A Monthly Journal to Guide Intercession for Our World
March 2016

Report from the UPRISING in South Korea
It has been a joy to hang out with about 1000 youth (under 35 generation) from 37 countries the last few days! We also have some older generation folks and children here to support them. The young people have run the program and there has been a lot of excitement with several contemporary worship groups and times of fervent intercession done "machine gun" style where those from a certain nation stand up and everyone bombards them for a couple minutes with prayer for everything we can think of regarding them and their country's needs. You can see some segments of the program and experience the worship and sharing of fine speakers on this link:
We are going to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) between the two armies of North and South Korea, to pray for His healing of this longstanding conflict. The two nations are still technically at war with only an armistice that keeps them from all-out fighting. Please pray with us for His healing of this deep divide between these nations and that the day will come soon that the two will become one in a peaceful manner as happened with East and West Germany. God is able as His people pray!
Blessings from Seoul,
John Robb
IPC Chair

ICIC Taiwan 2016 Raising up Praying Generations - Turn to the Father (Mal 4:6)
August 11-13, 2016 
Raising up spiritual parents, Turn to the Father (Father's Love), C-HOP prayer room, Healing in the Father's love, Restoration in the family, Praying for the nations, Special needs children...Specially welcome the participation of single parents and those who work with orphans, widows and special needs children/families
Pr Anton Cruz, Pr Grace Chiang, Pr Steve and Esther Chua, Pr Fred and Monica Hsu, Pr Tony Kim, Pr Paul Chuan...and more
Kaohsiung Wuchang Church: No.38, Minquan 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan
Registration method:
For international participants, please fill the registration form (excel file), and email to

How to pray specifically for Oral and Oral Bibleless People    
The Workers Are Few: 
"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." 

Pray for Turkey
Turkey is in tumult! The recent attempted coup has resulted in the arrest of thousands of people considered to be enemies of the regime there. Please pray for the nation to be kept from going the way of tyranny and that religious freedom and protection will continue to be given to the followers of Christ.
Pray too that there will be breakthrough for the Gospel in the midst of political uncertainty and that thousands upon thousands of Turks, Kurds and those from other people groups living there will turn to Jesus Christ. Pray that churches will be successfully planted in all 81 Provinces of Turkey so that they may incubate many seekers and baptize believers.

Pray for Iraq 
Pray for brothers and sisters in Christ that are inundated with the needs of refugees. Pray for His refreshing and encouragement for them as well as provision of more and more resources to do this work of love and mercy.
Pray particularly those working with displaced women, youth and children: A couple reports, that they are "meeting with over 700 women on weekly basis in 3 different locations, using a special program called "Psycho-spiritual" program, speaking through their needs of insecurity, fear, low self-esteem, trauma... Praying with them by the end of each meeting to "roll over" these feelings to Jesus.
Displaced youth: Special meetings for youth, age 18 - 35, using creative programs, like "Art Therapy", to help them express their feelings, then link the subject with a Bible passage and ask the Holy Spirit to guide these young displaced people to go through their life.
Displaced children: Playing games and giving gifts are the best way to touch the hearts of these displaced little ones with the Love of Jesus and restore their Joy and Hope in Life.
As a family, our life became an inevitable part of this "Displacement". Learning from Jesus, as He was displaced with Joseph and Mary, trying to be a source of Hope waiting for God to reveal His Plan to His church in our country.
Besides this "Face-to-Face" meetings, the Lord is helping us using radio and social media to reach tens of thousands of displaced people.
Please do pray that ALL these people will meet Jesus before going back to their homes.
"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:19)

Please pray for Malaysia and Indonesia as threats from the Islamic State create fear
Malaysian police confirmed that a recent (28 June) grenade attack, on a bar in Puchong, was carried out by Islamic State (IS) militants. It was the first successful terrorist attack on Malaysian soil by the group. No one was killed, but eight people were injured. The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, said, "The bar was attacked as it was deemed an un-Islamic establishment."
IS also recently released chilling videos warning about further attacks onMalaysia as well as Indonesia. In the videos they threaten to topple the governments and leaders of the archipelago in order to make way for the domination of Islam. 
Pray that the Lord will strengthen our brothers and sisters in Malaysia and Indonesia. May they be assured that He is fully aware of their current fears and uncertainties. Pray too that believers will be fully persuaded that the Lord will never desert them, not even in their darkest hour.

Children's prayer movement in Indonesia
This movement of praying children has been facilitated by a network of children's prayer coordinators across the country since 2003. This network now exists in 72 (seventy-two) regions / cities throughout Indonesia. The functions and duties of the facilitator are to teach children to pray at his or her local church and to invite Sunday school teachers each week from churches in the area and city. They gather together in a church or in other facility that is sufficient to accommodate the children from all the local churches in that region to pray together with specific prayer requests according to the situation of their city and the nation as a whole.

Putin crosses a line - bans Russians from preaching the Gospel outside churches. Here's the latest.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has just crossed a very dangerous line. He has just signed a law making it illegal for Russian followers of Jesus Christ to share or preach the Gospel anywhere outside the walls of their church, or even email their family and friends to invite them to church. What's more, he has done so under the guise of preventing "terrorism."
Read More

Breakthrough in Tibet!
What showing God's love can do: 200,000 Tibetans, including 62 Buddhist monks, decide to follow Jesus
Something wonderful in the Christian sense is happening in Tibet, a region in China considered as the highest in the world and the home of Mount Everest, earth's highest mountain rising more than 29,009 feet above sea level.

Introducing 'The Power of Prayer' - a song for United Prayer Rising, 2016 
The Power of Prayer was written by Richard and Stephanie Coates from Weston-super-Mare, UK in the Summer of 2016. Rich felt prompted to write it after accepting an invitation to attend United Prayer Rising in Seoul, South Korea in July, 2016. 

n Invitation to the National Prayer Assembly, October 27-28, 2016, Washington, D.C.

Praying about "Brexit" and its implications
How to pray for government & the Church
You may not have prayed for these areas before, but now would be a great time to start!  It is important to pray for those in authority (1 Tim 2:2).  We have put together some prayer points on how to pray for our elected governments and also for the Church at this time, as well as other points here. 

Believing for Breakthrough in North Korea
During last week's UPRISING youth prayer assembly and especially in our visit to the DMZ separating North and South Korea, we prayed for the reunification of this divided land. Along with the many Koreans that are praying on both sides of the border, we are trusting that history is being shaped through all of this intercession. Please pray with us for this breakthrough to happen soon. Pray that the North Korean people can be liberated and especially tens of thousands suffering acute oppression in the prison camps, including many believers in Christ. Let's believe the Lord, letting Him guide our intercession.
Here is a report from Ben Torrey, a third generation missionary living in South Korea who monitors the situation in the North with monthly updates like this:

Special Report: I've Seen America's Future and It's Filled With the Glory of Christ

by David Bryant on 7/21/16
A Special Report from Together 2016
First of all, you need to know that during this past Saturday in Washington, DC, we hit a record heat index.
Then, you need to know that the twelve-hour national gathering of young adults from coast to coast that took place at the Mall was forced to close down five hours early because heat exhaustion (and worse) was sending hundreds to first aid tents, causing the National Park Service to "pull the plug" at 4 PM for safety concerns.
Next, you need to know that with a one-hour heads-up at 3 PM, the reshuffled schedule brought us to a dramatic high note (which I'll tell you about in a moment). This could not have happened ninety minutes later, however, when a fast-moving, menacing lightening storm drenched the Mall-which would have forced an anti-climactic mass, chaotic evacuation.
Finally, you need to know that despite the bludgeoning of an oppressive July heat wave, still hundreds of thousands (some estimate as many as 500,000) stayed and stood-yes, stood-for seven intensive hours filled with praise, prayer, and proclamation focused on the central theme of Together 2016: inviting God's Son to reset for his glory the direction of our nation beginning with the direction of our lives and our churches.

IPC Calendar

 11 - 13 Aug - ICIC Taiwan 2016 Raising Up Praying Generations, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
22 - 26 Aug - Welcoming the King of Glory in Africa
19 - 23 September - Leadership Training Summit Africa, Ethiopia
30 Sep - 8 Nov - Two 40-day Prayer Challenges for the USA
4 - 7 October - Southeast Asia Prayer Consultation, Malaysia
For more information, email 
27 - 28 October - National Prayer Assembly for the USA, Washington, DC (by invitation only for ministry leaders- contact Lisa Crump, National Day of Prayer, for more information 
To Register:
27 - 30 October - "Awaken the Dawn: Geneva 2016", Geneva, Switzerland
2017 19-22 January - Great Commission Prayer Summit, Thailand

The IPC Website

The IPC website is part of a hub that aims to equip and inform the Church worldwide.  We run it as a service to our partner organisations and ministries to help them to publicise their prayer alerts, news, events and resources. We would invite you to get involved.
If you have:
1. News / Events:  news of international prayer-related interest such as upcoming initiatives and conferences
2. Regional Prayer Requests:  strategic prayer requests and alerts for your nation or region
3. Resources:  teaching articles, media or testimonies
... we can, in most cases add them to the website.  Please send copy along with images and hyperlinks to any existing online content that we can point people to for further information.
Articles for inclusion should be submitted to the IPC administrator at

About International Prayer Connect (IPC)


"Compelled by God to seek Christ's glory worldwide for the blessing, healing, and transforming of the nations, International Prayer Connect exists as a coalition of prayer networkers and mobilizers working together to motivate, develop and equip national movements and local churches to fill all nations with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the completion of the Great Commission."



The IPC is not an organization as such. We are a fellowship of people involved in mobilizing prayer throughout the world. We function as an international "network of networks", connecting international, regional, and national prayer ministries and networks. We also arrange or support special prayer initiatives that bring prayer leaders together from time to time to pray for matters of regional and global concern to the Body of Christ. Regional prayer summits have been arranged or supported by the IPC in most regions of the world as well as international prayer initiatives for the United Nations, Hollywood, and other issues.


The IPC is led by an international leadership team, now called the International Prayer Council, is composed of twenty leaders who coordinate regional prayer networks or international prayer initiatives of various kinds. We seek to be catalysts and connectors within the global prayer movement towards the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14- that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."


We do not have an official membership but connect with individuals and networks through IPC Connections, a periodical newsletter distributed via e-mail to give prayer information to interested people. Please share this newsletter with prayer coordinators, prayer network leaders, and others who have an interest in the global prayer movement so that they can be informed about different prayer initiatives, existing prayer networks, and how to participate in them. 

Donating to IPC Through PayPal
PayPal is an online banking service that can receive donations from over 30 currencies worldwide through automatic draft and credit cards. It is safe and secure. International Prayer Connect is a non-profit ministry funded through the Transformation Prayer Foundation and relies on individual donations to keep the work going. If you are willing to provide support, please click below. Thank you for your sacrificial gift to IPC! Click Here to Donate 

Contacting the IPC Office




IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages): 


NOTE: Constant Contact is our mass e-mail service. If you have unsubscribed from the newsletter through Constant Contact, you will not be sent other information you might be expecting from IPC. To get back on specific database mailing lists, you will need to sign up again at You may choose from 3 e-mail lists (IPC Connections Newsletter, Children in Prayer, and International Prayer Alerts). You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the office or hitting the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter. 

International Prayer Connect, P.O. Box 66771, Albuquerque, NM 87193

You need to be a member of The Reimagine Network to add comments!

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Email me when people reply –


  • International Prayer Connections
    June 2014
    In This Issue
    Lessons about Prayer
    European Trumpet Call
    Global Day of Prayer
    Iraq and Syria Initiatives
    India's Prime Minister
    North Korea
    Pray for China
    Brunei's Stuns the World
    Pray for Children
    Peace Initiatives - Middle East
    Afghanistan Elections
    30Days of Prayer - Muslim World
    City Transformation
    Quick Links
    WPA 2012
    Logo WPA logo  

    Lessons I have learned about Prayer
    1. Prayer at its basic is conversation and relationship with our Heavenly Father.   Just as God asks questions of His servants, so we can ask questions of God.   We have rights of access into the very presence of God.                                                                                                      
    2. Through prayer not only do I come into the Presence of God, but as a consequence I can be the means whereby the Presence of God is brought into the lives of others and the situations that are part of everyday life.   I want to be a carrier of His Presence.   I can be an extension of God's Being.                                                                      
    3. Prayer at its deepest level is not primarily a human activity towards God.   It is a divine activity in which God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit invite us to join (see Romans 8.26, 34 and Luke 11.1-4).   Intercession is a development of prayer.                                 
    4. Prayer is more about listening to God and finding out what is on His heart, and how He sees things, than it is about what I want, what I need and what I see.   However, God still invites us to ask Him for things (as reflected in the Lord's Prayer).                                                
    5. Prayer is easier and more powerful when engaged in with others.   There is a power released through agreement in prayer, for Jesus is in the midst (Matthew 18.19-20, Psalm 133).                                          
    6. Through prayer, changes occur.  The impossible becomes possible.   The power of God is invoked into seemingly impossible earthly situations.                                                                                                   
    7. Prayer is a clash between the natural world and the spiritual world.   In our humanity our unredeemed natural instincts are at war with our developing spiritual instincts.   The old adage "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees" still is true.   That's why Satan does all he can to stop us from praying.   The spiritual world is not part of the natural world, but the natural world is part of the spiritual world.                                                                                               
    8. It is possible to be engaged in prayer without ceasing.   So, no time of day or night need I be separate from God.   It is therefore possible for the Spirit of God within me to be in prayer even whilst I am working or sleeping.   That's why people are woken by God at night to pray or find themselves in prayer, sometimes in deep intercession.                                
    9. God's feelings are sometimes communicated to us/me - particularly through tears, deep sobbing and groans.   In those moments, when I am not emotionally connected to the situation requiring prayer, God is demonstrating that He is.   God's heart is being expressed through us/me.                                                                                                      
    10. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing I can pray!   In this era of multi-tasking, prayer needs to be my default response to critical situations or immediate needs.

     Brian Mills - May, 2014

    The IPC Website

    The website consists of the following sections, and we would appreciate it if you could assist us in the following ways:

    1. Home: Please send us news of international prayer-related interest such as upcoming initiatives and conferences. We will update our calendar regularly with such dates.
    2. Regions: Please send us strategic prayer requests and alerts for your nation or region.

    Please send your suggestions to the IPC administrator Amazing Grace Cruz at  

    About International Prayer Connect (IPC)


    "Compelled by God to seek Christ's glory worldwide for the blessing, healing, and transforming of the nations, International Prayer Connect exists as a coalition of prayer networkers and mobilizers working together to motivate, develop and equip national movements and local churches to fill all nations with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the completion of the Great Commission."



    The IPC is not an organization as such. We are a fellowship of people involved in mobilizing prayer throughout the world. We function as an international "network of networks", connecting international, regional, and national prayer ministries and networks. We also arrange or support special prayer initiatives that bring prayer leaders together from time to time to pray for matters of regional and global concern to the Body of Christ. Regional prayer summits have been arranged or supported by the IPC in most regions of the world as well as international prayer initiatives for the United Nations, Hollywood, and other issues.


    The IPC is led by an international leadership team, now called the International Prayer Council, is composed of twenty leaders who coordinate regional prayer networks or international prayer initiatives of various kinds. We seek to be catalysts and connectors within the global prayer movement towards the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14- that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."


    We do not have an official membership but connect with individuals and networks through IPC Connections, a periodical newsletter distributed via e-mail to give prayer information to interested people. Please share this newsletter with prayer coordinators, prayer network leaders, and others who have an interest in the global prayer movement so that they can be informed about different prayer initiatives, existing prayer networks, and how to participate in them. 

    Donating to IPC Through PayPal
    PayPal is an online banking service that can receive donations from over 30 currencies worldwide through automatic draft and credit cards. It is safe and secure. International Prayer Connect is a non-profit ministry funded through the Transformation Prayer Foundation and relies on individual donations to keep the work going. If you are willing to provide support, please click below. Thank you for your sacrificial gift to IPC! Click Here to Donate 

    Contacting the IPC Office



    Amazing Grace Cruz, IPC Administrator


    IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages): 


    NOTE: Constant Contact is our mass e-mail service. If you have unsubscribed from the newsletter through Constant Contact, you will not be sent other information you might be expecting from IPC. To get back on specific database mailing lists, you will need to sign up again at 

    . You may choose from 3 e-mail lists (IPC Connections Newsletter, Children in Prayer, and International Prayer Alerts). You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the office or hitting the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter. 
  • International Prayer Connections
    A Monthly Journal to Guide Intercession for Our World
    December  2014
    In This Issue
    Light and Darkness
    Micah Summit
    Transformation in violent cities
    Plea from Damascus, Syria
    Pray for Iraq
    Ukraine Needs Prayers
    Martyrdom in Afghanistan
    Republic of Congo
    Faith- Filled Prayer Breakthrough
    Scriptures to the Impossible
    Intercessory Prayer - Pacific War
    Pray for Pakistan
    Boko Haram and Nigeria
    WYPA 2016
    Quick Links
    WPA 2012
    Logo WPA logo 

    Light and Darkness 

    "Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you," says God to Isaiah (see Isaiah 60.2). At this season of the year followers of Christ around the world remember his birth.   He came as the Light of the world to begin to dispel the darkness.   His coming was in a blaze of heavenly light - at night - when "the glory of the Lord shone around" the shepherds.   His coming was accompanied by a "bright star in the East".Thank God for Jesus.   Thank God that His coming has made a difference.


    And yet - the darkness has not been entirely dispersed.   In fact, it seems that spiritual darkness has intensified.

    As we look at the world we see the acceleration of the kingdom of God in certain places, but we also see the increase of evil and the acceleration of opposition to the Gospel.   When we consider the terror and trauma being meted out on millions of innocent people in the conflicts at present occurring, or we look at the political alliances and their use of power, or the subtle ways in which ungodly policies are being imposed on nations by governments, or the corruption endemic in various economies and economic practices, or the new alliances being created as power shifts take place, we are left in no doubt that the world is going through traumatic changes. 


    How alert are we to these changes and the challenges they bring? 

    If we look at the progress of the church since its beginning, we perceive that every advance has been fiercely contested by our enemy, Satan, and all his demonic powers.  Paul, writing to the Corinthian church, shared that he had been in prison frequently, been flogged severely, faced death again and again, had been beaten and stoned, and had been shipwrecked.   He had been in constant danger, often going without sleep and food, and faced many deprivations (see 2 Corinthians 11.23-29).  


    Today it is no different.   There are many situations on this planet where, in the past year, believers have been driven from their homes and churches, beheaded or shot, narrowly escaped death, have had to move home frequently to avoid detection, have been imprisoned for their faith, and live in constant danger.   Consider Iraq, where ancient forms of Christianity are in danger of being wiped out, and thousands of Christians have fled for their lives.   Consider Syria, where the civil war has severely affected the church.   Consider Nigeria, where despite the growth of the church in the south, the activities of Boko Haram predominantly against the Christian population, has brought kidnappings, burning of churches and the slaughter of hundreds of followers of Christ.   Consider North Korea, where the church that experienced widespread revival a century ago is now a beleaguered minority with many thousands of Christians have lost their lives or been confined permanently to harsh concentration camps.


    Whilst the gospel undoubtedly has spread (there are now more believers in Christ on the planet than ever before in history), it is true to say that collectively the body of Christ is more at risk than it has probably ever been.  


    However the prevailing darkness is expressed in many other ways.   Millions are being brought into or left in modern forms of enslavement.   The grip on power globally that strong secret societies have is also a severe threat to religious liberty.   It seems that there are dangerous spiritual factors at work.   The powers behind false religions, religious fundamentalism, global terrorism, political and financial alliances and the primary sources of manipulation need to be understood and counteracted by well-targeted prayer.


    In the past year or more, the IPC has begun to bring into being a global task force to focus on the dark places and dark powers.   There have been consultations with a few leaders in North America and in Europe.   The working group for Europe has met three times in the past year, and has explored some of both the historical and contemporary influences that have been at work in the Continent, that God first chose for the Gospel to spread, but which is in urgent need of re-evangelising.   A gathering in June in Macedonia sought to address some of the issues raised by the two 20th Century world wars (recalled and commemorated Continent-wide during the past year), which made Europe the most blood-stained Continent in the world.   Over 100 million people were estimated to have died in these two wars!    The Europe group, who met last month in Greece, wants to tackle in on-site prayer and through teaching some of the factors that we have been up against, and to release a spirit of hope in the Continent that things can change and that revival can again be experienced.


    A day conference in South East Asia last September will, it is hoped, be followed by a consultation in South Asia in the first half of 2015.   Those we have brought together globally have experience of spiritual warfare and knowledge of principalities and powers on each of the Continents.   We are together seeking to understand better what we are up against, how the enemy has been at work throughout history, and where his power, time and attention is focussed today, and how modern forms of communication are aiding his work.   


    A book, examining in more detail how our enemy Satan works in individuals, communities, nations and through Governments and other institutions of power, and how we can combat him, is being written.   The church, particularly in the West, needs to be reminded of what we are up against and how we can take our stand against the devil and his schemes.   Interestingly, leaders in Africa are well aware of the demonic powers they face.   Many have written books on the subject.   But in Westernised nations there is religious debate even about whether Satan actually exists!   Fortunately Scripture is not silent about this.   Satan is mentioned over 50 times in the New Testament.   Jesus Himself knew that his calling was to preach, heal the sick and cast out demons (see Matthew 4. 23-24).   He commissioned his disciples to do the same (see Matthew 10. 7-8).


    We are looking for connections with practitioners, researchers, those with knowledge of how Satan has worked in different cultures, with a view to seeing more regional consultations taking place.   We are wanting to connect with people who are active in the seven pillars of society and have understanding as to what agencies Satan is using today, and has used in history.   If you are such a person, or know anyone who is, please get in touch with us, with a short bio concerning what you have been involved with, and in which country you are based.   We have a name for the group, but do not wish to release it in an open context such as this!


    So, at this season of the year, our call is for more intentional prayer for more of the light of God and less of the darkness of the evil one in society around us, and in the rest of the world.


    Brian Mills

    IPC Senior Advisor

    Email contact:

    Micah Summit, December 7-9, 2014
    RMnB0WE0JJwYa7guVzwBoRT4kA349b6evm1X-xG7qVNJrLWR9yBBHzQCfUGWpdTliTT9EdYRAOEwLtKPcb_hUj5BF_iOGxL4GXdziLbZd7nDcwQ=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" align="right" class="CToWUd"/>

    "In 2000 the Millennium Declaration was a moment when the world made clear promises to the poor. Fifteen years later, global leaders gather to evaluate those promises, with current world crises in mind. In the heart of Manhattan, The Micah Summit opens up a unique space for visionary Christian faith to embrace our calling to the public square. We think effective Christian witness can find a road-map between fear and faith in our post 2015 world.


    As the world reflects on the promises of the Millennium Development Goals and anticipates the

    future beyond 2015, Christians - as people of faith - have an immense opportunity to engage. The Micah Summit will provide an opportunity for crucial reflection and strategic debate. By the end of the Summit we hope delegates will have a greater awareness and appraisal of progress and gaps in our promises to the poor. And that you will gain a better understanding of the processes of engaging with civil society and institutions such as the UN. There will also be renewed commitment to the post-2015 agenda as embodied in a new 'Micah'."


    Please pray for the Micah Summit to accomplish all its goals effectively during this important gathering of those from various development and ministry organizations as they meet at the United Nations. Pray that the participants "will leave inspired to be even better and more effective servants of God who calls everyone to act justly, love mercy and walk with humility into a future filled with promises and possibilities."


    Transformation through United Prayer in the World's Most Violent City

    Please have a look at the video on the front page of this website. It is a report on the work of Poncho Murguia and others in his network in the former "murder capital of the world" that is now being transformed through united prayer. You will be encouraged by the Lord to believe Him for His breakthrough in your own city no matter how difficult the situation may be!


    Website link:

    A Plea from a Pastor in Damascus, Syria


    "Please keep praying. More than 50 mortars fall today on the houses and streets in Damascus. God is protecting. Open a door for Christians to go out"


    Let us pray for the protection and strengthening of our brothers and sisters in Syria and for the healing of this nation so devastated by ongoing civil war.

    Continue to pray for Iraq and the struggle with the Islamic State terrorists

    H4b8bm2uaJ_c5SLUIXOnXp5BittSb3fEwawJwjaMwSA8hi6Q0UDDlJ1KVfAgURDlPv9ujWQehbEsvqd1R2JBpQWgZAYkeB4N64IH-f1xY_tPXno=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=" align="right" class="CToWUd a6T"/>

    Some dear friends from Kurdistan, Iraq have written, asking prayer for the awful situation that the Islamic State terrorists have caused in the country. They write:

    "Please join us as every morning we pray to God:

    1.That ISIS will leave the country.

    2.Families can go back to their homes.

    3.Protection for believers and churches.


    Last June, because of terrorist's attacks, thousands of people, from different cities, left their homes and moved to Kurdistan, seeking safety... lost everything to gain their lives! At first, because the weather was very hot, all what they needed was ONLY water Tents/shade were the next urgent need Soon food was a great need also, then mattresses, then toilets, then...We found ourselves in an endless demand draining our time and energy, and dragging us out of our goal of building spiritual movements everywhere. But, as a result of this work; 1) Some young people developed a good relationship with Jesus, and started a youth meeting, and 2) Visiting groups of families for Bible sharing and prayer.


    With the humanitarian aid, we distributed Bibles, several printed materials and FM radio receivers that help people listen to our special radio programs. Tens of thousands of people join our programs via the radio Facebook page. Bibles: 1,830 - FM Radio Receivers: 1,300 - MP3: 443 - Christian Lectures: 1,190


    Please pray for the Christians in Iraq to be encouraged and that God will use them greatly to reach many for Christ during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. They ask us to pray for:

    - the need for prayer lead to start a Prayer Network, to stand against the spiritual powers behind the Islamic State.

    - wisdom for creative strategies to reach people with the message of Jesus


    Pray too for the Iraqi government and military to become united and effective in dealing with the IS threat, pushing them back and reclaiming the huge swath of territory that IS has invaded.
    OK friends, the time is NOW!  No more, "I'll check this out later". 

    Today is December 1st and for the next 31 days, I'm inviting you to join me in being part of The Syrian Circle of prayer.    

    The magnitude of the tragedy and the hopelessness of their situation demand an urgent response from Christ's church.  Prayer is the one absolute thing we can do to release the powerful hand of God into their situation. Our prayers will alter history, as the Living God is their Hope. 

    As believers, we cannot wait one more day.
    • They are cold as winter weather is harsh.
    • They are hungry. 
    • They have experienced great personal loss, continued fear, and trauma.
    • They are asking new questions about who they can trust and there is fresh spiritual hunger. 
    Now is the time to jump in with me as we together intercede on the behalf of the Syrian people! 
    1. Click HERE to let us know you're praying. You will receive daily prayer points.
    1. Choose how you want to participate: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Website, Prayer Wall, or as a Circle Starter to mobilize others
    2. When you sign up as a "Circle Starter," you will have access to other resources to mobilize others to pray.
    Let's come boldly to His Throne in behalf of the Syrian people,
    Carol Davis

    Ukraine Still Needs Our Prayers

    Please see below our perspective of current situation, as well as the prayer points for Ukraine.

    It is quiet peaceful situation in Kiev now, despite many alarmist news reports. As you may know, our congregation together with Jewish Voice International Ministries have been conducted an International Festival of Jewish Music and Dance 'Listen, O Israel!'  in Kiev on September 26-28, 2014. Despite the difficult situation in the country, and little attempts to disrupt the event, a total of 4 concerts, the packed venue on 3500 seats were held peacefully, without any provocation of any of the parties.


    So, as you see, some information statements do not reflect reality. The atmosphere is quiet also in other regions of the country that are not under control of separatists and Russian troops. The only exception is the frontier area of the country.


    The former president together with his team practically deprived the Treasury of Ukraine and undermined the economy. Because of the events that occur in other regions of the country and the economic situation, our current government is in quite a difficult position.


    In Crimea and the Eastern part of Ukraine, the situation is critical. These areas are controlled by various forces of separatists, who often conflict with each other. But together they all are under constant control of Russia. The major part of military forces fighting against Ukraine is the Russian army.


    Evangelical churches are under great pressure in the Eastern part of Ukraine. There operates a so-called Russian Orthodox Army, which declares the only Orthodox Church policy and, moreover, it is only the Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Church. And they not only proclaim, but also implement this policy, treating all other churches accordingly.


    The prayer points:

    1) For the schemes of the enemy be exposed and neutralized. For confusion and disagreement in the enemy's camp (meaning the spiritual forces of evil).

    2) Against the spirit of death, the Assyrian spirit, and the spirit of Rezin (according to Isaiah chapter 7).

    3) For salvation of the people of Ukraine, repentance and contrition before God. 

    4) For protection of believers in the Eastern part of Ukraine.

    4) Also, please bless the governments of Ukraine and Russia.


    We appreciate your prayer support in such difficult time for our country.

    God bless you! Shalom!


    Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation
  • International Prayer Connections
    A Monthly Journal to Guide Intercession for Our World
    January 2014
    In This Issue
    Oppression of Women
    Pak and Afgh Vow
    Hong Kong Prayer Movement
    Pray for Sri Lanka
    Liberation of North Korea
    Congo Prayer Reports
    Destiny of Australia
    EXPOSED - Campaign Reports
    Pray for Iraq
    Myanmar Trumpet Call
    National Weekend of Prayer - Slavery & Trafficking
    Article Headline
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    WPA 2012
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    Thanks for your partnership in prayer during 2014. May we see many more breakthroughs for 2015 as we unite our prayers around the world, anticipating He will do "far more abundantly than all we can ask or think"!

    Let's trust Him to do the impossible because Jesus urged us to do this- "according to your faith it will be to you". Here is a wonderful example from one IPC colleague who boldly took on a big issue in faith.

    Dealing with the Oppression of Women through Prayer and Repentance


     By: Grace Samson-Song, IPC Leadership Team member


    I was recently in Nairobi, Kenya as one of speakers invited by the Prophetic and Intercessory group that wants to see Kenya reclaim its destiny as a nation. One of the strongholds that we are contending with in Kenya and Africa is the insurgence of extreme Islamic terrorist groups and the "oppression of women". You may be aware that recently, Kenya has been at the center of bloody attacks by the Al-shabaab, a terrorist group from Somalia which is linked to Al-qaeda and other international terrorism groups.  


    At this conference, I represented Southern Africa. There were other leaders from East and West Africa as well. We were all invited to speak on behalf of our continent and to help birth a new move of God in Kenya and East Africa. I was the only woman amongst the speakers, except for the local Host. I was also the youngest amongst them all. It was clear that God wanted me there for a very specific assignment so I prayed and trusted Him for a message to share with the believers in Nairobi, Kenya.


    Africa is predominantly a patriarchal society. Women are usually found in subservient roles and in most cases, very oppressed.  Any culture or nation that oppresses its women and children are "agreeing" or "subscribing" to the very stronghold that rules in some of these wicked terrorist organizations.

    I had a sense God wanted to speak into this area, but I was also aware that it is usually a very touchy subject that may create tension if not handled well.  So, I waited for the right time and for the right instruction from God on how to speak.


    During one of the sessions, the Lord impressed on my heart that it was time to speak into this area of the nation. I spoke briefly about how God used the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of our faith to birth a new nation in the book of Genesis, and that if the nation of Kenya was to enter its divine destiny, men and women have to be released into their God-given destinies first.  God then led me to do a prophetic act. I invited all the men to come forward, and face the women who were sitting down in the congregation. I asked the men to raise their hands towards the women and release the blessings of God upon them, and to call forth their destiny as mothers of the nation of Kenya. After the men prayed collectively, I asked if one of the men in front would pray out blessings over the women. A certain Pastor took the microphone and started to pray and asked for forgiveness on behalf of men for how women have been treated in the history of their nation. He cited rape cases, maltreatment of the older women and many more. It was so powerful. The women started weeping.

    After that, I asked the women to rise where they were and raise their hands and voices towards the men and also pray for the men of Kenya to take their rightful place in God's plan. There was a senior and well-respected spiritual mother in the meeting, so I asked her to pray over for the men. She took off her shoes, fell on her knees and prayed a very potent prayer over the men.


    After this, I felt God teaching me that what we did was a process of re-alignment and re-positioning. If He was going to move in a nation and birth new things, He needs the men and women working together side by side. 

    Here were some of the lessons I learnt through this process:

    -       Staying sensitive to the Holy Spirit - We need to learn to wait for the right time to release the word that God gives us during times of prayer and intercession.  Sometimes we have the right message to share but the timing that we choose to deliver the message may not be appropriate.



    -       Sometimes we need to do things in the natural to help us shift in the spirit. This could be either a physical posture or doing prophetic acts like corporate prayer of identification and blessing. 

    -       Boldness to share the word even if it doesn't make sense. It may make sense to someone else. This is where trusting the Lord is crucial. In order for us to be used of God on prayer assignments, we need to lay down our thoughts, imaginations and ideas for how things would or should work.

    -       Obedience to God - An example for me was when my husband and I felt strongly that we must travel together for this event, and initially we didn't understand why. When we got there and God started giving me the direction for what I needed to share, it was very clear that it was a picture that He wanted to portray to the nation. Without even saying much, so many people came up and told us that our marriage and standing together was a great witness.  Let's trust and obey God as He guides us in small or big ways when going on prayer assignments.

    Breakthrough: Pakistan and Afghanistan vow anti-Taliban border action!

    We have prayed that these two nations can become united in their battle against the Taliban terrorists. Unfortunately, it took the tragic attack on the Pakistani school and the slaughter of many children to bring this cooperation about. Let's continue to agree in prayer that Pakistan and Afghanistan will work together closely and will subdue the Taliban in both countries effectively and totally this year.


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    International Prayer Connections
    January 2014
    In This Issue
    One Thing 2013
    Planning Prayer Intitiatives
    IPC - New Website Launched
    Syria Peace Talks
    South Sudan
    Afghanistan and Pakistan Intiaitves
    North Korea
    Prayer Initiatives/ Seminar Programmes
    IPC Calendar
    IPC Website
    About IPC
    Quick Links
    WPA 2012
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    "One Thing 2013" Conference in Kansas City


    What an experience it was last week to join more than 30,000 young people who had gathered for this worship, prayer and teaching event! It was thrilling to see so many waving, jumping, on-fire teens, 20s and older folks as well who want their lives to count for Jesus and His mission in our world. Several hundred of us also took place in a leadership summit that focused on mobilizing a global prayer and worship movement with the following ambitious suggested goals by 2020-2025:


    1. 100 million intercessors for the completion of the Great Commission
    2. 24/7 prayer and worship in all 4000 "omega zones" of the earth
    3. 24/7 prayer and worship in all 50 U.S. states
    4. 50 million young adults involved on 2500 U.S. campuses and 5000 campuses worldwide
    5. Prayer mobilized for translation in all remaining languages (less than 2000 without it now)
    6. Prayer mobilized for one billion new people to come to Christ and be discipled
    7. Resource 4/14 Window movement and Back to Jerusalem movement with 24/7 prayer


    The International House of Prayer in Kansas City that put on the events hopes to convene annual gatherings of mission and prayer leaders to continue this process of prayerful deliberation so that more tributaries of the prayer and mission movements can begin to flow more closely together.


    Hats off to IHOP and its leadership who are having such an enormous impact on the prayer movement within the U.S. and internationally through their focus on 24/7 prayer and mission. As they rightly teach, prayer and mission belong together and should be intimately intertwined for maximum impact on ourselves and the world. They should also be congratulated for graciously serving and collaborating with the rest of the prayer and mission movements.


    Planning Process for two strategic prayer initiatives for youth and children

    While in Kansas City, several from the IPC, IHOP and other prayer networks met to do some initial planning for the two initiatives that I mentioned to you in the last Connections- an April 14, 2014 global prayer focus for children and youth and a World Youth Prayer Assembly in 2016.  A Skype call with others from different parts of the world made it a very valuable international time of conferring together. Much more needs to be done, but here are some of our conclusions:

    • Children and youth need to be encouraged as partners in prayer, worship and mission for the transformation of our world.   
    • A global youth and children prayer and worship focus will be used by the Lord to raise up men and women of God for future generations.   
    • We hope to collaborate with many other networks and ministries to hold an annual 24- hour global prayer/worship initiative co-led by children and youth, starting April 13 (Palm Sunday) and April 14, 2014. In preparation, we recommend a global prayer and fasting day on January 17, 2014 in the spirit of Luke 1:17.   
    • The Internet will be used as the conductor, connecting prayer and worship in different regions and styles throughout the globe and resources will be provided with teaching and tools for those wanting to participate.   
    • Global, holistic prayer points that focus on children and youth and their issues and needs will be circulated so we can agree in prayer by the thousands and millions for His breakthroughs.   
    • Churches and others could use the theme of welcoming Jesus in line with the celebration of Palm Sunday, encouraging and letting their children and youth lead them in prayer and worship to welcome Jesus into their families, communities and nations.   
    • This one-day global prayer focus each year will help lay the foundation for a World Youth and Children's Prayer Assembly in 2016 that the Lord could use to trigger a new and global Jesus Movement.   
    • It will be youth-led, with the older generation in a mentoring and supportive position, so these youth and children will understand their potential and talents and be able to connect strategically with their peers in other parts of the world.    
    • The Internet and satellite TV will be used to stream and link such tri-generational gatherings in several regions, possibly with one larger anchor gathering.   
    • The whole process of both initiatives will be highly relational, seeking to build a long-term movement rather than just to hold a one-time event so that not only this generation but even generations to come will be affected for the glory of the Lord and His purposes for our world.


    We invite you to give us your feedback and hope you will join us on this journey towards seeing the younger generation arise to the special destiny God has for them. United prayer led by them and supported by the older generation will help unleash them in their unique callings and will bring untold blessing to our world as a result!


    John Robb

    IPC Chairman


    IPC- New Wave- New Website Launched
    A team of people led by Andy Page, an IT professional from the U.K., have created our new website, which was just launched on 13th December 2013. The website brings together three of our existing ones into a single cross-generational site that is designed to inform, equip and engage us.  We are grateful to those who have offered to be involved in the social media side of things - theirs will be a crucial role in developing the way we communicate and encourage each other in prayer.


    Please go to the website and give us your feedback as we continue to tweak it and make it a resource that can more effectively serve you and the wider prayer movement. You can write to Andy Page who manages the website at andy@prayer-alert.netwith any comments or suggestions you may have and we would greatly appreciate that.


    Syria Peace talks on January 22nd need our Prayer Support 
    Please keep Syria and its ongoing civil war in your prayers. More than 100,000 men, women and children have died so far and millions have been displaced. A peace conference will be held in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations on January 22.

    Please pray with us for the following:

    1. That the Syrian government and opposition forces will take part and be open to ending this conflict.
    2. For wisdom for the UN and its negotiators in facilitating these talks so that an agreement will be reached.
    3. For the regime and the opposing side to allow humanitarian aid to get to those who need it.
    4. For a possible prayer initiative next month with a team of international prayer leaders who may go into the country to facilitate a coming together of the churches and their leadership to pray for His breakthrough in ending the war and bringing restoration to this shattered society. Pray for open doors, open hearts and His protection over all.


    "Islamist militants stormed police stations in several cities of Iraq's restive western province of Anbar on Wednesday, seizing weapon caches and freeing prisoners after security forces dismantled a Sunni protest camp on Monday. The attacks on police stations in Falluja, Ramadi and Tarmiya represent an escalation in the confrontation between Iraqi Sunni groups and the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki. In Falluja, a police officer said gunmen first forced policemen to leave their posts without their weapons, then deployed snipers on a nearby building to prevent thesecurity forces from retaking command. In Tarmiya, at least four officers were killed when gunmen attacked a police headquarters, the police reported. Mr. Maliki had said this week that the civilian police force could resume control over Anbar's security, but that decision was changed after an appeal by the province's governor." (New York Times, Jan. 1)


    Pray for the restoration of peace and stability in Iraq. Over 9000 people were killed in 2013 in suicide bombings and other attacks, largely due to the ongoing conflict between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Pray for an end to the newest violence by Islamic radicals in the restive Anbar province and that the government will be able to effectively contain and overcome it.


    Here are some additional key ministry concerns for the land of Iraq from some dear friends who are Christian leaders in the northern part of the country. Especially pray for the building up of a strong prayer movement within the nation, which they are seeking to do:


    - Praise the Lord for the showing of Jesus Film according to the Gospel of Luke, in a cinema in Erbil starting on the 19th December and for three weeks, and in another cinema in Baghdad. Please pray for smooth showings and many Arab & Kurdish people to see the film, also, pray please for follow up.   

    - Praise God for prayer training "Dark Places" that will take place in Erbil on the 6-9th Feb. Please pray for God's sovereignty & grace to be upon the speakers and for the Iraqi and international participants living in Erbil. Also, for the preparatory meeting, entitled "Reconciliation" the last week of January to start a prayer movement within the church of Iraq.   

    - Praise God for our weekly discipleship program "Arise & Build", which is increasing in number, Please pray for it's continuation after the holidays, and for heavenly wisdom for the next schedule, for God to water the seeds planted in the souls.


    - Pray for the Radio Ministry training taking place fist week of January,   


    Thank you for standing with us in the gap

    Mahir & Sahar 

    South Sudan

    The New York Times (January 3) describes "a murky, vicious conflict" in South Sudan, the world's newest nation with "a lot of very disturbing reports about targeted killings of Nuer, as well as targeted killings of Dinka", the two main ethnic groups in South Sudan. At least 1,000 people have been killed in fighting between government and rebel forces so far, with disturbing reports of ethnically motivated atrocities by both sides. This situation, the article says, raises the "specter of mass atrocities".


    Let's be in prayer that Satan, the destroyer, will be bound, and that leaders on both sides of the conflict will be moved to engage in negotiations for peace and healing of their division. Pray for the United States that is frantically trying to broker peace talks between the warring factions as well as strengthening a United Nations peacekeeping force. Intercede too for South Sudan's neighboring countries Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya to effectively take a leading role in bringing peace.

    Afghanistan and Pakistan Prayer Initiative


    Afghanistan and Pakistan Prayer Initiative

    It was encouraging to hear from one of the veteran workers in Afgh anistan that there is a better atmosphere with more hope for the future being expressed by expatriate and local brothers and sister


     He attributes this in part to our year-long prayer 

    focus on the nation. There has also been an encouraging growth in the prayer movement in both nations. Let's continue to pray for His transforming hand to bring d

    own the wicked powers (both spiritual and human) that stand in oppositio

    n to God's good purposes for these lands and their peoples. Here are som

    e fresh prayer 

    concerns from our friends who know the situation:  



    1. Praise God that new believers are coming into the Kingdom, many for the first time and many in 

    groups.   Pray for strength and protection.  They are being attacked.  Many are coming to faith at the cost of their lives.


    2. Electricity and gas for cooking and running cars are only being supplied in major cities for 6 hours a day. Rationing  is taking place in many cities now.

    3. Corruption is rampant.  This is leading police to demand bribes to protect  Christians.  


    4. There is a move by radical Muslims 

    to demand the death penalty for "blaspheming Muhammad". This could be used against Christians so pray that it will not be passed by the government.

    5. Continue to pray for the local believers to overc

    ome any fear of taking on spiritual strongholds in the authority of Christ and for the prayer movement to become united, involving Christians of all the different denominations, even those that have been at odds with one another in the past.



    1. President Karzai has still not signed the agreement that would keep a small coalition military force in the country for the coming years to serve as a bulwark to the Afghan army and against attempts by the Taliban to overrun the nation.


    2. Pray for good, moderate people who really care for their nation to gain the support of the people for the national elections in April, especially for the position of president.


    3. Pray for the training and strengthening of the local believers and the building up of the prayer movement in the country.


    4. Pray for more teams of prayer leaders and intercessors to visit both nations to provide support and encouragement to the locals and for great favor with the authorities for visas to be granted.



    Some wicked Taliban leaders responsible for the killing of thousands of people that need to be brought to justice:


    Afghanistan Taliban 

    Mullah Muhammad Omar (Mullah- religious leader & teacher like Rev. or Pastor. Muhammad- descriptive title- Muslim follower of Muhammad)


    Pakistan Taliban (North West-Pakistan)

    Mullah Fazllullah is the new leader who has taken over Hakimullah Mehsud's place who was killed. Pray for confusion and dissension.  Fazllullah is the first outsider to ever take leadership for the Mehsud tribe. Many from within the tribe are not happy.  He is a far more aggressive and fierce leader.


    Punjab Taliban (supply much of the finances and suicide bombers for the war.)

    Malik Ishaq is the main leader and organizer, connected to the Taliban and Al-Qaida.  Creating trouble in Afghanistan, Punjab and a strong effort to take over the city of Karachi. Hafiz Saeed, one of Malik's main people.  Used in the Afghanistan war.  But with their belief that the war will be over in 2014, he is once again heading up war initiatives against India.


    Pray for these wicked men to be brought 

    down and removed from influence in both nations.




    Contacting the IPC Office



    Amazing Grace, IPC Administrator


    IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages): 


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    You may choose from 3 e-mail lists (IPC Connections Newsletter, Children in Prayer, and International Prayer Alerts). You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the office or hitting the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter. 
  • September 2015
    In This Issue
    The Hands of God
    Some Important IPC Prayer Concerns
    National and International Security Prayer Concerns
    Afghanistan: Hope through Persevering Prayer for a Land in Conflict
    Taliban Confused and Nervous
    ISIS: Pray for the Women They are Abusing
    Tensions between North and South Korea
    World Youth Prayer Assembly Launch in Malaysia
    Prayer for Hajj
    21 Days for Global Harvest
    Movement Day Global Cities, New York
    India: Pakistan Calls Off National Security Advisor Talks
    Australian Miracle for Marriage!
    Israel Prayer List.
    Nigeria: Boko Haram Leader Replaced
    Pray for Pakistan
    Iraq: Bombs Go Off Across Baghdad
    Shining His Light in South Asia
    1st Global Day of Prayer for Care of the Creation
    When a Nation Forgets God
    IPC Calendar
    Quick Links
    WYPA 2016

    The Hands of God
    Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." (Isaiah 49:15)
    In December 2001, close to the time of the first IPC gathering near Ground Zero in New York, I was arriving with a team of prayer facilitators for a national prayer initiative in Monrovia, Liberia. As I entered the hotel entrance, a man selling mahogany wood carvings of all kinds, mostly of various African animals, excitedly handed me a different-looking one. "This one's for you," he proclaimed, no doubt anticipating he would make yet another sale to a foreign tourist. 

    Some Important IPC Prayer Concerns
    In our monthly IPC leadership team conference calls, because of His promises in Matthew 18:18-20, we always have a good time of sharing and prayer and know that such agreement in prayer will make a crucial difference across the world.
    What can be more strategic for His Kingdom than to connect the leaders of international and regional prayer networks to share and pray together?
    Here are some current prayer concerns that were raised that we would like to share with you:

    National and International Security Prayer Concerns 
     In the USA, prayer network and ministry leaders are feeling led of the Lord to connect in intercession for our nation every week by conference calls until October. October 18-20, we plan to gather as many of them as possible to Colorado Springs for a face to face time of standing in the counsel of the Lord together to hear presentations on the current national security threats, to pray in response and to seek God for a united strategy of national spiritual preparedness. The details are attached below if you are a prayer network or ministry leader and would like to take part.

    Afghanistan: Hope through Persevering Prayer for a Land in Conflict
    One of the countries that we often pray for is Afghanistan. This Central Asian land that has known awful invasions and bloodshed for hundreds of years has made considerable progress in national development since the Taliban were overthrown in 2002. Women have been able to go back to work, children back to school, and many other encouraging changes such as the opening of hospitals and universities and the building of new roads and infrastructure have occurred over the last decade. These gratifying changes have been brought about by the democratically elected government and a committed international humanitarian community. However, unfortunately, the Taliban have regrouped and with the drawdown of American and Coalition forces, they have become far more bold and aggressive in attacking the army and police as well as in launching suicide attacks in the capital.

    Taliban Confused and Nervous
    The Taliban carried out many deadly remarkably vicious attacks in Kabul in recent days which claimed many innocent lives. These attacks may be an apparent attempt by the Taliban leaders to portray unity, boost the morale of the cadres and to show that the jihad against government forces and their foreign backers continues despite internal chaos.  OCU7OycaCCqEphlBnYjkuF5izDfZp8kJqmS7sDr26Sx7-_umEk0wwDFGGwVwTS9diV1YBGThpIaAop3tg4fZ4ciysyoU3rN9cfTcMFjHl9qFnypAbzHoOQTSWA3PeZO-cJDU=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=

    ISIS: Pray for the Women They are Abusing
     "In the August 13th edition of the New York Times there was an article titled, "ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape." It is the most disturbing piece I have ever read. We are familiar with the atrocity of rape in our nation, but here the perpetrator is hunted down. It is a crime punishable by imprisonment. Not so in Iran and Syria, where it is now perceived in ISIS circles as an act of worship! Recently, twenty-one women and young girls escaped the Islamic State and one of them, a twelve-year old girl, agreed to an interview, if her identity were hidden.

    Tensions between North and South Korea 
    According to a report by Yonhap News, envoys from North and South Korea have reached a deal to end some of the most recent tensions that have plagued relations between the two countries. The agreement ends "marathon talks aimed at defusing tensions on the Korean Peninsula," the South Korean news agency reported. Most recently a standoff involving an exchange of artillery fire had pushed tensions between the rivals to a recent high.  August 24
    Let's pray for His peace between the two nations and that God will use the current tensions for good towards their eventual reunification.

    World Youth Prayer Assembly Launch in Malaysia, August 6-7
    The launch of the World Youth Prayer Assembly (UPrising- United Prayer Rising) for the nation of Malaysia went very well. About 70 Christian leaders met the first night followed by 700-800 youth the second night. They were strongly challenged by Pastor Jerome Ocampo, the WYPA convener, to embrace the vision of mobilizing the youth and children to gather in South Korea next July 2016 (26-30). I was also able to share with them.

    Prayer for HajjvmHbqovPo-EjS_RlAEQK1tDwJnLP3R-vkiUvxv2fJ1TaHEYRs4dqV2BDhNimwuNEW0zT5yBIQ1Z5hkBYPeXzHr7sJqLKumMZMR1xSOi2dSpLiBP0KwIFt_GGQvNqvE60kyAh=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=
    Hajj Prayer is a 3-day effort to pray for people going on the Hajj (Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca) from 21-23 September, 2015. All the Hajj Prayer 2015 information can be found at the Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula website: There is a Hajj video and also a three-day prayer guide. The day when Muslims are on Mount Arafat, seeking forgiveness of sins is Yom Kippur, the day Jews are also seeking forgiveness of sins-their calendars are aligning to make this happen. 
    We encourage everyone to pray for one-fifth of the world during these days.

    21 Days for Global Harvest
    We wanted to bring to your attention the upcoming '21 Days For Global Harvest' prayer campaign and to especially request your kind support and assistance as a friend of SVM2 and a stakeholder in passing on the information and promoting this global prayer campaign among your IPC networks around the world..
    Here are a few ways we suggest you could possibly do this

    Movement Day Global Cities, New York
    I want to encourage you to register to receive an early invitation to participate in a highly strategic gathering of leaders October 24-28, 2016, in New York City: Movement Day Global Cities. Since 2010, New York has hosted Movement Day, a cutting-edge consultation for leaders growing collaborative city movements. Under the leadership of Dr. Mac Pier and the New York City Leadership Center, I am serving as the Coordinator of the Global Cities Leadership Community, a rapidly growing network of kingdom leaders engaged with city movements that are already existing, or emerging

    India: Pakistan Calls Off National Security Advisor Talks
    smTgN54C9oNcYtNHvCtjbJbAuGWs5KpKC5UBC3OekjsYPQ9z_b_UUbwH_pWWq4hxiVhTvq76wLXH2V6RvMeubHDTHF2HU0Dt5WGw1uDM4LeDgCKum1-4NwFw8GaNmn3LSHo4=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=          August 22, 2015 
    Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Aug. 22 that Pakistan will not attend the planned national security advisor talks citing "preconditions" set by India earlier in the day, the Express Tribune reported. The Pakistani government specifically mentioned that it could not accept India's conditions to limit the talks to ways of ending terrorism and maintaining tranquility on the Line of Control. Representatives of the Indian government denied that they had set preconditions. Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said earlier that talks could be delayed if Pakistani National Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz insisted on meeting with Kashmiri separatist leaders.
    Let's pray for the soon rescheduling of these security talks. The border between India and Pakistan is probably the most dangerous one on earth since both nations have nuclear weapons. May their be a thaw in the relationship of these South Asian enemies!

    Australian Miracle for Marriage!
    Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven to my knees many times by the conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day".
    Such was the case when key Christian leaders got together at the beginning of July 2015

    Israel Prayer List
    American Christian Trust
    46-E Peninsula Center, #423 s Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 s (310) 373-1775
    Thank you so much for your concern and dedication to pray for Israel.  Below is an alphabetical list of current news sources that you may use to keep up on current events regarding Israel.  We hope this will help you to pray appropriately.

    Nigeria: Boko Haram Leader Replaced, Chadian President Says
    August 13, 2015 | 12:07 GMT
    Chadian President Idriss Deby said Aug. 12 that Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram, which now calls itself Wilayat al-Sudan al-Gharbi, has elected a new leader, heightening speculation that the previous chief, Abubakar Shekau, may have been killed, This Day Live reported Aug. 13. The new leader reportedly is Mahamat Daoud. Shekau has not been seen any of the group's videos for months. Chadian efforts to to combat Boko Haram have succeeded in decapitating the group, Deby said, and the campaign will be completed by the end of 2015. Small groups of Boko Haram members remain scattered throughout northeastern Nigeria, near the Cameroonian border, he said. Jihadist groups continue to function even after their leaders are killed.
    Thank God that progress is being made in overcoming the Boko Haram terrorists. Pray that their new leader will be brought to justice along with all the BH members who have carried out so much destruction in West Africa. Pray for the return of all their captives and for the healing and restoration of the areas they have harmed.

    Pray for Pakistan
    Pakistan is going through some hard times, first with extreme heat with thousands dying. Now the monsoons have hit and there is heavy flooding across much of the country.  Several years ago we had extremely heavy flooding.  In the last two years Tarbala and Mangla (two of the largest dams in the world) have been very low with not enough water for irrigation.  Both dams are now full to within a foot of the top. And the monsoons are not over yet. To let the water go means even more flooding in the lower plains.  There are more than a million people who have lost homes, cities, livestock.  Fields are being swept away.  Our tribal people who live on the edge of the desert and perhaps get 1/2 inch of rain a year say their mud homes are standing in water and collapsing.  For those of you from the west, think of this - people have no insurance, no help.  When they lose everything, they become destitute

    Iraq: Bombs Go Off Across Baghdad
    A spate of bombings across Baghdad left 24 people dead Aug. 15, Reuters reported. The blasts went off in Taji to the north, Jisr Diyala, Madaen, Iskan and other areas. The deadliest of these was carried out in the Shiite district of Habibiya and killed 15, wounding 35 others. Earlier, an Islamic State truck bombing in Sadr City killed 70 people Aug. 13. The Iraqi military and allied militant groups are currently fighting the Islamic State in Sunni-dominated areas of Iraq. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is attempting to prevent the country from further fragmentation.

    Shining His Light in South Asia
  • A Monthly Journal to Guide Intercession for Our World
    October 2015
    In This Issue
    Quick Links

    The role of a watchmen in the Old Testament was well understood. They had to stand guard twenty-fours a day for a city. Cities are mentioned over 800 times in the Bible. Unlike today, when we have mega-cities across the world, in Old Testament times cities were sometimes quite small. What distinguished them from villages was the wall of protection built around them. Each city wall had watch-towers constructed as part of the wall. One sees this replicated today in some historic castles scattered across the
    British Isles.
     Read More

    Report from European Trumpet Call 
    The European trumpet call was held in Timisoara, Romania. It is a place with a rich spiritual heritage with a key role in bringing liberty to Romania. Protests began in Timisoara in December 1989 in response to government attempts to evict Hungarian Reformed church pastor László Tőkés. A violent crack-down by the Ceaușescu regime on the Timisoara crowds led to large-scale demonstrations in front of the dictator in Bucharest, the crowd chanting "Timisoara, Timisoara". Within days the regime toppled and Ceausescu was executed. We were hosted in this breakthrough city by the Agape church who ensured there was a 24-hour prayer and worship room where they also read through the entire Bible over the course of the conference.
    The gathering was a truly international one with delegates from across Europe including a great UK representation. We were also blessed to have a team from the Pacific region, who felt called to come and be with us. They have a mandate to thank Europe as their parent - the source of the gospel.

    IPC Leaders' Prayer Concerns

    Recently, our leadership team met and identified the following key prayer concerns that we hope you will share in intercession:
    1. The migrant crisis in which tens of thousands continue to walk from the Middle East through Turkey or come via rickety boats across the Mediterranean needs our special prayers. It could be a huge opportunity for the Church to bring Christ to these people, but there is also the possibility of great danger through the infiltration of Islamic terrorists. Pray for the EU, the church leaders and for the migrants themselves in this biggest population movement since World War II. 

    Pray for the World's Economic Situation
    Emerging Markets:
    Emerging markets such as Turkey, South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. have made a classic mistake of presuming the future (James 4). Assuming that China's growth rate would remain very high (7-10% per year) these countries have borrowed enormous amounts of money and gone deeply into debt both corporately and personally. Much of this debt revolves the commodities and commodities markets, which have been necessary raw ingredients in China's massive infrastructure build-out and urbanization (10-15 million Chinese moving from farms to the cities annually).

    North Korea
    "We received word of devastating flooding in the the northeastern region of Najin-Sonbong.  Typhoon rains caused a dam to collapse and to flood the city of Sonbong.  Many people have died, buildings have collapsed, bridges are out.  Relief workers have to walk miles to bring in food and supplies.  Fields and food supplies were destroyed.  Pray for a swift recovery in the area and that food and other needed supplies get in.  

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    Pray for an end to this mindless and destructive war.
    The civil war in Syria has dragged on for years now with at least 250,000 killed and many millions of refugees, a good number of which are making the arduous and dangerous trek to Europe to escape life in the camps and a future with virtually no prospects. Now Russia has entered the fray, becoming more overt in its support for the dictator Assad. The USA and Russians are entering negotiations about how to bring peace to this long suffering land.
    Would you please pray for these negotiations that they will result in a cessation of the conflict and real peace? Also, please pray for the millions of refugees in surrounding countries as well as those trying to survive in the midst of the conflict within Syria and those trying to get into Europe. Pray for God's solution to what looks like a hopeless situation for so many and that the Church in these countries will arise to make a difference for Christ in the lives of these desperate people.

    The 'largest public satanic ceremony in history"b4cdeaec-e1c6-42ea-9785-34bd9d7ede2d.jpg
    "A little before midnight on Saturday, a crowd of around 700 gathered in an old industrial warehouse a few blocks from the Detroit River for what they'd been told was the "largest public satanic ceremony in history." Most of them professed to be adherents of Satanism, that loosely organized squad of the occult that defines itself as a religious group. Others came simply because they were curious. After all, Satanists exist in the popular psyche as those who casually sacrifice goats and impregnate Mia Farrow with Lucifer's child; if this ceremony was indeed unprecedentedly big, who knew what could be in store?

    Christian Refugees Left Out In The Cold:
    Believers in Syra, Pakistan, Iraq ignored by Europe and US.
    About 350,000 Syrian Christians have been forced to flee their homes. Many have been killed, sold into sex slavery, or forced into hiding. They are not going to U.N. refugee camps, where they often face further persecution, sources tell WND. 
    As U.S. and European leaders reach out with open arms to tens of thousands of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe, the groans of persecuted Christians in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan are increasingly drowned out.

    10/40 Window Prayer for the Unreached
    In October each year, we mobilize Christians across the globe to concentrate their prayers on the 10/40 Window nations. Praying Through The Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions starts the 1 October. Will you please mobilize your sphere of influence to pray with us? 
    Please use this link  to access the Country Prayer Profiles from Day 1 to 31:
    Here is how you can help:
    1. Forward our daily 10/40 Window Country Prayer Profiles to your network.
    2. Post excerpts from these Profiles on your blog, Facebook, twitter, etc.
    3. Invite your Facebook friends to join our Social Media Prayer Movement at 
    Please let me know if you will join us praying for the Final Frontier of World Missions - the 10/40 Window.
    Prayers and Blessings,
    Beverly Pegues

    Save Europe 2015
    One Lord One Voice Many Hands
    We stand hand in hand praying for our Land on October 3rd and 4th, 2015
    Imagine a human prayer chain along the border of Germany, thousands of people praying in one voice for a breakthrough revival in Germany and Europe!  We want to see our Land saved for Christ.
    Like Nehemiah when he rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, we are rebuilding a spiritual wall of faith around our Land and Europe.  We want you to be a part of this historic event. We encourage our neighbors to join us. We need every hand! James 5:16b and Nehemiah 4:6b

    Defending Marriage in Australia
    Thank you for your prayers for Marriage in  Australia. I sent a prayer request for your prayer for marriage in Australia almost one month ago. At the time Katy Faust,from the USA, was visiting Australia to help us defend Marriage between a man and a woman.
    Katy filed an Amicus briefin the battle for marriage in the USA and has an amazing story to tell. She  was a child of divorce and her mother subsequently re-partnered with a another Lesbian. Katy was brought up by her biological mother and her mother's lesbian partner. She is strongly against homosexual marriagebecause of her experiences.

    Revival in China!!!
    This is good news!!!
    While the eyes of the world are fixed on the migrant/refugee crisis in Europe, the war and slaughter of people in the Middle East and  the growing unbelief in the Western world, God is slowly rising a people after His own heart in China. Click on the link to see how the Chinese Christians are rising to take hold of their destiny in God's plan. Let us join in prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide them to fulfil their destiny and their part in God's plan for the nations.
    May the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea! 
    Daniel Brink.
    Register your "week of prayer for revival" at !!!
    FB #7daysonthewall

    New Nepal Constitution: Another Answer to Prayer!
    Thank you so much for your prayer to Nepal! Praise the Lord! A new constitution in Nepal for a secular nation after about 9 years practice!

    New Prayer Resource
    • War Room is an excellent movie about the power of prayer to bring healing and transformation to a marriage and family and to our world! The acting is superb.  It features an attractive African-American couple who are having marital problems and an older lady who is an incredible prayer warrior.  She feels called to mentor the young woman in learning to go to war through prayer in order to save her marriage. The young woman clears out her closet of clothes and turns it into a prayer closet just like her mentor.  They experience amazing answers that turn everything around. It would be worth your seeing it and using it for discussion to introduce people to the importance of prayer and the amazing difference it can make at the micro and macro levels of life. Producers- Alex and Stephen Kendrick
    • Make Your City a House of Prayer by Lynn Ferder (Westbow Press, 2015) details her own experience in starting a prayer ministry in her backyard that eventually connected people from many of the churches in her city of Roseburg, Oregon. Lynn is a veteran prayer leader who has much wisdom to share about advancing the unity of Christ's Body in a city, giving many practical suggestions from her own experience such as building relationships with those from other churches in intercession, prayer etiquette, honoring others, observing proper protocol to practice the "art of community" and many more. When we in the prayer movement increasingly seek to increasingly connect God's people in prayer across cities and our own nation, it is important that we learn such principles and practices from those who have made them work on the grassroots level. Lynn Ferder is also available to lead conferences and prayer retreats. Contact her at or 541 6721256. 
  • p1x1.gif&c=&ch=

    About International Prayer Connect (IPC)


    "Compelled by God to seek Christ's glory worldwide for the blessing, healing, and transforming of the nations, International Prayer Connect exists as a coalition of prayer networkers and mobilizers working together to motivate, develop and equip national movements and local churches to fill all nations with prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the completion of the Great Commission."



    The IPC is not an organization as such. We are a fellowship of people involved in mobilizing prayer throughout the world. We function as an international "network of networks", connecting international, regional, and national prayer ministries and networks. We also arrange or support special prayer initiatives that bring prayer leaders together from time to time to pray for matters of regional and global concern to the Body of Christ. Regional prayer summits have been arranged or supported by the IPC in most regions of the world as well as international prayer initiatives for the United Nations, Hollywood, and other issues.


    The IPC is led by an international leadership team, now called the International Prayer Council, is composed of twenty leaders who coordinate regional prayer networks or international prayer initiatives of various kinds. We seek to be catalysts and connectors within the global prayer movement towards the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14- that "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."


    We do not have an official membership but connect with individuals and networks through IPC Connections, a periodical newsletter distributed via e-mail to give prayer information to interested people. Please share this newsletter with prayer coordinators, prayer network leaders, and others who have an interest in the global prayer movement so that they can be informed about different prayer initiatives, existing prayer networks, and how to participate in them. 

    Donating to IPC Through PayPal
    PayPal is an online banking service that can receive donations from over 30 currencies worldwide through automatic draft and credit cards. It is safe and secure. International Prayer Connect is a non-profit ministry funded through the Transformation Prayer Foundation and relies on individual donations to keep the work going. If you are willing to provide support, please click below. Thank you for your sacrificial gift to IPC! Click Here to Donate 

    Contacting the IPC Office




    IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages): 


    NOTE: Constant Contact is our mass e-mail service. If you have unsubscribed from the newsletter through Constant Contact, you will not be sent other information you might be expecting from IPC. To get back on specific database mailing lists, you will need to sign up again at You may choose from 3 e-mail lists (IPC Connections Newsletter, Children in Prayer, and International Prayer Alerts). You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the office or hitting the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter. 

    • Phil, IPC is one of the links on my home page.  I've found them to be a great resource for up-to-date information to help pray for the world.  Glad to see them featured here!

  • In This Issue
    Isaiah 19 and Prayer for the Middle East
    Alert: Pray for the Peace of Syria!.
    Contend for Syria and the Refugee Crisis
    North Korea
    Christian Prayer Network Leaders Call for 30 Days of Prayer
    Prayer Resources for the USA
    The 2016 World Weekend of Prayer
    Turning our hearts towards Turkey
    Intercede for the South Asia
    TOGETHER 2016.
    Pray As One: A Call to Prayer Walk the USA
    Intercessors for America
    Make China a Blessing to All Nations
    United Cry DC16
    Pray for the Jews of Israel
    News from the front-line
    IPC calendar
    Quick Links
    WYPA 2016

    Isaiah 19 and Prayer for the Middle East
    1. Prayer Initiative for the UAE, February 18-20
    It was a blessing and joy to serve with 23 others on a large international ministry team for a national prayer initiative for the United Arab Emirates held in Dubai, February 18-20. Some were colleagues from the leadership of the IPC and others were prayer leaders and intercessors that wanted to take part. About 250 local participants representing many of the 64 churches in the Emirates took part and the local organizers were so gracious and sensitive to the work of the Spirit in our midst. 
    Read More

    Alert: Pray for the Peace of Syria!
    "Backers of the cease-fire in Syria are meeting in Feb. 29 in Geneva after France called for emergency discussions on alleged breaches of the U.S.- and Russia-brokered truce, AFP and Reuters reported. Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the Syrian opposition have traded accusations of repeated violations. Asaad al-Zoubi, the head of the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee's delegation to peace talks, said that the fragile truce faced complete nullification because of at least 15 attacks by Syrian government forces and Hezbollah, as well as Russian airstrikes. On Feb. 28, Russia said there had been at least nine violations, including from Turkish territory. The current cease-fire agreement is patchy at best, and the fact that Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamis State are specifically excluded all but guarantees that war will continue in Syria."
    Please join the Syrian believers in praying that the current cease-fire will hold, that humanitarian shipments will get to those who need help deep within the conflict zones and that peace will come about through this cessation of fighting and the continued diplomatic efforts to bring an end to this horrifically destructive war.

    Contend for Syria and the Refugee Crisis
    We invite you to join in Praying for the Refugee Crisis this month.
    This month we provide a prayer guide for praying for the refugee crisis which has received global attention.

    North Korea
    North Korea
    There is quite a bit of turmoil in North Korea as February included several missile launches following the claimed, but strongly doubted, detonation of a hydrogen bomb as reported here last month.  The next big shock to come was the execution of army chief of staff, Ri Yong Gil. In the North, it is becoming increasingly dangerous to hold high office.  This latest execution may well generate some strong responses domestically.  All of this was followed by South Korea closing down the Kaesong Industrial Complex in response to the North's missile launches and the North retaliating by freezing what assets it could. Of course it is the "little people", the NK workers and the small to medium SK firms that bear the brunt of this. Here is some analysis of the situation. This, too, is causing increasing unrest in the North.  The government's typical domestic response to all of these events is increasing propaganda that increasingly falls on deaf ears and calling for greater sacrifice such as the "70 Day Battle" leading up to 7th Party Congress in May.

    Christian Prayer Network Leaders Call for 30 Days of Prayer for the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States as They Prepare to Hear 'The Texas Case' on March 2, 2016
    Contact: Queta Aguilar, SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Feb. 3, 2016  - 
    The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently rejected the Arkansas case which banned abortion after 12 weeks and the North Dakota case which banned abortion after six weeks.  Both of these states had even offered, by law, to care for until adulthood every unwanted child so that any woman that wanted the liberty to be free of unwanted child care could do so.  

    Prayer Resources for the USA
    You may not realize it down in the trenches of prayer ministry in your church, but a new wave of interest in prayer is rapidly growing in the United States. Thanks to the upcoming elections and the continued moral and economic downward spiral the U.S. is experiencing, there is an increasing sense of desperation among believers. And that turns them to prayer.
    As you will see in this edition of Prayer Leader OnLine, there are many opportunities and resources available to help fuel your people. I encourage you to take some time with this issue and check out all that we and our ministry partners are making available.
    We especially encourage you to purchase copies of the new Election Prayer Guide for your congregation. Get everyone praying God's purposes over then elections, rather than their own fear!
    Please also check out our new section at PrayerShop on Praying for Elections. Take full advantage of this increased interest in prayer to disciple the believers in your church!
    Jon Graf,
    Pray Magazine

    The 2016 World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk 
    You and your church can join us for this global campaign, which unites hundreds of thousands of people across more than 40 countries in prayer.
    The theme this year is 'small but mighty'.
    God uses children to change nations. No one is too small or insignificant in his eyes! The Bible is full of children who have been used by God, and of children who've overcome the odds to become great men and women of God.

    Turning our hearts towards Turkey
    We thank God for the recent discovery of an underground church in Cappadocia, where intercessors from all over the world will gather together to pray for a great revival in Turkey and Middle East.
    We thank God for the news that Malatya Church has been growing and that more Christian workers are needed to help with pastoral care.
      Read More

    Intercede for the South Asia Regional Prayer Consultation, April 11-13, in Dhaka, Bangladesh
    In today's context, the need for raising more systematic prayers for the countries is very much felt and God has put an urge in everyones heart to raise concerted prayers. It is essential that our work need to be saturated with fervent prayer and intercession. In line with this, we are organising a 3 day prayer consultation to raise more prayers for the nations in the South Asian Region.
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    TOGETHER 2016
    Prayer Partner,
    I recently attended the National Prayer Committee meeting in Orlando, FL, where prayer leaders from around the nation gathered to pray and share reports of what God is doing. Four years ago, I remember a lot of discouragement among the leaders. It seemed the prayer movement was stagnant and struggling. One prayer leader, Dr. Bob Bakke, stood up and declared that the Church needs a unifying clarion call to revival and spiritual awakening.
    Read More

    Islamic State is likely to step up "the pace and lethality" of its attacks in the months ahead as it seeks to fan the flames of international conflict, the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency said on Monday.
    Speaking to a security conference, Marine Corps Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart linked his warning to the militant group's establishment of "emerging branches" in Mali, Tunisia, Somalia, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

    Pray As One: A Call to Prayer Walk the USA
    Uniting as one, appealing to heaven to change the spiritual climate in our nation.
    As One is a national call to prayer. The basic strategy revolves around two 40-day periods of prayer walking, fasting, and corporate prayer events. The first will start on Easter Sunday, March 27 and run through the National Day of Prayer on May 5.  The second begins on September 30 and ends on Election Day. In addition, there will be much collaboration with major national prayer events that are happening throughout the year.

    Intercessors for America
    The United States is at a critical turning point! With the contentious election cycle upon us, it is time for believers across our nation to get on their knees as never before! Prayer can change the course of the election and our nation. Intercessors for America has developed some powerful resources that can inspire, challenge, and equip you and your prayer groups to pray on target for this nation.
    We encourage you to check out our new products related to praying for the elections. The Get Out The Prayer 2016 section of our web store has some very practical resources to help you motivate believers in your sphere of influence to pray. We especially encourage you to purchase the Get Out The Prayer Campaign Box ($24.95). It will provide multiple ways to encourage prayer for the nation and elections.
    Please take a few moments to review some other resources we list here--and the more than 100 at our store. We believe these resources can make you more effective in your intercession over our nation!

    Make China a Blessing to All Nations:Now is the time for China Mission 2030
    Excerpts from report By Luis and Doris Bush
    Missions to China have been going on for the last 200 years. Now is the time for Missions from China. We have been inspired by the Korean Church as they have engaged in missions for the last fifteen years. Mission China 2030 is the turning point because of the revival of the Church in China, because of the eighty million Chinese Christians in China. If there is one missionary in 1,000 Christians, there will be 80,000 missionaries. Furthermore, China's economic development has brought opportunities. The global technology revolution has brought opportunity for mission from China. Migration of the world's population brings opportunities. Universal Chinese network brings opportunity. This is the time to move together in faith.
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