
 Do you realize you are vital to the growing spiritual harvest that is taking place in this city? Every person in Jacksonville needs to hear and have the opportunity to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And we believe that God has given Transform Jacksonville & NE Florida a powerful approach to accomplish this goal through the “bless-fellowship-minister-declare” core principles of the #LoveJax2020 initiative.

 Beginning in 2015, Transform Jacksonville & NE Florida is working with a new urgency to share with Christians citywide how to use a “bless-fellowship-minister-declare” lifestyle to win friends and families to Christ and fulfill His Kingdom purposes in the situation at hand.

For you and me this personal evangelism begins with sensitivity to that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit, which comes by spending time in God’s presence.

 It doesn’t have to be complicated! If you live in Jacksonville, simply go to adopt-your-street then begin prayer walking your neighborhood, school, or workplace then see what God does. You can begin anywhere and at any time. A prayer walk begins with the first step.

 At its very essence, a “bless-fellowship-minister-declare” lifestyle is trusting God to introduce Himself to people who do not know Him, in response to the prayers of those who do know Him. We trust God to do the hard part. Through the vehicle of prayer walking, we learn the felt needs of the people we come in contact with within our adopted streets.

 Ephesians 2:12 describes non-believers as "...without hope and without God in the world." Colossians 1:27 describes Christians as having "... Christ in you, the hope of glory.” It’s time to share our hope with others!

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