March For Jesus 2020
Scroll to Comments for an important Update
It is apparent that God is up to something "extraordinary" these days as ministries are collaborating in unprecedented ways, preparing to advance Christ's kingdom in 2020. In the spirit of this collaborative movement the National March For Jesus is being revived. Many of you, most likely, took part in the Marches of the 1990's and are witnesses to the impact they had upon all who participated.
As national director for March For Jesus 2020 I am asking that you prayerfully consider joining with other city reaching leaders in your community to organize a local March For Jesus for May 30, 2020. Our theme for 2020 is "JESUS CHRIST IS LORD !" (Philippians 2:11). You can learn more about the 2020 March by:
- visiting our website,, or
- contacting us by email at
Gary Frost
National Director, March For Jesus 2020
In light of COVID-19, the March For Jesus Team is recommending that our cities make an adjustment and "pivot" to a praise model that will maintain the spirit of March For Jesus and yet operate in a way that is respectful of local, state and national restrictions that will likely be in force in most parts of our nation in late May. This model engages a small group strategy ( 2 or 3 persons walking).
You will find attached the Overview and Guide for "Jesus Christ Is Lord: PraiseWalk"
God is doing something far beyond our comprehension; let's follow Him, (like Israel in Joshua 3:3,4). He's leading us where we have never been before. Hallelujah!!!
Gary L. Frost
National Director
March For Jesus, U.S.A