Together in Prayer

Title: TOGETHER IN PRAYER: coming to God in community
Author: Andrew R. Wheeler
Publisher: IVP Connect
ISBN 978-0-8308-2114-3 paperback
Andrew R. Wheeler, highlights the groundwork for establishing a small group environment focused toward an end-result of a responsible, meaningful prayer group ministry. The guidelines he presents share common areas that lead to the failure of most prayer groups. He gives practical suggestions to help new prayer group leaders establish and set the tone for their groups.
A large portion of his focus for the book is on the differences between "community prayer" and "corporate prayer" sharing biblical examples. He works to establish that a "community prayer" model is always more participatory in nature, which encourages more contributions by each group member. This model provides for everyone to be on relatively equal footing, when the pattern is followed.
Together in Prayer, is a good choice, if you are looking for a safe model to use to launch small group ministry, geared toward building a strong prayer base. If you are interested in strengthening your small group prayer experience, Andrew maintains a website as a resource for churches growing in prayer ministry.
Is the Church struggling with keeping long-term prayer groups established?
Do most Western Christians not expect community prayer to be an active part of their Christianity?
    If so, how do you help to change that mindset?

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