Praying for those who war against us
"You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies 
and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven." 
                                                                                                                               - Matthew 5:43-45 
Dear Philip, 
As most of you have seen in the news by now, EgyptAir Flight 804 has gone down over the Mediterranean Sea in what officials are saying looks to be another act of terrorism. Though it may be some time before we know for sure, it's a sobering reminder of how important it is for us to be praying for those who believe these kinds of evil acts are the way to please their God and find ultimate peace and salvation.  

It is natural to feel angered by these horrific acts when such senseless loss of life occurs. And we rightly grieve for those left behind in sadness and despair. We should pray for their comfort and peace. 

But we must also remember to pray for those who continue carrying out acts of violence in vain attempts to secure their own salvation or earn good deeds. 

We must try to have compassion for those who have been deceived by Satan into believing in the way of Jihad as a way to secure their entry into Paradise. Imagine being so thirsty for assurance of your salvation that you see no other way than to die in the cause of Jihad only to discover that you believed a lie and ultimately are condemned to eternity without God. 

It is only through a compassionate heart and supernatural love from Christ himself that we can find the strength and desire to pray for those who want to harm us and carry out these kinds of acts. Let us fall on our knees in humble prayer that God would give us a heart like his to pray for those who persecute us. 
Please pray with us:
  • That Jesus would give us a heart like his, to see Muslims through his eyes, and to have compassion that leads us to fervent prayer
  • For Muslims who thirst so desperately for assurance of salvation to discover the Prince of Peace 
  • For the body of Christ to respond with compassion, not fear; to respond with love and not hate, in order to reach out to Muslims 
Reaching Muslims for Christ,
Fouad Masri

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  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, please have mercy on Muslims around the world who have been deceived into thinking that jihad is the way to salvation and paradise.  Like those who crucified you, they know not what they do!  Please turn them around like you once did Paul.  Turn the persecutors into evangelists, the violence and bloodshed into peace and brotherhood.  Place in Muslim extremists a desperation to know real salvation, and cause them to question the lies they have been taught.

    Fill your church with compassion to reach out to Muslims. Protect us from fear, and give us hearts not of hatred but of love. We confess, Lord, that our first reaction is one of anger and the desire for revenge comes so naturally to us. But cleanse us of these human ways and fill us instead with your Spirit. Give us a heart like Jesus, to see Muslims through your eyes. Give us compassion to pray and vision to picture a world where former Muslim jihadists worship you alongside of us.  What a day that will be!

    In Jesus' name. Amen.

  • Just wanted to add a quick encouragement to members of Pray.Network to participate in the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim world during Ramadan, an event added by Linda Bemis several weeks ago.  Click here to see details of the event.

    Also, I will be hosting a prayer blog here on Pray.Network in Marsha Mundy's group Prayer for the World during the period of Ramadan, from June 6 to July 5.  I'll be using the prayer guide available from Waymakers; if anyone else is interested in obtaining a copy of the guide, see their page here:  I'll have a link to the discussion for the prayer blog on my home page in the first week of June.

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