Prayer Experiences
The Biblical Basis of Corporate Prayer
Corporate prayer is a vital part of the life of any believer and any congregation. Gene Getz, in his book Praying for One Another, clarifies this truth as he states: “It is understandable why so much has been written and presented on personal prayer. But why have we neglected the corporate emphasis on prayer found in the Book of Acts and the Epistles? Since this biblical content relates specifically to the life of the church, the body of Christ, it’s here we discover the most relevant biblical teaching on prayer for 20th century Christians.
“The answer, I believe, relates to our culture and how it has influenced biblical interpretation. The hallmark of Western civilization has been rugged individualism. Because of our philosophy of life, we are used to the personal pronouns ‘I’ and ‘my’ and ‘me’. We have not been taught to think in terms of ‘we’ and ‘our’ and ‘us’. Consequently, we individualize many references to corporate experience in the New Testament, thus often emphasizing personal prayer. The facts are that more is said in the Book of Acts and the epistles about corporate prayer, corporate learning of biblical truth, corporate evangelism, and corporate Christian maturity and growth than about the personal aspects of these Christian disciplines.
“Don’t misunderstand. Both are intricately related. But the personal dimensions of Christianity are difficult to maintain and practice consistently unless they grow out of a proper corporate experience on a regular basis.”
Observe these concepts:
- The example of the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray
“Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” (Matthew 6:9-13)
- The meaning of “the closet” for prayer
“But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6)
The word for “closet” (KJV) appears in the Greek New Testament four times. Among those instances it can mean “inner rooms” or a “storeroom”. The narrow interpretation of a private chamber for solitary prayer is not a necessary or reasonable meaning. This would be especially difficult when the “you” of this verse is plural. The obvious historical application of this principle is seen in Acts 12:21-2:1 where the disciples are seen in an upper room, out of public eye, in extended group prayer.
- The conviction of the early church
The description of early church routine in Acts 2:42 lists prayer among the four elements of congregational function (i.e., apostle’s doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer). All of these functions were experienced in community.
- The commands of the New Testament
The epistles were sent to cities and regions and were read aloud in a corporate context. The epistles were not available to individuals. Therefore, it is appropriate to view the commands to pray as corporate commands.
- Colossians 4:2 - Devote yourselves to {constant, united} prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.
- Romans 15:30 - Now I urge you {all}, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your {united} prayers to God for me.
- 2 Corinthians 1:11 - You {all} also joining in helping us through your {united} prayers, so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.
- Ephesians 6:18 - With all prayer and petition pray {together} at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.
- Philippians 1:19 - For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your {united} prayers and the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray {together} without ceasing.
- 2 Thessalonians 3:1 - Finally, brethren, pray {together} for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you.
- 1 Peter 4:7 - The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of {united} prayer.
Much of this material is from the Fresh Encounters training seminar by Daniel Henderson.
Using God’s Word to Pray
Here are some reasons why God’s Word is a valuable tool in corporate and private prayer:
- Prayer is a conversation. The Bible is our most reliable tool in the listening half of the conversation.
- Praying the Scripture leads us to simplicity. Much of the peripheral stuff of our praying pales in comparison to the simplicity of the Word.
- Scripture includes all types of prayer that can be used as a guide in all types of life situations.
- Praying the Scripture gives us accurate views of God and of ourselves.
- Praying the Scripture gives us power in the heavens. God’s Word does not return void.
- Praying the Scripture reduces deception. We can be confident in the Truth.
- Praying the Scripture exposes deceitfulness in our hearts.
- Praying the Scripture has the capacity to align us with God’s will.
- Praying the Scripture increases the substance of our prayers.
- Praying the Scripture increases our prayer vocabulary.
- Praying the Scripture gives us assurance that He will answer.
- Praying the Scripture reassures us that our prayers are heard.
- Praying the Scripture adds to the intensity of our prayer.
- Praying the Scripture corporately tends to keep all focused in same direction.
- Praying the Scripture connects us relationally – it creates intimacy on a horizontal level.
- Praying the Scripture corporately connects with common purpose in the application of the Word – we resolve to accomplish His will together.
- Praying the Scripture advances our understanding of the truth of the passage.
- Praying the Scripture is like a curriculum to teach us – especially when we use it sequentially over a series of gatherings.
Much of this material is from “Praying the Scriptures” by Judson Cornwall.
Facilitating a Scripture-Fed, Spirit-Led Prayer Experience
The process of facilitating a scripture-fed, Spirit-led prayer experience is both amazingly simple and amazingly complex all at the same time. As the facilitator of such a gathering, there is a sense that you are firmly grounded in the truth of the Word and yet there is a sense that you have no idea what pathways the Spirit may lead you.
As a facilitator of this type of prayer experience, several things are important to remember:
- Scripture-fed, Spirit-led praying is not necessarily about intercession. It is about seeking God because He is worthy to be sought. The picture most of us have in mind about prayer meetings is that they are long and boring, and that they are 80% about giving prayer requests (“holy” gossip) and 20% about praying.
- Be prepared. Scripture is the basis for this type of praying. Studying the main texts you may use during the prayer gathering is vital for deep conversation with God.
- Be prepared. It is vital that the facilitator is pure of heart and experienced in listening and obeying the Holy Spirit’s promptings. While you may have a plan regarding the direction God may take you, always be open to traveling down the “road less traveled” as prompted by the Spirit.
- Be sensitive to the dynamics occurring in the room. Yes, pray with your eyes open! Seeing the response and involvement of the people is important to understanding direction. Be aware of group dynamics. Watch for places when you need to quicken the pace to keep attention focused and when you may need to pause and ponder. (Silence is an acceptable means of prayer.)
- Come into the gathering with a sense of humility. Others in the gathering may be used by God to take the group to the places He desires, not you. Discerning what is of Him and what is not is vital in good facilitation. Listen to the Lord.
- Be willing to gently correct the group should someone take the session off track. You may want to repeat your verbal instructions, or you can use a prayer to re-establish direction.
- Prepare the room ahead of time. If possible, arrange the chairs so that people can see and hear each other easily. A circle is a good way to create unity and reduce the feeling of hierarchy. Make sure the room is a comfortable temperature. Most people close their eyes to pray which creates more vulnerability to napping (just ask Eutychus) in a hot room. Reducing the brightness of the lights may enhance the ambience of the gathering.
- Three areas of focus can be created from every passage of scripture:
- Looking Up - A focus on God – I usually start with theology proper. Setting your mind and heart first on the greatness of God is important.
- Looking In - A focus on my need – How should I then respond to this great God? What is God saying to me about me?
- Looking Out - A focus on the needs of others around me – The essence of intercession is telling someone else’s story to the Lord.
- Encourage the group to use phrases and ideas from the passage in their praying. You may want to direct them to pray a particular opening phrase and then have them complete the sentence. Encourage them to think through ideas and concepts in the passage to expand upon. Sometimes I call this “creating a commentary” on the passage.
- Have fun. Praying should be enjoyable.
Prayer Resources
Mission Birmingham Prayer Resources
The blog for City on its Knees exists as the connecting point for people who have a heart to pray for the metro-Birmingham area in Alabama. We hope our posts will inform you of specific needs to pray about; equip you with creative ways to pray; keep you up-to-date on prayer events throughout the city; and give our readers a chance to share their burdens and heart to pray for our city in the comments section.
First of All.org exists to encourage
1. You to be devoted to prayer
2. Your church to become a house of prayer
3. Cities to unite in prayer that God’s Kingdom would come and His will would be done on earth as it is in heaven.
First of All.org provides you with
1. A connection to prayer resources from all over the nation
2. Encouragement and equipping for creating and facilitating great corporate prayer gatherings
3. A guide for prayer opportunities in Birmingham, Alabama
Your Home A House Of Prayer is a resource to families desiring to effectively pray the Scriptures in their home. Forty easy-to-lead, enjoyable prayer guides are available in three meaningful categories: Regular Scriptural Passages, Special Family Days, and Special Family Issues. Click on the links below to see full listings of guides for each category.
www.PrayEphesians.com/test - In Process
Throughout PrayEphesians.com you will be encouraged to experience the richness of scripture-based prayer. As you scroll over the verses from this wonderful letter of Paul to the Ephesian church, prayer promoters will pop up to suggest ways you can pray scripture. Let the prompters take you into seasons of seeking God in worship, contemplating how you should change, or praying effectively for those around you.
Use this website to:
- learn how to pray other passages of scripture
- facilitate prayer with groups you lead
- teach your family how to pray scripture
- enhance your devotional life
Mission Birmingham Facilitates Congregational Prayer Summits
Prayer Summits for your congregation are a unique time of prayer focused on growing in intimacy with the Lord through corporate prayer. Prayer Summits are free-flowing and agenda-free, incorporating praying, singing, and reading the Word. The time spent at a Summit is focused on scripture-based praying. Communion may be shared. The timeframe of a Summit can vary, depending on the desires of the leaders. Summits can be held at a variety of places, including conference centers, outdoor venues such as a botanical garden, or at the church. The end results of a Congregational Prayer Summit are usually a deeper level of unity with one another and a deeper level of relationship with the Lord.
Mission Birmingham Facilitates Congregational Prayer Journeys through Birmingham
Congregational Prayer Journeys are a unique opportunity to prayer-walk some of the most important places in our city. This experience can be enjoyed by the entire family, if desired. Typically the schedule is as follows:
Friday night – Gather with your congregation from 7:00-9:00 p.m. to learn more about the history of Birmingham in a fun environment, then share communion together focused on our city.
Saturday – Meet back at the church at 9:00 am to drive to four significant locations in Birmingham to pray. The Journey ends at Vulcan Park to look over the city and pray for God’s protection and peace in our community. An experienced facilitator will guide your congregation through this unique experience. The Congregational Prayer Journey is typically concluded by 1:30 or 2:00 p.m.
Mission Birmingham Facilitates Fresh Encounter Prayer Gatherings
Fresh Encounter Prayer Gatherings are lively, passionate experiences of corporate prayer. Utilizing the Word of God as the foundation, Fresh Encounter Prayer Gatherings can turn the heart of your congregation to seeking the face of God in a creatively guided event. Worship music, praying in different styles and groupings and the freedom to follow the guidance of the Spirit are all cornerstones of this prayer meeting with life and vitality.
For more information about these types of prayer events or to schedule a Facilitator for your event, contact Kevin Moore at 205.978.6012 or kmoore@missionbirmingham.org.
National and Local Prayer Ministries
The Greater Birmingham Mayors’ Prayer Breakfast
The Greater Birmingham Mayors’ Prayer Breakfast is an annual event held the morning of the National Day of Prayer. The purpose of the Prayer Breakfast is to bring together the mayors of the Birmingham metropolitan area to connect with one another and to receive the prayer of the community.
Global Day of Prayer – www.gdopusa.com
The Global Day of Prayer is a day set aside to prayer for the world. Christians from 6 continents and more than 240 countries around the Globe pour out their hearts in prayer and worship, as a testimony of the moving Spirit of God.
Harvest Prayer Ministries – www.harvestprayer.com
Harvest Prayer Ministries was established in 1993 to encourage local churches to pray for revival and world evangelization. Harvest Prayer Ministries provides prayer resource materials, teaching services and conferences focused on prayer to churches and individuals.
Houses of Prayer Everywhere - www.harvestprayer.com/about-us/ministries/houses-of-prayer-everywhere
Houses of Prayer Everywhere exists to help churches saturate their communities and cities with Lighthouses of Prayer that will pray for, care about, and share the blessings of Christ with people who live or work near them.
I Commit to Pray – www.icommittopray.com
I Commit to Pray is a place to gather and pray for the persecuted church. Read prayer requests from around the world and post your own prayers specifically for your brothers and sisters who are being persecuted.
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – www.idop.org
A global website designed to encourage Christians to go God's throne in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters, and those who persecute them. They still need our intercession, and praying is still the most effective thing we can do for them.
International Renewal Ministries – www.prayersummits.net
International Renewal Ministries is the lead organization in encouraging Pastoral and Congregational Prayer Summits.
Kingdom Forerunners – www.kingdomforerunners.com
Kingdom Forerunners is a local Birmingham ministry focused on serving the Body of Christ through prayer.
National Day of Prayer – www.nationaldayofprayer.org
The National Day of Prayer Task Force's mission is to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, mobilizing the Christian community to intercede for America and its leadership in the seven centers of power: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family.
National Pastors Prayer Network – www.nppn.org
The National Pastors’ Prayer Network connects pastors and intercessors with tools for effective intercession.
Neighbor Hope Ministries – www.neighborhope.com
Neighbor Hope ministries has developed training materials that are equipping thousands of families across the nation to also "have a party" for sharing Christ at Christmas using the “prayer, care, share” model.
Prayer Force United – www.prayerforceunited.com
Prayer Force United was established to put the power of prayer to work in the streets of Birmingham. Each month, churches, ministries, leaders and citizens from all over the metropolitan area come together to walk through and pray over the neighborhoods in the city.
See You at the Pole – www.syatp.com
See You at the Pole is a great place to connect students with God, connect with other believers, and connect with their campus in the name of Christ. SYATP connects believers together at the beginning of the school year, so they can stand strong together throughout the year.
Strategic Renewal Ministries - www.strategicrenewal.com
Strategic Renewal encourages personal renewal, congregational revival and leadership restoration through prayer.
Waymakers – www.waymakers.org
Waymakers annually creates a tool in the hands of your church to connect with your city in life-giving prayer entitled “Seek God for the City”. This 40-day prayer guide is used by thousands of churches during the forty days leading to Palm Sunday.
Day of Renewal | Chicago 2017
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
9am - 9pm
Chicago Tabernacle | Chicago, IL
Strategic Renewal is excited to partner with the Chicago Tabernacle in providing an opportunity for you to experience what God can do when His people come together to pray. Chicago Tabernacle is a great example of what happens when a church focuses on prayer. Chicago Tabernacle was started in 2002 by Pastor Al Toledo, and his wife, Chrissy Cymbala Toledo. Chrissy is the daughter of Pastor Jim and Carol Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Al and Chrissy met at The Brooklyn Tabernacle, and consequently, Chicago Tabernacle is very much a more modern expression of the beloved congregation in Brooklyn.
Enjoy three teaching sessions taught by Daniel Henderson (President of Strategic Renewal) and Pastor Al Toledo (Sr Pastor of The Chicago Tabernacle). Get an inside glimpse of the ministry at Chicago Tabernacle, interact on a more personal level with Pastor Al & Chrissy Toledo, and be inspired to see what a prayer culture could look like in your church!
Finish off this great experience by attending Chicago Tabernacle's weekly prayer gathering. This gathering is attended by hundreds each week, and you will be blessed as you watch God working in the midst of His people. Make plans today to join together with people from all over the country for a day of prayer and teaching!
President, Strategic Renewal
The Chicago Tabernacle
MARCH 27, 2017
At Midwest Bible Church. 3441 N Cicero Ave, Chicago, IL.
3:00pm - Welcome, worship and opening challenge from Pastor Marco David. The Power of Prayer in Pastoral Endurance
3:20pm - Breakout Sessions
5:00pm – Dinner (On Your Own)
7:00pm – Evening Session - Daniel Henderson
Prayer Laboratory for Dynamic Prayer Experiences (Leading prayer in a small church, small groups or other more intimate gatherings.)
8:30pm - Dismiss
MARCH 28, 2017
8:30am - Arrival/Check-in @ Chicago Tabernacle
9:00am - Session One with Daniel Henderson.
10:30am - Session Two: Join the Pastor Al Toledo and the Chicago Tabernacle staff for a time of worship and teaching.
12:00pm - Lunch & Breakouts; Senior Pastors/Wives with Al Toledo and Chrissy Cymbala Toledo.General attendee lunch in lobby
2:00pm - Session Three with Daniel Henderson - Leading a Prayer Culture In Your Church
3:30pm - Free time / Dinner on your own
7:00 - 9:00pm - Chicago Tabernacle Weekly Prayer Service.
Doors open at 5pm, Suggested arrival 6:15pm - 6:40pm
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations made by March 15th are fully refundable minus a $20 processing fee. After that date we will not be able to refund your registration fee due to costs that we will incur and not be able to recoup. You can gift your registration to another, if you so choose
Testimonies from those who have attended past Days of Renewal:
Airport: O'Hare
Hotels: Hotels in Skoki, Downtown Chicago or by airport
Parking: 25 spots at Chicago Tabernacle, and 80 spots 2 1/2 blocks from Chicago Tabernacle
Restaurants: Fast food restaurants close to Chicago Tabernacle