

[Note: Scroll to "The Triple 7 Challenge"]

Hi Fellow Believers: 

During these times when many of us must "stay-at-home" many believers are feeling helpless or just plain bored.  

SPI wants to harness some of the boredom and helplessness that many Christians are experiencing during these "stay-at-home" weeks.  Our prayers are powerful and potent.  We are not helpless; when we pray it does make a difference. As we strategically pray for the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues in our world, we can help change things.  If we can’t, then God would be a liar, and we know He is not.  Our boredom is turned to productivity as we pray.   

COVID-19 Prayer Guide:

SPI has produced, and attached, a prayer guide surrounding the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  There are seven categories to pray about—Health Care Workers, Patients, Officials/Governments, Spiritual Warfare, Financial Impact, and Other People and Issues.  You pray through a different category each day and have completed the guide within one week.  You can then repeat the process.  As you pray through this guide you are not helpless in the pandemic.

Godspeed, and God’s blessings to you,

Michael Jebb

President, Strategic Prayer Initiative

The Triple 7 Challenge: 

Including the COVID-19 guide, SPI has made available, and attached below, seven (7) different prayer guides, each focusing on different areas of prayer.  Praying 7 requests from these 7 prayer guides for 7 minutes daily is our Triple 7 Challenge. 


The guides include:

1.       COVID-19 Strategic Praying

2.       Humanitarian Relief Issues

3.       National Spiritual Awakening

4.       Legal Issues facing U.S. believers

5.       Pushing Back the Darkness

6.       Un-reached People Groups

7.       Seeking God During Times of Judgment (from 2015)


You can pray through one request (or COVID-19 category) from each of the 7 guides each day, or you can pray 7 requests each day from one particular guide and then go on to another guide when you are done.  Either way, it will only take 30 days to pray through all 7 guides. 


We would like to challenge you and those you may share this with to spend time doing this challenge during the “stay-at-home” period. 


Of course, you can use only the COVID-19 Prayer Guide, but if you would be willing to spend seven (7) minutes a day of your free time, while you are struck at home, we would like to encourage you to pray through one or more of the other guides.  We know from thousands of surveys done on Sunday mornings that 96% of Christians believe the Lord wants them to have a good prayer life, but only about 28% of them actually have one.  If you would take on the SPI Triple 7 Challenge, many of you could actually make a quantum leap forward towards having a good prayer life, and it will only take you seven (7) minutes a day.  [A strategic component to a good prayer life is, of course, only one aspect.]

Consider taking on the Triple 7 Challenge for just one month—just the next 30 days?  Why not?  It is not that hard, and you do have the extra time, and this time of being quarantined could be the best possible time to start.  If you have never really had a strategic prayer life, why not take on the Triple 7 Challenged during these unique and trying times.


Please feel free to pass on this email and its attached prayer guides to your friends or congregation, if you think it might be valuable to some of them. Ask them to take on the Triple 7 Challenge with you.  We would love to hear how participating in this challenge has impacted you. 



P.S. Additionally, please check out the new SPI website ( that just two days ago went operational for the first time.  If you do checkout this newest website, would you consider taking part in the Grassroots Launch Approach of The 5y80 Objective.  Strategic Prayer Initiative (SPI) tools and strategies have taken over 15 years to research, design, and test.  They have been built specifically to help change the world.  The approach is simple, to find ways to actually move large numbers of average Christians in our country, and abroad, to help them to truly develop and maintain “Good Prayer Lives” in huge numbers.  The 5y80 Objective is designed to deliver a new group of five (5) million individuals developing and maintaining good prayer lives.  Check out the math on the new website, it is totally within the realm of reasonableness.  Remember, Jesus taught us to be persistent in prayer, because “the prayer of faith can move a mountain!”  Do we not have mountains before us!

COVID-19 two pages combined.pdf

Triple 7.pdf

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  • Thanks, Phil. Passing on...

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