Christian Genocide in Iraq
Thanks for your prayers for me as I attended a Futures conference with national and international leaders last week. We were privileged to get a current, heart-breaking report from Bishop Jammo, the patriarch of the Babylon of the Chaldeans Catholic Church (Iraq). Born in Baghdad, Bishop Jammo served and pastored in Mosel and now is a bishop for the western United States. (Click here to see a brief video clip of Bishop Jammo.)
Bishop Jammo shared with us:
The Chaldeans were the first nation to receive Christianity, and our people have been followers of Jesus Christ for 2,000 years. The "wise men" we sing of at Christmas were Iraqi people. Now ISIS has emerged with the goal of eradicating the Christians in Iraq. They have gone house to house in our towns, insisting that we:
1) Deny Jesus Christ
2) Pay support to them
3) Follow Muhammed
Even realizing that ISIS would destroy our people if we refuse to obey their mandate, every Christian family has said we will never deny Christ . . . and immediately they destroy us. They steal our wives and daughters -- and give them to soldiers. They kill our fathers and our sons.
There were 120,000 believing Christians in several towns surrounding Mosel . . . and those 120,000 are no more! Those who have escaped are surviving in refugee camp tents, Above the entrance to their tents they have displayed a cross . . . to declare that they are followers of Christ and will never deny Him!
Personally, my heart is crushed. I am awake at night and weeping as I write this to share with you. These are our brothers and sisters being persecuted . . . these are our daughters becoming sex slaves to ISIS soldiers. And the mission of ISIS is to continue until every follower of Christ is removed from the earth.
>Pray for our suffering brothers and sisters. Remember that "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it . . . Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." (1 Cor. 12:26-27)
>Appeal to our president and Congress to help stop this genocide
>Help. Visit the Hope for Iraqi Christians website to read more about helping displaced Christian families. Ask your church what they suggest to help us support our Christian brothers and sisters in Iraq.
For the sake of Christ and His Body on the earth,
Pastor Larry