In recognition of:
  • Our absolute dependence upon God
  • The moral and spiritual challenges facing our nation
  • Our national need for repentance and divine intervention
  • Our great hope for a general awakening to the lordship of Christ,the unity of His Body, and the sovereignty of His Kingdom
We strongly urge all churches and all Christians of America to unite in seeking the face of God through prayer and fasting, persistently asking our Father to send revival to the Church and spiritual awakening to our nation so that Christ’s Great Commission might be fulfilled worldwide in our generation.

We resolve to promote as an ongoing Prayer Rhythm:
Weekly . . . . . . . . .one half-hour to one-hour Private or Small Group Prayer
Monthly . . . . . . . . one- to two-hour Individual Church Prayer Gatherings
Quarterly . . . . . . . one- to two-hour Local, Multiple Church Prayer Gatherings
Annually . . . . . . . The National Day of Prayer—first Thursday of May
                             Cry Out America Prayer Gatherings—September 11

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