Friday's job numbers is the last monthly employment report before the U.S. Federal Reserve meets on Sept. 16-17, when an announcement on interest rates is widely expected.
Pray that the Lord will give wisdom to those who seek Him regarding financial matters in this volatile economy. Seek the Lord and "store up for yourselves treasures in heaven" as Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount.
"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Matthew 6:20 NIV)

The March for Life, the pro-life group that holds a massive rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court every January, does not have to abide by Obamacare's birth control mandate, a federal judge ruled Monday, saying the organization deserves the same protections as churches. In a strongly worded opinion, U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon said the Health and Human Services Department practiced "regulatory favoritism" by exempting houses of worship on grounds its employees are less likely to want the contraceptives, while rejecting pleas from March for Life, a secular group that says its employees don't want them, either.
For Prayer: Pray that this two-day-old court ruling will stand even upon appeal. Give thanks for Judge Leon, who we believe is following both logic and the rule of law. The fact that "March for Life" is a secular organization and yet employs strongly pro-life personnel makes a good case for "equal justice under the law." Give thanks and pray for the principle to be upheld in similar cases.
"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."(John 7:24)
For prayer: From IFA's viewpoint, Kim Davis is making a courageous stand on personal convictions but ultimately cannot "win." We believe she will be forced to yield or seek new employment (probably the latter), as the position she holds must be subject to the local laws that define the office and its duties. We urge united prayer for this lady and strength and courage for her conscientious position.
"Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding."(Prov 23:23)
Intercessors for America
launches a new online resource store
IFAresources.com is now managed by Harvest Prayer Ministries. This exciting change allows IFA to more than double the number of powerful prayer resources available for order. There will also be an increase in the number of practical guides and teachings you can download from one of the IFA sites. These changes are all done to help equip intercessors in a greater way during this critical time in our nation's history. Featured in this new store is a brand new release from Alistair Petrie, In Holy Fear. Petrie, a leading speaker and teacher on revival and transformation has created a critical guide to learning to discern God's will in this important book. Get your copy at our new online resource storeIFAresources.com.
Come take a look today.
For prayer: College students (and parents), do you know what your school is teaching? Students who accept these syllabus "standards" are not being educated but brainwashed. Our purpose in sharing this article is to demonstrate how far "diversity" is going on campus as "tolerance-seekers" become the intolerant. Pray for sweeping renewal that can only come as the Church's witness is revived. Offer thanksgiving to the Lord for the WSU administration negation of these professors at Washington State University as reported in the attached update.
"But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: 'Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.' " (Eph 5:13-14)
For prayer: These pastors deserve our prayer support. Their letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner is courteous, compelling, and should be echoed around the country: "If pro-life leaders in Congress will not take this action now, when will they?" Only Ohio has Mr. Boehner, but all states have representatives and senators. Pray for a similar nationwide "faith-plus-works" response.
"But someone will say, 'You have faith, and I have works.' Show me your faith without you works, and I will show you my faith [with] my works." (Jas 2:18)
For prayer: This is one of the most important prayer alerts ever shared in our Informer. Planned Parenthood (PP) is staggering under a growing load of lies, deception, and subterfuge. It is time for it to collapse and be closed forever. The insatiable greed that drives PP's relentless quest for money, even to the point of killing babies born alive and selling their tiny bodies for more profit, is loathsome to the point of nausea. Pray for Dr. Deisher and others like her to speak out. Cry out against PP.
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (1 Tim 6:10)
Churches in Boston are responding to provide support for victims of the Boston Marathon Bombing through a website called BostonMarathonSamaritans.org. The website is set up as a partnership of TechMission, the Emmanuel Gospel Center and the Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston who partner with hundreds of churches in the Boston area.
Pray the witness and compassion displayed by the Boston churches would be multiplied, and that the glory of the Lord and His love would draw many to Him.
"But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head." (Psalm 3: 3)
Every August, central bankers from across the globe, who collectively pull the levers of the world economy, descend on Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. They enjoy a symposium of big economic ideas and strenuous afternoon hikes. At one of their dinners a few years ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke looked around at some fellow titans of finance.
"Do you know what everyone at this table has in common?" he mused. "They all had Stan Fischer as their thesis adviser."
Pray that the Lord would send the right person to oversee the financial direction and decisions for the United States in the coming months and years. There is such great uncertainty in the financial disposition of our nation with all of the complexities of financial stability. Pray that the Lord will raise up the right person to administrate this challenge.
Prudence and common sense appear to be absent in the Obama administration and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, who during the current crisis with North Korea, falsely reassure the American people that Pyongyang cannot deliver ....
North Korea could deliver a nuclear bomb in the hold of a freighter under a foreign flag to destroy a U.S. port city such as New York or Los Angeles. They could give a bomb to terrorist groups such as al Qaeda or Hezbollah to deliver by truck or plane across the porous U.S. border. They could use a false-flagged freighter to move a Scud or their medium-range Nodong missile close enough to make a nuclear strike on the U.S. mainland.
Pray that our national policy leaders have the wisdom of the Lord in dealing with irresponsible nation states like North Korea and Iran. Ask the Lord to make clear to our military leaders the way that they should precede in protecting our national interests.
"Deliver me from my enemies, O God; protect me from those who rise up against me. Deliver me from evildoers and save me from bloodthirsty men." (Psalm 59:1-2)
A first-of-its-kind California law is going to court this week, when a panel of judges will hear testimony about whether mental health p... or the state has the right to outlaw such "dangerous quackery."
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco will hear the case Wednesday, and its decision will have national implications because lawmakers in at least two states have expressed interest in crafting similar laws.
The California law, known as SB 1172, prohibits mental health professionals from providing "sexual-orientation change efforts," under any circumstances, to clients younger than 18. Violators are subject to professional discipline, such as loss of license.
Pray that the courts of California will bend their knee to the laws of God rather than to those who would excuse homosexual sin. A person who is caught up in this behavior and thinking should be helped with God's Word and His power of deliverance. Godly counsel is a righteous help to those who need to be helped and delivered from this sin.
"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The latest jobs numbers show hiring is down. Taxes are up, austerity reigns in Washington and consumers are skit.... Yet the stock market is defying gravity, marching ever higher in spite of it all.
Pray that the Lord will grant His wisdom to those who stand in the place of financial decision making for our national interests. God has all knowledge and can lead those who cry out for His strength.Behind this seeming riddle lies a confluence of economic forces that is likely to continue to produce good times for the biggest American companies - and the stock market - even if growth, as expected, slows in the coming months.
By pumping hundreds of billions of dollars a month into the global economy, central banks like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan have encouraged investors to put their money into stocks and other riskier investments, increasing their prices. Bullish traders now count on a supportive Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, much as their predecessors did in the 1990s when Alan Greenspan held that job.
"...and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." (Psalm 50:15)
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If your concern about the threat posed by the Tsarnaev brothers is limited to assuring that they will never be in a position to repeat..., rest easy.
The elder, Tamerlan-apparently named for the 14th-century Muslim conqueror famous for building pyramids of his victims' skulls to commemorate his triumphs over infidels-is dead. The younger, Dzhokhar, will stand trial when his wounds heal, in a proceeding where the most likely uncertainty will be the penalty. No doubt there will be some legal swordplay over his interrogation by the FBI's High-Value Interrogation Group without receiving Miranda warnings. But the only downside for the government in that duel is that his statements may not be used against him at trial. This is not much of a risk when you consider the other available evidence, including photo images of him at the scene of the bombings and his own reported confession to the victim whose car he helped hijack during last week's terror in Boston.
Pray that all parties involved in this tragedy will be found and that any terror cells that are involved would be fully exposed and dismantled.
The Department of Health and Human Services has just handed out a $3.1 million PR contract to improve the public im... Advertising Age reports that the firm Weber Shandwick will help "roll out a campaign to convince skeptical - or simply confused - Americans the Affordable Care Act is good for them and convince them to enroll in a health plan."
Pray that the Obamacare error will be fully revealed and that steps would be taken to correct these exposed errors. Pray that any governmental support of abortion would be removed from any laws of the land. Pray that corrective measures will be developed to remove all Obamacare mandates from national and state statutes. Pray that all those who have pushed this travesty upon the citizens of the U.S. would be held responsible and repent for their errors.
"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!" (Isaiah 30:18)
Since 1986, California has been on a crusade to identify any and every man-made chemical that has been s..., birth defects or reproductive harm. Like other well-meaning government initiatives that backfire on consumers, the official list of suspect chemicals published under the aegis of Proposition 65, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, now stands at about 800.
Most of these, of course, are absolutely safe at the levels to which you and I typically would be exposed. Placing them on "the list," however, creates doubt and acts in many cases as a de facto ban.
Pray that the full truth would be brought forth on each of the chemicals placed on the list of bans in California. If there are undisclosed political motives to ban certain chemicals for hidden political gain, we ask that the Lord would bring this to the light of day.
"For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open." (Mark 4:22)
The FBI is hunting a 12-man terrorist "sleeper cell" linked to the brothers suspected of carrying out the Boston bombings.
The Bureau believes that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev received training in bomb-making before they carried out the attack, which killed three people.
Pray that the Federal Bureau of Investigation uncovers all hidden elements that are involved in the Boston Marathon explosions. Ask for God's wisdom and insight to be granted in order to expose all agendas of such organizations in the U.S.
"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."(Deuteronomy 29:29)
One of the lingering questions from the financial crash is whether the banks that sold junk subprime mortgage-backed securities were hones..., or consciously misrepresented their product. A new paper from the Center for Real Estate at the Columbia Business School suggests that, at least some of the time, they were deceiving.
Pray that the U.S. would strive for integrity in all banking policies in our nation. Pray that any corrupt policies or plans to defraud U.S. citizens would be uncovered and justly dealt with by those authorities charged to watch over our banking system.
"The LORD watches over you-- the LORD is your shade at your right hand."
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Tomorrow's 62nd annual National Day of Prayer, May 2, 2013, will have profound significance for our country. We have an unprecedented opportunity to see the Lord's healing and renewing power made manifest as we call on citizens to humbly come before His throne. To echo the words of Mary Washington, mother of our nation's first president, we believe it is time to "Remember that God is our only sure trust."
Our theme for 2013 is Pray for America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men. To further highlight our theme, we've chosen Matthew 12:21 as our Scripture for this year:
In His name the nations will put their hope.
One congressman demanded that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius explore when oral contraceptives cross the line into chemical abortions - an issue that could complicate the administration's contraceptive mandate. Other lawmakers pointed to a Maryland insurance company's decision to seek a 25 percent boost in premiums, saying that undercuts the health care law's promise of lower costs.
Pray that our government officials charged with administrating the Obamacare provisions be given God's wisdom. Pray that they will seek God's understanding and adopt His ways. Pray that any provision in this health bill that is contrary to God's will would be struck down in pending court cases. Pray for the Lord's will to be done in all unsettled deliberations regarding the Obamacare provisions.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." (James 1:5)
The heavens will soon be thick with drones.
That, at least, is the confident expectation of the Federal Aviation Admi...and a slew of states and companies competing for a coveted designation as one of six U.S. sites that will test the capability and safety of unmanned aircraft. The FAA anticipates there will be at least 10,000 of these aircraft in the domestic skies by 2020.
Pray that all state legislators would examine the pros and cons of the use of drone technology over their states. Pray that potential privacy abuse would not escalate.
"Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice." (Isaiah 41: 10)
Jefferson Davis County in southwest Mississippi has the distinction of being named after Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis. That's good or bad, depending on whether you regard what occurred between 1861 and 1865 as the Civil War or as the War Between the States.
Jefferson Davis County may soon have another distinction as the place where a serious national legal effort to push back agains....
Pray that the integrity of our voter precincts be strengthened and that all corruption and abuse of data be brought into the light and removed. Give wisdom to those who are investigating voter fraud.
"But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them."(Ephesians 5:13)
Analyses of hundreds of documented data breaches found that hackers affiliated with the Chinese government were by far the most energetic and successful cy..., according to a report to be issued Tuesday by government and industry investigators.
Although hackers with financial motives are the most common source of data breaches worldwide, China dominated the category of state-affiliated cyber-espionage of intellectual property, said the 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report. The report was issued by Verizon's RISK Team and 18 partners, including officials from the United States and several foreign governments.
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, ..." (Psalm 91:1-16)
President Obama spoke to nearly a thousand Planned Parenthood supporters Friday, telling them that moves to restrict abortion access across the country represented an effort "to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century."
"When you read about some of these laws, you want to check the calendar," Obama told the crowd at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Northwest Washington. "You want to make sure you're still living in 2013."
Pray that the current administration would repent from advocating the murder of innocent children through promoting abortion. Pray that the current administration would cry out to God and seek forgiveness while there is still time to do so.
"Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of The Judgment."(Matthew 5:21)
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Israel rushed to beef up its rocket defenses on its northern border Sunday to shield against possible retaliation after carrying out two airs... - an escalation of Israeli involvement in the Syrian civil war.
Syria and its patron Iran hinted at possible retribution, though the rhetoric in official statements appeared relatively muted.
Despite new concerns about a regional war, Israeli officials signaled they will keep trying to block what they see as an effort by Iran to send sophisticated weapons to Lebanon's Hezbollah militia ahead of a possible collapse of Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime.
Pray that Syria and Iran would realize that further escalation of missile weaponry introduced into the area of the Middle East will only flame the fires of retaliation further. Pray that Israel will have the mind of the Lord in these decisions and that they will be delivered from the hands of the enemy. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
"The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them." (Psalm 34:7)
during the recent TV miniseries "The Bible" had more than a passing resemblance to Mr. Obama. Now, however, those same supporters seem determined to remove all doubt about the anti-religious bigotry underlying this administration's every official pronouncement.
In the latest outrage, a virulently anti-Christian advocacy group - with the Orwellian name of the Religious Freedom Foundation - met privately with Pentagon officials to demand that current regulations be expanded to make the proselytizing of religious beliefs a court-martial offense for anyone in uniform.
Pray for our military leaders. Pray for the U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff as they weigh the importance of having a military that represents the nation and its dependence upon God. Our official national motto "In God We Trust" expresses this truth clearly.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance."(Psalm 33:12)
Stevenot's group went door-to-door, collecting Republican signatures in individual legislative district.... Their efforts appear to be paying off; the Ohio General Assembly last month rejected Republican Gov. John Kasich's budget line item that would have allowed Ohio to accept the money. Democrats are hoping to bring the issue back for an up-or-down vote before the session ends this summer.
But there is passion on the other side as well. Hospitals have been among the most vocal supporters of expansion because the health-care law will reduce the payments they receive to treat uninsured patients - the expectation is that most of those patients would have health-care coverage. Many fear financial ruin without the Medicaid expansion.
Pray that the United States will come to fully realize that the Obamacare mandates that force its citizens to pay for abortion funding is evil and contrary to God's Word. Pray that the remaining states that have not made decisions regarding Obamacare will choose to honor God and would be granted supernatural wisdom, discernment and caution regarding the Obamacare sanctions.
"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)
The debate over minors' access to contraceptives is testing the loyalty of groups t..., who said Thursday he is "comfortable" with his administration's efforts to find a middle ground on the issue.
Reproductive rights groups Thursday lambasted the administration's decision to appeal a federal ruling that would have made the morning-after pill Plan B One-Step available to all ages without a prescription.
But conservatives cheered the move - an indication that traditional battle lines over contraception have blurred, at least for a few days.
Pray that this move to include 15-year-olds in the legal use of morning-after pill availability would be denied in any form. These pills are another form of abortion and have no part in the design by God's Word to protect and cherish life. Pray that this nation will not compromise with the free use of such drugs. Pray that God's Word will be honored.
"My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body." (Psalm 139:15-16)
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10)
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)
Russian strategic bombers conducted flights within the U.S. defense zone cl... and the Aleutian Islands last week in Moscow's latest incident of nuclear saber rattling against the United States, according to defense and military officials.
Two Bear H nuclear-capable bombers were detected flying into the military's Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) near the Aleutians, where a strategic missile defense radar is located, and Alaska's North Slope region by the Arctic and Chukchi Seas on April 28 and 29, military officials told the Washington Free Beacon.
Lt. Cmdr. Bill Lewis, a spokesman with the U.S. Northern Command, confirmed the fighter intercept of the latest bomber incursion but declined to provide details.
Pray that the U.S. and Russian administrations find ways to further their mutual advantages in working with each other in an atmosphere that pursues peace. Pray for creative ways for these two nations to work out their differences.
"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." (Psalm 34:14)
Seeking a compromise to put an end to years of controversy, the Boy Scouts of America will vote next week whether to accept gay..., but the organization will not consider allowing gay adults to serve as leaders.
The group has been under fire in recent years for its policy barring gays from membership and leadership even as societal attitudes have changed in favor of gay rights.
The current policy was established in 1980, and the Supreme Court decided in 2000 that the group has the right to ban anyone it chooses.
Pray that the Boy Scout officials seek the mind of Christ by examining His Word on the issues of homosexuality policies. Pray that the Boy Scouts of America would embrace the biblical approach to serving God and country with morally uncompromised principles as stated in its motto.
"They shall be mine, says the LORD of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him. Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him." (Malachi 3:17-18)
An inspector general's report due for release this week says senior In... for special scrutiny as early as 2011, nine months before the IRS commissioner assured Congress the targeting was not happening.
The report is certain to raise questions about the timing of the IRS's disclosure of the targeting on Friday, how high up were the officials who knew about the practice, and whether anyone outside the agency was aware of it.
Pray that all unrighteousness in governmental oversight be exposed and dealt with by righteous judges. Pray that justice and fairness would be restored to government activities.
"I will restore your leaders as in days of old, your rulers as at the beginning. Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City." (Isaiah 1:26)
The huge reservoirs of natural gas discovered off the coast of Israel now flowing toward shore have the potential to transform the energy-challenged country into a lean, green manufacturing machine - capable of supplying cheap, clean energy to its people, factories and vehicles for a generation.
Long bereft of the petroleum bonanza that created the modern Middle East, Israel suddenly finds itself a major player in the Mediterranean, and perhaps even the European, natural gas market.
The deep-water gas fields, discovered in 2009 and 2010, will soon turn Israel into an energy exporter, putting the Jewish state in the enviable but tricky position of trying to sell billions of dollars in surplus gas to neighbors that range from cool to downright hostile.
Give thanks to the Lord for the recent gas discoveries off the coast of Israel. Pray that this new find would bless the nation of Israel financially and add to Israel's strength as a nation in the coming years.
"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His love endures forever." (Psalm 136:1)
The World Bank is making a major push to develop large-scale hydropower..., something it had all but abandoned a decade ago but now sees as crucial to resolving the tension between economic development and the drive to tame carbon use.
Major hydropower projects in Congo, Zambia, Nepal and elsewhere - all of a scale dubbed "transformational" to the regions involved - are part of the bank's fundraising drive among wealthy nations. Bank lending for hydropower has scaled up steadily in recent years, and officials expect the trend to continue amid a worldwide boom in water-fueled electricity.
Ask the Lord to give wisdom to those leaders that are shaping policies for Africa's future. Pray that the affected African nation's would receive a fair and balanced approach to resolving their energy needs. Wise decisions in the initial planning stages of development will do much for improved living conditions in these third world environments.
"For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." (Proverbs 2:6)
A national survey of law enforcement shows officers believe many proposed gun control measures - including ban....
Among the findings of a survey by the industry website PoliceOne, which tallied responses from 15,000 verified active and retired law enforcement professionals, police overwhelmingly favor an armed citizenry and are skeptical of any greater restrictions placed on gun purchase, ownership or accessibility, editor Doug Wyllie said.
"In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free." (Psalm 118:5)
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Seeking a compromise to put an end to years of controversy, the Boy Scouts of America will vote this week whether to accept gay..., but the organization will not consider allowing gay adults to serve as leaders.
The group has been under fire in recent years for its policy barring gays from membership and leadership even as societal attitudes have changed in favor of gay rights.
The current policy was established in 1980, and the Supreme Court decided in 2000 that the group has the right to ban anyone it chooses.
Pray that the Boy Scout officials seek the mind of Christ by examining His Word on the issues of homosexuality policies. Pray that the Boy Scouts of America would embrace the biblical approach to serving God and country with morally un-compromised principles as stated in its motto.
"They shall be mine, says the LORD of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him. Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him."
(Malachi 3:17-18)
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin said Tuesday that her state will rebuild, and sheasked for prayers to aid the rescue and recovery.
"Will we be back? Absolutely. Oklahoma has gone through this a couple times, and we're resilient, strong, courageous people," Fallin said on "Good Morning America."
The Republican governor continued: "You know, you probably remember the [Oklahoma City bombing in 1995], which I was in office back then [as lieutenant governor], we went through a tremendous tragedy and loss of life at that time. Oklahoma City has rebounded. It has rebuilt. Oklahoma people are very strong, and they will make it through this, but we're going to need a lot of prayer and a lot of support to get back on our feet."
Pray for the families who have lost loved ones. Pray for a speedy recovery of all who have lost homes and businesses. Ask for godly wisdom for all public officials in aiding those who have been affected by this massive tornado damage.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."(Joshua 1:9)
President Obama's most recent budget request would reduce borrowing by $1.1 trillion over the next decade compared wit... on the rich, large estates and smokers, congressional budget analysts said Friday.
In addition to raising nearly $1 trillion in new taxes, the president's blueprint would also cut spending modestly, according to the analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office [CBO].
Pray that the U.S. leaders come to a mutual agreement on the best financial strategies and methods for bringing a sustained recovery to the U.S. economy. Pray that these leaders will seek God's wisdom on how to establish secure markets with benefits for all citizens. Pray for the righteous administration of financial transactions both in the private sector and the government sector.
"Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things." (Hebrews 13:18)
As a new edition of the manual of mental disorders used to diagnose psychiatric conditions hits publishers, employers are concerned that the expansion of definitions for some ... and complaints of disability discrimination.
The long-awaited revised American Psychiatric Association's
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-V, was released this weekend, and it could result in more people being classified as having conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and social (pragmatic) communication disorder.
Pray that biblical principles for helping those who are struggling with mental illness will receive proper care from trained professionals in the field of psychiatry. Pray for sound moral and ethical treatments for those in need of services in this branch of mental health. Pray that they will call upon the name of the Lord to bring His wisdom and healing.
"Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
(Psalm 50:15)
Over the past week, details have emerged on how the Internal Revenue Service subjected certain groups to undue scrutiny.... It is deeply concerning that the same IRS that just admitted to the political profiling of Americans who oppose a big-government agenda is also tasked with enforcing the myriad mandates, taxes and regulations in Obamacare.
Americans have entrusted the IRS with a tremendous amount of power, and that power has been systematically abused over the course of months and years. While this fact is chilling enough for many of us, it's actually about to get much worse.
Pray that U.S. legislators will find reasonable methods of solving the administrative issues brought in to play by the Obamacare mandates. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to Congress in order to bring forth sound governance in these unresolved matters of liberty in healthcare.
"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:" (1 Cor. 2:7)
Americans have heard a lot over the past year when it comes to the heavily contested and controversial issue of gay marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Now, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to finally make its ruling.
The Supreme Court is looking at four major rulings over the next four weeks. By the end of June, lives will be changed and legacies will be made regardless of the outcomes of those hearings.
As judicial opinions regarding these four Supreme Court cases are being developed, pray that the Lord will be heard by all parties and that God's righteousness would be incorporated in the decisions settled upon for the good of our nation. Pray that the phrase "One Nation Under God" would have true bearing upon the resolve of these issues.
"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD." (Isaiah 55:8)
Free book download offerings by one of Intercessors for America's board members, Larry Tomczak!
Click on the covers above to download the books in PDF format for free.
The time has arrived for everyone involved in the dialogue on homosexuality and gay marriage to lower their voices and approach one another with respect on this journey of discovery.
I hope this material helps multitudes who are humbly searching for answers and willing to consider these consequences if same-sex marriage is legalized in america. ~ Larry Tomczak
These publications can also be ordered directly from Larry Tomczak. Visit www.larrytomczak.com online to order all printed materials.
Capitol Hill aides spent their Memorial Day weekend scanning hundreds of pages of documents related to the IRS scandal in order to prepare their bosses for what will inevitably be a frantic month of June involving multiple simultaneous investigations into government wrongdoing. By the time lawmakers return to session next week, at least four di...
As The Daily Caller has reported, at least five different IRS offices including Cincinnati, Ohio; Baltimore, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois and El Monte and Laguna Niguel, California improperly targeted conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny between 2010 and 2012.
Give thanks to God for bringing these questions to the light of inquiry so they can be examined. Pray that all corruption would be exposed and dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. Pray for the restoration of a rightly balanced Internal Revenue Service.
"I will restore your leaders as in days of old, your rulers as at the beginning. Afterward you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City." (Isaiah 1:26)
Declaring that "freedom of religion is a core American value," Secretary of State John F. Kerry Monday released his department's annual worldwide religious freedom report, which found "worrying" and "negative trends" around the globe.
"The freedom to profess and practice one's faith, to believe or not to believe, or to change one's beliefs, that is a birthright of every human being, and that's what we believe," Mr. Kerry told reporters in Washington, in remarks accompanying the release of the "International Religious Freedom Report for 2012."
Pray that all who love and desire to serve the Lord will be given this privilege without restraint. Let those who want to praise and honor the Lord be given that freedom without restraint.
"Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story-- those he redeemed from the hand of the foe." (Psalm 107:2)
Congress is being asked to pass a bill that would ban abortions if the baby is capable of feeling pain. It has been introduced in the House by Congressman Trent Franks (R-Arizona).
The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would ban abortions after 20 weeks. Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee tells OneNewsNow it is an important bill.
Pray that there will be a truthful disclosure to the fact that a child in the womb does feel pain at an early age. Pray that Congress will acknowledge this truth and establish a law to protect these most vulnerable children before birth.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5)
Designs for many of the nation's most sensitive advanced weapons systems have been compromised by Chinese hackers, according to a report prepared for the Pentagon and to officials from government and the defense industry.
Among more than two dozen major weapons systems whose designs were breached were programs critical to U.S. missile defenses and combat aircraft and ships, according to a previously undisclosed section of a confidential report prepared for Pentagon leaders by the Defense Science Board.
Pray for the security of our national assets. Pray that responsible policies will be developed to insure the integrity of our national interests, especially in the areas of military security around the world. Pray that our leaders will look to the Lord for our strength and protection.
"The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, In spite of this I shall be confident." (Psalm 27:1-3)
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Iran's support of international terrorism has reached levels unseen since the 1990s, but the top cadre of al Qaeda leaders have largely been decimated in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the State Department said Thursday in its latest report on worldwide terrorism.
"Iran's state sponsorship of terrorism and [its ally Hezbollah's] t..., with attacks plotted in Southeast Asia, Europe, and Africa," the State Department said in its analysis, pointing to attacks last year in India, Thailand, Georgia and Kenya in which Iran was implicated.
Pray that Iran would continue to be restrained by the hand of the Lord. Pray that restrained leadership would be raised up in that land and that the citizens of Iran would cry out for peace and responsible national leadership. Pray for a strengthening and protection of the Church in Iran.
"There is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." (Romans 13:1b)
Congress is once again taking up the farm bill - and continuing to treat agriculture like it was 1933, not 2013. The result is that billions of taxpayer dollars are going to waste.This is unacceptable. It's time for lawmakers to make reforms that reflect the reality of modern agriculture.
Even calling it the "farm bill" doesn't reflect reality. Both the Senate and House versions are projected to cost close to $1 trillion over 10 years. Nearly 80 percent of this cost is attributed to food stamps and nutrition programs. The bill should be called the "food stamp" bill.
Pray for further reforms that would separate this "farm bill" program into two different bills in order to adequately address the issues of farm programs and food stamps separately. Pray for God's wisdom to be given to our leaders in addressing this national issue.
"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
Pray for sound leadership to spring forth in these days of financial uncertainty. Pray that the Lord would raise up righteous leadership to address the critical issues of our national debt and all related matters of national policy.
"A wise man will listen and will add to his wisdom and the intelligent will gain leadership." (Proverbs 1:5)
Give thanks to the Lord that ill-advised expenditures are being exposed and dealt with in open forums. Pray for a return to equitable governance in matters of U.S. tax regulations and national policy that would be free from political entanglement.
"For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed." (Romans 13:6-7)
Qassim al-Rimi, the military chief of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, said making bombs such as the ones used in the twin blasts in Boston in April, is within "everyone's reach".
Pray for God's extended hand over our nation in the days ahead. Pray that all attempts at civil unrest and terror would be exposed and rightly dealt with by authorities charged with the responsibility of national protection.
"The Lord says to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.'" (Psalm 110:1)
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Leaders in the upper chamber are aiming for passage by July 4 of a measure that would open up a road to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States. A bipartisan group of four Democrats and four Republicans spent several months crafting the bill, and the Senate Judiciary Committee put the finishing touches on it last month.
Pray for our U.S. senators in these momentous decisions. Pray that all votes will blend with the providential oversight of a just and caring God to bring about a righteous decision for our nation and for the millions of illegal immigrants whose lives, families, and even destinies may turn on how this reform law will affect them. Pray that the will of God will triumph over self-focused interests in dealing with this vitally important bill from its formulation in the U.S. Senate to its enactment. Pray for the Lord's wisdom to prevail in the casting of votes.
"'Give me now wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in before this people, for who can govern this people of yours, which is so great?' God answered Solomon, 'Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked possessions, wealth, honor, or the life of those who hate you, and have not even asked long life, but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may govern my people over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge are granted to you. I will also give you riches, possessions, and honor, such as none of the kings had who were before you, and none after you shall have the like.'" (2 Chronicles 1:10-12)
Raising the stakes in a long-simmering battle with Senate Republicans,President Obama on Tuesday nominated three more judicial candidates to serve on the influenti..., a White House official confirmed.
Two weeks after getting his first nominee confirmed to the court, Mr. Obama nominated Patricia Ann Millett, who has served in administrations of both parties; Cornelia Pillard, who served as former deputy assistant attorney general and former assistant to the solicitor general; and Judge Robert L. Wilkins, who was confirmed unanimously for the D.C. District Court in 2010.
Pray for righteous judges to be selected for U.S. courts of appeal, those who will be guided by Constitutional legal foundations.
"God is a righteous judge, a God who displays his wrath every day." (Psalm7:11)
A bipartisan group of U.S. senators is putting the final touches on a... and replace them with a government re-insurer of mortgage securities behind private capital.
The legislation, written by Tennessee Republican Bob Corker and Virginia Democrat Mark Warner with input from other senators, is likely to be the first detailed blueprint reflecting a growing consensus in Washington that the U.S. role in mortgage finance should be limited to assuming risk only in catastrophic circumstances. It also reflects the prevailing view among lawmakers that the two government-sponsored enterprises should cease to exist, according to a discussion draft obtained by Bloomberg News.
Pray for continued bipartisanship in resolving financial concerns with our national mortgage securities issues. Pray that God's wisdom would be sought for national stability in every branch of U.S. government.
"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." (James 3:17)
Mr. Edwards and his pal are members of Samaritan Ministries International, a "health care sharing ministry" in which Christian members pay for each other's health care needs through monthly shares.
"My doctors are very impressed by it," said Mr. Edwards, a 59-year-old from Falls Church who says Samaritan Ministries helped him pay for a biopsy and helped cover treatment for his wife, Susan, when she injured her back.
Pray that there will be more alternative ways for Americans to escape participation in the murder of innocent children through support of abortions with hospital insurance. Offer thanks to the Lord for creative methods of circumventing evil mandates. Pray, too, for divine wisdom and courage for those who may not find alternative financing for their health care but will still not embrace a national system that promotes abortion and requires the sacrifice of deeply held religious convictions.
It may sound like an unlikely No. 1 best-seller for any country, but in Norway - one of the most secular nations in an increasingly godless Europe - the runaway popularity of the Bible has caught the country by surp.... The Scriptures, in a new Norwegian language version, even outpaced "Fifty Shades of Grey" to become Norway's best-selling book.
Give thanks to the Lord for His overcoming power and authority to deliver and restore righteous ways to all that He desires to bless. Pray that God's Word will be embraced by all European nations and cause those nations to rise up and call upon the one true and righteous God, Jesus Christ, to save and redeem their nations while there yet remains a time of grace to do so.
"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we [first] believed." (Romans 13:11)
A robotic bird created for the U.S. Army for use as a miniature spy drone is so convincing that it has been attacked by hawks and eagles, according to researchers.
The Robo-Raven, as the solar-powered, remotely piloted surveillance aircraft is called, was designed and built at the University of Maryland's Maryland Robotics Center - an interdisciplinary research establishment in the university's A. James Clark School of Engineering. The center posted a video of a test flight this week.
Pray that our U.S. military make wise and judicial use of technology to protect and defend our national assets that face threats from enemy sources. Pray that these developing technologies be ethically administrated in all fields of use.
"The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered." (Proverbs 17:27)
(Psalm 33:12-22)
The country's highest court handed down a landmark opinion on a section of the law that denies married homosexual couples the same federal rights and benefits as married heterosexual couples. For example, under DOMA, homosexual couples cannot file joint federal income tax returns, do not receive Social Security survivor benefits and cannot access federal estate and gift tax marital deductions - all important issues that factor into married couples' long-term financial planning.
.Pray that our nation does not continue down this Sodom and Gomorrah path of destruction. Pray that sound voices of logic and reason would align with God's Word on the subject of homosexual sin. Pray that those who advocate the sin of homosexuality would bend their knees to the Lord's sovereignty and that the Lord would deliver their souls from the death-grip of Satan's domain while there is yet some time to do so. Pray, too, for God's mercy on the U.S., and that a heaven-sent, widespread revival will sweep through the Church in America and bring many to repentance and a true heart-change on these deeply divisive issues.
"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
(Lev. 18:22)
"But God, who is rich in mercy because of His great love with which He love us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) . . ." (Eph. 2:4-5)
Senators voted Monday to add 20,000 more Border Patrol agents to the southwestern border and require a total of 700 miles of fencing within a decade, clearing the way for the broad immigration bill to pass the chamber this week - but opening deep divisions within the Republican Party.
In the 67-27 vote, 15 Republicans joined Democrats in backing the manpower and infrastructure, but the other Senate Republicans balked, saying the enhancements were chimerical and shouldn't be used to cover over what they argued was a bad bill that doesn't do enough to enforce the laws and stop another wave of illegal immigration.
As these issues call for an intercessory appeal to God's providence and His justice, pray for the Lord to give clear vision to all U.S. legislators regarding immigration to the United States. Pray that the nation's lawmakers will focus on principle rather than political expediency or lobby pressures, making decisions that uphold America's sovereignty and its citizens' safety. Pray that these pending decisions be guided by righteous judgments of God's Word and thus be consistent with His overruling purpose for the country.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." (Matthew 25:35)
"You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours."(Psalm 128:2)
"But hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined."(Titus 1:8)
"Don't you remember the rule we had when we lived with you? 'If you don't work, you don't eat.' And now we're getting reports that a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings are taking advantage of you. This must not be tolerated. We command them to get to work immediately-no excuses, no arguments-and earn their own keep. Friends, don't slack off in doing your duty." (2 Thessalonians 3: 10-13 - The Message)
The U.S. military is embracing a celebration of homosexuals in the ranks this month by sending out a homosexual pride poster and a directive to commands, while planning a Pentagon symposium that will be attended by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
In the aftermath of ending the ban on open homosexuals in the military, the Pentagon last June recognized Homosexual Pride Month for the first time in a subdued recognition of uniformed and civilian homosexuals. As defense secretary at the time, Leon E. Panetta gave a public statement, and a Pentagon event featured an active-duty homosexual Marine, a homosexual Air Force civilian lawyer and a female homosexual who had served in the Army.
As these decisions and celebrations in the military stem from a pro-homosexual administration, let our intercession begin at the top. Pray that the president and his advisors will treat all citizens and citizen groups with equal fairness. Pray that conservative Christians and evangelical chaplains will have at least as much voice and receive the same respect and recognition that the homosexual lobby demands and gets. Pray that the Lord would deliver our nation from leadership that rebels against God's Word. Pray for righteous leadership in the land. Pray for the strengthening of righteous decisions for our military command. Pray for protection and for the elevation of those leaders in our military who will not bend their knee to unrighteous edicts.
"It is written: 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'" (Romans 14:11)
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."(Isaiah 41:10)
"The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." (2 Timothy4:18)
"They parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it" (Is. 3:9, NIV).
"They not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them" (Rom. 1:32).
The above passages describe times where there was great moral decli.... Edward Gibbon, in his classic work on the fall of the Roman Empire, describes the Roman era's declension as a place where "bizarreness masqueraded as creativity."
Pray for an outcry from the land which says, "We have had enough! Save our nation, O Lord. Redeem us with Your outstretched arms." Pray that hearts would be softened, hear the Word of the Lord, and repent and seek the Lord's face! Pray that, the redeemed of the Lord would "say so." Pray, too, that America's widespread and rapid slide down this slippery slope will inspire more Christians to become serious intercessors for righteousness government.
"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."(Leviticus 20:13)
"For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error." (Romans 1:26-27)
"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty and did an abomination before me. So I removed them, when I saw it." (Ezekiel 16:49-50)
In a typically maladroit statement, U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry recently complained that Isra...: "People in Israel aren't waking up every day and wondering iftomorrow there will be peace because there is a sense of security and a sense of accomplishment and of prosperity."
Offer thanks to the Lord for Israeli citizens understanding their preeminent place on the world stage. Pray for greater acknowledgment and gratitude among both citizens and political leaders that social and economic blessing is due to God's hand upon them. Pray for increased awareness that Messiah has come in the Person of Jesus Christ, and that more and more individuals will place their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, as He reveals Himself to them in days to come.
"And so all Israel will be saved. As the Scriptures say, 'The one who rescues will come from Jerusalem, and he will turn Israel away from ungodliness.'"(Romans 11:26)
"The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins," declares the LORD. (Isaiah 59:20)
"I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring them back, because I have mercy on them. They shall be as though I had not cast them aside; for I am the Lord their God, and I will hear them."
(Zechariah 10:6)
A troubling report presented to the government on Sunday verifies what many in Europe have been feeling in recent months - anti-Semitism in the continent is on the rise, and is breaking new records.
The anti-Semitism survey was conducted on behalf of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in nine countries in Europe.
According to its main findings, 26% of Jews have suffered from anti-Semitic harassment at least once in the past year, 34% experienced such harassment in the past five years, 5% reported that their property was intentionally vandalized because they are Jewish, about 7% were physically hurt or threatened in the past five years.
Pray for the Jews living in European nations. Pray that they will have God's blessing and protection. Pray that they will have the Lord's wisdom in considering whether to move to their own homeland and contribute to the strength of Israel. Pray continually for the peace of Jerusalem.
"Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel." (Ezekiel 37:12)
"For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. And these [are] the words that the LORD spake concerning Israel and concerning Judah."(Jeremiah 30: 3,4)
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