Drive-Thru Prayer

Hi Phil,
I saw the idea of Facebook, but I don't remember which church it was.
We decided to use our normal Bible class times to take a day to reach out to our community in prayer. We had signs made up which said "Drive Thru Prayer" "pull in and we will pray for you." And a few of the members stood out along the street holding the signs and waving people into our lot. Another group of members who are confident in prayer were waiting at stations for people to drive in. We also advertised on Facebook and our couch marquee.
We simply asked people their name and how could we pray for them? And then we led them In prayer. Some people got out of their cars and some remained inside. Some people after we prayed for them, joined in the prayer circle for the next person who pulled in.
We gave each neighbor a contact card with information about the church and a cold bottle of water.
And the amazing thing is that God used it mightily. Those who prayed and those who received  prayer were both blessed by the presence of God.
We did two time periods Noon til 1 p.m. And 7 till 8 p.m. The tim s coincided with our normal Bible Study classes. 
The link to the video is below.
 Pastor Adron Robinson
Hillcrest Baptist Church
17300 Pulaski Road 

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