20, in New York, we will hold the third nullInternational Prayer Initiative for the United Nations. Just before that will be the third Children in Prayer Global Consultation, November 15-18. There is still time to register and some places left, but you will need to move quickly to hold your place. Registration closes by October 7. You can register on this website:  


    If you cannot come in person, please pray with us. Some key concerns for five upcoming initiatives are attached below.


    It is an awesome privilege and responsibility to be His representatives and the vehicles by which His mighty working takes place in our world! Let's use the awesome prerogative He has given us- united prayer- to see His transformation come to the United Nations and the individual nations in which we live or minister.


    John Robb

    IPC Chairman

    Prayer Concerns for Five Crucial Initiatives

    May we please share the following, asking if you can cover these five crucial initiatives over the coming weeks with your prayers? There is so much potential in God's hands for each of them to have a profound impact on our world:

    1. Dark Places and Powers Consultation, Sept. 27-30, Larnaca, Cyprus- for specialists in strategic-level spiritual warfare and territorial deliverance to confer, pray and work together, and hopefully form an ongoing international network for deeper learning and broader practice. Pray for visas and traveling mercies for all and for an anointed, God-led time of great insight and deeper understanding of this realm.
    2. Middle East Prayer Assembly, Oct. 1-4, Larnaca, Cyprus- a historic gathering for ministry leaders and praying youth from all denominations and traditions across the ME region and international prayer leaders from other parts of the world to seek the Lord for His breakthroughs in this challenging area of our world. To our knowledge, it will be the first time that church leaders -Arab, Turkish, Armenian and Jewish, with prayer leaders from all three Christian traditions- have come together to pray for the region supported by prayer leaders from around the world. We need to see His breakthroughs of transformation for the nations of this region at this crucial time!
    3. Pray for visas and traveling mercies and for a wonderful unity in the Spirit, identificational repentance and reconciliation as well as nation-changing united prayer as we pray deeply for each nation of the region led by delegations coming from those nations.
    4. North American Prayer Summit, Oct. 15-18, Ottawa, Canada- for prayer ministry leaders from Canada, Mexico and the USA. We hope to focus on our three governments and also raising up younger leaders for the regional prayer movement. Pray for the people of God's choosing to come and especially younger ministry leaders that they will have His provision to come and desire to be with us.
    5. Children in Prayer Global Consultation, Nov. 15-18, New York City, USA- for CiP practioners and coordinators as well as praying children and youth from around the world. To learn from one ahother in order to expand and deepen the CiP movement internationally. We need the right people- adults, youth and children- who are involved in prayer ministry to come from the ends of the earth. Pray that the invitation will reach them and that they will be able to get the financial provision and visas to be in New York.
    6. International Prayer Initiative for the United Nations, Nov.18-20, New York City, USA- for Christian organizations serving children and youth, ministry leaders, youth and children from around the world. Theme: "Children and Youth: Investing in the Future". Purpose: to be "salt and light" within this powerful institution, praying with ambassadors and other officials for its transformation and God's blessing on its efforts to improve the lives of children and youth worldwide. Pray for great favor with UN officials and ambassadors that their hearts will be stirred to take part (even the Secretary General and President of the General Assembly and many others). Pray too for the provision and confirmation of an adequately large conference room inside the UN which is still up in the air due to remodeling. 

    Prayer Concerns for all five initiatives:

    1. For the right people to hear His call to take part in each of these events.
    2. For great favor with the authorities so all can get their visas without any problem.
    3. For the financial resources necessary for participants' flights and other expenses and for the IPC to have enough for administrative and other costs as well as to help with subsidies as needed. The widow with the bottles of oil comes to mind!
    4. For our program planning teams for each event to be anointed, led and protected in the midst of the spiritual conflict in which all of us are engaged.
    5. For all speakers and facilitators to be guided and empowered by the Spirit for their tasks.
    6. That His Kingdom will be advanced in ways we could not have imagined possible, in a "far
    Thanks so much for helping in this way. Your prayer support will help turn the tide in favor of His global purposes in each of these international prayer initiatives. Please feel free to share these concerns with other intercessors you are in touch with.

    Children's Prayers Are Powerful!

    Since January 2011, the children of Myanmar have been praying for the transformation of their nation. Many good changes such as the release of Aung Aan Suu Kyi, the pro-democracy activist and Nobel prize winner, and other political prisoners, reconciliation efforts with ethnic minorities and other signs of political and economic liberalization began to happen after the children started praying! Here are some recent pictures from one of the conferences for praying children that were sent to us. When children connect with the Lord in prayer, they are nurtured in intimacy with Him for a life of companionship and service to their Creator; their prayers are also a powerful resource for the transformation of their nations and communities. null 


    For more information and videos on how children can be raised up as God's instruments of transformation through prayer, please see our website
    under "Resources". null 

    New Prayer Resources from World Vision

    Sarah Plummer who coordinates prayer for this great humanitarian organization that works in about 100 nations has let us know about some helpful prayer resources that are available for you to use. World Vision helps millions of poor people and their children and is a worthy organization to pray for.

    1. Twitter @WVpray or Iphone/Ipad App World Vision Pray
    2. National Prayer Profiles for every country created by each national office
    3. Prayer cards for families to pray for children in many countries of the world.
    For more information on getting these prayer resources, write to Sarah Plummer at

    Thousands of Christian Children Pray to Become Change-Makers in Egypt

    egypt for Feb. 2012

    In a country rocked by change and division, some 1,400 eight to fourteen-year-old Egyptian children last week gathered to worship and ask God to change them to be the salt and light for Jesus in their communities.


    The first ever "One Thing Kids Festival" was held at the desert oasis of Wadi El Natroun from 16-18 July and televised live by Christian broadcaster SAT-7.


    "Our vision is to have this generation praying and worshipping God, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit to be able to change the world," say festival organisers Kasr El Doubara Evangelical Church (KDEC) and the children's prayer ministry of the Synod of the Nile of the Presbyterian Church.


    Most of the sessions were broadcast live on SAT-7 on the SAT-7 KIDS and SAT-7 ARABIC channels as well as on the SAT-7 KIDS Youtube Live page - the latest on-location broadcast from SAT-7 which previously has included prayer by tens of thousands at Cairo's Cave Church and broadcasts from the annual One Thing festivals for older youth.


    The Wadi el Natroun area was long an historic centre for Christian prayer by monks and pilgrims, but at One Thing Kids - held at KDEC's retreat and campsite - young children took over that mantle. Many of the children took a prominent role - some as part of the worship choir, others helping to lead prayers for themselves and their nation.


    SAT-7's Egypt Director, Farid Samir, said: "In a conference like this we saw kids worshipping and praying from their pure hearts, hearing God's voice and sharing it. Some kids told their testimonies of special encounters with the Lord."


    Farid said his own children, aged 9 and 10 attended and "were spiritually stretched, they memorised Bible verses, learnt new songs, and learnt how to intercede for their country".


    He concluded: "We believe God is going to change things in Egypt because of the faithful intercession of kids, and there will be reconciliation, salt and light especially at the communities the kids will get back to."


    Pray for North Africa!

    March 2012 Q

    Now more than ever before, we need to get our knees before the Lord and intercede for North Africa. The restlessness, the shaking that is taking place, the questioning, doubting and wondering. The fears, the violence, persecution and grief. What does the future hold? What will unfold in the coming months?


    Only God knows, but we CAN participate in the future of North Africa by spending time in prayer. This month we invite you to :


    Get in your quiet place.

    Listen to a worship song to still your heart.

    Ask God to guide you in your prayers.

    Listen in silence for 10 minutes.

    Write down everything that comes into your mind.

    Then take that list, and ask God to show you where to start.


    We know that God knows more than we do, what He is doing and what He wants to accomplish in North Africa. So let's ask Him to lead us in our prayers so we can pray back to Him what is on His heart.


    Some things God has been laying on our hearts to pray:

    1. That the restlessness across North Africa turn into active seeking for the Truth that can only be found in Jesus.
    2. That God protect North Africa from the strongholds of secularism and materialism.
    3. That the powers of darkness be exposed for what they really are, and driven out in these nations.
    4. For the peace of the Lord to rule and reign.

    Praying for Egypt :


    Please click on this link to find further information to help guide your prayers for Egypt in the coming month:


    WPA Media Track Report

    I went to Jakarta to experience what God was doing in the world through prayer and I came back so humbled, excited and inspired that I praised Him for the experience. As the Founding Director of the Hollywood Prayer Network, I brought my associate, Caren Bream, and she and I walked into the global world of prayer with great anticipation. We had the opportunity to not only meet prayer leaders, pastors and "regular people" from around the world, but we saw that the heart of God was vital and powerful in Asia. In fact, it made me ask the Lord to PLEASE put the same fire into the hearts of the people in America, and especially in my community of Hollywood, California. I experienced a heartfelt love for Jesus that I had almost forgotten was possible and I got a fresh understanding of trusting Him COMPLETELY. I left with the confirmation that we need Jesus DESPERATELY and that's right where He wants us.


    We also saw incredible breakthrough in the hearts of creative community there at the WPA. I spoke to two large groups of people who were either involved in or interested in the global entertainment industry. Both times, I was joined by Mark McClendon, Pres. of CBN, Jakarta and once by Chris Mitchell, head of CBN, Jerusalem. They had the same vision as I did to encourage Christian media professionals to see their workplace as a mission field and to encourage others to understand the need to pray for professionals in the media. Many people approached us saying that they struggled with pouring their lives into secular media, because they thought they needed to just do God's work in Christian media. We got to encouragement them to see the importance of being salt and light in the secular world. It was very freeing to many people.


    On woman had wanted to start a secular television station in Malaysia. She hadn't done if for the past decade because people in her life and in her church said it needed to be a Christian TV station, which she didn't want to do. After our talk, she came up crying and asking for the strength to start her commercial station, now that she understood it's value and importance in God's eyes. We prayed with her and cried with her and she went off, committed to do the desire of her heart for the past decades. What a thrill.


    We also got to see that the media is still an area that Christians are still afraid of. We commented on how our sessions were all smaller than the other sessions. The people who came were passionate and creative, but it was always smaller groups. It made us realize how important it is to continue being available to spread the word and the vision that praying for people in the arts, entertainment and media industries is a crucial priority. Our American culture and cultures all over the world are influenced and even shaped, by the entertainment and media industry. So, if we want to see cultural revival, we must PRAY.


    Thank you for the opportunity to have me come and pray, speak, share and listen to these incredible, global prayer warriors. It was my honor and privilege and I look forward to any other ways I can serve you in the future.


    With great appreciation,

    Karen Covell

    Founding Director

    Hollywood Prayer Network

    International Prayer Connect | P.O. Box 66771 | Albuquerque | NM | 87193
    January 2013
    “Globalizing Prayer, Transforming our World”


    Challenge to Pray “Unceasingly” and Unitedly in 2013!
    Refugees from Syria Threaten to Overwhelm Jordan and Other Nations
    Pray for the Christians of the Middle East
    Another Iranian Pastor Threatened with Execution
    North Africa
    Mail Conflict Turns Global as Islamists Take Hostages in Algeria
    Sudan and South Sudan Prayer Chain
    Liberating Afghanistan and Pakistan from the Taliban: An Urgent Call to Prayer for 2013
    Update from a Pakistani Leader on the Current Crisis in His Country
    Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020, March 24-27, 2013
    North Korea
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    Challenge to Pray “Unceasingly” and Unitedly in 2013!

    “To pray unceasingly is to think, live and speak in the presence of God…Prayer is an outward, careful attentiveness to the One who invites us to unceasing conversation.” -Henri Nouwen

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, our partners in prayer throughout the world,

    Hope you are experiencing a joyful and blessed New Year. It is time to update you on some key things that are happening in the international prayer movement and to ask if you could please intercede with us concerning these initiatives.

    Here are a few prayer concerns for 2013 we would appreciate your keeping in mind. Will you join us in seeking the Lord for these things?:

    1) God’s peace, reconciliation and healing for the Middle East region - Please continue to pray for His peace and healing of those Middle East nations that are now in conflict and turmoil. Over the last 100 years, there have been scores of conflicts in this region, a land of ancient cultures, beautiful peoples and their cultures, but tragically, so often torn by terrible divisions, hatreds and wars.

    During the next three weeks, accompanied by a colleague or two here and there, I will be meeting with senior church leaders in four countries of that region about developing a regional strategic prayer focus that will connect people of prayer across the region and Christian traditions, with the support of those who can share this burden of concern from around the world. We will also confer with Middle Eastern leaders about the World Prayer Coalition described below. Please pray for hearts and doors to open and for His wisdom and guidance to know how best to carry out such a united prayer focus during 2013.

    2) World Prayer Coalition - The Global Christian Forum as well as some Catholic and Orthodox leaders have been considering our proposal to unite praying believers of all traditions in prayer for our world and in answer to Jesus’ prayer of John 17 for the unity of His Body that will result in the world believing that the Father sent Him. This initiative was inspired by the World Prayer Assembly which saw Christians from Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox backgrounds praying together for His Church and its mission and our world. It is such a daunting effort to bring together such diverse traditions and denominations to pray in one accord! How we need your prayer support! Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will touch these leaders and give them a heart to engage with us in the IPC and WPA. Such joint prayer, with increasingly united hearts among God’s people, could change the atmosphere of our world for great good, enabling many other Kingdom initiatives to go forward.

    3) Afghanistan-Pakistan Prayer Focus for 2013 - in 2014, the Coalition forces will pull out of Afghanistan. It is likely the violent Taliban rebel movement will be able to gain control of that nation and with other Islamic radicals also subvert Pakistan which has nuclear weapons that could threaten India, the West and other parts of our world. The IPC is launching a year-long prayer focus, asking many around the world to pray for the dissolving of the Taliban and the restoration of protection and peace for these two broken yet strategic nations. Please see the fuller article below and pray with us for a massive response by the Body of Christ and for His deliverance of both countries from the threat of the Taliban and radical Islam.

    4) United Nations Prayer Initiative - Several organizations have been in talks about cooperating to put on another international prayer initiative for the UN, which dearly needs our prayers. We have decided to do this November 18-20 of this year and to focus on “Children and Youth: Investing in the Future” in connection with the UN Universal Children’s Day (Nov. 20). Venue will be the United Nations in New York City. Connected with the UN initiative, there will also be a third global Children in Prayer consultation in New York, November 16-18. The two will fit well together.

    Please pray for His favor with UN officials and ambassadors as planning team colleagues begin to approach them now; for strong and wide international participation by Christian NGOs working with children and youth; as well as by prayer leaders and child and youth leaders worldwide; and for our planning team to work in a united and effective way together.

    Thanks so much for your partnership in this way. Your support in prayer is a great blessing and help!

    All His best for 2013,

    John Robb
    IPC Chairman

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    Refugees from Syria Threaten to Overwhelm Jordan and Other Nations

    Today, a Christian leader from Jordan called to ask us to pray for his nation, which is being overwhelmed by 300,000 refugees from Syria. Iraqi and Palestinian refugees were already camped there for years. The new refugees need more food, clothing and heaters in the winter cold. Nearly 200,000 Syrian refugees are registered in Lebanon, more than 153,000 in Turkey, 69,300 in Iraq, 13,000 in Egypt, and upwards of 5,000 in North Africa, according to the United Nations, which expects their number to rise to 1.1 million by June if the war continues.

    Read more:
    (The Daily Star: Lebanon News:

    Please pray for them and for the provision of these needs by the international community through the government, the U.N., humanitarian agencies. Pray also that many of them will come to the knowledge of the Lord during this difficult ordeal for them and their nation. May a just peace and order be restored to Syria soon!

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    Pray for the Christians of the Middle East

    The Middle East has a long history with Christianity as its birthplace. Now, many Christians are leaving the region due to the growing instability there. The five families of churches represent about 13 to 15 million Christians (approximately 9 million residing in the Middle East)*

    The Oriental Orthodox churches, which includes the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, the Armenian Apostolic Church living in various Arab countries, and the Syrian Orthodox Church. Each is fully self-governing, though they are in communion with one another.
    They Byzantine Orthodox churches, often referred to as the Byzantine Orthodox Churches or Eastern or Greek Orthodox. These churches are linked in doctrine, liturgy and canon law with the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul (formerly Byzantium or Constantinople) and belong, therefore, to the wider family of Orthodox churches in Russia, eastern Europe and elsewhere.
    The Catholic churches of the Middle East. These churches all accept the supreme ecclesiastical authority of the Pope and the doctrine of the Catholic Church. Only a small percentage of them are Roman or Latin Catholics. Most can be grouped together as Eastern-rite Catholic churches. The largest of these is the Maronite Church in Lebanon.
    Assyrian Church of the East is one of the most self-contained of the Middle East churches. It is sometimes called the Church of the “East Syrians” or the Church of Persia. It exists in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
    The Anglican, Lutheran, and Protestant churches. Like the Eastern-rite Catholic churches, these churches came into being as a result of Western missionary activitiy in the Middle east in modern history. Many new independent and denominational groups have joined this grouping of churches in the Middle East as recently as the 19th century.

    *Information provided by Dr. Miltiades B. Efthimiou, Protopresbyter, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople care of Leonard Rodgers of Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding.

    Please pray our brothers and sisters in Christ to be strengthened and encouraged in their lives and in the fulfillment of the mission the Lord has given them to bear witness to the majority of their region who are from Islamic background and belief. It will take great courage, love and perseverance to do this.

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    Another Iranian Pastor Threatened with Execution

    Pastor Saeed, an American citizen, is in grave danger in a brutal Iranian prison where he says he is experiencing "intense pains after beatings in interrogations" and has been told he "will hang." His trial before one of Iran's "hanging judges" is set to begin on Monday. His alleged “crime” – threatening national security, which translates to establishing house churches in Iran.

    The regime plans to use evidence that dates back 13 years to when Pastor Saeed converted from Islam to Christianity. As we know from the case of Pastor Youcef, who is now free because thousands of people spoke out, charges related to converting from Islam can carry the death sentence in Iran. The ACLJ is calling on the U.S. State Department to demand that Iran release this U.S. citizen immediately. We cannot be silent while this American suffers for his faith.

    Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ

    Let us pray that Pastor Saeed will be exonerated and released. Pray for his protection from brutality, mistreatment and soon release from prison.

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    North Africa

    Folks in Morocco are beginning the new year with a 21 day fast to see God's Kingdom come in Morocco in greater measure during 2013. A prayer guide has been written and is attached to this email. If you are able to join in, you are all invited to choose one (or more) day during this 21-day initiative and sign up on a Google calendar to fast and pray for Morocco on that day. Details are below.

    At the start of February, the 2nd Mediterranean Regional Prayer Gathering will be held in Gibraltar. This is a 3-day prayer event praying for the region. Please pray during January for the final preparations of this event. Pray for covering and protection over the whole event. And pray that God will move in a mighty way as people come together to seek His face and pray for this region of the world. Your prayers are a valuable part of the lead up to this event, so please join in. Email us if you would like further info.

    Go to:
    Sign in details: email (note the underscore):; password: yarp4moroc (note it’s mOroc and not mAroc)
    You will then see the calendar. Along the top, you will see the date of the current week shown.
    Click the arrow key till you get to the week you want to sign up for.
    Click the day and time you want to sign up for.
    Type in your initials and then click “create event”.
    You should then be able to see your initials in the calendar.
    Click “sign out” at the top right corner before you leave.


    From: Pray North Africa

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    Mail Conflict Turns Global as Islamists Take Hostages in Algeria

    The French intervention in Mali to stop radical Islamists from taking control of the country turned into a global conflict yesterday when Islamist terrorists at an Algerian gas pumping facility took 65 or more hostages from several countries – including the United States, Japan, and Europe. Thirty-five hostages and 15 of the hostage takers reportedly were killed this morning in an Algerian airstrike.

    From: LIGNET

    Please pray for the effective containment and vanquishing of the Al-Qaeda threat in Mali, Algeria, Somalia and other nations in the Middle East and North Africa so they will be unable to establish a stronghold like they did in Afghanistan. Pray that many of these fighters will, like other Muslims, have dreams and visions of Jesus Christ and come to faith in Him.

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    Sudan and South Sudan Prayer Chain

    From the Sudan Support Network (SSNet): We feel compelled to mobilize a 40-hour prayer chain for Sudan & South Sudan for the weekend of 25 to 27 January 2013.

    To be exact: Next weekend, starting on Friday evening 19:00 to Sunday 11:00.

    The structure is quite easy to understand: 40 slots of 1 hour each. We want to encourage believers from different nations to take responsibility for part of that 40 hours. It does not matter so much if in the various time zones it does not match up precisely; we believe that in heaven it will add up.

    Please mail me specific commitment(s) to

    Could I encourage that you sign up and ask others to do too for 1 hour or more next weekend in prayer for Sudan.

    Key directions for prayer:
    *Psalm 2 – the whole Psalm

    *From the Scripture given below, it is a sobering thought that in the past month more than 100 Christian workers have been kicked out of Sudan. Right now, they're picking up the pieces. The process is continuing relentlessly! It reminds a LOT of when Christian workers were kicked out "en masse" from China in the 1950's. Everybody thought that's the end of Christianity in China, but now we know that GOD had to do that for the growth that would come.

    Pray that God would raise up indigenous believers to take up the baton in Sudan. (He's already doing that).

    Pray healing and direction for those kicked out and picking up the pieces.

    For more info on Sudan, please go to

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    Liberating Afghanistan and Pakistan from the Taliban: An Urgent Call to Prayer for 2013

    We need your help in this special prayer focus for 2013. Would you please join us in prayer and circulate this call to prayer to other intercessors you know? We will monitor how things go within these two countries as the year goes by and update you on how the Lord answers.

    The Taliban are a group of radical Islamists that are threatening the survival of both Afghanistan and Pakistan and the security of the rest of our world. If they succeed along with allied terrorist groups in taking over these two nations, they will proclaim that militant Islam has triumphed and will be emboldened to launch attacks against the rest of the world from this base. As Pakistan has nuclear weapons, they could fall into the hands of these radical Islamists and be used against Israel, the West and other nations. It is of paramount importance that we as intercessors engage in united prayer for His protection and deliverance of these two nations.

    Driven by their fanatical ideology and possessed by a spirit of violence and death, the Taliban have been wreaking havoc in both Afghanistan and Pakistan over the last decade. At 9/11, the rest of the world saw the destructive capacity of Al Qaeda, supported by the Taliban, to thrust their dagger even into the heart of the western world. The Taliban are primarily made up of the Pashtun ethnic group (called Pathans in the attached people group profile) that span the border of both nations and have been called “the most resistant unreached people in the world”. Captive to their warlike culture and code of honor that requires blood revenge, they are constantly fighting and killing one another and those from other ethnic groups. Since 2007, they also have murdered 16 Christian workers in Afghanistan. In Pakistan, they have wiped out possibly hundreds of Christian believers, also destroying their villages, churches, and homes.

    Not all Pashtun are Taliban or serve as instruments of violence, but we suspect that this people group in general has become traumatized by centuries of fighting off invading armies. As a result, the Pashtun have become both the recipients and purveyors of terrible atrocities of war and human suffering. We believe this could be the way that Satan has gotten a grip upon their psyche and culture as a people and is now using them in the form of the Taliban and other allied terrorist groups to carry out his agenda to “kill, steal and destroy”. Jesus identified the devil as the “liar and murderer from the beginning”. It is he that we must come against in faith-filled prayer to see the Taliban dissolve and these two nations set free from their destructive influence.

    After the fall of the Taliban Regime in 2001, they slowly regrouped and have since then continuously gained power. Many military leaders have now conceded that they cannot win this war militarily. Fighting with physical weapons as the Coalition forces have done in Afghanistan the last 11 years cannot be ultimately successful against spiritual forces of evil. We have seen that mobilization of prayer leaders and intercessors as well as praying children can be effective in putting the principalities and powers to flight in nations. Here are a few examples:

    In Cambodia, The Khmer Rouge, worshippers of a serpent demon, began to give up their maniacal, murderous struggle and surrendered to the government two months after a mass prayer mobilization was launched in 1994-1995.
    In Burma, thousands of children have been praying for their nation since last year, and there are now sweeping political changes going on.
    Many other cases from Bosnia, Sri Lanka and nations of Africa could be mentioned where God has used national prayer initiatives to end wars, create governments of national unity and bring about peaceful development. Some African nations now even have born-again presidents who are involved in nationwide prayer efforts!

    In Afghanistan, since the mid 1990s, prayer teams started to go into the country, and in the beginning of 2001 the Lord impressed on the hearts of local Christian workers to prophetically proclaim an end to Taliban control. As thousands around the world prayed, this came to pass by the end of that year. Hundreds of Christian workers came in to help the nation in humanitarian and development efforts. Things improved dramatically. However, the ground was not held through ongoing intercession and the Taliban have come back, threatening to take over again. Many organizations and their workers have left the country due to threats, attacks or being closed down. During the last two years, twelve more Christian workers have been killed by the Taliban.

    Large areas of the country have come again under the control of the Taliban, and all four access roads into Kabul, the capital, are now threatened with insecurity. Many locals are nervous and want to leave the country because the Coalition forces have announced they plan to withdraw in 2014. In addition, President Karzai will be leaving power since new elections will be held during that same year. Afghans know their government will probably not hold together and is likely to be overthrown by the Taliban with terrible violence for the nation as the result.

    In Pakistan, the Taliban are Islamic fundamentalists who are forcing their beliefs upon society at any cost. In recent years, as the government has sought to ban and stop the Taliban, they have risen up with new names and expanded across the country imposing their beliefs. Physically, they are now almost an unstoppable force in the hands of the devil.

    Pakistan is being rocked by suicide bombings and assassinations and is ruled by a corrupt and inept government that is unable to maintain order or lead the nation out of the political, economic and religious quagmire into which it has descended. The national elections that may happen early in 2013 are not likely to help as they will most likely be accompanied by riots and other destabilizing acts of violence and conflict. If a certain political party comes to power, that will strengthen the Taliban even more.

    People live in a constant state of fear, wondering if they will return in safety to their homes or if their area will be the next place of attack. For their own safety, they try to travel a different road each time. Those who can afford it always travel with armed guards. Most public places are surrounded by guards; even churches have guards for safety. A significant exodus of educated and wealthy people is occurring. Those without the means to leave are being left with a feeling of despair as they feel that those who can help them are now leaving the country to the Taliban and the fundamentalists.

    The pirs, Islamic spirit mediums, have a huge influence over political leaders and also have empowered the Taliban for their terrorist actions in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Government education has almost completely failed and left a vacuum. In its place, pirs and their fundamentalist schools or madrassahs are raising up a generation of fanatics who are willing to lay down their lives for the beliefs of the Taliban. For example, thousands of suicide bombers are being trained to carry out their demonic activities locally as well has throughout the world.

    Since the first missionaries came to Pakistan to reach the Pashtuns, dozens of them have been killed by them. The latest victim was a Swedish missionary lady who had served for many years there. She was shot and died in December 2012. Numerous Pakistani Christians have also been killed for their faith over the years. The Taliban have also targeted and attacked more liberal people who are concerned for human and minority rights within the country.

    A spirit of death and violence stalks Pakistan as well as Afghanistan and manifests itself most strongly through the Taliban. The best military powers in the world with all their sophisticated weapons have not been able to stop this demonic force. The battle must first be won in the heavens. If Afghanistan and Pakistan collapse, they will surely become launching pads for awful destruction to be carried to the rest of our world. We, therefore, propose the following strategy for mobilizing prayer for the deliverance of these two embattled, broken nations:

    Declare a year of prayer for the Taliban (Pashtuns) in Afghanistan and Pakistan throughout 2013 and inviting prayer networks and intercessors across the world to partner with us for this project, including especially praying children.
    Send out monthly one-page prayer alerts with in-depth, strategic information to guide united intercession and enable the prayer of agreement for specific desired changes.
    Encourage teams of veteran prayer leaders to go into both countries during 2013 to pray on-site and encourage the local believers and prayer groups.
    To initiate monthly or bi-monthly Skype calls for updating prayer network leaders and praying in agreement for the liberation of both nations and the dissolution of the Taliban.

    Here are some first prayer concerns we want to share with you for the coming month:

    1. Ask that the Lord would raise up many intercessors from around the world who will join us in serious and dedicated prayer till we see a change in Afghanistan and Pakistan, an army of intercessors that will join wholeheartedly in this spiritual battle.

    2. That the Taliban movement in both countries would be completely thrown into confusion, disunity and crushed. They are trying to set up political headquarters in either Dubai or Saudi Arabia. May this not happen. We continue to proclaim “Taliban Time/Rule is over”. Satan’s power over the Taliban will be broken.

    3. That their leaders would either surrender, give up and stop fighting or that they would be taken out before they spread even more violence and bloodshed. Especially let this happen for their key people like Mullah Omar, Gulbadin Hekmatyar, the Haqqanis and other high-ranking leaders.

    4. That the demonic unity between the Taliban and their allies be broken and that they would turn against each other.

    5. That the fear of God to fall on them and as many as possible of their key leaders would be converted to Christ.

    6. Pashtun tribal leaders throughout the areas where the Taliban operate would be so fed-up with the Taliban and their allies that they would not allow them to use their territory any more and start opposing them. It happened already in some areas, and it should spread out throughout the Pashtun areas.

    7. Talks are going on in this coming week between the US president and the Afghan president about how many troops should remain. Pray that a strong force would be allowed to stay as long as necessary and that the Afghan army would be strengthened enough to protect the nation and overcome Taliban threats.

    8. Elections are to be held in Pakistan in the Spring. A party very sympathetic to the Taliban and one that promises to bring in Sharia law is popular and predicted to win. Pray for a moderate party to win and one that will rule with justice.

    For protection of the Christians that are a tiny proportion of the population in both countries. They are facing increasing persecution. May they be encouraged and strengthened and come together in unity to pray for their troubled nations.

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    Update from a Pakistani Leader on the Current Crisis in His Country

    “News from Pakistan is a huge challenge to pray for our land, our people and us. Since 14th January an "Arab Spring" like situation has developed in our capital city, Islamabad. Several hundred thousand men, women and children have congregated in Islamabad calling for an end to the present corrupt government, electoral reforms and a new caretaker government to carry out elections. The government has adopted a wait and watch attitude hoping that the movement will fizzle out; the opposition parties have rallied together to oppose what they call a "circus" in Islamabad; civil society is also against the gathering in the Capital and we are praying that no violence will ensue as there are women and children in the gathering. The whole shebang is being led by a religious scholar who has recently returned from Canada to bring about reforms in Pakistan. As a dual-nationality holder he is barred from taking part in national politics but has adopted this novel way of bringing about reforms.

    Islamabad has been under lock down for the last four days with millions of man-hours wasted due to which the economy has been adversely affected. In addition the Taliban and other militant groups are carrying on a brutal wave of bombings, target killings and suicide attacks on the general public, security forces and especially the Shia'ite community, minority sect in Islam. In one city alone over a hundred people were killed by bombings. Later, the affected people brought out the coffins of their loved ones and laid them in a street for three days before the government even decided to talk with them! Death and destruction have become so commonplace in our country that it takes a jolt like this incident to get people out protesting against such excesses. Unfortunately, the "circus in Islamabad' overshadowed this event also. Please pray that our country will see peace and a return to “normality.”

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    Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020, March 24-27, 2013, International House of Prayer, Kansas City

    We are very delighted in another moment of Psalms 133 and Acts 1, Acts 13 where brethren praying and dwelling unity. Our strategy is very simple: 300 leaders gathered in Kansas City joined by IHOPKC staff at our Global Prayer Room on March 24-27, calling 100,000 simultaneous prayer gatherings around the world focusing on prayer for 7 challenges, 7 spheres, 10 geographical regions, 4/14 windows global initiatives and the Back to Jerusalem missionary mandate.

    The backbone of these prayer gatherings is made up 100,000 praying homes that will be hosted by 100,000 leaders. Each home can 3-30 people gathering to prayer in 2 hours slots through the 3 days period synchronizing their schedule with TW2020-IHOPKC

    Beyond this 100,000 homes, we need to call for prayer gatherings in churches, public venues, schools, colleges, hospitals, government offices, businesses, entertainment studios etc. These venues are chosen by leaders who sign up as prayer gathering hosts.

    We need you to rally your network to sign up to be prayer gathering host and Here is a possible short email or mobilization you can sent out:

    We need you to rally your network to sign up to be prayer gathering host and here is a possible short email or mobilization you can send out:

    Dear servant friends,

    We are in a kairos moment in world history. As nations are in uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His Church to advance His kingdom.

    Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020, March 24-27, 2013

    In response, Transform World and the International House of Prayer are co-sponsoring a prayer summit, “Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020,” March 24–27, 2013 at the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City, MO. We are writing to invite your participation and encourage your prayerful participation, as key leaders in the Body of Christ.

    70 Hours of Prayer
    Vision 2020 is a convergence call to the Body of Christ. For 70 hours, under the banner of ongoing 24/7 worship, prayer, and prophetic impartation, we will cast vision, seek the Lord’s guidance and anointing, and engage with seven critical challenges that the Body of Christ is facing.

    This prayer summit will launch a seven-year prayer focus on these challenges, linked to the seven spheres of society, seven regions of the world, as well as the 4/14 Window and the next generation.

    7 Challenges
    Ideological challenge: Issues surrounding Islamic fundamentalism
    Family Challenge: Focus on Christian marriage and the family, with a call to integrity, purity, and witness
    Orphan Challenge: Focus on care for orphans, with a view to a world where every child belongs to a family
    Poverty Challenge: Reviewing global poverty lines, with a focus on the availability of basic needs to the poorest communities in the world
    Justice Challenge: Toward a godly society based on God’s justice—considering injustice in casteism and North Korea, etc.
    Christ’s Missional Challenge: Reaching the last and the least with the truth of Jesus
    Celebration Challenge: Identifying, connecting, and encouraging 24/7 houses of prayer and worship in every nation

    7 Spheres of Society
    Delivery of media

    10 Regions of the World
    North America
    Latin America
    Eurasia/Western Europe
    Arab World/Middle East
    French Africa
    South Asia
    East Asia
    Southeast Asia
    South Pacific

    24/7 Webstream
    Intercession and worship from this prayer summit will be streamed live throughout the 70 hours, beginning at 4:00 pm on Sunday, March 24, and continuing throughout the day and night until 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27, 2013.

    Through the webstream, Vision 2020 will be an opportunity for college campuses and ministries in the US and around the world to pray and strategize about how best to meet the seven challenges and advance God’s kingdom. Afterwards, the event will be archived. We also hope that GOD TV will assist with broadcasting parts of Vision 2020 live.

    The following leaders have committed to be part of this concerted effort of prayer along with many others:

    Dr. Luis Bush (Transform World)
    Mike Bickle (International House of Prayer)
    John Robb (International Prayer Council/ World Prayer Assembly)
    Dr. Paul Cedar (Mission America)
    Billy Wilson (Awakening Alliance/ Empower 21 Movement)
    Dr. Thomas Wang (Former Chair of AD2000 & Beyond Movement)
    Paul Eshleman (Jesus Film/ Campus Crusade)
    Mark Anderson (Global Pastors Network/ Call2all)
    George Otis Jr. (Sentinel Group/ Transformations)
    Jim Fiske (Prison's Fellowship/ Christian Worldview Coalition)

    Sign up NOW to be part of the 100,000 leaders in the nation to host a prayer gathering in your location at

    Daniel Lim

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    North Korea

    The Situation in the North
    We would like to start off by calling attention to the arrest and detention of Kenneth Bae (Korean name: Pae Jun Ho), a US citizen and resident of Los Angeles. As you can see from the links in the sentence, Kenneth Bae was the owner of Nations Tours in Los Angeles. He was apparently arrested when North Korean authorities found compromising material on the computer of a person on one of his tours. Please pray that he be safe from harm while in custody and for his speedy release.

    This past December 17th marked the first anniversary of the death of Kim Jong Il. The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, which had been closed earlier in the year for renovation, was opened to the public again on that date to display the embalmed body of the dead leader. Here is an article with a number of pictures. This is part of the ongoing effort to memorialize Kim Jong Il in the same manner as his father Kim Il Sung and to establish the succession of his son.

    As experts reflect back on this first year of Kim Jong Un's rule, they agree that he is bringing in changes--some very remarkable--but commentators differ as to what they mean. Andrei Lankov (Russian historian and North Korea specialist) discusses the great changes that have occurred in the military in this piece on missing generals. Here is one analyst who does not think that Kim Jong Un will be able to hold onto power for very long while another one here sees steps that he has been taking to establish his rule. At the same time, the new leader is beefing up security around himself and in Pyongyang. There is also evidence that people are taking greater liberties in their discussion of Kim Jong Un then when his father ruled. He has acquired a new nick name, "General Soimae" after a popular cartoon figure, "The Boy General."

    Of course the big news in both South and North Korea is the election of Park Geun Hye as South Korea's new president to take office in February. The election of a woman has astounded the people of the North. The northern government made a speedy but terse announcement not referring to her by name. People everywhere are wondering what her election will mean for the future of North-South relationships as she is from the same, conservative Saenuri party as the current president. She has also visited North Korea on her own. While her father, the former military dictator of South Korea, Park Chung Hee, was in power in the 1960s and 1970s, he was the first South Korean leader to engage the North. There are many firsts related to her election.

    In addition to the returning Obama administration in the United States and Park Geun Hye's election in South Korea, China also has a new president, Xi Jinping, who will take office in March. With these new administrations in three of the nations around North Korea, we can certainly look towards significant developments in this new year. Please keep this whole Northeast Asian region in your prayers.

    Ben Torrey,
    The Fourth River Project, Inc.

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    Hollywood Prayer Network

    We are excited to start the year praying for the world’s most influential marketplace, and we are so thankful that you’re praying with us! We are calling 2013 the YEAR OF THE HOLY SPIRIT because we are expecting Him to do incredible miracles in our hearts and lives and in the hearts and lives of industry professionals! We know that great things are coming this year, so let’s PRAY…

    • Pray for filmmakers and actors during this awards nomination season
    • Thank God for HPN being represented at the ATMC event in Florida
    • Let’s keep praying for The American Bible Challenge game show
    • We praise God for His provision for HPN at the end of 2012
    • Pray for Christians outside Hollywood to embrace people inside Hollywood
    • Pray for Stephen Colbert, who has gone through great loss in his life
    • Pray for the Sundance Film Festival, from January 17 – 27, 2013 in Park City
    • Pray for Dick Wolf, Producer of Miami Vice, Law & Order and The Church
    • Hollywood is noticing the growing number of believers who go to church
    • Please pray for the family and friends of Frank Pastore, who died last month
    • Let's pray for Charlie Humbard, the President and CEO of GMC
    • Let’s pray for our industry pros to be hungry for God and to seek Him
    • Pray with and for the HPN Twin Cities Local Chapter Director, Heidi
    • Pray for HPN member, Rene, in Sacramento, who’s going through a tough time
    • The National Prayer Committee is gathering this year in Hollywood
    • Industry pros: join us for an Experiencing God seminar by Claude King
    • HPN member, Jozanne Marie, is opening her one woman show, Beautiful
    • The Next Film series offers classes for filmmakers of all disciplines

    Continue to pray for filmmakers and actors as their films and jobs are being nominated by the press, the guilds and the Academy of Motion Pictures, for the many upcoming awards shows honoring the films of 2012. This is the most confusing time of year, as people feel completely crushed or unnaturally elated, based on how their film or work was seen by their peers. For the list of recently announced Oscar nominations, click
    Last week, our HPN Atlanta Local Chapter Director, Cassandra Hollis, represented HPN at a large annual SHINE event that was sponsored by ATMC (Actors, Models & Talent for Christ) in Florida. It was a great success, and Cassandra tells us, “I had a real sense of being a missionary in the field of entertainment. It was a great time of fellowship, and my presentation went well. I was at peace and had an intimate dialogue about the need for more Christians to pray for industry professionals.” We thank God for these opportunities, for AMTC and for Cassandra. If you would like to be a prayer partner/intercessor this year with an entertainment industry professional, email Lisa at

    Let’s keep praying for The American Bible Challenge (Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT) as it goes into its second season on GSN (Game Show Network). In its first season, the show brought in the network’s highest numbers in its 17-year history with 1.7 million total viewers for its series premiere and over 13 million total viewers during its run. The success of the show has hit digital and social platforms with the launch of The American Bible Challenge Game for iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle and Facebook, with an amazing 8 million+ game plays and 500,000+ users. It’s a phenomenon that a
    A Monthly Journal to Guide Intercession for Our World
    March 2016
    In This Issue
    Isaiah 19 and Prayer for the Middle East
    Alert: Pray for the Peace of Syria!.
    Contend for Syria and the Refugee Crisis
    North Korea
    Christian Prayer Network Leaders Call for 30 Days of Prayer
    Prayer Resources for the USA
    The 2016 World Weekend of Prayer
    Turning our hearts towards Turkey
    Intercede for the South Asia
    TOGETHER 2016.
    Pray As One: A Call to Prayer Walk the USA
    Intercessors for America
    Make China a Blessing to All Nations
    United Cry DC16
    Pray for the Jews of Israel
    News from the front-line
    IPC calendar
    Quick Links
    WYPA 2016

    Pray for the Jews of Isra

    IPC Calendar
    5 May, National Day of Prayer
    15 May, International Year of the Great Commission commences
    17 - 21 May, UPM-IPC Prayer Gathering in Cappadocia, Turkey
    4 - 5 Jun World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk 
    15 - 22 Jun Global Proclamation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand
    16 - 19 June Rise Up Now in Milan, Italy
    16 July Together2016
    26 - 30 July UPRISING: World Youth Prayer Assembly in Seoul, Korea
    27 - 28 Oct National Prayer Assembly for the USA, Washington, DC (by invitation only for prayer ministry leaders- contact Lisa Crump, National Day of Prayer, for more information 

    About International Prayer Connect (IPC)


    "Compelled by God to seek Christ's glory worldwide for the blessing, healing, and transforming of the nations, International Prayer Connect exists as a coalition of prayer networkers and mobilizers working together to motivate, develop and equip national movements and local churches to fill all nations with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the completion of the Great Commission."

    Contacting the IPC Office




    IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages): 



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