How They Connect in Cincinnati

News and Views March 2024

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The t-factor initiative from Coca-Cola Consolidated is guiding marketplace organizations worldwide to foster transformational cultures “for good, for God, for growth”.  Watch as Mark Whitacre outlines this innovative training program, available in-person and virtually throughout the year, and accessible to Christians and non-Christians alike. Mark also touches on his remarkable and redemptive faith testimony as the highest-level executive to ever turn whistleblower in U.S. history, a story captured in the major motion picture “The Informant” starring Matt Damon as Mark Whitacre. 

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Although he’s just now published a book by this title, Jeff Haanen is practiced at “Working from the Inside Out.”  He is the entrepreneurial founder of the Denver Institute for Faith & Work, and a talented writer for Christianity Today magazine.  Jeff’s latest publication is a practical tool for inner work that transforms our outer world, organized around the framework of seeking deep spiritual health, thinking theologically, embracing relationships, creating good work and serving others sacrificially.  Watch as Jeff shares through authentic insights drawn from his own life journey. 

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A week before Jesus was killed, He entered Jerusalem on a donkey.  The crowd was praising Jesus as the “king who comes in the name of the Lord” (Luke 19:38), and aggravated Pharisees told Jesus to “rebuke” His disciples (Luke 19:39).  Jesus responded that even if the people were quiet, the rocks would “cry out” (Luke 19:40).  A classic understanding of this scripture is that the people, created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), should be encouraged to express their joy; and even if not, it would be appropriate for inanimate objects to fill the void since all of creation is made for God’s glory (Colossians 1:16).  A complementary perspective comes from the ongoing and remarkable archaeological discoveries that – time and again – reinforce the Bible’s historical accuracy.  For example, in 2023 archaeologists announced that the Pool of Siloam has now been excavated for public viewing.  Located in the southern portion of the City of David, within today’s Jerusalem Walls National Park, this is the site at which Jesus healed a blind man (John 9:1-12), and Jewish pilgrims cleansed themselves before entering the Second Temple.  The noble work of these archaeologists literally unearths the “rocks” that “cry out” to the truth of scripture.  Similarly, as I look back over my work life, I observe a figurative “archaeological record” that – time and again – bears out Romans 8:28, that God is working for my good as I pursue the work to which He has called me.  When you reflect on your journey at work, do the “rocks cry out” about your spiritual growth?  


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Sometimes we think that being responsive to God’s vocational call on our work life happens once, and then it’s set forever. But Pete Cafarchio points to a different path, which allows God to shape and refine that path, learning and serving through our work along the way.


Pete lives in New York City and he’s a certified coach. He works with leaders in all marketplace sectors to identify and develop their leadership style, transform their team culture, and develop strategies for sustained growth. Knowing Pete today, it could be hard to imagine that his vocational journey began by graduating from college and working as a civil and environmental engineer . . .

Read More
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With co-host Laura Jackson and production director Stacy Doose, At Work on Purpose founder Chuck Proudfit is celebrating ordinary working Christians making extraordinary contributions to the places and spaces where we work and live. Buckle up for some podcast stories that will forever change the spiritual significance you see in work.

Listen Here


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The Genesis at Work Foundation creates meaningful work for God’s children with special needs. Visit online to learn more.


Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua 1:9   

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As Christians, we talk about sharing a common “world view”. That sounds great in theory, but putting it into practice can be tough. We’ve selected bloggers that “connect the dots” between Biblical wisdom for work, and the tough realities of the working world. Enjoy our current posts, and explore our archives as well.


At Work on Purpose is guiding Christians to faith filled lives at work. We are advancing citywide workplace ministry across the world, and we serve working Christians, local churches and ministry networks.

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What's Happening in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA?


From March 14-16 in Cincinnati, the Christian Community Health Fellowship will hold its annual conference called Thirsting. Over a thousand Christian healthcare providers will convene from around the country to strengthen their shared missional spirit.


Watch CCHF CEO Steve Noblett give a conference overview, or visit conference postings to learn more and register.

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John Rinehart is the author, founder and CEO of Gospel Patrons a global teaching and discipleship ministry with a focus on stewardship. On the evening of Wednesday, March 20th, John will be encouraging and challenging our Cincinnati community to dream about how God can fully use our gifts and abilities to advance His Kingdom. Sponsored by the National Christian Foundation of Ohio, this evening is free of charge but attendance is limited:



Wednesday, March 20th 

6:00pm arrival and fellowship 

6:30pm dinner and program



Manor House
7440 Mason-Montgomery Road
Mason, OH 45040


Register to join us for an inspiring evening.

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John Hartz

Failureship Spectacülar

Isaiah 55 tells us that God's ways and thoughts are so much higher and better than our own. Our culture tells us that the point of life is success, leadership, and individual achievement. We are taught to fear failure and run from it at all costs. But if God's ways and thoughts are so different than ours, what should our lives really be about?


Come find out at the Failureship Spectacülar. That's right, Failureship, not leadership! Everyone consistently fails daily, but failure isn't something to be feared. It's where God does his best work in us! Walk away with new freedom and victory in Failureship.


Join event host John Hartz, and hear from speakers including:


  • Sarah Roberts, director of women's ministry with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and chaplain of the Oklahoma Sooners National Championship softball team
  • Dan Busken, President of Busken Bakery


Only failures are invited to attend. But the good news is, that includes you!

Register to join us March 9, 2024 at Northstar Church in Loveland, Ohio. Seating is limited. Doors open at 8 am, event is from 8:30 - 11:30 am. There's no cost to attend. In fact, you’ll be paid at the door to attend because God's ways aren't our ways!

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G7 Networking has created an environment where Christians can connect both virtually and in person. It all starts by filling out your profile, no credit card required. Simply click here and explore a work world of opportunity!

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  • Create your FREE profile and start participating today.
  • Connect with Christian Professionals throughout the country.
  • Discover G7 Networking local and virtual EVENTS.
  • Visit our local and virtual CHAPTERS.
  • Engage with tools and resources that grow you and your business.

Questions?  Contact Nathan Traylor at (513) 288-0884

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The Graduate School at Cedarville University is pleased to partner with At Work on Purpose. Members of the At Work on Purpose network are eligible for a 15% tuition discount when you enroll in any Cedarville online graduate program, including the MBA, MA in innovation, brand-new graduate certificate in leadership, and more in-demand options. With convenient 7-week courses and 1- and 2-year completion plans, a Cedarville graduate degree equips you to advance professionally while supporting your desire to honor Christ in the workplace. To learn more about Cedarville University, its distinctly Christian graduate programs, and this partnership, visit or call 937-766-8000 to talk with an enrollment advisor.


Click on the icons below to dig deeper into the citywide community of At Work on Purpose  


Discovering and Pursuing God’s Vocational Pathways


Exploring and Integrating a Work Life with God


Cultivating Work Life Ministry in and through the Local Church

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