Awakening America Alliance Leadership Summit
Convened to Discuss Upstream Strategies for Our Nation
Cleveland, Tenn.National Christian leaders
joined the Awakening America Alliance 
at a strategic summit focused on establishing a National Prayer Accord and Preach2Engage strategies to be used for renewing God’s people and extending Christ’s witness in the nation. The Alliance—formed in 2007 from a broad coalition of Faith Community leaders—recognizes that one of its greatest strengths is establishing a strong core of friendships at this historical moment in our nation as we want impact not image. In the words of summit speaker Bob Bakke, Senior Teaching Pastor of Hillside Church in Bloomington, Minnesota: “Passion is the burden of friends, and history is transformed among friends.”Alliance
Executive Cabinet members facilitated the summit in highly interactive meetings with attendees fully engaging to address the downstreamsymptoms and signs of church irrelevance, fragmented relationships, cultural decay, and moral decline. Prominent leaders of successful initiatives in our cities, on our campuses, in the marketplace, and the church were strongly united regarding potential, upstream responses to instill hope through unified, prevailing prayer, pastor renewal, courageous preaching, and a prayer-care-share lifestyle among Christ-followers. The summit also held focused prayer moments to undergird the discussion on awakening strategy development.
Article ImageDr. David Ferguson, Co-chair of the Alliance, shared his assessment of the meetings: “My sense is that the Lord was pleased with our pursuits of a Christ Awakening in our land! With each leader making significant kingdom-impacting contributions, we can envision TOGETHER, a reclaimed identity as Jesus followers who live out a rhythm of unified PRAYER, a life of CARING, compassionate service and a courageous SHARING of His life and love with others.”

Kay Horner, National Coordinator of the grassroots prayer movementCry Out America and Alliance Cabinet Member, stated: “One of the major goals of this summit was to unite leaders from a broad range of perspectives in the pursuit of a Christ awakening in our nation. As we become engaged in kingdom opportunities, embrace fresh strategies within the church, and experience a personal urgency to pray and act, we will see a difference. One thing is certain; our best hope toward witnessing a dramatic spiritual shift in the United States is for us to stand together in unity.”
In 2008, the Awakening America Alliance, with strong conviction that America was in a devastating spiritual decline, decided a united, public moment of prayer for awakening was needed across America and designated a day connected with a time that in many ways is infamy in American history, September 11, 2001—a day all Americans will remember with images etched in minds and hearts. The Alliance recognizes, however, that calling sacred assemblies on 9/11 across denominational lines, from every race and every political persuasion to take a stand for Christ on the public square is not enough. We must be involved in a united, day-to-day process of prayer, preaching to engage our culture, caring for the disenfranchised, and sharing the good news of hope.
Dion Elmore, Director of National Day of Prayer, contributed to the dialogue from his experience of traveling across 35 states with the NDP bus tour this past summer. “We went to people in communities across the nation, and discovered that people simply want to learn to pray. We went to engage people relationally and to engage God relationally. We utilized the ‘seven mountain’ paradigm. Maybe it is as simple as leading people through the seven centers of influence and teaching them to pray for our families, government, educational system, media, arts/entertainment, marketplace, and religious spheres with passion. Maybe it is as simple as putting a face to a prayer and learning how to pray passionately for one another.”
Emmaline Elliott, a next generation attendee and leader with the Convergence prayer movement on the Lee University campus, said, “This is going to look like a lay movement. Pastors are getting burned out. It is going to take lay leaders encouraging awakening and commissioning. We need lay leaders and college students who can be empowered and mobilized to take the lead in prayer within the church.”
Dave Butts, President of Harvest Prayer Ministries and Chairman of the National Prayer Committee, said, “I believe God is getting ready to do it again! As He used the rhythm of prayer called the National Prayer Accord in past awakenings, so He may again in our day. I'm encouraged by the overwhelmingly positive response of the many Christian leaders who gathered to pray and strategize over the need for revival. We came away seeing the National Prayer Accord as a tool the Lord can use to prepare our hearts for His next Great Awakening.”
Doug Small, Coordinator of Prayer Ministries with the Church of God, President and Founder of Alive Ministries: Project Pray, speaks from more than 20 years leadership in the prayer movement: “The core issue revolves around love. In America, we have a fundamental loss of passion and recognition of how much God loves us and what He’s done for us. Our true motivation should be ‘If you love me . . .’ It is my own personal relationship with God that motivates me to love, care, and share with others. Consequently, we understand a National Prayer Accord is neither the harmony nor the melody; it is the ongoing cadence on which the harmony and the melody ride.”
Article Image
The Alliance was excited to make available a new mobile resource, “Reboot Spiritual Life.” The message and meditations on this digital resource offer an opportunity to experience a fresh encounter with Christ and quiet your heart and mind to reconnect with Him. To learn more about how you can access this mobile resource or be involved with the Awakening America Alliance and the nationwideCry Out America prayer movement, visit
To book an interview with a member of the
Awakening America Alliance Executive Cabinet, contact
Victoria Eachus * 423.478.7078 *
Address postal inquiries to:
International Center for Spiritual Renewal
PO Box 3986 
4399 Ocoee St N
ClevelandTN 37312-4832
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    Remembering Yesterday
    Memorial Day is a federal holiday for remembering the men and women who died while serving in our United States Armed Forces. Originating after the Civil War, this time of commemoration has evolved to an occasion for more general expressions of memory for deceased relatives. As members of the family of God, we also may pause to remember those who have given their lives in the service of our King, so that people may experience the liberty which comes from a heart set free by the truth of God's Word.
    On May 27, people across our nation will have parades, concerts, and cookouts as part of their Memorial Day events. Why not set aside some time this day to pray a prayer of Thanksgiving for those who have blazed a trail of hope and freedom in the Kingdom of God, and petition Him to provide leaders who will seek out the church as an answer to society's problems today.
    Each year, our Cry Out America prayer gatherings are held on Patriot Day (9/11), which serves as a reminder of the "wake-up" call we were given on that  tragic day in 2001. We continue to believe the impact of our extraordinary, united prayer will help this nation remain a place of freedom to serve Christ. Join the Awakening America Alliance as we continue our focused prayers based upon the Twenty Indicators of Awakening.
    May 27June 2

    Spiritual Awakening Indicator for Week Six

    In the Culture:
     Community and national leaders seeking out the church
    as an answer to society's problems
    Article Image
    It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. 
    Rather we should thank God
    that such men lived.
    — George S. Patton —
    Article Image
    Article Image
    Cry Out America
    Prayer Gatherings
    September 11, 2013
    Like us on Facebook!
  • The Supreme Court's Impact on June Brides

    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator

    Today, my husband Perry and I are celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary. Why May 31st? I didn't want to be the typical June bride—American's favorite month for weddings. How ironic that the Supreme Court is slated to hand down its ruling on two gay marriage cases (Prop 8 and DOMA) in the month of June.

    The defnition of marriage in the United States now hangs in the balance. If California's Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act are struck down by the highest court in our nation, what will be the impact on our children and grandchildren?

    Perhaps the mentality of same-sex marriage in our nation is a result of the fact that our perspective toward traditional marriage has slipped down the cultural slope through a misunderstanding of true covenant, fidelity, and family values. The American family is fragmented, but does it have to remain that way?

    During this first week of June, we invite you to join with us in praying for the restoration of Godly marriages that will encourage the next generation to embrace the value of pro-biblical marriage in the Church and society.

    The destruction of marriage in our nation today may be due to a lack of defense of traditional marriage—God's way—even within the community of believers. Yet we can make a difference through extraordinary, united prayer. Join the Awakening America Alliance and Cry Out America prayer team as we continue our focused prayers based upon the Twenty Indicators of Awakening.

    June 3
    Spiritual Awakening Indicator for Week Seven
    In the Church:

    A Decrease in Divorces and Renewed Commitment to Marriage
    Between a Man and a Woman
    in Covenant Relationship as God Intends

    The first stated purpose of marriage was to remove aloneness . . .
    Adam's spiritual aloneness had been removed through his intimate walk with his Creator, but even with a perfect relationship with God, God declared that something was lacking. Adam was needy. God proceded to provide for man's aloneness with the creation of Eve, a helpmate suitable for him.
    —David Ferguson, Co-chair, AAA Cabinet—

    Cry Out America Prayer Gatherings
    September 11, 2013

    COA_NewLogo_2_659f3e3faae3716f614c8022ada9ea59ebc9b917374bcd9f.pngAwakening America provides people and resources
    that minister to the prayer leaders of America.
    Your generous gifts help us train and equip
    intercessors across the nation to pray.
    More churches are ignited to seek a Christ Awakening.
    Copyright © 2013 International Center for Spiritual Renewal, All rights reserved.
    You are receiving this email because of your interest in Cry Out America

    Our mailing address is:
    International Center for Spiritual Renewal
    PO Box 3986
    Cleveland, TN 37320
  • The Supreme Court's Impact on June Brides
    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator

    Today, my husband Perry and I are celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary. Why May 31st? I didn't want to be the typical June bride—American's favorite month for weddings. How ironic that the Supreme Court is slated to hand down its ruling on two gay marriage cases (Prop 8 and DOMA) in the month of June.

    The defnition of marriage in the United States now hangs in the balance. If California's Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act are struck down by the highest court in our nation, what will be the impact on our children and grandchildren?

    Perhaps the mentality of same-sex marriage in our nation is a result of the fact that our perspective toward traditional marriage has slipped down the cultural slope through a misunderstanding of true covenant, fidelity, and family values. The American family is fragmented, but does it have to remain that way?

    During this first week of June, we invite you to join with us in praying for the restoration of Godly marriages that will encourage the next generation to embrace the value of pro-biblical marriage in the Church and society.

    The destruction of marriage in our nation today may be due to a lack of defense of traditional marriage—God's way—even within the community of believers. Yet we can make a difference through extraordinary, united prayer. Join the Awakening America Alliance and Cry Out America prayer team as we continue our focused prayers based upon the Twenty Indicators of Awakening.
    June 3June 9

    Spiritual Awakening Indicator for Week Seven

    In the Church:
     A Decrease in Divorces and Renewed Commitment to Marriage
    Between a Man and a Woman
    in Covenant Relationship as God Intends
    The first stated purpose of marriage was to remove aloneness. Adam's spiritual aloneness had been removed through his intimate walk with his Creator, but even with a perfect relationship with God, God declared that something was lacking. Adam was needy. God proceded to provide for man's aloneness with the creation of Eve,
    a helpmate suitable for him.
    —David Ferguson, Co-chair, AAA Cabinet— 
    Article Image
    Cry Out America
    Prayer Gatherings
    September 11, 2013
    Like us on Facebook!
    Article Image
     Awakening America Alliance provides people and resources
    that minister to the prayer leaders of America.
    Your generous gifts help us train and equip intercessors across the nation
    to pray. More churches are ignited to seek a Christ Awakening.
    Address postal inquiries to:
    International Center for Spiritual Renewal
    PO Box 3986 
    4399 Ocoee St N
    ClevelandTN 37312-4832
    Powered By
  • God's Commanded Blessing

    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator

    Imagine the Jews returning from Babylonian captivity and singing, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." (Psalm 133:1). All the while, they had to survive the journey with Uncle Jedediah, who snored, and Cousin Samuel, who like to spitnot to mention Grandma Miriam and Aunt Jocobeb, who constantly fussed over who was best at cooking by campfire. They finally arrived at their precious Mount Zion or Jerusalem and realized they were going to have to work side-by-side with these same folks in a massive rebuilding project.

    We often refer to the church as the body of Christ or the family of God, but do you know what happens when families get together for family reunions? We eat good food, play games, and make wonderful memories. We also typically endure a few fireworks and some less obvious or willfully ignored, smoldering embers. However, when God's family puts aside our differences (which are minimal compared to what we have in common), God can accomplish amazing miracles as we work together to build the kingdom of God.

    The Awakening America Alliance is uniting with prayer ministries throughout the nation in a NATIONAL PRAYER ACCORD, and we invite you to join us!

    The Psalmist assures us that this place of unity and anointing is where "...the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore" (Psalm 133:3). We believe our extraordinary, united prayers based upon the Twenty Indicators of Awakening will bring God's blessing of new life to America.

    June 17
    Spiritual Awakening Indicator for Week Nine
    In the Church:

    We pray for heightened expressions of love and unity among all believers, as demonstrated by the unity of pastors and leaders.

    In recognition of:
    • Our absolute dependence upon God
    • The moral and spiritual challenges facing our nation
    • Our national need for repentance and divine intervention
    • Our great hope for a general awakening to the lordship of Christ,the unity of His Body, and the sovereignty of His Kingdom
    We strongly urge all churches and all Christians of America to unite in seeking the face of God through prayer and fasting, persistently asking our Father to send revival to the Church and spiritual awakening to our nation so that Christ’s Great Commission might be fulfilled worldwide in our generation.

    We resolve to promote as an ongoing Prayer Rhythm:
    Weekly . . . . . . . . .one half-hour to one-hour Private or Small Group Prayer
    Monthly . . . . . . . . one- to two-hour Individual Church Prayer Gatherings
    Quarterly . . . . . . . one- to two-hour Local, Multiple Church Prayer Gatherings
    Annually . . . . . . . The National Day of Prayer—first Thursday of May
                                 Cry Out America Prayer Gatherings—September 11


    Cry Out America Prayer Gatherings
    September 11, 2013

    TAAA_3D_Logo_Approved_11.9.07.1.jpghe Awakening America Alliance is a cooperative initiative within the body of Christ to increase awareness of the deep spriritual need in today's America and to pursue a Christ awakening in our nation that will impact our world. Your generous gifts help us train and equip believers, igniting churches across the nation for Christ.

    Copyright © 2013 International Center for Spiritual Renewal, All rights reserved.
    You are receiving this email because of your interest in Cry Out America

    Our mailing address is:
    International Center for Spiritual Renewal
    PO Box 3986
    Cleveland, TN 37320
  • Cry Out America News — June 17, 2013
    God's Commanded Blessings
    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator
    Imagine the Jews returning from Babylonian captivity and singing, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." (Psalm 133:1). All the while, they had to survive the journey with Uncle Jedediah, who snored, and Cousin Samuel, who liked to spitnot to mention Grandma Miriam and Aunt Jocobeb, who constantly fussed over who was best at cooking by campfire. They finally arrived at their precious Mount Zion or Jerusalem and realized they were going to have to work side-by-side with these same folks in a massive rebuilding project.

    We often refer to the church as the body of Christ or the family of God, but do you know what happens when families get together for family reunions? We eat good food, play games, and make wonderful memories. We also typically endure a few fireworks and some less obvious or willfully ignored, smoldering embers. However, when God's family puts aside our differences (which are minimal compared to what we have in common), God can accomplish amazing miracles as we work together to build the kingdom of God.

    The Awakening America Alliance is uniting with prayer ministries throughout the nation in aNATIONAL PRAYER ACCORD, and we invite you to join us!

    The Psalmist assures us that this place of unity and anointing is where "...the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore" (Psalm 133:3). We believe our extraordinary, united prayers based upon the Twenty Indicators of Awakening will bring God's blessing of new life to America.
    Prayer Focus
    June 17–23
    Spiritual Awakening Indicator for Week Nine
    In the Church:
    We pray for heightened expressions of love and unity among all believers, as demonstrated by the unity of pastors and leaders.
    In recognition of:
    • Our absolute dependence upon God
    • The moral and spiritual challenges facing our nation
    • Our national need for repentance and divine intervention
    • Our great hope for a general awakening to the lordship of Christ,the unity of His Body, and the sovereignty of His Kingdom
    We strongly urge all churches and all Christians of America to unite in seeking the face of God through prayer and fasting, persistently asking our Father to send revival to the Church and spiritual awakening to our nation so that Christ’s Great Commission might be fulfilled worldwide in our generation.
    We resolve to promote as an ongoing Prayer Rhythm:
    Weekly . . . . . . . . .one half-hour to one-hour Private or Small Group Prayer
    Monthly . . . . . . . . one- to two-hour Individual Church Prayer Gatherings
    Quarterly . . . . . . . one- to two-hour Local, Multiple Church Prayer Gatherings
    Annually . . . . . . . .The National Day of Prayer—first Thursday of May
                                 Cry Out America Prayer Gatherings—September 11
    Article Image
    Cry Out America Prayer Gatherings
    September 11, 2013
    Article Image
    The Awakening America Alliance is a cooperative initiative within the body of Christ to increase awareness of the deep spiritual need in today's America and to pursue a Christ awakening in our nation that will impact our world.Your generous gifts help us train and equip believers, igniting churches across the nation for christ.
    Please visit our website at
    Be sure to connect and like us on FaceBook!
    Address postal inquiries to:
    International Center for Spiritual Renewal
    PO Box 3986 
    4399 Ocoee St N
    ClevelandTN 37312-4832
  • A Call 2 Fall

    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator

    Several years ago, I was blessed to serve on a team taping World Impacttelevision programs at the Seven Churches of Asia, located in what is now the nation of Turkey. This was my first exposure to  the Islamic use of a human voice announcing times for prayer to the Muslim community.The summons, proclaimed via public address systems atop their numerous Minarets, actually begins with repeating two very powerful statements: "God is great," and "I bear witness that there is no god except the One God." The call ends with the twice-repeated imperative, "Hurry to prayer!"

    The Turkish Muslims hear this summons to mandatory prayer five times each day. Regardless of where they are, many will fall on their knees, bowing with faces to the ground. Sadly, their false belief system will not merit them any righteous results.

    Thankfully, the Christian's call to prayer is not from a human voice, but is birthed from a relationship with the ONE TRUE GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST issued through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT and the WORD of GOD. My heart and soul's cry in response to this never-ending, divine invitation is, "Yes, LORD! Yes!"

    One of the most difinitive calls resonating through the nation of America today is the summons to prayer and repentance from God's Word in 2 Chronicles 7:14, which promises powerful results:


    If my people, who are called by my name,
    will humble themselves and pray
    and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
    then will I hear from heaven
    and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

    The Awakening America Alliance and the Cry Out America prayer teams are joining in agreement with the Family Research Council's Call 2 Fall, echoing God's challenge for pastors across America to lead their people on their knees in an act of humility before God, engaging in personal and corporate repentance. We believe our extraordinary, united prayers based upon the Twenty Indicators of Awakening will bring American's to our knees in the "fear of the Lord" rather than a desire for the approval of people.


    June 24

    Spiritual Awakening Indicator for Week Ten

    In the Culture:

    We pray, asking, believing, and thanking God
    for an awakening to the "fear of the Lord" rather than the approval of people, thus restoring integrity and credibility.

    With your help, we could see millions on their knees, humbly acknowledging our need for Almighty God. Here is what you can do to help:
    1) Register yourself as an individual (visit Call2Fall and click "I'm in!"). If you have permission and/or authority to host a Call2Fall at your church, reigster and get your church on the Call2Fall map.
    2) Ask your church or network to prepare, participate, and tell friends about Call2Fall.
    3) Share with your ministry friends about Call2Fall and urge them to participate.
    4) Use your web page and social media to spread the word about the June 30th Call2Fall

    For Repentance, Prayer, Revival and Awakening,
    Rev. Pierre Bynum
    Chaplain & National Prayer Director
    Family Research Council

  • Cry Out America News — June 21, 2013
    A Call2Fall
    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator
    Several years ago, I was blessed to serve on a team taping World Impact television programs at the Seven Churches of Asia, located in what is now the nation of Turkey. This was my first exposure to the Islamic use of a human voice announcing times for prayer to the Muslim community. The summons, proclaimed via public address systems atop their numerous Minarets, actually begins with repeating two very powerful statements: "God is great," and "I bear witness that there is no god except the One God." The call ends with the twice-repeated imperative, "Hurry to prayer!"

    The Turkish Muslims hear this summons to mandatory prayer five times each day. Regardless of where they are, many will fall on their knees, bowing with faces to the ground. Sadly, their false belief system will not merit them any righteous results.

    Thankfully, the Christian's call to prayer is not from a human voice, but is birthed from a relationship with the ONE TRUE GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST issued through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT and the WORD of GOD. My heart and soul's cry in response to this never-ending, divine invitation is, "Yes, LORD! Yes!"

    One of the most difinitive calls resonating through the nation of America today is the summons to prayer and repentance from God's Word in 2 Chronicles 7:14, which promises powerful results:
    If my people, who are called by my name,
    will humble themselves and pray
    and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
    then will I hear from heaven
    and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

    The Awakening America Alliance and the Cry Out America prayer teams are joining in agreement with the Family Research Council's Call 2 Fall, echoing God's challenge for pastors across America to lead their people on their knees in an act of humility before God, engaging in personal and corporate repentance. We believe our extraordinary, united prayers based upon the Twenty Indicators of Awakening will bring American's to our knees in the "fear of the Lord" rather than a desire for the approval of people.
    Prayer Focus
    Week Ten
    June 24–30
    Spiritual Awakening Indicator in the Culture
    We pray, asking, believing, and thanking God
    for an awakening to the "fear of the Lord" rather than the approval of people, thus restoring integrity and credibility.
    Article Image
    With your help, we could see millions on their knees, humbly acknowledging our need for Almighty God. Here are some suggestions on how to get involved:
    1) Register yourself as an individual (visit Call2Fall and click "I'm in!"). If you have permission and/or authority to host a Call2Fall at your church, reigster and get your church on the Call2Fall map.
    2) Ask your church or network to prepare, participate, and tell friends about Call2Fall.
    3) Share with your ministry friends about Call2Fall and urge them to participate.
    4) Use your web page and social media to spread the word about the June 30th Call2Fall

    For Repentance, Prayer, Revival and Awakening,
    Rev. Pierre Bynum
    Chaplain & National Prayer Director
    Family Research Council
    Courageous Dads Simulcast Still Available
    Lifeway is now making the Courageous Dads Simulcast available via on-demand anytime, anywhere. Churches can still host their own Courageous Dads viewing events, retreats, men’s breakfasts. Small groups and individuals can watch on their laptops or in their living room.Go to to register and access free fathering resources. Select on-demand option during registration process.
    Article Image
    The Awakening America Alliance is a cooperative initiative within the body of Christ
    to increase awareness of the deep spiritual need in today's America and
    to pursue a Christ Awakening in our nation that will impact our world.
    Your generous gifts help us train and equip believers,
    igniting churches across the nation for Christ.
    Cry Out America Prayer Gatherings
    September 11, 2013
    Please visit our website at
    Be sure to connect and like us on FaceBook!
  • Cry Out America News, July 5, 2013

    View this email in your browser

    Changing the Destiny of Americans

    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator

    Your faithful, consistent prayers are a vital part of changing the destiny of our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren. My heart's cry is for my granddaughter, Lillian, to grow up in an environment of hope, peace, and security. Why would I question that possibility?

    Things unthinkable less than fifty years ago are becoming reality. In 1973, the highest court in America told us that the 14th Amendment to our U.S. Constitution requires a policy of abortion on demand. Now, forty years later, in an article titled, “So What if abortion Ends Life,” Mary Elizabeth Williams writes: “My belief that life begins at conception is mine to cling to . . . And I would put the life of a mother over the life of a fetus every single time. Even if I still need to acknowledge my conviction that the fetus is indeed a life. A life worth sacrificing.” 

    In a recent decision based on potential violation of the 5th Amendment—“No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”— the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). While falling short of saying same-sex marriage is constitutionally required policy for all fifty states, the liberal language used by the majority set the stage for that to occur soon.

    Without a true spiritual awakening that invites God and His Word to be the rightful authority in our nation, the Court will push their liberal agenda alongside the constitutional right to abortion. We must ask ourselves the question, “What will Americans forty years from now believe is worth sacrificing?”

    Some of the saddest words in Scripture were spoken by King Hezekiah, a good ruler, who had witnessed great deliverance and supernatural healing power during his reign. Following God’s message of coming judgment for exposing future generations to potential enemy invasion and ultimate ruin by the Babylonians, Hezekiah replied to the prophet Isaiah:

     “The word of the LORD you have spoken is good.” For he thought, “Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime?” (2 Kings 20:19 NIV).

    Our Cry Out America prayer teams are praying not only on 9/11 but interceding thousands of hours each month during these critical times in our nation. We believe extraordinary, united intercession will be required for the restoration of godly families and viable prayer ministries required to turn the tide in America.

    We invite you to join the Awakening America Alliancemaking a difference in the condition of our world today . . . creating a place of hope and peace for future generations.


    July 8–14
    Spiritual Awakening Indicator 
    In the Culture:

    We unite our voices praying for a restoration of righteous relations between men and women; decrease in divroce rates, co-habitation, same-sex relations, sexual abuse, sexual trafficking, out of wedlock children and STD's.

    Cry Out America
    Prayer Gatherings

    September 11, 2013

    Visit us online today to acquire your COA County Coordinator's contact information.

    AAA_3D_Logo_Approved_11.9.07.1.jpgThe Awakening America Alliance is a cooperative initiative within the body of Christ to increase awareness of the deep spriritual need in today's America and to pursue a Christ awakening in our nation that will impact our world. Your generous gifts help us train and equip believers, igniting churches across the nation for Christ.

    PO BOX 3986, CLEVELAND, TN 37320
    Copyright © 2013 International Center for Spiritual Renewal, All rights reserved.
    You are receiving this email because of your interest in Cry Out America

    Our mailing address is:
    International Center for Spiritual Renewal
    PO Box 3986
    Cleveland, TN 37320
    CRY OUT AMERICA NEWS - July 8, 2013

    Changing the Destiny of Americans
    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator
    Your faithful, consistent prayers are a vital part of changing the destiny of our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren. My heart's cry is for my granddaughter, Lillian, to grow up in an environment of hope, peace, and security. Why would I question that possibility?

    Things unthinkable less than fifty years ago are becoming reality. In 1973, the highest court in America told us that the 14th Amendment to our U.S. Constitution requires a policy of abortion on demand. Now, forty years later, in an article titled, “So What if abortion Ends Life,” Mary Elizabeth Williams writes: “My belief that life begins at conception is mine to cling to . . . And I would put the life of a mother over the life of a fetus every single time. Even if I still need to acknowledge my conviction that the fetus is indeed a life. A life worth sacrificing.” 

    In a recent decision based on potential violation of the 5th Amendment—“No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”— the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). While falling short of saying same-sex marriage is constitutionally required policy for all fifty states, the liberal language used by the majority set the stage for that to occur soon.

    Without a true spiritual awakening that invites God and His Word to be the rightful authority in our nation, the Court will push their liberal agenda alongside the constitutional right to abortion. We must ask ourselves the question, “What will Americans forty years from now believe is worth sacrificing?”

    Some of the saddest words in Scripture were spoken by King Hezekiah, a good ruler, who had witnessed great deliverance and supernatural healing power during his reign. Following God’s message of coming judgment for exposing future generations to potential enemy invasion and ultimate ruin by the Babylonians, Hezekiah replied to the prophet Isaiah:
     “The word of the LORD you have spoken is good.” For he thought, “Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime?” (2 Kings 20:19 NIV).

    Our Cry Out America prayer teams are praying not only on 9/11 but interceding thousands of hours each month during these critical times in our nation. We believe extraordinary, united intercession will be required for the restoration of godly families and viable prayer ministries required to turn the tide in America.

    We invite you to join the Awakening America Alliancemaking a difference in the condition of our world today . . . creating a place of hope and peace for future generations.

    July 8–14
    Spiritual Awakening Indicator 
    In the Culture:
    We unite our voices praying for a restoration of righteous relations between men and women; decrease in divroce rates, co-habitation, same-sex relations, sexual abuse, sexual trafficking, out of wedlock children and STD's.
    Cry Out America
    Prayer Gatherings
    September 11, 2013
    Visit us online today to acquire your COA County Coordinator's contact information.
    The Awakening America Alliance is a cooperative initiative within the body of Christ to increase awareness of the deep spriritual need in today's America and to pursue a Christ awakening in our nation that will impact our world. Your generous gifts help us train and equip believers, igniting churches across the nation for Christ.
    PO BOX 3986, CLEVELAND, TN 37320
  • Cry Out America News, July 12, 2013

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    Play Stations or Prayer Stations

    Kay Horner, COA National Coordinator

    Let me begin by saying I'm not a PlayStation enthusiast. As a matter of fact, video games are a dangerous topic for me to address because the terminolgy is foreign to me. Yet I was intrigueVideo_Gamerscb72ed.pngd to learn that Sony Computer Entertainment first releasedPlayStation game consoles on December 3, 1994, and July 2012 statistics indicate at least 2.94 billion PlayStation games have been sold with an additional 600 million downloaded by network subscribers. This figure does not include Nintendo's Wii, Microsoft's Xbox or any other video game sales. While many notable exceptions exist, this essentially tells me that 21st-century Americans are fun-seeking, comfort-loving, and relatively undisciplined people.
    While prayer labyrinths and contemplative prayer stations date back thousands of years, I would venture to say that many contemporary Christians woPrayer_Station_2.JPGuld be totally unfamiliar with their use or benefits. We are well-acquainted with prayer at meals or prayers on wheels (praying on the way to work or the next sporting event for the kids), but very little margin remains in our lives for those "burning bush" moments when we turn aside to encounter the all-consuming presence of a sovereign God.  One purpose of a prayer station is to create a time and space for people to experience God in their lives. I wonder how dramatically changed our individual lives and the nation of America would be if our approach to prayer and spiritual reflection became more than a Tweet or FaceBook post to God?

    July 15–21
    Spiritual Awakening Indicator 
    In the Culture:

    Join our Cry Out America Prayer Teams in seeking God for an increase of young adults, students, and children embracing the claims and lifestyle of Christ through the dynamic witness of peers who live and love as Jesus.

    Americans are desperate for a fresh Christ awakening!

    Cry Out America
    9/11 Prayer Gatherings

    at Your County Courthouse


    Visit us online today to acquire your COA County Coordinator's contact information. If your county does not have a coordinator, consider registering to lead a prayer gathering at your county courthouse or church on Wednesday, September 11, 2013.

    AAA_3D_Logo_Approved_11.9.07.1.jpgThe Awakening America Alliance is a cooperative initiative within the body of Christ to increase awareness of the deep spriritual need in today's America and to pursue a Christ awakening in our nation that will impact our world. Your generous gifts help us train and equip believers, igniting churches across the nation for Christ.

    PO BOX 3986, CLEVELAND, TN 37320
    Copyright © 2013 International Center for Spiritual Renewal, All rights reserved.
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    International Center for Spiritual Renewal
    PO Box 3986
    Cleveland, TN 37320
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