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Several ministries assist pastors in connecting to other pastors in prayer, One is the National Pastors' Prayer Networkand another is the Greater New York Concerts of Prayer ...


A Call to All Pastors:  Join Us in United Prayer!

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another,

that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of

a righteous man availeth much."  James 5:16 

mac pic  

The mission of The NYC Leadership Center is to exponentially increase the leadership effectiveness of ministry and marketplace leaders. As the founder and former president of Concerts of Prayer, Mac initiated and promoted an historic stream of corporate prayer for the city, nation, and world. After 23 years Concerts of Prayer  has become a trusted source for urban and suburban unity across denominational, racial, and economic lines.


Mac's latest book, Spiritual Leadership in the Global City (New Hope Publishers) was released in September 2008. Mac also is co-author of The Power of a City at Prayer (Pier & Sweeting, InterVarsity Press, Sept. 2002), a testament to God's grace experienced in the region before, during and after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.


Mac earned his doctor of divinity degree from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in June 2000. He and his wife Marya have three children and reside in Flushing, Queens.

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Concerts of Prayer Greater New York
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Please join us on Friday, October 7, 2011

from 8 am - 9am ( EST )

by calling 218-936-4141 - Code #392295.


This month's prayer call will be lead by Dr. Mac Pier, President of The NYC Leadership Center and Founder of Concerts of Prayer Greater New York.


This prayer initiative began in October 2008 as a response to the current economic crisis and we have sensed a need to continue on a monthly basis. 


 We will be praying together by phone

every first Friday at 8:00 am (EST).  


 Serving Christ,

Gary Frost, President

Bob Johansson, Chairman of the Board

Mac Pier, Founder 

Pastors who have been on the prayer call are saying:


 "I have been strengthened by hearing what God is saying through His people, as we as pastors are His watchmen and God has given us a message to tell His people."  Rev. Bob Johansson, Evangel Church, Long Island City, NY 


"Praying and reading the Word together has been a GREAT time to remember that God is in control and He cares for us and our world."    Rodger Parker, Van Houton Parker, Ramsey, NJ


"I find the brief exhortations from the various ministers very uplifting and encouraging. The pastors are from many different denominations which makes the praying more powerful." Minister Anthony Quintyne


 "On Fridays, a group of pastoral leaders have been engaging God through united prayer. In effect, He's seeing an answer to His Son's prayers...'That they may be ONE...' " Rev. Carlos Ortiz , Concerts of Prayer Greater New York


" I thought the Friday morning prayer calls were a great way to join  pastors from across the county and be encouraged by one another for an hour. The input and sharing from the different men provides information that may not otherwise be related given distance and the busyness of everyone's schedules."  Pastor Michael Durso, Christ Tabernacle, Glendale, NY


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