No Hope Like Revival!

Dark nights can be illuminated by one small light.


In times past the Spirit of God has moved in dark times through the desperate cries of God's people to His heart. More than just a conference that talks about revival, our goal is to experience the joy of transformation in the presence of Christ with other like-hearted believers.  The Heart-Cry for Revival Conference is for ministry and marketplace leaders who have a passionate desire for God to bring spiritual renewal to individuals, churches, campuses, and nations.

Do you have a heart for prayer? Come one day early for a OneCry Pre-Conference Prayer Gathering to pray for revival and the conference.


Register before January 31 and save $40!


On-site lodging at The Cove is filling up. Register before January 31 and save $40 on your registration fee.

Five people coming? The fifth person comes at half price!   

Call 269-697-6124 for more details.


Register today!

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  • Heart Cry for Revival

    Every day, I get an invitation to a new conference!

    But once in a while, I get one that peaks my interest. It's not hype. It is about holiness, without legalism; about revival, without fanaticism; about denominational unity and culture impacting renewal, beginning among God's people.

    Heart Cry for Revival, at The Cove, is a wonderful conference. I want you to consider attending. Hear the stories of revival. Listen to the principles. Look at revival across the spectrum of Christian culture. Much is to be gained by our sitting together and pouring out our hearts to God. This is a 'different' kind of conference.

    And I am speaking! Would you come and join me for this wonderful time of refreshing and prayer.

    Register at:

    Hope to see you there.
    P. Douglas Small

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