Our church has a ministry fair every year, with visits encouraged between services. Any ideas or displays that anyone could suggest would be helpful. We are thinking that we will publicize the PM mission statement and a Who we are statement for sure. Might offer opportunities for prayer too. Any other ideas that have been successful would be appreciated. Thanks, Patti
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We keep a prayer journal displayed every week on a pulpit in the sanctuary. Each page is divided in half with one side titled "Prayers" and the other side titled "Praises." Members of the congregation are encouraged to write in the journal at any time. When items that have been listed on the prayer side have an outcome, members are encouraged to return to the journal and write what happened in the praise column opposite the original prayer. Over time, it is very encouraging to see how many prayers eventually turned into praises. It also allows other people to browse the items and join in the prayers and the praises as they occur.
You could introduce this concept at your fair, and then continue it in the weeks/months that follow.
You could introduce this concept at your fair, and then continue it in the weeks/months that follow.