Have you ever thought about what it means to "pray from the New Testament Reality of Christ's Finished Work"?

Wouldn't our prayers - coming from a place of "rest" and "victory", diminish the way that we both perceive and receive what it means "for Christ to make intercession for us", according to Romans 8...


Yes, until "all things are placed underneath HIS feet" (1 Corinthians 15), we are in a spiritual battle and will experience "warfare"; and as we'll all agree that the primary means and mechanism for advancing HIS Cause & Community - is through our concerted and cooperative intercession and prayer campaigns, individually and corporately ...


BUT, wouldn't we all benefit from shifting our hearts and minds to what Christ already accomplished, so that "spiritual warfare" ceases being about "chasing demons"; but guarding our hearts and maintaining our devotion, so every imagination and strategy of the evil one can be cast down?

PLEASE, share your thoughts? WS-3

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