
Africa: Young people meet in 'powerhouses of prayer'

"Good news! That's what it is. From all over Africa we are beginning to hear stories of renewal, revival and transformation. Watch closely, listen carefully, because these stories are coming from every corner of the continent. The youth of Africa is spreading the word. A new generation is ready to stand in the gap and pay the price. Ready to enter the ‘powerhouse of prayer'."
Alfred Gcilitshana is clearly excited when the shares about the prayer movement that is stirring young people in Africa. They meet in so-called 'powerhouses of prayer', places dedicated to seeking God in various creative ways. "We come to the powerhouse because we are very excited about Jesus and passionate about prayer," he says. "We want to pray until we see God being glorified all over the world by all cultures. In the powerhouse we can express ourselves in many different ways in prayer."

A young woman who visits the 'power house' almost daily says: "I usually go to the 'wall of personal prayer'. It's the place where people write their requests for breakthrough, their heart’s desires." Another participant adds: "When I go to the powerhouse, I go straight to the 'word watch'. It’s where I sit down and read the word of God, so that I become more alert in my spirit." During times of praying the word, young people encourage one another to intimacy with the Father. "The Bible tells us we should be builders of one another, to grow together in the love of God."

God is at work and once in the powerhouse no-one wants to leave
As men and women stand before the 'wailing wall', they cry out to the Lord for his salvation and forgiveness, and healing for the nations. "In Christianity you begin carrying other people’s needs, so intercession is a strong pillar," shares a participant. "I realize there are a lot of people suffering, therefore a person needs to stand in the gap and take up their needs."

As prayer requests are placed in the 'offering box', passionate pleas of faith are offered and words of repentance break the bondage of sin. "Repentance ushers in the power of the Holy Spirit. At the 'repentance wall' we bring our troubles and inequities and transgressions." Another participant testifies: "The 'solitude corner' is my favorite place where I find intimacy with God. I also take communion by remembering his covenant that will never be changed for eternity."
As the prayer continues around various stations of the powerhouse, the youth attend to God and celebrate and worship. "Thanksgiving is very important and it blesses my heart, because if you understand who you are in the Lord, that you are a son or daughter of God, you enter his courts with thanksgiving and praise." As minutes turns to hours, the worship continues. God is at work and once in the powerhouse no-one wants to leave, because it is here that their prayers join in the river of grace from every corner of the globe. 
Why not join the movement and start a 'powerhouse' in your community, church, school or campus. Do it and watch God begin to move!

Remarkable stories of prayer on DVD!

This story is featured on the ‘Children in prayer DVD’ that captures one of the most exciting developments in the Kingdom of God globally: the emerging prayer movement among children and teenagers. In many nations God is pouring out his Spirit of intercession on a new generation, leading to changed lives and a dramatic advance of his Kingdom in new places.
In February Joel News International sends this DVD as a present to everyone who supports this movement with a special donation. This is a limited offer. You can wire a contribution fast and secure on our website (button sign up/donate). Then as a confirmation send an e-mail to our Service Desk at service@joelnews.orgwith your full postal address, so we can send it to you straight away.

Source: Alfred Gcilitshana and others
Copyright © 2012 Stichting Joel Ministries

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