Sorry, I am new at this.. I just wanted to pass this message along and if some one will make sure that it gets to all members ASAP-  thnx

Afghan Christians are requesting our prayers as they have fallen under attack from their own government. Just recently, an Afghan parliamentarian called for the execution of converts to Christianity. That’s right, the same ideas the Taliban espouse are being expressed in Afghanistan’s parliament.

In addition, the Afghan government is cracking down on Christian aid organizations and the Afghan church.  Afghan Christians are currently in hiding as an overwhelming sense of fear and confusion has moved throughout the church.  Authorities are pressuring Afghan Christians and others to disclose the names and locations of Christian converts.  Sadly, under government pressure, some Afghans have given in to this pressure by turning Christians over to authorities.   
ICC posted a Press Release yesterday that compares the extreme language used on the floor of the Afghan parliament – a parliamentarians call to execute Christians – to the tyrannical ethics preached by the Taliban [see ICC Press Release].

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