Hi! I'm a new member of Pray! Network. I belong to a prayer group called Community Prayer Circle. We have been in operation for 12 years. Every now and then we are given a charge in addtion to daily prayer. In 2008 we wrote a book called Bible Basics for Praying in the Presence of God, A Way of Life. An interview is on Phil M's blog. This book has been sent to most state prisons in the United States. Some have gone to Canadian prisons, prisons in the United Kingdom, Ireland, parts of India and Africa. In 2010 we were given another charge. We were to call everyone we know to pray with us in the year 2011 for four specific communal needs. They are govenmental concerns. health concerns, parental concerns, and educational concerns. The prayer dates are 2/21/11, 4/7/11, 7/24/11 and 11/11/11. Attached is more information about our specific concerns. Will you pray with me concerning these issues wherever you are on the dates indicated? Please read the information attached and share your concerns with me. Thank you for your kindess. I look forward to hearing from you and praying with you. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.2nd draft0001.jpg
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