My conviction: After 55 years of ministry across our country, I’m convinced there are millions—literally millions—of Jesus followers inwardly hungry for more of Christ.
This is our mission: To meet that need, over this past decade, the Holy Spirit has used us to build an active website and social media outreach that’s now ready to offer literally thousands of ways to feed their hunger at whatever level they want to start. And just in time! The moment has arrived for the full-throttled 2025 nationwide campaign we’ve been preparing for. FULLY ALIVE IN '25!
That’s our goal—to encourage every part of the American Church to become more fully alive to the grace and glory, the power and purposes, and the victorious life of ALL our risen, reigning Lord Jesus Christ is today. What a spiritual revolution this is: God’s people fully AWAKE and fully ALIVE to God’s Son and our joyful place in his forcefully advancing Kingdom.
A Church more FULLY ALIVE to our reigning Redeemer! Biblically speaking, this is the only lasting HOPE for our nation right how!