Equipping for Prayer

I appreciate John Whitsett's sharing his doctoral dissertation on corporate prayer.  I believe we can bless one another with the resources God leads us to develop.  His gesture spurred me on to share a training resource.

I've written a booklet on prayer entitled, Why Do We Pray? (32 pages), as part of a series called "Basics of the Faith." It touches on topics like praying in Jesus' name, prayer and faith, where prayer gets its power, God's design for corporate prayer, praying the psalms, and learning from our Lord in the school of prayer. 

I don't have free copies to be able to offer but I do have link to an article that summaries the first two of the three major sections (the third section deals with the practice of prayer).  I use the booklet in my church to train my congregation in prayer over an 8-week period that incorporates praying together.

My goal is to equip the saints to see what God has placed in their hands to cultivate intimacy with Him but also to advance His kingdom. I want to spur them on to expectant prayer with thoughts like: “God has ordained our freely offered, honestly expressed petitions as His appointed means to the accomplishment of His eternal purposes.”

I hope you find the article a blessing. Here's the link: http://byfaithonline.com/why-do-we-pray/

Stan Gale


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