I am looking for Prayer Support for church planting! 

I can't find a category for "Church Planting (or Mission) & Prayer."

May I suggest this as a new category?

Certainly the Body of Christ and each one of us who are members of His Body, are called to be on mission.  Perhaps it is to be on mission with God to your children in your home.  Perhaps it is to be on mission with God at your school, or at your place of work.  Or perhaps, like in my case, it is to be on mission with God in reaching the Lost in my part of the city, my "mission" field and gather these dear souls into a new church, AKA "Church Planting."

The particular "mission" I am now involved in specifically is church planting.  Therefore I am looking for . . .

  1. prayer support for our new church plant work
  2. education about how prayer effects the mission work in which any of us are involved

I am ordained as a Church Planter with the Christian Reformed Church NA.

At this point, our team consists of just my wife and me.  We are in need of an initial team.

If anyone feels a possible stirring by the Lord to pray for our church plant specifically I would love to hear from you and get to know you and how we can share our prayer requests for one another in personal and effective ways in Christ.  For more information right now, you can view our website at New Covenant Church

Thank you family!

Rev. Randy Simon

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